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Thinking about owning a bearded dragon? Watch this!

May 01, 2024



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. This is a little information about them, where they are from, why they are called bearded dragons, what kind of lighting they need. that's good, as you can see here, the magma is its enclosure, custom enclosure, it goes up so it can get closer to the heat, it has places to hide from the heat in case it gets too hot. The UVB light helps them absorb all that if No, they can have problems like metabolic bone disease and all these, there are many problems if they don't have those lights, it can stunt their growth, it can cause growth deformities, etc., as They grow, as a bearded dragon grows, they need it. less bugs per week and they eat more lettuce, leafy greens, all that kind of stuff, so I tell the kids if their parents eat salad, because most kids like the new salad, so if their parents Parents eat salad and they know that we have, let's say croutons in our salads, so magma, like a bearded dragon, also eats salad, but his croutons are crickets or mealworms, something crunchy that insects love, usually He doesn't eat that many, he doesn't eat them too often, but he would love to. eat them every day he gets them a couple of times a week because like I said when they are adults they eat more vegetables compared to babies who eat a lot of bugs so they are bearded dragons you can actually find them in Australia , that's where they are also natural.
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Bearded dragons love the heat and they love bugs too. I'm messing up the magma a bit right now by giving them a bunch of bugs. Did you know a really interesting fact about bearded dragons that I love to tell people, especially children? Bearded dragons actually have a third eye on the top of their head, right here, it's an eye that can't see like these eyes, but it can feel, so if you were in the Australian outback sitting in a tree and and bird tried to invite him to lunch, that third eye would alert him and tell him: run, run, run, there is something above, so here, if he was a wild bearded man, we do


exercise all the time, so it doesn't mean anything to him anymore. , but if it was a wild bearded going above their heads, even not even just wild bearded dragons, but most bearded dragons, that's why they say you should have a front opening and a closure for them because coming from up can be very threatening, which can make them defensive and you know their beard can swell and that's where they are called dragon beard, because their beard swells up a lot and turns black and it's a defense mechanism to appear more bigger than they actually are right now is a very good example, look, he's making pancakes, hey buddy, what's up?, making pancakes, okay buddy, okay, it's a term used when the bearded dragon flattens its body making it appear big, flat and circular like a pancake, hello friend, the reason behind the pancake is to help with heat absorption.
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More Interesting Facts About,

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Bearded dragons are ectothermic like all reptiles. Ectothermic means they need the environment to help keep their body heat so they are cold blooded and naturally can't produce their own body heat naturally so they need to have different lights and things to keep them warm . and all the bearded dragons, they all need a UVB bulb now, what is a UVB bulb? It's this light here that goes up and down your enclosure so it hits you everywhere, so a UVB bulb for reptiles allows for the synthesis of vitamin D3 which helps absorb calcium, so in nature, naturally, does where are you going?
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Oh, the camera is scaring you, uh, come here, so in nature, naturally, the magma would get this light from the sun, but clearly because we live, we live in Connecticut. that's not possible because you would actually freeze, it would be bad if you were outside, you wouldn't survive here, it's obviously not warm enough, it's too cold, hey buddy, it wouldn't be good, so here under our care you have to have a UVB bulb as well as the heat lamp for day and night, when we turn this off the CH evve turns on so he admits he does too but there ain't no light like that huh buddy so dragons bearded, not really?
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As friends, they love human friends, but they are a solitary animal, which means they don't like living with other bearded dragons, so magma was actually a rescue for us. Also, someone contacted me and said: "I have this bearded dragon, he is evil, he is bad, he is all the negative things you can imagine he said she said he bites me he does this he does it so well if you met magma you know that Now that's the furthest thing from the truth, but we found out that the magma was actually housed in a 40 gallon tank with another male sea, which is a recipe for disaster, first of all, people are arguing what size tank should be have a bearded dragon, you know, they would like to have a larger size for them, bigger than 40, a lot of people recommend over 40 gallons for a bearded dragon um, so having two males in a very small tank did everything they did. , they were just fighting with each other, they were stressed, it was a hard time for him, that's why he was feeling so miserable, but now it's cool, he's not so sure about this camera hello buddy actually let me well it's okay you're okay it's just me it's just me. only I know you're not sure about this uh so magma lived in a constant state of stress that's why he was all those things bad and scared and B because he was so scared he was that scared having another male bearded dragon is very threatening to them no.
They like friends so don't get your bearded dragon a friend they just thrive on human attention, they can really bond with their owners, unlike some reptiles people say they can't do that. Can bearded dragons love their humans? Some of them even like dogs, others like it, they just get attached to things, people and a crazy fact too is that bearded dragons, although they are small. in Estatua and they have very short legs, they can actually run 9 miles per hour, which is very fast considering where it's going. I guess I'm boring them considering they're so small. Where are you going?
Where are you going? Some people debate bearded dragons. it should not be put on sand, that sand can cause impactions, complications, whatever we personally believe they are from Australia, they live in sand in the wild, so why can't we duplicate what they live in naturally? We have never had a problem. not even with babies and I know it, so people will probably shake their heads when you tell me this and debate and fight with me about it. I mean, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I assure. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion for us. it works Magma is happy we are happy little shakespear is happy so you have to do what works for you there will be a million opinions there will be so many opinions do what works for you just do what works best for you and your animals if it works , keep up the good work guys, I hope I haven't bored you too much talking about bearded dragon facts, but if you


ed today and learned some facts, it will be awesome if you listen to me this whole time. better, that's great, do you have a bearded dragon?
What are some interesting things your bearded dragon posts in the comments? Tell me what your bearded dragon does. We love it, we would love to know what you know, you read your guys' comments and see what they do. The kids have something to say about their animals and, as always, thanks for listening, until next time, bye.

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