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Scotland ‘vital’ to forming next Labour government, says Starmer

May 27, 2024
After years in the political wilderness, Labor feels confident that things are now looking up for the party in Scotland. Kier Starmer's key opponents here are not the Conservatives but the SNP, sending a message that is the height of the SNP's ambition to send a message of protest at Westminster. I don't want Scotland to send a message I want Scotland to send a


a Labor


Labor only got one MP in Scotland at the last general election Kier Starmer claims the country will be


for him to win this time Kier Starmer You are so far ahead on polls now you don't really need Scotland to win.
scotland vital to forming next labour government says starmer
Do I care beyond the numbers? um we have strong representation here in Scotland in those numbers you don't need Scotland so why? Shouldn't Scots, especially those who support independence, continue to support the SNP? Well, look, the SNP is as divided and chaotic as it is, but what's behind Labour's broader message of change? Kier Starmer's bid in Scotland appears built around a plan for publicly owned clean energy. company based here something he claims will cut bills focusing on renewable energy is a dividing line with Tories who think workers are not being honest about costs, let's get going, come on, Richy Sunak needed all the energy that I could get today. rushed to Northern Ireland, his fourth visit to a UK country in less than 40 hours, someone had decided it would be a good idea for him to set sail from Belfast's Titanic quarter, which inevitably led to questions like this one: a prime minister we are just a few meters from where The Titanic was built and designed, are you the captain of the chip that is sinking in these elections?
scotland vital to forming next labour government says starmer

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scotland vital to forming next labour government says starmer...

So if you look at what's happened in the last few weeks, you can see that our plan is working, inflation is back to normal energy bills today, we look welcome. The news is falling, wages have risen faster than prices for 10 months and earlier this year our economy grew faster than almost all of our major competitors, so while I know, of course, there is still more work to do and people are just starting to do it. feel the benefits, it's clear the plan is working, but the images didn't impress some conservatives. Ruth Davidson has now tweeted a visit to the site of something famous for sinking.
scotland vital to forming next labour government says starmer
Is there a double agent in cchq? If they were starters in a previous life, our candidates deserve better. This is when it could be terribly disastrous. Nothing


electioneering like politicians posing with poultry and a variety of other farm friends in a Croft today. Kate Forb


the SNP now has things under control after a rocky start. We have one of the most popular leaders in the entire UK leading the party in John Swiny, we have seen his approval ratings continue to rise. The SMP is presenting a united front and ultimately I think voters want to see a vision of hope and change, you know, us. i have had rishi sunak kir armor in


they were gone in the blink of an eye good afternoon everyone in england the photo shoots continue late on air the afternoon is enough it will be a long six weeks as each party looks to build support katherine Samson now in the common some of the outgoing MPs have been giving their farewell speeches around one in five MPs have signaled that they will be leaving some familiar faces among them in the last few minutes cabinet minister Michael Gove has just said that he will not will be running for re-election, let's get the latest from Westminster and our senior politician responded Paul McNamara Paul McNamara, what can you tell us?
scotland vital to forming next labour government says starmer
Yes, look over the last few months, weeks, we've had the slow trickle of MPS T MPS announcing that they're not going. to stand in the general election, the tap has been turned on, it has accelerated in the last 48 hours, but Michael Gove's announcement that he is retiring is like a water pipe bursting at the Conservative party headquarters, this is a man who has been lured by successive prime ministers to do the hard jobs in his letter, he said, look, there comes a time when you know it's time to go and it's time for a new generation.
There are a number of reasons why he is standing down but ultimately this will be seen as a vote of no confidence in the Conservative party and it's not just him, we also had Greg Clark, the former Business Minister, resigning in this moment, there are 120 parliamentarians who announce that they will not stand, that is the highest record ever broken, the record of 97 and 77 of them. They are Conservatives, they are considerably younger than their retiring Labor counterparts, many of them in their 50s, some even in their 40s, who should have plenty of time left here, but this is not just a day for the people to stand down and make their final speeches there has also been time to consider last-minute legislation, including the Postal Crimes Bill that will clear the names of convicted innocent postmasters and the Crime Victims Bill. prisoners offering compensation for those with infected blood. time, whoever wins in a few months will look very different for the Labor Party also news for the Labor Party Jeremy Corbin is running as an independent.
We were asking people in the North what that meant to them. The former union leader would like to start in 2024 as well, but union members visiting the North have been denied the right to elect their own candidate and, furthermore, the community as a whole has been disempowered by it. That is why I am standing as an independent candidate for the town of Islington North. Four years ago, Jeremy Corbin was suspended from office. Parliamentary Labor Party after he suggested that the extent of antisemitism in the party had been dramatically exaggerated by his opponents in response to the Equality and Human Rights Commission's report into the Labor Party's handling of complaints that its star K abandoned Mr Corbin Jeremy Corbin was first elected in 1983, his rising majority soared in the Blair landslide in 1997 and then greatly surpassed the popularity of the Labor Party overall, being leader in 2017 but falling 2 years on the question for him, the workers and the people of Islington North, is an electorate loyal to the man or the party, what do you think of the party and then kicking him out?
Ah well, what can I say? There are ideas, I admit, one or two things he says you know and certain things he follows. I mean, some would say those are one or two things. quite important, absolutely, you are antisemitism in the party, they were big accusations when he was the leader, but at this moment I look around me and what do I see. I see K Starma, who uh, I find very weak, well, he used to be my neighbor, oh. yes we grew up together and he's the only person I'm going to vote for no he's running he's running as an independent yes he is yes good for Jeremy I'm delighted for him keep going he'll keep going I know.
Will it be okay for Jeremy, thank you very much? Where does your vote go? Labor instead of Jeremy Cory. Yes, sure. Why do so many people around here seem to love him? If they do it. I know we are in his neighborhood. Isn't it, but yes, isn't it? My guy never really got a good vibe from him as far as today's vibe from the current union leader, but Jeremy Corbin will make his own decisions. I think he runs as an independent, that's his choice. We will have a great Labor candidate in Lington North as we have great Labor candidates across the country.
My name is PRL Nagen and I am a young entrepreneur. He is also the Labor candidate now, while the Conservatives have not yet chosen his person. opposition leader Jeremy Corby Jeremy Corby may never forgive K Starma recent events the question now will be the people of Islington North

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