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The Weirdest Children's Channel On YouTube

Jun 04, 2021
The subscribe button is right above the video, right? We are not going. Come on, you have these "two". WHERE IS?!? "one"... WHERE IS IT?!?!?!?!?!?!? "DONE! If you can do that, comment below "Keyper Squad" right now!" *Danny has a mental breakdown* Oh, is it over? aw....*he realizes he didn't press subscribe* Shit! That was too hard, they need to make it easier. That's a strange thing to do. I understand why they do it. They're just trying to get you to subscribe really quickly without even thinking about it. He just goes and presses the subscribe button, but what happens if you don't press it?
the weirdest children s channel on youtube
I wonder if there is a consequence like if they hit the subscribe button in the next 5 seconds if they don't? Don't even bother subscribing if you hit that shit after 5 seconds, unsubscribe right now. We already have 16 million subs what do you think we need you? We don't need you and your slow fingers, get out of here! Quick finger band. That's us. Keyper Squad We have fast fingers, try to keep up, try to press *laughs* thanks. "Hey, it's starting to work! It's not the most satisfying slime, visually. You know, Devin, I think it needs a little more Orbeez.
the weirdest children s channel on youtube

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the weirdest children s channel on youtube...

So here you're going to place it down here. It'll pick up a little more Orbeez from the counter." Do you think this is a real kitchen? Is this the kitchen in Collins' house that he uses to cook all of his meals or is it this nice kitchen with these beautiful granite countertops, this gigantic island, this beautiful stove only to destroy with drool daily? What a subtle flex! These guys are probably making a lot of money. They get tons of views. This video has 8 million views. They are constantly promoting their merchandise. I mean not only do you have a nice spare kitchen if you're making a chump change, they're not making a chump change.
the weirdest children s channel on youtube
They are making a totally absurd change. They usually end the videos with one of them getting slime thrown at them. Sometimes it's just plain old green slime. Sometimes it's the drool they did in the video, but usually it ends with someone drooling and I think this part of this video really highlights the relationship between Collins and her brother Devin was decided in this video. They will each let the other person throw slime at them Then Devin threw slime on Collins... "3" "no, not again" "2" "oh no" "1" "oh" But then, when it's his turn He stops smearing himself and says, "Okay Collins, it's time to get up.
the weirdest children s channel on youtube
It's time for me to smear myself." Collins just starts joking and pretends to be slipping "ABE BE HAH ARU KA RA ICE SKATES AAH RAJESH A J U A DUUUUUUUUH NINI A RAAA. IM I'm going to take them as EY OOO." Just being as dumb as he is, he's yelling. He slides in and Devan says, "Come on, buddy. Get up. It's time to get smeared." I just get the feeling that Devan hates being in these videos. My theory is that Devan is a bit of a slime purist. He appreciates the art of making slime and that is enough for him.
He just wants to make slime. He wants to fuck her brother and he wants her to fuck him. That's Devan's ideal slime video. I think you probably would. Even if it wasn't in a video. He would be making slime in his spare time. Collins is only in this for clout. That slime influence, I mean, you can see it all over the video like Devan just wanted to make the slime. Collins is like pulling milkshakes out of boxes from yet's delivery service, throwing packaged peanuts on Devan *some more varied screams with some merch* And then when it's Devan's turn to get smeared, Collins starts dancing like a clown "Throw from my arms" "Yes, I will pull you, yes, go this way." "I'm slipping" "No, this way.
It's okay, Devan. Are you ready to have slime thrown at you?" "I'm ready, I'm ready" "I have to observe my surroundings here before I get dirty. You have to move around here a little bit" "It looks like you're having too much fun with that" Devan is like "COME ON! I NEED IT!" "This is not what slime is about! Slime is an art and you're making fun of it." I'm not as big into the slime scene as I am, but the more I watch videos of Collins Keys and other people like him, the more I'm starting to realize that there is a gigantic slime community out there.
The Sharers have made a lot of videos about slime, Troom Troom has some tricks with slime, whatever that means, Rebecca Zamolo made a horrible music video about playing with slime or working out with slime or working out. I don't know what it was about but it was really bad *Cringey music video intensifies* (CRingE MUSIc ViD ABOUT SLImE) I just want to know what is life like for these people? Cody Ko also made a video about Collins Key and some other


's content creators and highlighted very well that they are always flexing. Papa Jake is one of the people he was talking about in his video, but like Collins Key: he has a nice kitchen that simply exists for him to destroy with slime every day.
I wonder how when they meet people in real life. When they pull up in his Lamborghini, people probably say, "Wow! Nice to meet you. What do you do? You obviously make a lot of money. What do you do?" ?" And then they tell them. I just wonder what their reaction will be. How's that... interaction going? I don't know, honestly. I guess it would go something like this: The man is in the house, we're about to lock it up. Every time I walk into this club I'll bounce it, don't fuck around with small amounts I buy it for the pound price and when we pick up boi, that Lambo making sound *skrrt skrrt skrrt* I got that Rolly on my wrist. flex and I got the ice climbers twin chains on my neck Now girl you wanna drink I got the check I throw a couple of bands Now she show me respect where do I get this money.
How do I play so hard? She wants to know what I do to pay for these cool clothes and cars. She said, "Are you an actor?" Or model? I call the waitress and we bring out a few more bottles. She keeps asking. I won't let it go. Looks like I really have to let this girl know. I told him I make slime (slime, slime, slime, slime) Posting DIY candy what the fuck on YouTube, kids can't believe their eyes (eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes) Screaming, laughing, shit, I got that content familiar. They don't demonetize me. Understandably, that put me off until I showed him my million subscriber badge.
Now I feel like David Dobrik because I took her in the Tesla and his friends are in the back. The next thing is that we are now drinking in the crib. It wasn't too long until she got me down on my bed and put on something more comfortable and now I'm back and she's watching my YouTube


. Wait, don't do that. She wants to know where I get this money, how I play so hard. She wants to know what I do to pay for these clothes and these amazing cars. She is watching my videos. She sees me screaming.
I'm going crazy about the product I sell. Now I am rubbing and eating spicy foods. I can't tell if she's impressed or disgusted but she's looking at my slime (slime slime slime slime slime) Life hack DIY post that shit on YouTube kids can't believe their eyes (eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes) Screaming laughing shit, you got that Family friendly content and I don't get demonetized. I'm not getting demonetized There's no doubt I'm the slime king But I feel so alone Will you be my slime queen? I can't tell you how long I've searched. I won't even force you to buy my merchandise Unless you want to buy my merchandise You are totally free to do so It's very soft But it only comes in youth sizes And there are no refunds There are no refunds That's probably something like how it would be to go.
Well, that was fun, wasn't it? If you want to listen to that song some more, it's on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Apple Music, and any other streaming site you'd probably use. The link is in the description. I hope you liked it. It was a lot of fun for me to do it. I'd never done anything of that scale before, but I had a lot of fun. I hope it shows. I hope you liked it. If you want one of these Slime King t-shirts that I was wearing in the video, I'm selling them at There are also t-shirts that say Slime Queen and t-shirts that say Do It for Slime.
So it's like Do it for the vine, but instead of vine it's Slime. If you want to get any of them, go to Alright, thanks Harper for turning on my notifications. You are truly Greg Bye! Candy DIYs posts that shit on YouTube, kids can't believe their eyes (eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes) screaming, laughing, shit, they got that family content. They don't demonetize me.

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