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What If You Stop Eating Sugar For 30 Days?

Apr 02, 2024
Hello health champions. What would happen if you





for 30


? And when I say


, I mean anything that has calories and tastes sweet, which means sugar, honey, agave, high fructose corn syrup, rice syrup, these are all disaccharides, which means there are two linked molecules, these are small molecules that are processed very quickly and apart from having different ratios of glucose and fructose, these are the two molecules linked together and they are almost the same. It still affects your body a lot. Glucose increases blood sugar and increases insulin and over time causes insulin resistance and fructose clogs the liver and causes insulin resistance, so sugar is the most important thing to avoid the classic idea of ​​sugar, something that tastes sweet, but we also want to Consider the other type of sugar, the polysaccharide, also known as starch, and this is


we find in bread, potatoes, corn, etc.
what if you stop eating sugar for 30 days
They don't have fructose, but they do have hundreds or thousands of these glucose molecules linked together, and it's only a matter of minutes before this starch turns into glucose and your blood sugar starts to rise. Therefore, glucose, the difference in blood sugar between sugar and bread, is approximately the same. So I want to talk about some of the short-term things that would be seen in the medium term, but also the long-term benefits, with a particular focus on


happens to the brain. The first thing that's probably going to happen is that you're going to get a little bit of a craving, and like many things, it can get a little bit worse before it gets better, because what's happening here is that if your body is used to sugar and carbs, if this is provided to you. typical fuel and now you


, your body won't know where to get the fuel from, where to get the energy from.
what if you stop eating sugar for 30 days

More Interesting Facts About,

what if you stop eating sugar for 30 days...

If you eat carbohydrates regularly, your blood sugar rises, insulin suppresses your blood sugar, and a blood sugar roller coaster ensues. Blood sugar is unstable and usually when blood sugar was low you would just eat some sugar or carbs but you can get it back but your body doesn't know where to get the solution so that has to do it. make the metabolism repair itself first. a little machinery. And it doesn't take long, it'll just take a few


, like two, three, four days before your body starts to adapt and learn how to get energy from somewhere else, and within a few days you'll be lowering your insulin levels and if the insulin low, your body will regulate some of the fat-burning enzymes and you'll learn how to generate energy, but in the meantime, you'll have a few days where you'll probably have some cravings. because the first few days are probably the only big obstacle.
what if you stop eating sugar for 30 days
In addition to cravings, you're also likely to experience withdrawal symptoms because sugar and carbohydrates are addictive and, like cocaine and heroin, feed a reward pathway in the brain that involves dopamine. And if we activate dopamine, we have an initial feeling of pleasure, and that's why we seek these things, that's why we get a lot of pleasure from it, but now, when we get used to it, it becomes dependent and it becomes more like a base that if not We get it now, we feel terrible and that's what abstinence is all about. And as Wayne Dyer said before: an addiction is when you can't get enough of what you don't want, and I think when you think about sugar and comfort food, that fits the description pretty well, you really don't.
what if you stop eating sugar for 30 days
You don't want it, but you still can't get enough. Dopamine is a natural substance, so it is absolutely essential for us, it is what gives us drive, desire and goals, it helps us achieve goals because it helps us focus on potential rewards, and if we put them in nature, it is Very fine. balanced and tuned, so that we get the right amount. But if we get it through sugar, which stimulates the pathway, and cocaine and heroin, which can fit directly into the pathway, these are isolated forms. It is purified. They are refined, they are many times stronger than anything we can find in nature, so sugar is found naturally in berries, plants and vegetables, but maybe it is one or two percent in a vegetable, the sugar is pure and cocaine and heroin are very concentrated, so now with these isolated forms the effect is much stronger, so now we bypass this refined regulation that the body normally does, and over time we become insensitive The tissues no longer respond as much to the strong dose and we need more and more.
Many of you will probably remember an advertising campaign that ran years ago saying that you can't eat just one, and that it's a potato chip that shouldn't have a name, but what it means is that you know very well that they sell an addiction and not just They are not aware of it, they also know all these things, but apparently they are also proud of it. Now you may be wondering why these substances are so addictive, why some people can drink alcohol without becoming alcoholics and others can eat sugar without becoming addicted to sugar, and this is because we are wired differently, but addiction also varies. . because of how our brains are wired.
Where are our strong and weak areas because they talk to each other? So we have some lower centers, which here is the midbrain, which we have marked in red and which are related to more primitive functions such as pleasure and survival, while the higher centers have to do with executive function, with motivation and thought control. The lower centers respond and produce pleasure that feeds this reward-pleasure pathway, so sugar, heroin, cell phones, anything that creates a reward will bring a pleasurable sensation to this pathway. Anything that is done repeatedly that has the potential to cause addiction will also change the neurons, and if these neurons change, we will get stuck in a different communication pattern and that creates dependence on this substance or thing that creates the pleasure.
And the only thing that keeps us somewhat in control is these higher centers, so the better the higher centers, especially the frontal lobe, the better you can control the volume and turn down the volume of the other areas. The good news is that there is something called neuroplasticity that the brain itself can change and the strongest driver of that change is movement exercise and that's why I talk so much about exercise all the time, because it's pretty much all we want to understand too . BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and don't worry about the name. All you need to know is that it does miraculous growth for the brain, it makes things happen, it makes things change and repair and connect better, and this BDNF protects it from shrinkage in the brain, so if we change These substances, the neurons, can actually degenerate and shrink due to the constant stimulation that essentially regulates the bombardment that reduces them, but BDNF will protect you from the process, in other words, exercise reduces the possibility of becoming addicted to these substances. . .
On the other hand, sugar will do the opposite. Sugar will reduce the production and effect of this BDNF, so it will stop the growth spurt and the two very powerful things that will help produce BDNF are exercise and fasting. In other words, reducing sugar and increasing exercise will produce more BDNF and make you more resistant to this tendency towards addiction and the effects of these substances and I think it's sad that every time we hear about exercise it's about looking a certain way. way or about burning calories. If you eat a cookie you have to burn that many calories well, when you see how big the influence of exercise is, I think you can see that it goes a little bit beyond calories.
Therefore, it is important to understand these things to see why it can be difficult to separate an addiction from a habit. But if you get through the first few days, everything gets much better and you will notice fewer cravings just a few days later, and you will begin to stabilize your blood sugar and gain weight, which results in fewer cravings. After just a few days you will notice less hunger, this is partly due to the more stable blood sugar level that you don't have constantly, but also after a few days your insulin levels start to drop and insulin is a storage hormone that It blocks fat, so with less insulin you can now start to access that fat.
It burns fat and provides access to body fat and of course a major benefit, which is perhaps the biggest reason people try it, is that you now lose weight. And if we look at the brain, we also see big improvements, which most people will see as an improvement in mood. Their mood improves, they are less prone to depression and anxiety. They see greater mental clarity and better concentration. They do more things and the reason why these things happen is again the stable blood sugar level. Because? Because the brain is the main reason blood sugar is so tightly controlled, we would like it to be around a hundred so we can go into a coma from too high or too low sugar, so the Brain really enjoyed it. 'a strictly controlled level.
And primarily the brain relies on glucose for fuel, but if you become insulin resistant, the brain may not get all the energy it needs from glucose, and then people find that fat adjusts and sugar and starch ceases. Really very low carb. You will find yourself producing ketones, and ketones are an alternative fuel for the brain. So if your brain can't get it from glucose, it has an additional fuel source. And not only the brain has more energy but your entire body has more energy, you will see it with stable blood sugar and if your fat has adjusted, your body has begun to recover, that metabolic machinery decreases insulin, fat burning enzymes increase, so it doesn't.
You need to supplement your blood sugar with carbohydrates and your body produces very stable energy. Another very interesting thing is that your taste buds, or more specifically the receptors of your taste buds, will change. So you're going to retrain your brain to see food differently, and that can be a great experience for people because you get a new appreciation for real food. You will probably find that it tastes amazing and you will find flavors that you have never noticed before because everyone is suffocated by fast food and sugar. And I hear all the time that people stop


sugar for a few weeks or a few months, and then there's a birthday and then they go have cake and what do they think?
They think it's too sweet, they don't even like it anymore, some of the things they said, oh, I've been waiting months for this, and then they come back, and now they don't even like it anymore, or worse, they eat that cake and now they feel nauseated because their bodies know better. And if you get through the first few days and reach 30, then don't stop; You have a good lifestyle, but if you decide to have a blood test now, you can get objective evidence of how much healthier you are. You will probably notice that your blood glucose level drops, that your A1c, which is the average glucose over three months, has decreased significantly, that your triglycerides are lower, and that the fat in your blood, even though it is eating a lot more fat.
Your triglycerides will go down because it comes from sugar. You will see that your cholesterol has improved, not necessarily that the total is lower, but you will find that the HDL is probably higher and the ratio of your total cholesterol to HDL has probably decreased, and that is one of the most important indicators. The risk of heart disease is even more important, probably the number of small LDL particles, if you use a more specialized cholesterol profile, the number will probably decrease, and even if the LDL remains the same overall, you will find that the proportion of the The oxidized and damaged small LDL compared to the total LDL will be much lower, and what all this together indicates is if it is going in the right direction, which indicates less inflammation.
And if you measure it you will probably also notice that your blood pressure has lowered, but the most important thing is the enormous impact it can have on your future health. In just 30 days after eliminating sugar, you can completely change your future health picture, of course you have to keep it up; You can't do this for 30 days and then go back to eating junk food, but you will start burning fat through the liver. If you stop eating fructose, you can start burning some of the fat and reduce your fatty liver. You reduce your type 2 diabetes. You can reverse type 2 diabetes fairly quickly by eliminating sugar;
It may reduce the risk of high blood pressure, kidney failure, and high blood pressure. You reduce your risk of heart disease and dementia. It will also reduce your risk of cancer and improve your immune function and I hope the next article catches your attention because we are all very familiar with covid19 which is a nasty little virus but most people don't realizerealize that this virus kills. some people and forgive others. And what is the difference? The biggest difference is everything we talk about. All of these factors are due to the metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance and low inflammation, and what they found at the beginning of the epidemic is that people with metabolic syndrome and several of these risk factors had about 15 percent deaths, while people without this had a 0.1. percent or less, so you can improve your stats 100 to 150 times by stopping eating sugar.
So let's review and see how these factors that affect sugar and the brain affect our covid19 situation. Then we have the epidemic and we are told to stay home, and if we stay home, we don't have our normal social interaction. We don't go to work, we get no stimulation, that's why we worry about our work. We worry about Covid and we don't get the normal stimulation and joy in our life, so with worry we also have more anxiety and more depression. And before the anxiety epidemic, we had about 17 percent of the American population with some degree of anxiety or depression that was significant enough to be a problem;
Now, in the middle of the epidemic or in a late epidemic, we are at 40 percent. As a result, almost half of the population suffers from anxiety or depression. And as we talked, when we feel bad, we want to feel better and we look for rewards and the easiest way to get them is called sugar. So when we are worried, anxious or depressed, we tend to eat comfort foods and most of them contain sugar or starch. And then when they tell us to stay home and we can't even walk on beaches or public parks, we stop moving, and since we are also depressed, we don't have the motivation, we don't feel like not going out for a walk or doing something. .
And if we stop moving now, we weaken the brain, the brain does not receive the stimulation to create new synapses and generate a neurotrophic factor of the brain. And if the brain now becomes weaker, of course we don't have the inhibition, then we become more depressed and if we are more depressed, we move even less, we have a weaker brain and so on and then we eat more because we are more depressed and this sugar Sugar further blocks BDNF and further weakens the brain, as the weak brain can no longer inhibit stress, so we have more stress than ever, but the brain is weaker, so the stress rises to the surface. and remains. out of control.
And then with more stress, we weaken the immunity and we eat more sugar, which weakens the immunity even more, and this is the immunity we needed to fight the virus. So it's not my intention to paint a dark or depressing picture for you. We need to understand that we can do something about it, but first we need to understand how these things work, so that we can achieve a goal, so that we can get a little motivated and stop eating sugar, start moving and start turning the situation around. situation. I really hope you're ready to give up sugar for the next 30 days, but if you need another reason, let's talk about money getting people's attention.
And where do many people invest much of their money in something called health insurance? Now there are two types of health insurance, or there is health insurance with I; that's what most people have health insurance for, and then you spend a lot of money each month so they can treat your symptoms if you get sick and don't really get better. The other type of health insurance is spelled with an E, and it is the action you take to make sure you stay healthy or even reverse the illness you have, if you spend a little extra money on real food, that will give you much better health insurance. . with an E and I'm still in clinical practice, but in my office we don't accept health insurance with an I because they don't pay health insurance with an E.
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