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The Solo Mountain Adventure I Nearly Quit (But I'm So Glad I Didn't) ~ A Journey Through the Wild

Mar 02, 2024
Hello world, it's the end of May and I'm here at McConnell, Unite Alone in the Wild guys. I think this one is going to challenge me, but I have a feeling it's going to be amazing. Join me so I have two planned. Different routes for this weekend. I have 18 kilometers and 30 kilometers, depending on how my hypermobile and flexible body does, we will see how we go. I hope to do the big 30 kilometres, if I can do it, so be it. Quite an achievement for me, but if I can't, that's how it works and that'll be fine too.
the solo mountain adventure i nearly quit but i m so glad i didn t a journey through the wild
We started right outside the dog garage and are currently heading up Fondue Gorge, which is Black River, and while I can't do a full hike through the gorge with my huge, heavy backpack, of course, there are little parts that I can get a feel for. bit of Womble. There are certain parts you should stay away from due to the protected and rare species. species, so when we emerge from this gorge a little higher there will be about 300 meters and then we will have a nice high canopy to the top of Moileo. Hopefully we can have a good camp there tonight, but for now I want to check it out.
the solo mountain adventure i nearly quit but i m so glad i didn t a journey through the wild

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the solo mountain adventure i nearly quit but i m so glad i didn t a journey through the wild...

Let's get out some more waterfalls and some deep pools and all that good stuff. Let's go abroad. I don't think I can get back on the path from the actual river up. Take a look and then probably come back. I walk over there let's see what's up about this prize here let's head down look at this I was hoping this was the big one and it's back to a park I'll see you down there oh man this is big Boy this is the trail here absolutely nothing as far as he can see, he has long socks, although look at this path, foreign balls, the ones that now start one night, are


e annoying, too fun, oh, well grown, Nettles, no one climbs here. wow this is the crazy road ah my god what the hell is crazy.
the solo mountain adventure i nearly quit but i m so glad i didn t a journey through the wild
The knuckles look good. I wonder where, scholars, oh, it's down there in the water, that white thing, ah, hey, buddy, hey everyone, that's right, we're at 290 meters. We have walked only 2.5 kilometers, we have left The Gorge through a koi dollar rag without quality and it has been a headache, in fact, the first part is easy to walk, like a rocky track, but there are very curves Steep, so you feel like you are. We're not getting anywhere and then the road just completely disappears, just disappears completely, so we're going to go out into the open scene and hopefully we'll be able to see Elio and see where we're going, yeah, part one . harder than I thought it was going to be, but it's a lot of fun and I hope that's the hardest thing for today and now we can just move around a little bit, okay, let's go outside, let's go outside, okay, I won.
the solo mountain adventure i nearly quit but i m so glad i didn t a journey through the wild
I won't be looking here. I guess we have to take a look behind and check that we are here at that radio. I don't know if we'll make it before sunset, but we'll try hard, so we're done. On this easy path here I should have stayed, but the map says this is an access land, so I'm not sure if I should be on it or not. I head back to the river roots thinking I need to fill up on water for the night anyway, so it seemed like a reasonable decision at the time we were on our way.
I think it's around 7:45 and the sun is setting. I already have fuel. What's up with this place? Honestly, a complete nightmare. It's safe to say that the summit of Myelia is not. passing tonight is just not a chance I'm going to get there I'm going to try to get higher so we'll have some views tonight oh man, this is hard oh Jesus Christ, I ran into this swamp, block it I thought, oh, it's finally over grass, let's go to the bug, see those trees in the water, there, book, oh my God, this is not good, how am I going to get past that bucket that comes up there blocking the way, so I don't know.
If I'm also walking towards worse things that's really dangerous it's like mud it'll just trap you your legs stuck in it this is very doubtful let's leave it I find this just then I started thinking I feel like it's too hard like I can't do it I have I had to do it, so I managed to walk to the middle of a huge expanse of boggy ground, you probably couldn't tell by looking at that, but it was so difficult that the deep mud was everywhere. and I was trying to keep my balance on these little tufts of grass they kept swaying and I kept sliding and falling on my foot I kept sliding into the mud and I really really thought there was a chance I was going to get stuck in this the sun was going down like cement half sets it down and keeps you there this is getting to me I hadn't experienced it before and it scared me a lot now the bad section was only 250 meters wide, usually that would take less than three minutes. walking this took me over half an hour oh sweat eating a life with mos


oes that was one of the worst things I've ever done one of these trips scared the shit out of me okay the sun went down behind my radio , so I need to find someone's pitch here you have your obvious dangers the steep drops falling off the screen slopes the rock falls and slippery gorges but of course I'm pitching it's a quarter past nine I'm broken it's often the less obvious things like a patch of modest looking grass that likes to remind me of my humility, so I go find a place to rest for the night.
My feet really hurts. A while ago I bought new boots and assumed they just needed to be worn in and I also bought some nice insoles, but still. They are not working for me at all. I'm questioning my life choices right now. I will enjoy tonight and sleep well. A quiet morning and I'll see what tomorrow brings. I'll reevaluate things. I'll take a look at the map. Don't know. I particularly want to go back where I came from and you know it would have been very easy to remove all of this from this video to make it seem like I'm always in control, that I'm never wrong and that I always know what I want.
What I'm doing at every moment is all sunshine and rainbows and it often is, but that's not how it went, so I just took a look at my Garmin and today I only walked 3.5 miles, the 3.5 miles plus long of my life I think the rest of this


is going to be totally amazing, but I


't know it at the time and I was very close to giving this up. Good morning guys, it's an absolutely beautiful morning, it's around nine o'clock. It's already 17 degrees in the shade, it's wonderful. I have the water heating up. I'm really excited to have breakfast this morning.
I'm Marvin amazing. Last night I had dinner for the second time and I'm still working hungry. Alright. I'm going to eat. some breakfast and then we'll take a look at this map and figure out what we're going to do today, so yesterday we went up the gorge and then I followed this absolutely horrendous, really, really bad thing, so right now we're here. like this and we're at 420 meters so I think I'm going to follow this down and look at the map, this clue here comes with the voice here because at this point my feet were still really sore, I was still pretty bitter about After the events from the night before and had decided to take the shorter 18 kilometer green route back, I will soon come to my senses and continue on the big 30 kilometer pink route, but I am not quite ready to make that decision.
However, if I had just done my shorter route or tried to take an even shorter route back, that would be absolutely fine too. You just have to do what feels right to you here. I'm going to pack. I think I have a list. of band-aids on my ankles I have a natural sunscreen on my shoulders I have my hat on I think we're ready to go so yeah I'll see you on the way goodbye burning to the other side just beautiful up here these views I think that's the start of linagaya down there, another big lake and a beautiful little trail and I'm making a conscious effort to walk slowly and briskly.
Was it John Murr? He says we shouldn't walk through the


s, we should walk and John The route that was the shortcut, but I thought you might want to take it, was to go back that way, but I feel fine, my feet hurt, but it's totally manageable at this point. speed and rhythm. Every once in a while I feel like I'm speeding up and slowing down and a lighter step. I really thought yesterday that everything was going wrong and that I was going to end up trying to get back to the car on the shortest street possible, but I think this is going to be okay with all those little legs. set, so I arrived at that parking lot. down there, which is the point where I should have continued for my 18, it's almost a route but I feel good so I detoured to do the 30 kilometers that I have left for the rest of today, Saturday all tomorrow and I don't have to get back to the car until the Monday mid-afternoon, so many times and I think if I continue like this it will end too soon.
I'm not ready for it to end so quickly, so we do it here. We are at the first lake and seven kilometers later, it is definitely time to rest and refuel and we will decide what to do next, so we are here at this moment and in this deep place here I would like to finish it. and I'll go down to Zulin Reservoir and then I'll follow this and like I said I'm feeling good so I'll just keep seeing where I end up tonight and then we'll have the rest. of the route to do tomorrow and on Monday we are on the road if I can do this kind of deeper part, it will be a really good thing to get off the road and then I can ride again.
I wonder. what I'm going to see when I look over this edge whether I think I can do it or not oh okay oh yes I think I can do that I'm going to say this side I don't want to slide that thing I like it Okay, I can do it, although I'm Pretty sure I can do this. That's it, step by step, because I'm not going to let this stop me today. I did it. Okay, yeah, this is Lake's beautiful little stop on Linda Lane, that's the road behind that. I came down from the first lake and I'm on my way, damn bye, I use trekking poles if it weren't for trekking poles and high boots.
I tried to think about loose ankles, I'm just following this. I'll see you below. It is an absolute joy to walk here. It's four o'clock. I don't care about anything in the world. It is such a great weight that I have reached a certain distance. Now that I have done an incomplete part. I was worried which actually wasn't sketchy by the way, it's my fear of heights, yeah I'll see you when I find a place to pitch, look at that, I'm tempted to try and see if my tent fits down there playing in the water. I'm going to do it, it might work, let's try it, look at that.
It just fits now of course you wouldn't camp here if the weather was bad, in case the water level rises you can see where the water rises to be down there and this is quite high it's over a meter above the river , perfect, everything installed here. I love this foreign place here in the sky. I walked 10.2 kilometers today nice and slow and steady and I feel so much better for it but the terrain was like a million times better today compared to yesterday just so completely different I mean that's why you come here but no you can have it like this all the time it's like everything in life I guess you have to put up with a bit of crap first before you get to the good stuff so we're located here at about 411 meters so we're still pretty high up and I'd estimate that what we have done now is a total of 15.8 kilometers, so at the halfway point we are making good progress.
We feel a lot better and I think this is going to go very, very well now yes, I'm going to sit down, have my tea and just enjoy this little campus just for Bliss, this is cheese, ham and pasta Midge, delicious, okay , guys. I'm going to spend the night hiding from the bugs and I'm going to go out now because I'm a cream cookie and I'll see you tomorrow for the third day of Adventures. I won't talk to you until we're on the way because the water is very loud here, not very good for filming, so yeah, bye guys, let's go.
Good morning and welcome to the third day. I slept wonderfully for eight hours. I feel very good and rested. I'm having another day of light walking. because I really need my feet to hold on, we're only halfway there, of course today is a beautiful cloudy day so it's a little bit colder, it's really nice to walk. I can feel my backpack getting lighter and lighter as the food goes down, it's amazing, so today's goal. It's going down a gorge and finding this waterfall that I'm very excited about. I don't expect this section to be eventful, so let's meet you there right now, we're heading towards that Avondale river valley, which is where the waterfall is, the past is gone.
I'm not really sure how to get there, but I'll just take Mosey and he'll be fine and look at these views up here and make the most of them before they disappear on this route. What I have planned has taken me straight through a huge herd of cows and I'm not even entertained by the fact that a herd of cows attacked me before and I can't move very fast with this backpack, so I'm going in one direction. different directly down here, so we'll see if we can cut straight down to the valley, let's wait, so oh, the cows really give me chills, this is nice, I mean, it's a beautiful forest here, the rivers down there, I can hear it, I'll just follow it down.
NoI know if it will be possible or not. I hope it's because I don't want to deal with cows. I'm back at the river again and there's no path, so I guess I'll try to follow it. It's half past 12 and I stopped here for lunch on this beautiful little Cliffy's water and yes we're already down to 230 meters and traveled 4.6 kilometers for lunch so it's been a good day so far. I'm going to refuel and we'll continue, we're on our way again. I think we will be at the waterfall shortly I still can't believe I am doing this great 30 kilometer route.
I'm doing it now because I'm committed to her. I've gone too far to go back more than 20 kilometers now. I think it's such a beautiful day. It's just heavenly, everything is so green and lush. I feel very lucky to be here enjoying this. I found a path to this little muddy trail that I think will take us to the waterfall. This is harder to find than I thought, but we'll get there at two or so, so you'll have plenty of time. The water is at 12.7, so it's pretty cool, but I couldn't stand it for long. My God, she is so beautiful.
Now I am charming and fresh. It's five o'clock, so I have to get up and find a place to launch for tonight. I wonder what lives there could last a few more miles, we'll see how we walk a little bit down the road because I can't. Work out the rights through Farmland there's a guard dog guarding one of them it's ridiculous so I'm walking down next to a river now it's 6:30. I need to find a place to camp for tonight look how beautiful this little meadow is Welcome to the foreign jungle I stopped in this forest I pitched a tent that's perfect so I had a hero camp, a camp on the river and a little camp in the woods, and it also sounds like there's some kind of traumatized cow down there, not me, yeah, this.
The forest is really cool, it's like a jungle and it feels like no one has been through here for decades, crazy. Okay, you'll sort me out and I'll see you in a moment and I'll show you where we've been washing the clothesline. It's pretty nice, so today was a 9.3km day, which brings the total so far to just over 25km I think, and tomorrow I'll have a few more miles through this crazy forest, so currently I'm camped. in code dog, which is a perfect little place to spend my last night here, this trip has been amazing, the waterfalls have done it for me, so my favorite outfits from this trip.
I think my tent. I love my Pro one at lunch time when the weather is nice. I don't like it much in the rain, but for trips like this in dry, calm weather it is absolutely perfect, very light. I love my DCF t-shirt. I've used it for everything this weekend, every lunch stop, every launch, every time I have to get out of the water, that's amazing, what else is bothering my head? It is simply a blessing. I'm really so




't come home on Friday when things were going bad and I was feeling a little bad about it because I just had a great time and I'm so


I persevered that I think I started to feel like I don't belong here and I think staying here and persevering has made me realize that things are going to go wrong sometimes and sometimes I'm going to make mistakes.
I will never be perfect, but sometimes I am more capable than I think and it has been very good abroad, but in the end it turned out to be much more surprising and beautiful than I am. I once thought it would be like this and I am filled with gratitude, not just for every bump and scrape I suffer along the way, not just for the uncomfortable or scary experiences here, it's more than that, it's everything that brought me here in the first place. place, not only my blessings in life but also my difficulties every difficulty every loss everything I have had to fight for every floor in me and there are many every bad decision and active impulse every heartbreak has every tear everything has been just what it was needed to bring me here to this place right now and I'm so grateful foreigner foreigner

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