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I Spent 100 Days Stranded in a Desert!

Jun 01, 2021
On this wool farm I needed some quartz because I needed to make some watchers and quartz is necessary for watchers so I collected one more load of quartz than I would really need of course because it also gives good XP and I'm trying to get it . a little bit of 30 so I can do a proper enchantment still and then I started gathering all the things I would need for this wool farm and you can see here that my chests are getting out of control, we're going to have to fix that. at some point, but our base is a little small so we'll have to build a new one before we can do that anyway, we got all the materials we needed and then we went and got a bunch of dirt and moved it to this. area here by changing it to grass of course and adding this kind of collection system and I didn't really bother to make that part look good so it's going to look a little ugly but who cares it's hidden it's also practical.
i spent 100 days stranded in a desert
On this cow, I don't know why they left me there, but I like it if you don't know how wolf damage works. Basically you put some scissors in the dispenser and connect them to a red stone with a spotter and basically when the sheep eats the grass it will activate the scissors but I ran out of cutting iron so I went to get something and I also got some diamonds which which was pretty good and then I started leading the sheep to these holes. here and as you can see it's a little awkward but we managed to get them in, we had some problems along the way, that method wasn't working so finally I started putting water in there and dropping the sheep in the water however you can.
i spent 100 days stranded in a desert

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i spent 100 days stranded in a desert...

See, I repeated that process, so we had eight sheep there. I even went and raised some cows along the way because my food was running low, but here you can see it working, we're starting to get some wool here, so. We're going to leave that for a while to do its thing and instead we'll head into the abyss in search of the never fortress and we didn't have to look far, it turns out there's one right next to the portal and the bastion, this is it. Awesome, never spawns somehow, I picked up all the never walked ones, killed some fires that were just lying around, but I was struggling to find the fire spawns on my journey to find them.
i spent 100 days stranded in a desert
Almost dead. I got to a heart there as you can see but luckily I brought some golden apples and we didn't die yeah but eventually I found both blade generators next to each other like buses and then I killed all the blazers I picked up all the beautiful ones fire rods before I came home and on my way home uh this happened yeah I didn't look where I was going yeah I died that's not good oh no on the 39th I decided to go get my stuff because that would be stupid I didn't do it and I got most of the things back from my chest. dish and of course the fire rods had been burned to a crisp, yeah so I had to go back to never again and on the way back to the fort I killed some more flames again so of course I got more fire rods fire to take home I even used my crossbow for a little fun since I was bored of killing blazes for the second time also look at my chest look how bad my chest is I hate them I was trying to find a place to put my blaze rods but I wanted Taking advantage of our wool farm he went and collected all the wool there, made a loom and went to trade with a shepherd.
i spent 100 days stranded in a desert
Now unfortunately they don't actually make light gray wool, they only make white, black and dark grey, so I had to go dye all my sheep. white, I would have dyed some of them black or gray, but I can't because I don't have the ability to do so, since I don't know where I would get black dye, other than maybe a withered rose that I need to spawn the weaver. because yeah, it's just not going to happen anytime soon, okay, but what's happening is it's base time, honey, that's right, we're collecting a lot of materials, as you can see here.
I went and made myself an enchanted shovel because I need to collect some sanders. I want to do some horror cultivation, which is a bit awkward, right? Because you have to make a double layer. If I wanted to put sand down, I would have to put pavers underneath. You could have done this with sand, but I used pavers because I just had a bunch of pavers, very convenient and I also kept running out of sand, but we got a nice space built there, as you can see, and now it's time to start collecting some materials to build our base and it required you to know some wood, so I cut down all my trees.
I have quite a few trees. Now it also required some granite. I had to go to the back because I needed to get some crimson logs. This time our wool farm had been producing a decent amount of wool. We actually traded, so we managed to get a decent amount of emeralds in case some wandering merchant shows up in the future I was just living my life I had an adequate food source It was good It didn't feel like the original



it was Feeling so safe that i decided to go get dark oak wood from this raider tower which is a big pain because raiders like to shoot you don't know why they keep doing that its quite annoying and one of them gave me the bad omen effect , so I had to go home and drink some milk to get rid of that and you can see here that our material chest is growing so much that we're almost ready.
All we need now is some terracotta, which I went and looted from these villages here and also some books which you will see later why I didn't use them in the time span starting now at the end of day 50 and until day 51 and this took quite a while to build this base because it's a decent size and I've been trying to practice building in different styles and I feel like this is very different from any style I've built before, very circular, almost Star Wars style, I would say, although The Purple Roof is not very Star Wars, but I really like it.
I think it's a pretty unique looking foundation. Oh, and I also found this Enderman along the way. Will he drop an Ender Pearl on me? Of course not. Why would he ever do it? Doing that anyway while we were building our wool farm was working like a charm, meaning we could get a decent amount of emeralds and we can also buy some rugs if we want in the future, but I really don't want rugs, especially not purple and green ones. . What I do want is diamonds, so I went looking for diamonds for a few


and I almost lost them in the lava, but I was smart, I didn't do that, we managed to get all the diamonds there, very very nice, a good amount of diamonds and Even some more diamonds a little bit later too but our interiors are looking a little rough to say the least so let's fix it by adding a nice floor and I decided to do a circular floor in the main section and then the next section was I don't like it nothing interesting, but we're headed to this basalt delta here to collect some basalt and also some blackstone.
I also realized that I was very close to this interesting bass. I didn't realize I could get to it so easily, but anyway we finished our flower using a black stone, then we collected our cast iron and gold and made some iron bars to finish the roof of my base, as you can see There those little spikes, I don't know, I just thought they were missing. and I needed some spikes on the roof, okay, and we also finished the floor with some basalt and also in the middle I decided let's make this look quite striking by adding some gold blocks.
Yes, a complete waste, I know at this stage of the game, but who cares, I like the glitter, okay, but the base is not finished yet. Those shelves I made earlier were folectans and we will use these stands to finish the base a little later, but for now. We mainly focus on the interior and the things that are important, like a chest system of course, we need a lot more storage than we had before in that little base and we also added it on this floor here just to make things look a little more organized. It was kind of a strange transition to the ceiling.
I then went and killed some cows to get some meat as I wanted to go on a little adventure and you can see that when I killed the cows I reached level 30 enchanting which means I could enchant. Something I didn't want to do on the chest plate because blast protection sucks, so instead I went for my legs, where I wanted to get free, unbreakable protection, very nice, by the way, and you can see a lot of fillets here, which which means we can venture out to find it. fun things like vines trying to kill us no joke we went to the temple we managed to get some emeralds we managed to get some iron we managed to get some obsidian just some interesting things you know this happened at one point though rookie mistake I know which one um luckily I managed hold on by placing these gold blocks here.
I lost one of them, but it's okay, we're still alive and one of the things he was looking for on my adventure were bookshelves, so he raided them in various villages. As well as the lecterns, I also checked the villages in case they had modified the trade, which none of them did and then, in a


pyramid, I found an enchanted golden apple, a divine apple that people call them, but then , in the next village I found what it was. normally I look for things I hate but today they are going to be my friends just kidding we are going to kill one of them because we only need one that's right I saddled a horse and this will be our easiest method of transportation for now we will even have elytra in the future , so I put a saddle on this guy, gave him the name Freddy and off we went, we also found some brewing stands and some other fun things along the way, but we got home, which didn't take long time. at all thanks to freddie and his fast speed i tied him up outside my house and gave him diamond armor because he deserves it but then it was time to create lecterns, i made myself a good amount of lecterns as you can see here and we also got some oak wood while we finished this sort of section of the balcony of our house and also worked on a small garden in the front to give it some greenery, but on day 70 I realized we only had 30 days left, so So I thought I'd try to get it.
Some Ender Pearls I went and traded with these guys in the abyss and after trading like 60 something gold I managed to get four Ender Pearls. That's not very good actually, but hey, it'll do for now and also look how many of these hoglands. I tried to attack myself there absolutely crazy, but we got away with it. I made it home easily and for some reason decided to start sorting through our chests, which is terribly boring, but it took about 20 minutes or so and we finally let you know. chests completely sorted and labeled too, in some cases I ran out of leather but you can see here it looks pretty good, but I ran out of dark oak wood so I headed back to this raider tower to collect some of the remaining pieces there. before getting all my wool from my wool farm and doing some trading and also collecting some soil to finish this garden here as I ran out earlier and our base is starting to look pretty clean now but on day 74 we decided to try find that ending. portal, so I set off and my first two Ender eyes broke instantly as soon as I launched them, which was a huge pain since I only have four, but after traveling about 2000 blocks or so on Freddy's back we finally found the portal of Ender with one eye. of remaining ender yay that's going to be really useful and I was hoping to find some useful things in the fortress maybe more ender pearls but I didn't really find those things as fun to be honest with you oh and it also took me way Too long to find the room portal.
I found this look from the C2 book which is honestly a little terrible. There's no need. I found some coal because I ran out of torches and then I found that pack room that had two Ender eyes. That means we need nine more to complete it, including the one we have, so I saved the coordinates. I returned to Freddy and we headed home, where I raised my cows and killed some to get the level 30 enchantment so we could enchant our pickaxe. Which made the efficiency very nice and then I felt adventurous so I went and attacked the bastion.
I managed to find some ancient rubble here as well as some never seen remains along with a bunch of stuff like iron gold etc and yes it was. a massive fight with my terrible armor as I almost died from this brute pig there but luckily I should escape from him and raid all the chests I could find but I probably missed quite a few to be honest with you as it's a huge mess this thing. but we came out of there with our life and some good things and that's all that matters. One of the things I got was a repair pickaxe, so I can combine it later when I havea few more enchantment points, I want to save them for now.
For doing some level 30 enchantments I also went and got some ender pearls. In fact, I'm a little luckier this time with only 17 gold and I got three ender pearls, which is pretty good before I decorate the small gardens outside my house with some ferns and stone strawberries. the ground, etc. It just makes it look a little more colorful compared to the yellow desert we've been stuck in for 77 days at this point, it's crazy how much I miss grass in Minecraft like the desert is so ugly and I was bone too. Grinding this herb here just to get some flowers for dyes in the future, I needed some yellow dye, but on the night of the 77th I went looking for enderman and oh god this was a huge pain. so many mobs, so many, many, many, many. the mobs spawned and we managed to kill three enderman, I think before we finally got a pearl, huge pain, these guys suck, I hate them using the boat method of course to catch them.
There's no way I was wrong, it's actually five enderman, I think we had to kill until we got our first pearl and this method just isn't effective for me at all, honestly the gold method is much better for me right now since this sucks, I hate it so much, and at one point I accidentally looked at an enderman. and um, yeah, yeah, yeah, that happened, tear up those lovely spots, I guess I'm really sad, but well, using the yellow tint from before we finally added some windows to our base, I want to use some yellow windows just because everything in the desert it is yellow, we can also add yellow windows here.
I also traded in this Fletcher bit for more emeralds that we're going to use right away. In fact, I grabbed my brewing stall I found earlier and started trading with some clerics like you. You can see here that if you trade them like I'm doing now, they give you a chance to give Ender Pearls and we managed to get that trade and we had enough Ender Pearls to make us some Ender Eyes to finish our final portal. It was time to start preparing and the way I prepare is to raise cows. I actually needed beef, as you can see I'm running pretty low on meat after cooking a bunch of that.
I also went mining to get some coal just to try and build. I increased my enchantment points hoping to get a level 30 enchantment as I wanted to enchant a box, that makes the whole ender dragon fight much faster so I went mining for a few days, I also smelted some of aura and we finally got that level 30. enchantment as you can see here which means we can enchant a bow and we were very lucky to have power to then free ourselves which is decent, we didn't need the infinite as we got a lot of arrows from everything our trade and on day 82 we returned to the end. portal and dug a new hole just so we could be directly above it, I found it again, I slept once more just to save my save point and on day 83 we finished the final portal and entered charmingly and everyone has seen a fight of ender dragons before so here it was very quick one tower disappeared two tarragon three tarragon all the towers disappeared quite quickly as you can see and then we hit her, she is very easy to hit because she is very big and to be honest I enjoy the whole thing.
At this point, I don't even stress killing at the end of the dragon anymore. I've killed her so many times recently and after the last few arrows here we finally managed to kill her and this was so glorious because of the XP I don't have. I don't really care about the elytra for now it's more about the xp and look at it 69 xp the dragon's head let's go back home and there we have it the ender dragon defeated easy desert world it's not that bad but we still have like 16 more days like this I decided to enchant some tools , as well as my armor, to get some kind of nice protection and also make things a little more efficient for us and I used one of the tools, the shovel, in fact, to go pick up a bunch of dirt underground like there was. made. a little project in mind I want to finish I found some diamonds while I was digging that land is always a nice bonus but the land I was going to use it for is true a nice farm next to my base here you can see I turned everything we turned the sand into land and then we plant some wheat there, add something like sugar cane, etc. to make it look good, they ran out of dirt, they had to go find more dirt, it's crazy how much dirt you take for granted when you are in a desert, but after collecting a little more, I also gathered a bunch of firewood and I got to work on the other side where I planted some potatoes, look at those beautiful potatoes, very pretty, I really like potatoes, we don't really have carrots.
I haven't found carrots yet because they're pretty rare in the desert and I think the only way to get them is from a raider tower, so instead of getting carrots I decided to, you know, decorate the outside of my base with some El Greenery and thick soil make everything look a little better and I think it looks a lot better. Look, how clean it looks now, but what doesn't look clean is the fact that I only have 26 diamonds, so I decided. to go in and check out a no fortune pickaxe, lo and behold it only has no fortune pickaxe which sucks but I added some repairs to my other pickaxe which means we can mine for a long time so that's what I did.
I went mining. For a long time I found my first diamonds, look at this, two, three, four blocks of diamonds, but I got 11 diamonds from those four blocks, very, very nice and it actually didn't take me that long to get a full stack of diamonds. of this mine here and also using the coal, etc. to mend my pickaxe oh it's so cute in my opinion mending is the best thing that ever happened to minecraft and now we have almost a stack and a half of diamonds so what do I do? of course I swam them around me and did a little dance, that's all you can do when you have a lot of diamonds.
Actually, there are not that many diamonds. I know, don't judge me. I just wanted to bathe in diamonds and also make a little diamond rock here because why not, since I had a diamond rock, what else could we have a rock of that emerald? So I went and made a bunch of transactions and then I made myself an emerald rock too, but I saved some wool there to make some beds, since we're also going to go to the bottom to get some, it's never okay of course, since I have three pieces so I only needed one, but I decided, you know what, after finding that one on the way down.
Up to the level where I wanted to mine the right never, I thought I'd go ahead and use all the beds I had and I was very lucky to find as much old debris as in the first few beds and then, no. No, not anymore, we only got eight in total, which isn't bad for 23 beds, so I'm pretty happy, so we spelled it out, got some gold, and also melted down the stuff we had from the bastion before, not that we needed because I was only able to make two pieces of ingots that were never right and we made it, as you can see here, lovely, and we added them to our pickaxe and also to our chest plate.
Look at us with the gait that is never correct. Oh, who would have thought I would have done it because this was the plan all along and then on day 95 I thought: you know what Freddy sucks. I don't want to keep walking with Freddy anymore. I want to fly, so I headed back to the final portal where I left Freddie outside. He does not. He deserves to come with me until the end, he's a horse and they're terrible people, but anyway, on day 96 we head to the final portal and kill some endermen to get through you know little, whatever it's called, the portal region, that's the word. gateway and we went in search of a final city and managed to find one with a ship but we ran out of blocks along the way so I had to go back, it wasn't a total test I decided to cut it all off and instead show me how I killed the shulkers and we got quite a few shulker shells from this trip.
It was a huge final city and it had some good stuff, including some diamonds and some diamond equipment, etc., somewhat better than the equipment we have, so there it was. Ok with that and then we floated clumsily across the ship and managed to kill the shulker there and get our elytra, the sky's the limit that's right, and I instantly went for a fly after clearing the chest where I got this sword free of looting that would have been useful in the past to kill those endermen, but we don't need it anymore and then I had some trouble getting home.
I prefer the trapdoor method of getting through those doors, especially when you don't have ender pearls, but luckily looting. Freestyle came in handy there to get some Ender Pearls and we managed to get home and get some sleep in our bed here. So I decided to take Freddie home instead of flying because I didn't have rockets, but I did make some rockets at home and then I had a little fly and we could see our base from above and look how cute it is, everything is green and everything in the desert, which is all yellow. I really like it, I think it looks pretty good, even the sugar cane.
It looks good and I normally hate the way sugar cane looks and using our leech I decided to go on an adventure. I could travel much faster now to get to the desert temples, see them more easily. I also went and collected all the hay bells from the villages and did some trading here and more. Importantly, I found some carrots in a chest in a raider's tower, very, very nice, but there is one thing I wanted to do before finishing this, so on day 99 I started trading with this librarian. I was just looking to level it up.
I did not do it. I want money in particular, since they won't be very useful now and our lights are broken. I only have one and I don't have any repair books, so that was kind of garbage. However, I managed to trade this villager using some. books and also just bought some glass compasses etc. and we got the final exchange, that's right, a name tag, I didn't have enough but luckily I had mafia books so I had enough haha, name tag, what's the name tag for? That's right, we have one. pet that's been with us almost all this time and that's freddy look at him look how cute he is you know what's not cute is a horse deserves to die why did I do that I don't know it's just me I guess I don't know no way I played carrots and then I saw the sunset on day 99 and slept in our bed on our beautiful base for the last time, which brought us to day 100 and look what we've achieved with some shaders, oh it's a nice base, I really like it this foundation, this is one of my favorites that we've done in the 100 day videos that I've done, oh however, at this point I'm kind of sick of deserts, I hate deserts, so here are my stats. to prove that I didn't cheat because I'm not a cheater and that would be terrible if I was a cheater.
I also have depth because this is not the extreme mode. There's nothing that interesting about these stats to be honest with you, it's just everyone there and here are all the mobs I killed, not many because there aren't many mobs in the desert anyway, thanks for looking

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