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A Solo Hiking, Camping & Waterfall Adventure. This one didn't go to plan (but it was pretty special)

Jun 28, 2024
and I followed it and went down to the right, guys, it's 20 to 7 and I'm back in the valley, it's sweltering down here and I've decided that instead of trying to cross the valley and go up again, I'm going to follow


. I walk because the map shows me that it leads to open access with a river running through it, so I'm going to aim for that and just hope there's somewhere I can launch there. I'm on open access, but it's too steep on both. sides and it doesn't even look like the river is accessible ahh man, I'm not entirely sure what to do to be honest, let's not lose hope yet, surely there will be something good that is useful at least, I know it's there now.
a solo hiking camping waterfall adventure this one didn t go to plan but it was pretty special
I just need some damn flat land *sigh* so


is the end of this open access section unfortunately there's nowhere to launch right? I'm a bit annoying here maybe it's worth a try, it's a quarter to 8. I have walked 14.5 km today. But I have a


, so I filled up on water. I'm really heavy right now, but I figure it doesn't matter if I can't... *loud cow noise* what's that? I keep hearing that noise... so I guess it doesn't really matter if I can't pitch a tent because I have my bivy bag and that's another reason why I love carrying a bivy bag because you can basically camp anywhere.
a solo hiking camping waterfall adventure this one didn t go to plan but it was pretty special

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a solo hiking camping waterfall adventure this one didn t go to plan but it was pretty special...

I'm heading towards this open access part of bluebells which is absolutely beautiful. I don't expect to find anywhere to put a tent, but I'm just walking around and will see where it takes me because I have water. I have a sleep system so it's not a bother ♩♫ slightly tense music ♬♪ let's see where we end up. I'm done with the hills for today, I'm telling you, uh, well, stop, now look... I don't want to get my hopes up. up, but do you think that's a little flat there? please be flat I'm Marvin Lunchtime seems like a long time ago ahh... there's a little flat stripe!
a solo hiking camping waterfall adventure this one didn t go to plan but it was pretty special
I'm getting a tent tonight, so I went a little out of my way and managed to find this lovely little flat spot here, so I'm going to throw my tent on the ground *doof* and smash it into the ground. Hurrah! I can't put into words how good it feels to sit down and have a tent up. You guys relax and watch the sunset and I'll get ready here. Well, I


't expect today to be a 15km day. So, on top of the seven I did yesterday, it's 22km so far for the trip, which is incredible and even though it's hot and quite exhausting, I'm still feeling


good, so tomorrow I might try to climb that big hill in front, but I'll see how I feel in the morning, so I'm all sorted here.
a solo hiking camping waterfall adventure this one didn t go to plan but it was pretty special
I had a good pasta for dinner and I feel very, very relaxed up here. I feel very calm and at peace and I think I'm going to have a really good night's sleep, it's so quiet and so calm and I feel like I've adjusted now, you know, the second night and all that, oh, let me show you the system sleep bag that I am using for this before going to bed, so for my sleeping bag I have my Leviathan OEX 900. This is my spring/fall bag normally, but as the temperature drops to 10°(C) at night I feel like I'm a little cold in my proper summer sleeping bag so This has been perfect for 10° inside the Alpkit Kloke bivi bag so it keeps condensation from the tent out of my sleeping bag, it protects me in in case the tent tears or leaks and if like today I can't find anywhere to pitch I'll be okay with that and I have my Thermarest XLite sleeping pad which is my summer pad, half a pad AF lightweight that I use as a sitting mat and I also put it under my sleeping mat at night and my Trekology Aluft pillow, so cozy!
Guys, something really strange is happening, the sky is pink and green like rays of pink and green light, and it's a little crazy! I don't know if it's the northern lights or something else. I guess it must be the Northern Lights over North Wales and I once saw the Northern Lights in Iceland and they were nothing like anything I've ever seen. something like this in my life even in photos ♩♫ relaxed rhythms ♬♪ how strange, it's so beautiful, so beautiful! what is happening? Has there been a solar flare? This feels like a crazy once in a lifetime experience and I really don't know what to make of this.
It's crazy. I wish I had someone to talk to about this. I'm here alone. I have no reception it's so strange it's now 1am so this has been going on for hours and it must be the strangest most beautiful thing I've ever seen oh my god what a night just no I can believe it PLB. ringing* hello? *zipper* Good morning guys! I'm knackered. I had to look at my pictures this morning to check that I wasn't going crazy and that I


't dream everything that happened last night, but it looks like it was real. I really haven't slept. because it was crazy and I didn't know what was going on, let me get dressed and I'll be back in a minute.
Hey guys, I stayed up watching that until 3am last night and then it seemed to fade away and I tried to get some sleep but I couldn't sleep last night. I texted Ash and asked him through my Garmin if something had happened to the sun and he called me again this morning and said... 'Yeah, apparently some flares on the sun dumped solar material' Sorry if I look really tired today because I haven't really slept in a couple of days and, um, I'm going to cut it. This trip is short because I'm very tired and if I stay out another night it means I have to walk very far up that hill with all that weight again and I'm too tired for that, I've never done it in a million years.
I think that on this trip, something like that would happen on this little hill. I'm devastated, so I'm walking down the road to my car. I have quite a few ways to go on the horizon there ♩♫ relaxing music ♬♪ so for the most part this trip didn't go as


ned. My fears led me to abandon my first hill. I got stuck in the first valley and then I tried to try the rest of the trip in reverse and in the end I had to cut it short due to lack of sleep, but all these things not going as planned allowed me to experience something so beautiful that I may not have happen again in my life, so there were no wrong turns here, I just moved forward, chose the direction that felt right and waited.
The best thing, hey, beautiful, is all we can do because life will give you all kinds of things and all those seemingly insignificant decisions you made all the times you changed direction, stood still, went back or moved forward without being sure. They will take you somewhere. Hi guys. I'm back in my car now and in the end it was just under 6km of road walking so not bad at all bringing the trip total to 28km, I walked two wild nights, two


s and one night that I will never forget.

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