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Minecraft, But I Survive In a REAL Desert

May 18, 2024
this is the hardest






and this is a



that reaches 110 degrees and today we are going to see which one is harder to


in me and


desert or gabe and james in


life desert . We're not going back home, you said we're not going to take him back home? This is going to be very easy brother. I'm in a Minecraft desert. What stinks in the desert. There is literally nothing here. cacted and I have sticks now I need to hurry up and get shelter quick because the sun is coming up and it's going to give me a major sunburn when I mean major sunburn I mean they're going to set me on fire the sun is about hit me this is not good put sand here and then sandstone cover me yeah I think we're fine I think we're fine oh no oh no you see now the sun is literally burning me we have to stay under cover because it's so Honestly, bro, this is going to be very easy if you think about it.
minecraft but i survive in a real desert
I'm in a video game. Gabe and James are in a real desert. I'm definitely going to win this challenge. You survive in these situations. Maintain a positive attitude. drink water, yeah, we're fine, yeah, we're perfectly fine, okay, I just gotta grab these blocks ready, oh, I'm glad I have a bucket of water, but now I have a fucking heart, dude, okay, so I need to figure out how to travel in the desert because this, yeah, that's going to be a problem, is this a pop-up tent? I don't know here oh oh it's a pop up shop yeah yeah I like that yeah oh the castle my friend okay hop on oh this is so small oh brother.
minecraft but i survive in a real desert

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minecraft but i survive in a real desert...

I don't know, you could come in here, yeah, who's Hattie? I'm Louisa, deliciously delicious here, brother, there's no room here for two people. I think that's a fail, oh my god, oh my god, okay, the deeper I get. in the dark, the lower my light level is, look at my light level, it says it's level nine, but as I get closer and closer, every time I get to level 15, it sets me on fire, okay, I've been digging in this hole for a while, no cobblestones, no pickaxes, no wood. There's nothing here in the desert, it's nothing but sand and grit bro, but look at this zero light level, it's so cold and dark here, how do you survive?
minecraft but i survive in a real desert
I don't see any cave up here the challenge was to find a cave so now we have to make a cave to find the cave I don't think we are going to make a cave we can make a hole but not a cave I gave up I gave you a glob and I got a goose oh that's a goop oh friend I I don't want to do this right, do you know what that is? Why is it so thick brother? It just gets in there. It's like painting with your fingers. The desert needs water and that is why I am making an infinite water fountain.
minecraft but i survive in a real desert
Voila, luckily, this is it. a video game that means I can constantly drink water that a meter above my hunger bar is a dehydration meter because while we're in the desert and I need to stay hydrated, what's okay? I think that's good, yes, now we use our last water. fountain we had and it's supposed to be infinite, right, yes it's working now we have unlimited water, you take as much as you want and it will always stay the same. I know exactly how to survive in the desert, so we're just going to do something like this, here we go, this will be a two-bedroom house, look at this and this will be like the hallway that goes down I need more sand I need more sand I need more sand I need more sand this will be the scheme for the garden in the front.
I'm just kidding. I made a giant help sign, maybe one of my friends in a Minecraft helicopter will fly over and see it, but honestly, even though I feel like I'm thriving, James and Gabe are probably suffering. Much more than I am now, I lost some sticks, man, so when the plane or the helicopter comes, they could save us. Let's write "Goo", they will be my last words. They will save us. Gabe. Oh, how good, we are helpless. a myth that cacti in real life have water. I wonder if the cacti in Minecraft have water and they look a little dry, buddy, you have water.
No. Minecraft cacti are pretty dry. You are not watered. I mean, there has to be water in something that plants have. water, of course, oh, plants have water cacti, how do we get it? Can we get water from a cactus? Yes, you have to break it, although it is one of those boneless Cactus. Hey? There is no defective Cactus. Yes, I am currently in a desert ravine. Is that a bat hello how are you alive in real life? Ravines and deserts are really dangerous because flash floods can happen at any time, so if you see one in real life, I wouldn't recommend going in, but this is Minecraft and not afraid of anything okay, come on oh oh no no no it's happening it's happening it's happening it's happening so all the water is constantly going to oh swim in the water you couldn't really swim to a waterfall that doesn't actually happen in real life Gabe It's going to rain there are so many clouds in the sky the blue water It's blue what they call it they call it flash flood let me jump on top of you what let me get on your shoulders why I don't want to get wet yay wait can't I just stay still and then I won't get wet?
Oh, what is this? Temple, does real life have a temple in the desert? This is sick. Oh, okay, this is not good. Hi guys, I need you to take a cooling pill. please oh oh no no no no no no I think we're fine I think we're fine everyone smells like cheese really smells like cheese this could save me boy so close it there and let's all go I could possibly get iron or diamonds and I've got some sticks from the dead Bush that I hit, yeah, here we are, move that pressure plate, what do we have?, okay, so we have a piece of iron that's not bad and a pile of sand, and an emerald, okay, we have it, oh another .
Piece of an eye, we can make a sword, I have no idea where I am, but now I have a sword. I also have emeralds, so if anyone wants to trade, come contact me. Hi, I'm the only one here. I wonder how to play, James. they're doing I hope you're doing well things are going well guys we got a sword you know I'm trying to remember where the hell I put my house buddy can I get duct tape? How many more pieces? It's probably just another type of wind. he yelled over himself, can I get that tape?
Oh yes, sir, looking at this view, then I'm on the wooden sword. Oh, there you go, yeah, that's your wooden sword, yeah, so I'm going to fight the Mythical Beast with my wooden sword, mate, why not? Don't we just use the kangaroo? Why don't we use this? Why do you have a cantata? I always carry it with me I always carry it with me you know, in case you need it, oh oh, it's like the weather but sand edition I don't like this at all. I'm going to get into my jacuzzi. I'm safe in my hot tub.
Who is going to destroy my house? Enough! I'm just in a bad situation right now. My house exploded. Damn weird flying thing trying to kill me I really don't have much that anyone wants to trade with me and oh look, the sun is coming up so I'm about to get burned I'm going to dig my little hole, right? here, it's okay, I just need some peace and quiet, stay calm, everything is fine, I'm perfectly calm, how the hell do I survive in this desert? We're not coming home, would you say we're not coming home? Where is my hat?
This is ours, it's the desert, just a giant litter box for a kitten. I know it's wrong. I'm bored. What if I count all the sand in the desert? Ah, that's a good idea. One two three four five six 20 21 22 23 24. 47 48 49 50. what's up hide and seek, okay, I'll search first 30 seconds 30 seconds, I can do it, okay, ready, yeah, one, two, three, 14. 16. As you can see here, we are following a very native species called Gabe Red Robins ah 2095 1096 1097 1098. This is incredibly useless, it hurts my brain. I have to poop so mentally exhausted right now. There is someone out there?
Any villagers who want to trade with me have emeralds. What's that? ASW Hi SW, me. I'm seeing things right now, wait, wait, okay, that's not complicated at all if he's here in this desert, this day is going to get worse, oh, he's gone, you know what it is? That's good because they were going to order me there for a second man. I was really I'm going to have to strangle someone, oh fuck, this guy, there's two of them now, no, no, no, no, it's Nathan, he's ball, he's got balls, it's got to be him, anything bald is Nathan because he's the baldest ball maybe maybe it has jerky oh, you want meat. jerky brother oh you're gone brother isn't that your shovel from before when was it before oh brother well yes that's the ocean and we're in the sky right now in the clouds oh we're upside down I I for head down oh I just need some food some food okay it's not fake it's moving oh my god I don't see things yeah I got pork chops I got gems I'm saved wait how am I supposed to cook them?
I don't have cobblestones, oh, forget it. whatever it is, I'll eat it raw, it's totally fine. I'm going to keep walking and pretend I didn't see it. Can I eat something? I'm going to have like the little seeds in the background. How much is left? How much? is left brother how much is left who gave it to me let me see brother take away my garbage brother coming down give me the pizza well it's an armadillo no that's an armadillo I think this is a coconut brother I didn't know they broke that easily, oh hmm, guys from coconut meat, I lost my damn house, I lost my house and what the hell is that, wow, wow, are those trees, oh my God, there are villagers, it's a living city, forget my house, I don't even want that little hut, that?
It's this place bro, what the hell is this? There are some resources I can take from these buildings. Gold bro it's that aswd it's that food you're giving me food you're giving me oh my god diamonds no I don't deserve to be blessed like that yeah guys surviving in the desert is so easy all you have to do is find the aliens from the city, oh, they're watching us, you want to rob the aliens, bring the coconut, we got it, we have to hit it with the coconut, we're going to go crazy. come on, I'm in armor yes, let's go what's the flip that hello hello hand talk to the hand hello mister hand are you doing it?
I know what you need let me take this away you just need a friend excuse me you just need a cactus bro that's all you need you just need a cat what the hell bro where's my sword? oh oh, you want to hit me no, no, no, no, no, I'm not going to die like this, I'm not going to go out like this, come on, bring it. Come on, oh my God, okay, okay, I think I might die now. I think I could die. I'm dehydrated, dehydrated. I guess it's harder to survive in a Minecraft desert than in real life.
I guess so.

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