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Minecraft But Grass Drops Diamonds

Apr 15, 2024
Welcome back to Minecraft, where every time I sleep the world changes and in the last episode I decided to put myself in the middle of the Void. I'm not even kidding, this is really a mess, oh no, that's a creeper, that's a creeper, wait a second, all my stuff. It is gone. I just realized that if I don't make a bed my world won't change, which means if I don't make a bed I'll be stuck in the void forever. I need wood and I need wool. There's a sheep right there. oh, there's a tree, no, it's on fire, it's on fire, no, no, no, no, no, give me the, give me the, yeah, that gives me enough to make a craft table and then I have some extra wood.
minecraft but grass drops diamonds
There's a sheep right here. oh my god, I should do, I should do a sword, I should, yes, I should, and if I can get more wool out of it, maybe I don't know, here we go, oh please, oh, it's okay, it's just a piece of wool , I need three, brother. I don't know if there are any more sheep here. I could literally be stuck here forever. Well, first, wait. I don't want to lose this war. What if I die? There are so many I need to go to. I like the other side of this. like Lava Pits oh oh I see another sheep wait wait wait hello there's another oh there's another sheep oh there's two sheep oh don't touch that lava stay there stay there yeah okay one more one more one more be aware of the lava I just want to keep you safe oh my god we're okay oh my god it's okay I need to make this bed before I die or something just happens it's a fucking creeperless sketch oh oh back to where I came from.
minecraft but grass drops diamonds

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minecraft but grass drops diamonds...

Alright, we'll try to dig down to the workbench and steal it. I'm trying to save as many resources as I can. This is all the wood I have and I don't know how long I'll be stuck. There is literally lava right above my head here. Keep watching until the end of the video to see what happens when I go to sleep and my world probably turns into a giant ball of TNT. I hope not, but it could happen. Do not know where. I am, but I'm afraid if I die with the things I have. I'm literally dead forever.
minecraft but grass drops diamonds
I see my workbench, okay, I've got this, oh, and there's that vine there too, bro, okay, it's still hanging around, so I need to get in. probably like five or six blocks and then dig up oh no oh no I think my crafting table could be here yeah, it's right there grab the crafting table grab the crafting table grab the crafting table okay, I can launch myself up, I can jump in. I already have it, I have it, don't scare me, okay, so for now this is our little house, we have our work table and we also have a bed, come on guys, the question is what's happening, what the hell just happened, wait, oh my world.
minecraft but grass drops diamonds
It's amazing what happened to all those mobs. I guess they're gone. I'm afraid something is happening today. The trick is to figure out what that thing is. What if I break something? What is that zoglin egg? Wait, what a flint. oh wait he's just giving me random stuff oh my god where's my shovel? where is my shovel? I need to find like a diamond Enchanted Shovel just mine hundreds of blocks of dirt right now we're about to start farming guys we're about to start going crazy farming oh I just got a diamond shovel all the damn way every block that I break gives me random items.
I'm not going to sleep, oh my God, this is amazing, oh, a diamond sword, I'll take it, another bed, I'll take it. bed because I need something to sleep. I don't know where my other bed went, so we'll leave it there. Well, little by little I'm going to start building a house. Shulker box. I don't care if I make obsidian right. I guess we're going to start making our house out of obsidian guys, come on dude, what if I made my whole house out of armor? Yeah, I don't even know what to do with myself. This is incredibly amazing.
I do not do it. I'm going to sleep, why would I go to sleep and change this world? This is not so incredible. I'm really only picking up the good stuff considering my inventory is full. What is it? A lower right blade. A lower right blade. You've got to be kidding me guys, let's go crazy, oh it's another right sword, there's so many random things I don't know what to do with that bedrock, give it to me, oh my god, and we've got an iron gate, bro, go figure If our whole house was made of bedrock and obsidian, okay, let's put Bedrock right there, I gotta keep mining, I gotta stop, oh, two bottom tools, oh my god, cookies and damn gravy, guys, no Don't worry, I'm going to come back for a lot of these things and I'm going to put them in chess.
I'm just really excited to see what's next. I can't stop investigating. I only have today to do this, although that's what's scary. All I want is enough base rock and obsidian to make a damn house, oh, damn block of


, give it to me, no, the sun is setting, I won't give up, I'm going to keep digging, guys, dude, I can't find no more obsidian or bedrock. I was trying to make a completely unstoppable. house but it's just not happening bro okay we're going to go back and pick up a bunch of this stuff but I think it's safe to say I probably need a workbench and um you know a chest maybe I have all of these . other suitable tools, but I didn't buy an axe, what are the odds, literally what are the odds?
Oh wait, I can't get wood, you've got to be kidding me, where am I going to get wood? Is there wood in it? land I can pick up, you know, let's go to sleep and then the day will change and then I can get some wood or maybe the whole world will fade away and I'll cry forever, okay? let's see what's going on, it's okay, I'm awake, oh, I'm drinking, oh, where is it, it's still here, it's still here, it's okay, we're okay, I almost peed, why am I, why am I, oh, it says wait What did he say, move or take? damage could definitely be worse that's not that bad I just have to keep moving that's very annoying okay I just have to keep moving I can't move much if I'm mining a damn tree okay, easy, easy, I have to create this, oh my god , oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I fucking died, there's no cold, there's cold, okay, I have two chests so far.
I'm going to make more How the hell am I supposed to do this when I keep dying? Okay, let's pick up more things. Where did all the things go? Oh my God, it's starting to fade by itself, Oh my God, no, no, no, no, no, no. I need to make another chest it's slowly erasing oh my god it's disappearing every time I die I can't die I can't die again How can I not die? No, this is extremely ridiculous, this is the most stressful thing I have ever seen in my life. done in my life, how do I know which elements are the most important?
They all seem important. I'm going to start making my house with random blocks. Okay, that's what's going to happen. I won't move. This will be a very fun house. that's an iron block, well oh I should probably put that in the chest but I can't because if I stop moving to put it in the chest I will literally die, wither and die, give me some more of that. things for Poppy no, everything is gone, you know there will be better days, don't worry, indescribable, there will be better days, what am I going to use to say, you know what, all these things don't even matter, all these things are terrible?
This is literally the most random house I've ever seen in my life, but that's okay because it's honestly a little sick and at the end of the day it's my house and it's beautiful like that, okay, we can add glass or do whatever we want. I want to do it later. I'm just trying to build a house in case my roof turns to lava again, so I'll use Cobblestone so I can protect ourselves. There we go, voila, Bon Shirt, what's up with this shulker box we're putting in? There wait, I put it on its side, you know, it is what it is, here we go, yeah, that's what I'm talking about, why did I put it upside down? boom boom boom I'm getting rid of all these random ladders We're putting them on the roof guys, I've got so many random slabs that make like an awning with them, you know, that's kind of nice, not bad and then, I can't even concentrate , okay, that's all, do we need? these things, oh, another shovel right, we need to take the netherrite shovel, okay, let's clean this chest, what we don't need, we really need some of this stuff.
I'm going to jump into the human trash can, here we go. doing some spring cleaning, you know, I can't wait to go to sleep, the sun is setting, but oh, it's so close, yeah, okay, back to the human trash can and after this I I go to bed because I hate that. I can't stop moving, okay guys, should we try to go to bed? Is it almost time to sleep? It's so close. I'm going to keep jumping. I'm so excited to go to bed. Yes, time to sleep. Okay, let's try it. I am trying to sleep.
That? If I sleep and if I die in bed it's one thing I'm not moving right now what the hell is it that I'm upside down? OMG, it's so hard to do anything, but my inventory is still on the right side. Oh, that's so amazing. What the hell does it look like? I'm going to have to survive the whole day in reverse, so subscribe if you want to see the next episode.

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