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TikTok’s Weirdest Mom

May 13, 2024
What's up, Greg? I hope everyone is having a great day... Welcome back to another episode of... Cool moms This is a show called "Cool moms"™. Where we review the moms... And talk about how great they are. Specifically moms on Tik Tok. Specifically a mom on Tik Tok. This mom on Tik Tok. It seems like a lot of people are talking about Tik Tok these days... In a way, this made this a huge resurgence in popular culture, from what I can tell... and I haven't talked about Tik Tok in a while. In fact, I haven't talked about Tik Tok since it was
tiktok s weirdest mom
Last time I talked about I feel like it was just this app full of cringe... like popular songs of 14 year olds lip syncing... but these days I feel like Tik Tok has become too much better. I feel like it doesn't get enough credit... there are some legitimately funny things on Tik Tok. A lot of it is still very hard to find... because there's still all that stuff from before... It's just that, now, there's some fun stuff in there too... so the fun stuff is a little diluted. ...for all the weird stuff, there's also this thing where Tik Tok just steals audio from, say, popular vines or popular YouTube videos and puts it on Tik Tok without crediting the person who made it and then People just lip sync. ...the audio...of the video, but recently a clip from one of my troom troom videos became "trending" on tik tok and everyone was lip syncing a line from one of my troom troom videos" Hot glue a little." cactus in an empty lipstick container." This is a good example of one.
tiktok s weirdest mom

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tiktok s weirdest mom...

Quick disclaimer, as I have done before, I will cover all the songs that are in these videos. since they are tik-toks Obviously each one has to have a popular song. So I'm going to have to make a cover so they don't claim the copyright. Oh damn, don't you hate it when that happens. Don't you hate it when you're about to shoot someone and they were. about to shoot you and then you both decide "Oh, let's not shoot each other. We have better things to do" and then, just like you think? You're about to come out clean.
tiktok s weirdest mom
He pulls you in like he's about to kiss you and then shoots you in the chest five times. Damn. If I had a dollar for every time he happened, I'd have eight dollars. Or this one where this girl bends over to pick something up while she's talking to her boyfriend, I guess, and then another girl comes up and tries to give him her number and he's like, no, I don't want your number and then he says to her. girl comes up and they are very happy together because they are still dating. Totally relatable. This guy also made the exact same video, except he is approached by a different girl and it's like an 11 year old girl.
tiktok s weirdest mom
So that's a little strange but. while I was going through these deep and emotional tik toks I found one that really caught my attention. It's from a girl called "varlicious", and the title is "there is no peace in drugs #saynotodrugs #choosetorefuse #nodrugskids". There is NO peace in drugs," which I guess is a pretty good message. You know, don't do drugs. Don't abuse drugs. Alright. I guess I'm not really sure what you're trying to act on here? Like, what's going on? She pulls into the parking lot of this shopping center in her Mercedes. So, right off the bat: big flex, and she's like, "Okay.
Now that I'm alone in this parking lot, it's time for me to take all the drugs." But then she puts all the drugs in her mouth and says, "No, I can't do it." Bottle of alcohol? "I can not do it". Cigarette? "I can not do it". Lots of vitamin supplements? "I can not do it". I think that's the point that's supposed to be that she realizes how bad all these drugs are for her when she's about to put them in her mouth, but what it seems to me is that she just can't understand how. . take these drugs like her.
She doesn't know how to open the bottle, so she says, oh, damn, now I have to find other drugs to take. She puts the cigarette in her mouth, but no smoke comes out because she doesn't have it. I didn't light the cigarette and she asked me: how the hell does this work? She can't understand it. So she just has to go. Actually, I'd like to imagine that she's like a high school student on her way to the biggest party of the year. But all her friends told her that there will be drugs at this party and she wants to look cool at the party, but she never does.
She did drugs before, so on the way to the party she decides to stop in this parking lot and do drugs, but she just can't figure it out. She doesn't know how to take any drugs. I guess that's the moral of all Tik Tok. Do not do drugs. There is no peace in drugs. They are too confusing. You won't be able to understand it and you will only get angrier. Drugs won't solve your problems. They will only present more problems. How do you open a bottle? How do you light a cigarette? How do you put a pill in her mouth?
So when I saw this Tik Tok I thought: wait, who is she? Who is this lady? It just seems like this person doesn't understand reality or how people do drugs, like just driving to a parking lot with all the drugs to do all the drugs. It seemed like a strange concept. I had to find out who this woman was. So I went to her profile. I checked it out and realized that Varley is basically the ultimate Tik Tok mom. She has all kinds of mom essential Tik Toks. Everything you'd expect a mom to do on Tik Tok, she does.
She has her daughter on her Tik Toks, as you can see here. They are simply looking at the camera together and smiling. She has inspiring tics OCD like this. Together we rise, people like us must stay united. That's all. That's all Tik Tok. It's just her looking in the mirror and then looking at the camera. And then she has Tik Toks like this, which Hmmmmm, I'm not really sure what she's supposed to be. That's not really like a mom's Tik Tok. That's kind of disturbing. She also has this video where I guess she shoots her daughter and then laughs maniacally, so it's a weird video to make.
A video in which you shoot your own daughter in the back and then laugh about it. A little weird, but she's also a huge health guru. She is a big fitness fanatic. As you can see in this video, I started my fitness journey in 2017. *sings* "Make me a you, make me a believer, believer." She started her fitness journey in 2017 and has been getting punched in the gut. since then. Is it just me or does it look like the guy is the one exercising in this video? I mean, I guess she's probably flexing her abs and that's what the exercise does, but she's just standing there.
You know, while this guy is here turning red like he's totally out of breath. She just hits it over and over and Varley just stands there. Just flexing. hashtag getting stronger. Hashtag strong woman. Hashtag boxing man I don't want to tell you Varley But I don't think this is boxing if this is how you box. I mean, I guess it's actually pretty impressive. Imagine getting in the ring with this woman and the bell rings and you start throwing your punches and she just stands there and takes them, her whole body is tense and she's just smiling at you.
You're trying your hardest and she hasn't moved an inch hahahaha you fool, do you think you can defeat me? I started my fitness journey in 2017! When you love someone Open your heart when you love Try to love the world, you will feel good. I mean, it's a good message. I'll give her that kind of weird video, just her dancing in the snow. I guess she is showing that she loves the world even though she is cold. She says woooh, I love snow and not being that guy... But if you're going to say loving the world like loving the whole world and then show yourself just loving the snow.
That's not very impressive because snow is pretty easy to love. It's fun to play. It's fun to sled in the snow. There are many good things about snow. I'd be impressed if she was making this like lava or something or like shark infested waters or a giant landfill. It's like throwing garbage. the air and being like I love the world, every part of it, even the landfills. That would be awesome. I would say, holy shit. This girl really loves everyone's ass. The really strange thing about this video, though, is that she's doing everything. This in front of what looks like a high school, so I'm not sure what it is.
Maybe this is the high school her daughter goes to. Wow, that would be embarrassing. Can you imagine being in high school? Which I guess would be bad enough on its own being in high school. But imagine being in high school and you're all you know. Sad because you are 12 years old and you are sitting in class and suddenly you hear someone. at the back of the class. Yell Yo is that your mom and the whole class turn to the window and they all get up and crowd around the window and look outside in the snow, it's your mom and she's just doing this, just doing tik toks, just slipping and sliding. around in the snow loving the world.
She has another one in front of this school. Although this one is a little sadder. If you want to go there don't feel so alone. If you go, honey, let me go down slowly. Leave me a random girl in the background. Maybe that's one of her other daughters like mom, what are you doing? Can we go home? I'm cold! Whatever happened to loving the world and you'll feel good? This is the hashtag for this one. Love hashtag life Hashtag betrayal hashtag emotion damn. This is so emotional. I like that the drop of the song happens right when she gets off the swing like she's supposed to.
It will be this really cool moment. I mean, I guess she takes in pretty decent air. I'm quite impressed. I don't think I've ever seen anyone jump so high off a swing before. How is it possible that this woman has so many tick toks in front of this school? Does she relax here all day while she drops her daughter off at school and kisses her goodbye and says, is she okay? I'll see you in a couple of hours and then she's out doing tik toks all day. Obviously, I'm joking. I know she doesn't do that. That would be ridiculous.
Plus, she has other things to do, like getting punched in the stomach and if she stands around making tik toks all day. It's all day outside her daughter's high school. She wouldn't have time for that now, would she? Oh, she has a video of her hitting. Thank goodness, because I was a little worried that she would just go to the gym and get punched in the stomach all day. Wow, it's so real. It's like she's really hitting me with the lined up sound effects. So how is she doing? Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.
Hashtag hit the haters. Wait, wait, what hashtag are bug haters? Oh no, oh fuck, guys, I'm not sure it's such a good idea anymore to make a video making fun of this woman. I didn't know she felt that way. about the haters and I didn't know she could really hit in any way. I think she better tread carefully for the rest of this video. I don't want this woman to come into my house and beat me to death in slow motion, maybe instead of focusing on things to criticize her for, let's see how she deals with all the hate she receives.
It seems like she has received a lot of hate for tic tac because she has made a couple of videos addressing the haters. We saw the one where she's punching the air. and then she has this so-called peace. Hashtag. Bye bye haters Hashtag haters are trash. Hashtag insects. Hashtag. Goodbye forever So it looks like she's found a way to get rid of the haters, which is pretty impressive. So let's see what it is Hey guys, I'm finally back to share all that with you. I found the secret to ending all the hate. Ah, hell. Yes, let's see what it is.
Now there will be no hate on my account. That is peace. Peace. Peace Oh, okay. That can't be all it takes to get rid of the haters. I'm just laughing, right? Let's watch this other video where she addresses the haters dear haters And she just laughs like crazy, she's fine, I'm still thinking what the fuck, this is deeply disturbing and I think I'm done looking at this profile. She has a whole YouTube channel that's also full of weird videos, including this music video. It is sponsored by a food distribution service. The music video is simultaneously very off-brand and very on-brand, but it's completely in a different language.
So I don't feel comfortable reviewing it because I don't understand what she's saying. One thing I do understand is that she is very sweaty. Very good guys. I hope you enjoyed this video now It's time to throw it on my tongue, who's going to talk about today's sponsor Audible. With audible you get access to an unbeatable selection of books, including bestsellers, Motivation, mysteries, thrillers, memoirs and more, audible has the largest selection of audiobooks. on the planet and now with audible Originals the selection has become even more personalized with content created for members. I've been feeling a little lazy lately.
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That's all you have to do. You won't be able to search for anything. You don't have to check me. What is going to be achieved with that? Thanks to Haley for turning on my notifications, you really are Greg. I'll see them next time, where I go into the sewer and turn into a rat. This video is already over. You'll find something else to watch or just watch this video. I know we had a lot of fun. But you can't stay in this entry forever. This video is already over. So why do you keep seeing this?

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