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May 22, 2024
What's up, spy


? We have made our way into the secret Roblox server of Roblox's Zorgo


and within their server we have built our own safe house because we are not going to allow people like you and people like us to continue hacking. We are here. To protect Roblox, we are tired of people getting hacked, having their accounts deleted, and having their Robux stolen. I have beef here playing with me and I have Daniel Regina and Melvin. What's happening? Everyone, James, the brother that represents, let's update. this as much as we can every day until this is the best way to hack



help us stop hackers in roblox   spy ninjas vs project zorgo
I'm glad you found me because I need your


. The


server we are on now is very dangerous. This is the exact


server. where real


hang out train and commit crimes these


are ruining everything roblox and then once you are strong enough go to the top of the black pyramid headquarters to shut them down forever now go to talk to Melvin and him. I will teach you how to fight hackers. They will be very angry once they find out that we put our safe house on their server. Oh my gosh, guys, I'm ready to go in.
help us stop hackers in roblox   spy ninjas vs project zorgo

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help us stop hackers in roblox spy ninjas vs project zorgo...

I mean, the door looks so good. It looks so good. says let's go talk to melvin now yeah i need to add muscles later melvin yeah you're so skinny bob sounds like regina just wants to talk to bob so you want to fight project


with us yeah see if you have what it takes no problem melvin i have moves in real life so let's see how i do in roblox remember we did this the other day we were fighting bob this is hey guys look at my moves hmm not bad but i wonder how well you do will go in a real fight. against the zorgo project i guess it won't be long before we find out let's talk to v oh i can't wait to see what i look like i hope i'm tall like everyone else wow v you're as tall as me you let me see let me see wow oh my god i'm so tall wow pretty accurate also melvin got my side part right i normally wear white pants okay let's talk to v see how you can


us defeat the zorgo project the dakota wheel is the tool we use to discover the secret language of the project circle find the red safe and decode the lock just like b taught us look at the decoder wheel oh, I believe it oh, I think he defeated me I'm going to decode whoa look that's perfect you're a great ninja spy I coins are the ninja points of those of us who were talking just wait until we find out what you can do with those ninja points in the bottom right corner look you can see how many ninja points you have let's talk to me wow regina wow look at you whoa I'm tall you're doing pretty well ninja spy i think you're ready to try hacking nothing hurts the zorgo project more than when we take down one of their server terminals by hacking it from the server terminal that's nearby oh laptop i encrypt it it even says spy on


dude it looks so much better than that trash can you made yesterday, hey, I tried it, but yeah, this is way cooler, but this is actually what project zergo terminals are going to do. looks like you press the action button and you're hacking it look at those tens flying all the bits are going down to zero you're going down to zero better there are more types of terminals we can hack click click click click click click click, ha ha ha, Ha ha ha, make sure you give it a try, turning those bits down.
help us stop hackers in roblox   spy ninjas vs project zorgo
See, once it reaches zero, amazing, there are more types of terminals that we can hack and they are hidden throughout the world of Project Zorgo. Be sure to try it. it comes out every time you see one now she said i have to go talk to daniel thanks for putting the cover on the pool melvin he put in daniel's shirt he joked about doing that here in the roblox world of project zorgo no place is safe From the prying eyes of the hacker If you ever feel uncomfortable as if someone is watching you equip this listening device The listening device tunes into the frequencies of Project Zorgo and allows you to focus on its location The device will be faster the closer you are I have a listening device is the ninja noise enhancer look at that Wow guys you can actually get this in real life at or wait there will be hackers daniel said we have to go where the beep is faster faster it's beeping faster towards the trash can it's beeping really fast oh my god so i have to press e to shake i don't know oh oh yeah let me try to shake the trash can oh boy oh boy he's behind me take out you're making fists he's coming after me fight chad fight okay let me raise your fists oh you did it that's what I'm talking about thank you Daniel for the positive encouragement.
help us stop hackers in roblox   spy ninjas vs project zorgo
The ninjas are happy to welcome you to our ranks. You are now officially a new recruit of the Spy Ninjas. Thanks Chad, I'm a new recruit now. oh, what's going on here at the front door? oh v oh no, no, the front door spy ninja, they need you at the front door, be picturesque, it's their way of doing it, there are actually hundreds of them now attacking the staple foods they don't like, we're inside from your server which must be the antivirus from the zorgo project private servers they are trying to break us from their server here they are I will protect the ultraviolet energy yes this against me it shows how we do it the projects are still trying to break. in defense of the safe house project zargo is super angry that we hacked his server oh god we need to protect chad he's the one keeping the connection alive so we can stay on roblox and fight the hackers oh no There are hackers charging.
By now they should have traced your connection signal. Quickly use your fighting skills to disrupt their connection. I'm going to protect my avatar from Chad. Here they are trying to disrupt our connection. Dude you guys stay away from this server yeah if you shut this server down. right here guys look at that green light beam, the hackers must have set up a terminal to steal our robux, pave the terminal with your laptops and


them and look, they must be storing roblox in these safes nearby, decode the box strong and be attentive. For other safes around the safe house, we will show those hackers that their plans will never work.
Oh my god, hackers are after me and they don't want me to shut down their server. Yeah, boy, let's take them down. This is what they are using. here to hack people on roblox for real, oh god, they're kicking my ass, my life is going down, i have to protect myself, oh my god, oh boy, okay, okay, okay, they're dropping all kinds of points Ninja, I have to get my laptop back. gotta hack them here we go here we go here we go here we go yes hackers have been able to cheat in this virtual world they can hide inside almost anything good thing we can use our listening device to listen to their broadcast signals I can use these ninja points to improve my character and that will allow me to fight the hackers more easily put the listening device there are hidden hackers I have to find them those good rounds of hackers we have a round one oh my god, these hackers are attacking us in multiple waves and set up multiple rounds oh boy look they go after the oh my god they go after that come on Chad run over there buddy they don't even care about me they care about Chad and the oh no no no oh terminal hacker. spawn I have to find it I have to find that green beam of light using the quarter wheel let's shake this tree oh boy I think a hacker just fell and is ready to attack me oh I'm losing so bad oh failure oh failure too better beat them The pirates computer guys first they are pretty strong if you lose all your life then it's over Chad the reason we failed is because we were playing separately but as spy ninjas we work better as a team together yeah luckily that was just the training.
The mission now begins for real, okay spy ninjas, now we are all together in the safe house and now we must protect the safe house from the approaching hackers, but what is very important is that we all must strengthen our characters because that will allow us to go after the black pyramid once we can build our character strong enough to enter the black pyramid, this is how we can shut down the zorgo project forever and


innocent roblox people from being hacked, why not Can you teach us how to improve our characters? Yeah, check it out guys, next to the lion statues, there will be four places here where you can spend all of our hardest ninja points and turn them into fortresses and scales, so I want to increase my damage right now, it's at 100 percent, I'm ready. at 105 damage you know where i'm putting all my skills i want to increase my sprint speed hacking speed is very useful when you need to disable project zorgo server terminals so i'm going to update this regina you are the best i have to hack speed, we also have the glider speed here.
Daniel looks good my friend, 155 damage. Wow, I want people to look at me and say, "Oh my God, that's amazing. I'll be watching you closely, that's not the only way to get better, guys." Check out this card doubler here. You can use the tokens you earn to buy packs of cards like Pokémon. Now we're talking, we don't have any tokens at the moment, although you should earn some CWC or spy ninja merch to increase that defense. everyone's defense will be zero until we can finally earn some merch to cover our tender bodies, let's check this place out oh it looks beautiful I sit here, me and I sit here I sit here this is my desk this is my desk put it on over here, let's look at the chick, the chicken, let's check the kitchen, you said that because I'm in the kitchen, uh, Daniel is just hanging out in the kitchen, here, what's going on, man, look at this bottle of hot sauce, oh , hot sauce, I have to go to the bathroom. breaking the toilet is here in roblox oh it's a little different like I'm not even kidding wow you really have to poop we have the plates here regina is hanging in her room what's going on regina there's the hatch right there oh can I inspect the plates let's look at these are all the youtube awards that the spy ninjas have received all the spy ninjas at home who join us inside roblox can live with us here in our roblox safe house that's cool melvin why are you in the bathroom?
He's pooping in real life, right? Now guys close the door Melvin geez we're all hanging out in the bathroom look at Melvin poop wow I can buy so many things here where are you? I'm in the armor room, the armory, what's up, Melvin? I want to buy some things Wow, look at all this cool stuff, if you collect 10 cards of a particular item then you can have it all right. Melvin is like your brother. Oh, why are you sweating? You're sweating so much. You know we're filming. I just understood what. I missed it? We're ok? No, no, everything looks good so far.
Oh my god, why am I so small compared to this? With the five of us we can face the black pyramid together. It's right there. I jumped over a fence by accident. are you ready to take down the black pyramid right now, yes, I'm ready, come on, are you ready, let's attack the pyramid, oh, what is this project? The absorbable force field surrounding the safe house has not been dismantled yet, continue to help the spy ninjas by making yourself stronger. Our characters are not strong enough yet Melvin, did you build this forest field? No, I did not do it.
This must be Project Zorgo antivirus. Oh my god, Project Zorgo doesn't want us to get to the black pyramid. I'm drowning? I'm still swimming. Course v would be in the jacuzzi because it is the only place where you can change comfortably. We all need to strengthen our characters to get through Project Zorgo's force field and reach the black pyramid and the best way to strengthen our character is. To collect more ninja points by defeating the hackers who try to attack our safe house, follow me, we can go to a meeting point this is where you can meet your friends.
I'm on the roof, everyone can press e to get ready, the hackers are incoming get ready to defend the safe house, let's all go baby, let's work as a team in the first round, start this virtual chad chad hey, you have to protect the virtual chad yeah these hackers shut down this server right here they will kick us out of roblox by entering from the left yeah rack up those ninja points the more points we earn now the more we can improve our stats what the heck dude this guy is huge i need help he did a super powerful move, oh my god, oh my god, everyone, yes, one round, oh, there's another round. of the packers that all come to the terminal don't stand a chance against the five of us, the hackers boom, yes, now we only have our hands and fists, but I think that if weWe come back strong enough we can use ninja gage, yes. can be updated oh it's okay oh god I'm sad about what happened oh my god the big one.
Wow, like half my energy was gone. Where is? Yes, look for a green light. That's where I don't see it this way. I work for you regina you are the best hacker and daniel is out oh my god they are attacking me help everyone help me guys there are hackers here where are you? where are you? I'm packing up the terminal oh my gosh you're way over there oh it almost goes down to zero bits once I get to zero this thing blows up three two one boom yeah thanks for helping me hack regina oh boy round three round three good job Chad I'm back guys I'm back catch these guys they're going after our terminal oh boy let's all go oh boy oh wow these guys are strong I need oh they beat me where are you?
I need to wait until the next round to respawn I'm down if you pay attention there is a bar at the top and if that hacker mask reaches the right side, we lose are these his remains right here the hackers are hiding now we have to listen to them with our power-up ninja spy noise oh no, where are you ready? okay I'll shake him if anything comes up get ready to attack ready yeah three two one shake him oh there he is he's nice nice yeah me and Melvin's back with a great job guys fourth round, hackers are taking over the front yard.
We have a server terminal in the front yard. We need to protect her. The hacker mask is making its way to the right. Come on, come on, come on. go, go, there are so many hackers, okay, I'll go to the backyard, I have the front yard, oh my god, someone help me in the back, oh my god, there's a giant one, yeah, oh my god, that mask hacker's going up to the right, oh my god, smash smash. smash smash I'm going to get a high view shoes I see it oh no oh no I'm coming they're so high up you can't get them two big guys come in three of them three huge guys oh no regina oh he He punched me once, oh there's no failure, let's improve our attributes so that we are even stronger next time.
Defend the safe house. We can do an even better job. There is a vending machine here where you can get cards. I'm going to buy a pack of cards, let's see what happens everyone, yellow headband, I have a super rare card, cool, I bet one gives you a lot of defense points, but I have to cut ten of them to be able to buy that merch, like this that we must continue accumulating ninja points and continue. cook ninja coins and improve our stats and get new equipment and if we can become strong enough then we can break through that force field and go attack the black pyramid.
Yes, this is a lot of fun, but can you imagine once we get past that force field? Beyond the force field you can see the Zorgo Project headquarters, the black pyramid with a big mask, there is even the stratosphere tower there, there are many things to explore. Project Zorgo is simply running freely on this server, so if we can overcome this force. field, we can stop them, but we need your help, okay spy ninjas, here we are the team, the five of us together with the five of us and the millions of you spy ninjas at home, if you join us, we can definitely defeat project zorgo , no problem. and we could be the heroes that save roblox, they will no longer hack players, delete their accounts and steal their robux, all you need to do is go to roblox and search for spy ninjas vs project zorgo, find that server, that's what we have hacked. and we change the name to join that server, enter here, strengthen your character and help us end the Zorgo project.
Great job, we were so strong with the five of us that it will become more and more fun the more you play and we see each other. in roblox right now

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