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The near-death phenomenon: Joseph Geraci at TEDxWilmington

May 21, 2024
one of the disadvantages of asking a retired ryeol teacher to speak while you receive a lecture from the moment of conception we are programmed to die that is a comforting thought that stuck today what seriously everything goes according to plan we are born drooling and doing poop in our pants and in many cases we end up that way some consider life as a circle that we start at one point we go around completely and end where we started however I consider life as a continuum, a straight line and


can come at any point on our line often before a completely sick accident can develop the crime can shorten it for some the temporary interruption in the line is a kind of setback a small mini pause if you will and meets


it is a


called near-death experience or NDE can also be the result of any type of traumatic illness, accident or crime.
the near death phenomenon joseph geraci at tedxwilmington
It is called near death for the benefit of the scientific community, but for those who have experienced it there is absolutely nothing like it, accounts of the experience may vary, but the experience itself has been rewarded by millions of people around the world of many different religions and even atheists or should I say ex-atheists and particularly young and old. There's no difference. My own research focuses on young people and how it impacted their experience. their education than their learning they had the same experience as adults but we are limited in their expressions they had problems verbalizing it their expression was through their behavior I discovered that they tended to be withdrawn and distant from regulations, sometimes they were labeled with disabilities of learning when in reality, according to their stories, they were totally bored with the elementary subject later in life, their thirst for knowledge led them to numerous degrees and profitable careers and, interestingly, quantum physics seemed to come up a lot in their talks, but that It's another story, the NDE.
the near death phenomenon joseph geraci at tedxwilmington

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the near death phenomenon joseph geraci at tedxwilmington...

The stories were well documented, have been widely published, and are almost a household word. You've heard of the out-of-body experience where people claim to have seen their bodies from above and be able to tell exactly what the CPR teams said, if that. a case we are making to you, you have heard about traveling through a tunnel towards a light, a life review where your whole life passes before you are with family and friends and finally the light is part of it at the end 1977, I myself had an NDE and although I may have led you to believe that I was going to share that experience with you, I lied, it is impossible for me to do so where there is nothing to compare it to in life, there are no words to describe the timelessness, the eternity, total knowledge, total peace. and the words of total love in our form of communication are only for here and fail miserably.
the near death phenomenon joseph geraci at tedxwilmington
Emotions, the excitement of experience give a clue and the only way I have personally been able to express emotion is through my poetry, a lot of it doesn't relate. just for the joy of the experience but also for your frustrations. I was lucky enough to have some of my poetry find its way into the hands of a talented musician in the UK and recently produced an album featuring the poetry and music, the cause of my setback in life. It was a flawed surgical procedure after which I bled to death a week after the operation. I lost less than half a liter of blood.
the near death phenomenon joseph geraci at tedxwilmington
I wish I could tell you it was a glamorous operation, but of all things it was a hemorrhoid on demand. There is no such thing as a simple operation I knew I was going to die and I knew my wife and kids were going to be okay I knew everything was going to be okay When I realized that I said goodbye to my life and I was clinically dead for 4 years 5 minutes with apology no vital signs during my brief encounter with eternity I was immediately immersed in the light I went from fear and pain to peace and love I was part of it it was part of me I felt oh I saw I felt like I had always been there and my life was just an instant of snapping my fingers and then bang, I'm back, I'm on the stretcher, CPR was successful, I didn't want to go back, I would just find where I was, thank you, which would explain, as I was told later , why he was fighting the CPR team to return to surgery for that operation again.
If you ever did it at once and measured it twice in two weeks. I soon learned that the handrails next to the toilet were not just for The handicapped cone was delayed a few days. I was able to reflect on the experience. I had never heard of an NDE. I thought I was the only one who had such an experience. It went beyond my traditional religious upbringing. I am a nice Italian Roman Catholic and have a very deep spirituality. level and it would be months before I could share it. The first time I didn't want to share it, it was too personal, yet the excitement of the experience welled up inside me to the point where I thought I would explode if I didn't.
I finally found the courage to share it with my wife at great risk because I thought you might think I finally lost my mind and that turned out to be the case for many people who experienced that reluctance to share it for fear of being labeled. Crazy, fortunately for me, my wife was understanding and relieved to know the cause of my strange behavior. Her support was very helpful. It is also interesting to note that several married people who have had an NDE end in divorce, the experience causes a deep feeling. change in one's personality that the spouse feels like they are married to a complete stranger and many times our marriage breaks down now the feeling also left me the experience also often with very deep thoughts and feelings about the importance and meaning of life just loving, that's all, no need to climb a mountain, look for a guru to tell you the importance of humor, the feeling of total knowledge that I was obviously not allowed to bring with me and the fact that suicide is a no - No, it is not the preferred entry option.
One day I was giving a guest lecture at a university about the experience. A young man in the back of the room raises his hand. It's okay, doctor, if that experience is so wonderful, it's so lovely for the other. On the other hand, why don't you jump out the window and come back after class calms down a bit? I said well, two reasons, one, we are on the first floor and the second, while you were talking to that young woman next to you. After listening to me, I explained to him why don't you mess with an old professor by adapting after the experience was difficult from a non-human experience to a human one again coming from an experience where there was no balance between good and evil, soft versus the hard, the good versus the bad. low evil vs hate or peace vs war there was no yin-yang as found here in life in nature no action vs reaction everything was positive nothing negative a plateau of perfection having to want to obtain it once again exists in a traumatic imperfect world I couldn't watch television because of its violence.
I couldn't watch cosmetics commercials because of the vanity involved and, much to my wife's chagrin, my personal appearance was not a very high priority. I also lost the corporate drive to get to the top of the ladder at work it took me time to accept myself, that I am capable of human flaws and behaviors. It bothered me a lot if he caught me getting angry or being unkind to someone. I wanted to hold on to that loving light I had come to. I know, however, I can now say with authority, after 36 years of readjustment, that I am fully capable of being wrong upon further reflection on the experience.
I thought it was interesting, I have never heard of anyone who has had the experience, who has committed a serious crime, who has killed someone who has been deceived. Someone joined a gang or started a war, perhaps the answer to this world peace concept would be for everyone to have an NDE. Imagine better what that clinic would be like, but there are many peaceful and loving people who have not had any ease, maybe we should do it. listen to them, pay attention to them and we can avoid trauma among the most peaceful and loving people you will find are very young children, they are the most innocent, honest, dependent and infected people on earth, they are incapable of lying, hurt or malicious.
They are the yang of human nature before being introduced into any abuse of a child is an assault on a very fabric of humanity and a low point that unites us as a former police officer. I have had the misfortune to witness some of the most horrible ones. The assaults and abandonment of children were beyond comprehension and unworthy of being associated with the human species. Children are the embodiment of peace and love in the NDE. They are what we once were and what we will be again. Perhaps one day the Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded.
It should be given to a child who has difficulties in life that is why I believe that life is a continuum instead of a circle because at the end of life, if we continue beyond our final drawing and defecate our essence, who We are beyond our physical characteristics. The love and peace that truly define us continues, just as we are programmed to die a conception, so I believe we are programmed to continue that death, thank you.

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