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I Read 200 Books on Money: These 19 Will Make You Rich

May 02, 2024


over 200


on how to



, 50% were pretty useless, 25% I think were wrong, and 19 changed my financial life forever. In this video, I


share the most valuable lessons from those


so that they can change your In life too, our goal is basically to learn how to


so much


that no one can ever tell you what to do again and then have some fun. We break these books down into four components: first you make it, then you build it, then you keep it. then enjoy it and all the books


be divided into those.
i read 200 books on money these 19 will make you rich
We also have a goal. We want to reach one million subscribers. Can help us? We are almost there. We believe we can achieve it by the end of the year. So, I'm going to do something really cool for all of you, press right. This whole segment is about mindset, so I started with a book by that name. This book by Carol Dwac is one of my favorites and will show you why. You should be more careful about how hard you work, not just how smart you are, why are you


ing this book? Because from now on, after reading it, you will only want to date, get married, get a job, or date people with growth mindsets.
i read 200 books on money these 19 will make you rich

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i read 200 books on money these 19 will make you rich...

A growth mindset means that you believe that your intelligence and talents can develop over time and can change. A fixed mindset means you believe intelligence is fixed, so if you're not good at something right now, you believe you never will be. One of my favorite quotes from Carol in this book is: Did I win? I missed? Those are the wrong questions. The right question is: Did I really do my best? If so, you may be outpointed, but you will never lose and it is very important. Understand the difference between these two types of mindsets, how they apply in your life, even in small things, like when I was a kid, people used to tell me, well, you're not very smart or good at math, Cody, but you work very hard. and at the same time. time I used to get angry and I used to think I was smart and good at math but I didn't agree with them and that little difference that they said maybe you're not that smart at it but you'll figure it out Because continuing to work on it means I worked on that skill for years and years and years until I eventually ran companies that had hundreds of millions of dollars under management and I was in charge of all the money instead of, for example, having a brother who was always told she was super smart at math and he was very good at it and he used to get very frustrated when he couldn't achieve something because he thought that because he hadn't won yet it meant he couldn't achieve it. very smart when in reality someone should have told him good job for working so hard no matter what your skill is, effort is what really ignites that skill and turns it into an achievement.
i read 200 books on money these 19 will make you rich
I rate this book as one you should listen to. It's a quick list. and you can write that there are probably, from my perspective, like four or five frameworks in here that will help almost anyone. Early Ray Dio Rey is a billionaire and a genius and he goes to Burning Man and he seems to have a bit of fun in life. In this picture he lives his best life and I think we want all of that, so this book is how to steal homework from a billionaire investor before reading the books that will teach you how to be


, you must establish the principles by which he lives.
i read 200 books on money these 19 will make you rich
Your life is this book and once you establish them, it helps you discover what your path is. Your goal is probably similar to mine. Happy and


. How do you get there? You have principles from which you do not deviate. I took away two important things. this book radical openness and radical transparency the idea is that you always give feedback and always tell the truth my dad used to say always tell the truth because it's easier to remember and that's a big part of this book now one of Rey's best quotes is that humanity's greatest strategy comes from people's inability to come to a thoughtful agreement to discover what the truth is.
Most of the time, why you will fail, why you will lose money and why you will lose in general, is because you don't actually want the truth. The truth is that you want to be right and if you can stop wanting to be right and want to find the truth, then The truth often leads to a lot of commas and a lot of zeros, this book will help you get to the story that I thought was fascinating. About Bridgewater, his company records every conversation, so if you're in a meeting, that meeting is immediately recorded somewhere in the cloud and anyone at any time can view the recording.
At first I felt like it was 1984, but in reality what happened. What it does is keep you truthful and honest and ensure that you are always asking for feedback and providing it. When I was at Goldman Sachs, the first thing we did was a 360-degree review every year, which meant a 360-degree review. all your peers would literally rate you as if you were standing here and rotate around you on everything from your skills at your job, your ability to meet deadlines, how good of a teammate you were, and that 360 review. degrees made me better and that was also one of the most challenging things to hear one of my favorite quotes from him: It's much more common for people to let their ego get in the way of learning that you and your ego are the reason why. the one you're not going to win nine.
One out of 10 times, someone else's ego will crush the truth. Another great story in this book is that Bridgewater employees receive baseball cards that are essentially performance evaluations that can be accessed by anyone in the company. These cards include your strengths, weaknesses, and where they are located. I think you should improve the idea is to create a culture where feedback is open, honest and constructive. Okay, you can get this framework from this book without having to read it. It's called five steps to achieving anything and it looks like this first. set goals, then look at what problems exist, then diagnose those problems, then design a solution for those problems and make the solution to those problems and then do it again and again.
His five-step process is often how I figured out how to take a problem and turn it into an action. This is a book that you definitely need to read because this particular book has a lot of things that you will want to highlight. You will want a dog. heard and, for example, if it's good enough for Bill Gates and Tony Robbins, who also read this book, and Ariana Huffington, I think it's probably worth you delving into those principles, this is my go-to book to clear my head , is called man. Find Yourself by ROM May and it's one of my favorites because it reminds me every day that you have one life, that's it and you better treat it right.
I hate wasting time when I can steal someone else's 10,000 hours, that's why I read and between managing businesses, traveling, speaking, hiring, etc. things get crazy quickly and other things can start to fall by the wayside one of the first things to go is your mind your mental health that's why I have a therapist, we pay consultants for our business why not hire a professional? for your mind and I totally agree with therapy because it makes us stronger not weaker, career move, use better help, who is sponsoring this video, you can learn more about it in the link in the description and get 10% discount on your first month. we're back, the idea is therapy made easy, you fill out a questionnaire to help them find the right match, then they match you with a therapist, usually in about 48 hours, they have 30,000 licensed therapists and if the first one isn't your choice, there's no cost To change things up is life is busy I need my therapist to work on my schedule and they do, we build the bank account and our bodies so let's give your skull some love too next book we have Tony Robbins Uh Money Master The Game is a great book for those starting to make money.
This made me realize that if you can't see it, you can't be it and you need a vision of what you want from money and what you don't want. I'll give it to you very specifically as well with similar exercises for writing down your dream life and how much it really costs and tangible goals to aim for. You will be surprised at how much more attainable your dreams are than you thought and he will give it to you. You have plenty of guidelines on how to do this with mental frameworks and visual charts that you can remember.
One of my favorite quotes from this book is: Do you dominate money or on some level does money dominate you and how you handle money is really a reflection of how you handle power since it's really just a power play the secret of wealth is super simple you find a way to do more for others than anyone else you become more valuable do more give more be more serve more and you will do Furthermore, how can you expect to be rich if you don't know what wealth is to you? That's what this book will teach you.
Basically, you have a destination in mind and then you get a framework to get there. One of my favorite frames he has. There are five steps, one is what I really want, that is the vision, two is what is important, the values, three is how I will achieve it, the methods, and four is what prevents me from achieving it. Obstacles like this guy with all these distractions, get out of here. and five is how I will know that I am successful in measurements, what cannot be measured, often cannot be achieved now, once you have that number in your head, that vision, that roadmap of mine was 100 thousand to the year in expenses I had so I knew I needed to make 200k a year to cover it and save a little bit on taxes and then a year later I hit that number so every year I write down what my number is and damn if I don't you reach, if you don't think. about it you constantly train your mind to believe that you can really achieve the success you want this sounds soft but it's real in fact I think the only thing that holds most people back is your belief that you will never achieve it this book is great to listen to in an audiobook, you don't actually have to have it printed in front of you like you do with the principles, okay, the next one, Choose Yourself and the Secondary Bible, okay, so this one is really a two for one, this is from James Ulture, they're going to teach you two things: one, if you don't choose yourself, you'll probably die miserable and broke, and a quote I love from this book is every time you say yes to something you don't want. you want to do this it will happen you will resent people you will do a bad job you will have less energy for the things you were doing a good job at you will make less money and another small percentage of your life will be consumed and burned a smoke signal for the future saying : I did it again.
The second thing you will learn in this book is that if you don't generate ideas and become an experiment machine, you will never get rich and the way to have good ideas is to get almost almost killed yourself it's like lifting weights when you lift a little more what you can handle you get stronger in life when the gun is pointed at your head or you realize or you die when you open up your ideas bleed and that's why I like seal his ideas on how to bleed another quote i love for him is what The only truly safe thing you can do is try again and again you try they reject you you make an effort you repeat you wish without rejection there is no border there is no passion and there is no magic so you can steal their idea generating uh machine with this book the framework that I love begins with the 10% success rate at the beginning of James' career he created nine different websites and they all failed one was like a dating site for smokers had a The hypothesis that smokers needed a way to find other smokers did not end working, nor did the smart or stupid dating site that included an IQ test that apparently rated people on how stupid they were, he didn't realize it at the time and in his tenth.
The website was a stock picker that had 1 million users in its first month and then sold for $10 million, so thank goodness it had all those flops to eventually get the big one, so how do you get better ones? ideas? James became famous for writing down his ideas. he writes at least 10 every day and he does them here, you can see it, he does it in this little notepad, basically, where once you start having ideas, you get better and better, so he comes up with ideas for other people for other companies and send them emails. All the companies he emailed responded that one of them was actually Jim Kramer at th, who ended up hiring James as a financial writer and then bought James' website stockist for 10 million, so this book is a super quick read, it's really easy and I think you should listen to it, you don't have to pick up the book and read it, it's okay, now you understand how to use the knowledge to form your own opinions once you understand it. that you can become obsessed with following the truth instead of the narrative if you want to be richer than 99% of the people you can't do what 99% of the people do you have to be a contrarian my favorite book in the world to become A contrary is called Economic Facts and Fallacies by Thomas Soul and thebook is so good, in fact, if you look at it, I have like 83 different things highlighted.
This book helps you find the truth in economic news. I read this book so much that every time I hear the name Thomas Soul. I can remember quotes pretty well and one of my favorite quotes that you've probably seen me tweet before is that the problem isn't that Johnny can't read, the problem isn't even that Johnny can. I don't think the problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is, he confuses it with feeling and the truth, as Thomas says, is that some things are believed because they are very true, but many other things are believed simply because they have been said a lot. repeatedly and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence, isn't the truth that someone says one thing over and over again until they make it true?
Your main objective in making a lot of money is to try to discover the truth from the facts. lies or the limit or No limit as the children say these days. I'm told Thomas teaches you how to do that and then he also has stories that will change your whole perspective on the way we structure society, it's a great eye opener and I hope you read it the next book is Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kosaki , it's actually a book that I read a lot back in the day so I have a lot of highlights. This is where I think you can make your first dollars if you haven't read this book and aren't worth a million.
Also, I would start here. It's like making money 101 if you're already worth 100 million. I could probably skip it. I read the Nicholas Nim TB aspect of the game, which is like the really rich person version of this, but it's more complex, so Rich Dad Poor Dad essentially boils down to two ideas, one is the flow quadrant. cash. where he puts people into two categories: those who see the world from an e or S point of view and those who see the world from a b and an i point of view. Those on the left side have less influence in the form of taxes on time and wages how they make their money they are not as leveraged as those on the right side who are business owners and investors because each person who generates their income on the right side pays less money on taxes and have more freedom in the way they earn, that's why the point of the book is very much here's the difference between the two and how you move to the right side and then explains some concepts like different types of linear income res residual active passive and explain to the average person that your whole purpose is to enter a world where you make money properly, think about it like this, who cares if you are an employee or not?
If you make money, you just have to make sure you're taking that money. and then invest it to make it work for you. I disagree with Robert on some things. I made a whole video about this. I think everyone in the world should at least talk to an accountant about having an LLC or corporate structure for taxes. use these guys they're Prime we can link them below if you want to see how I think about this so I don't really care if you're an employee or if you're a business owner but I do care if you take the dollars that you make and you apply to invest and earn more dollars some of my favorite quotes from Robert are like he says, for example, there is a difference between being poor and being broke it is temporary, poverty is eternal, basically, the mentality and then rich people.
Acquiring Assets The poor middle class acquire liabilities that they believe are assets, aka cars, boats, etc. This one I think you have to read the book, there are a lot of examples of graphs and the cash flow quadrant and it even has a board game if you have a super level one on one and want to learn how to play The Candy Land to make money. You can also play it. The next one is 0 to one. Peter Teal Now Peter is a billionaire, one of the founders of PayPal and is paler and One of the richest men in the world and apparently also holds a big grudge.
If you've ever read his story on Gawker, it's amazing, but what I learned from this is how to take big swings and when to really lean into the entire point of the book. It's basically to determine what game you're playing, if it's a good enough game, let me give you an example: agencies have about 15% margin, which means if you win a million dollars, you take home on average 15% or 150,000 compared to SAS. software as a service that has 75% margins and if you make a million you take home $750,000, they both make a million dollars, so it seems the same, but one company makes 60% more daily.
It has a lot of really interesting frameworks. is that if you want to make a lot of money you have to be contrary and be right and he has three contrary questions that he asks you and that you can ask yourself: the first is what important or revolutionary truth do you believe that no one else agrees with? the second is how much of what you know about business is made up of erroneous reactions to past mistakes, the third is what secrets nature doesn't tell you and what secrets people don't tell you and whether you can pause and have a vision contrary to them. and then you're right, you can make a lot of money, the next thing you have is this framework for being optimistic, basically four parts of this, on the left you have a defined optimism, on the right you have an indefinite optimism, below that defined pessimism, below of that indefinite pessimism, here is how they are defined in definite pessimism it seems like the future is bleak but you have no idea what to do about it definite pessimism means that the future can be known but since it is going to be bleak or bad we just prepare for it Indefinite optimism means the future will be better, but we don't know exactly how to change anything, so there are no specific plans where you expect to benefit from the future, but you see no reason to redesign it, and lastly, definitive optimism is that the future It will be better than the present if you make plans and work to improve it Which one do you think wants you to be the ultimate optimist and believes that the people who make millions and millions are the ones who are ultimate optimists and none of the rest?
I think my favorite part of this book is that it comes from someone who has had great success, and yet its conclusion is essentially this: get started, the world needs you. I think it's good to hear, you don't need to read the next one, which I have here. you are the $100 startup, this book is self-explanatory in the name, but it tells you how to start a startup cheaply, tells you that you have no excuses, and then presents a step-by-step plan to identify a marketing idea profitable on a budget and building a customer base if you don't have money couples dating I love it This value is created when a person does something useful and shares it with the world that's it, it's not as hard as we make it seem and Also I love this product death cycle framework that he has: first, you actually have features of a product, then you launch the product, at this point a lot of people say we need a bigger launch, more plans, third, you have a initial increase in users, so a lot of users start joining, then the fourth growth flattens out, users start dropping, you start wondering what's wrong with it, so you add more features to the product and then you launch the product again and then you see people start adding and users get onboarded.
Get on it and then you see the product flatten out again and the reason this is useful is because once you understand what a cycle is like in startups or entrepreneurship, you understand what's coming, you prepare for it and you don't You get scared when it appears. This book is great if you haven't started before reading or listening to it. I think it's a heavy to-do list read for you so I would read this book number nine 48 Laws of Power Robert Graen, this book will totally mess with your mind in a great way, it's really dark, sneaky and kind of mischievous. and yet it is true that every power uses all these laws.
I think feeling helpless is a miserable experience as if given the choice, you would opt for more. Instead of having less power, however, he doesn't really like people to be cunning and subtle in their conquest of power, so in this book he argues that if you can charm and deceive your opponents you will obtain supreme power, such as maybe not all. These are ethical and you never want to use them, but you can't understand sexist tactics if you don't know what they are, so at least you can see the other games people play by reading this book.
My favorite quotes are for example, attention is the most important asset of the 21st century, if you want to influence people, don't change their mind, change their attention, he also has the first law, I actually think it's one of the best laws and never overshadows the master, he says, always make those above you feel comfortably Superior in your desire to please or impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you could achieve the opposite. Inspires fear or insecurity. Make your Masters seem brighter than they are and you will. reach the heights of power I discovered this to be actually true.
I've worked at a lot of really big corporations and I can tell you that the mistake I made over and over again that led to other people getting promotions and more money was me Outshining the Master. I thought what we should do is just win and a lot of times, especially in a corporate situation, what you need to do is make it look like the guy or girl above you is the winner and you're there to support the second guy. in what threats. the teacher with your accomplishments is often the second you will be pushed out of the way for someone else.
It's not a pretty story, but it's true, true, and this book is full of things that are politically incorrect and also true. I think this is a reading. It is a beautifully crafted book. It takes a little complexity to read, but you guys can handle it. 48 Laws of power. The following is from a friend of mine. Alex Horos. There are 100 million offers. This book is a must read if you are struggling with product-market fit or how to sell things people want for more money your problem isn't actually your lack of sales, it's probably that your product sucks, the market isn't saturated, their business sucks too, I have had to say these words to myself often you will too and this book by Alex can help you change that there are a couple of quotes that I love in this book the degree of pain will be proportional to the price that you will be able to charge reduce their pain charge more or the longer you delay the request, the greater the request you will be able to make, the longer the runway, the larger the plane that can take off.
These Frameworks are really very important. The other interesting part of this book is that Alex has a bunch of really simplistic hand-drawn Frameworks to make. you understand complex things like product-market fit or the lifetime value of a customer. If you are going to read this book, I recommend you read it on a phone because there are a lot of breakdowns, frames and graphs, let's move on to the next one. You Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss Incredible Book is also a really interesting human being, so Chris Voss was probably the greatest FBI negotiator of all time and this book bends the reality of his counterparts.
A couple of psychologists in the book found that people will take more risks. It's better to avoid a loss than to play a game, so you're essentially using your counterparts' fear of losing to persuade them that they'll lose something if a deal falls through. Brilliant and this is just one lesson from this book by the world's most famous negotiator. A Harvard student reads this about negotiation and every time I go and do something important I go back and listen to a chapter or two because I want to change reality to fit my world. One of the quotes I love from this is "He whom he has learned." disagree without being unpleasant he has discovered the most valuable secret of negotiation make him like you the second one that I love is that he always says that hope is not a strategy so I was negotiating a pretty complicated relationship situation and I went back and listened this book like I do when I'm stuck in a negotiation.
I don't know how to change and I use a technique from the book. Here's a technique that I think is fantastic and it's simple and that's when someone asks you something. Pause, how uncomfortable it is, didn't you find it a little strange just with 5 seconds of pause? What often happens in a negotiation is that when you pause and feel comfortable in silence, your counterpart will not feel comfortable in silence and so will jump. come in and fill the silence and you just did a power move and often just them jumping in to fill the silence means they're going to lower their position and you're going to increase your position and whoever is in the power position and appears to be the someone who at least once usually wins this book is so good that I think you should not only read it but also listen to it because what is really important in a negotiation is something called intonation, so how does your voice sound if you say, for example , If that sounds good?
Does it sound like a question mark at the end of the sentence? If you say that sounds good, it isDefinitely, the deal is done and hearing Chris Voss use his own intonation in the book will teach you a lot about negotiation in the next book. This is from my friend Jay Papasan and this book is very good because it reminds you that you can have everything you want, but not all at the same time. Jay partnered with the founder of Keller Williams, which is the largest private real estate company in the world. Gary Keller is a billionaire here in Austin, Texas, and there are a lot of things I like about this book, but I'm going to read you a couple of quotes that are my favorites.
In fact, I read them all when you do the right thing. Which can free you from having to monitor everything. This is really important because it turns out that for the most part task switching is what kills us. Basically, there are a lot of cool graphics here and we'll expand on them, but most of them. While our work represents 20% of what we do each day, 80% of what we do is found in the spaces in between our main tasks and this book talks about all the ways you can focus on the one thing you want. It will drive everything.
In my team I say non-stop, find the 20% that drives the 80%, which is called the stoppage principle, it is a real rule that is found in nature and that in every situation there will almost always be two things out of 10 that will be the most important and if you do those two things you can forget about doing all eight which is great, how Jay talks about it is the only thing that gets difficult because unfortunately we have accepted it too. many others and those others are what he calls getting confused in between, small things that will never generate huge results.
If you're going to read this book, this is what I think you read it once, actually like this, you highlight it and then Listen to it because this is the kind of book you come back to. There is a particular framework that I find useful for setting goals and it is called goal setting. Basically what it means is that you move on from your someday goal to someday maybe me. I would like to have this for 5 years, a year, monthly, weekly, daily and right now and if you can take your big goals and break them down like that, it becomes like eating an elephant, one small bite at a time, this book. it's really interesting, super easy to read, the following is called fusion m ERS, this book is old school and if you read it, you will feel a little pain in front of you because it is difficult, it is a really dense book. written by incredibly smart billionaires and millionaires because the point is mergers and buying businesses, that's how I've made my tens of millions of dollars.
This is the game of the rich, they don't buy things, they buy Empires and although this book is not easy. to read it, if you can understand it and bring it into your everyday psyche, you can find a way to millions of it. I'm pretty sure one of my old bosses when I was on Wall Street said that if you can really understand the words risk, arbitrage, and put it into practice, you'll print millions and I tend to believe risk. Arbitrage is a fancy word for old-school mergers and acquisitions. They used to see essentially a situation where a merger was going to happen between two companies and they were either undervaluing or overvaluing.
This merger happened and whatever the difference was between what they thought the value was and the price was the risky trade they were doing. This thing in the middle is called arbitrage, the difference between two things and they would make what is called the spread between the two, how much space there is between two prices, risk. Arbitrage was the first way billionaires were made on Wall Street and this book can help teach you the game. If you understand risk, you will know how to earn more. Here's a quote. I love how to do it. you make money spinoffs spinoffs liquidations mergers and acquisitions If you don't understand those words, you also need one of the other quotes from the book: You don't have to be right all the time, not even Ted Williams for you young people, that former baseball player struck out three five times and he was still in the Hall of Fame, so this will teach them that if they understand the distribution enough, they don't always have to be right because there is room for maneuver. read this book, it is almost impossible to listen to it.
It will cross your mind in summary, written by John K. The title says it all. A guide to financing an investment for normally intelligent people who are not in the industry. They are not idiots, but they can be idiots when it comes to finances. This book is the book for you. This book is really interesting because it breaks down from one of the smartest economists out there. A very precise description of what finances are. It is crude, opinionated and The purpose will be for you to understand the finance industry, maybe a little bit of the dark side of finance, but it is better to know the enemies you are facing and there are many enemies when it comes to making money. quotes I loved from this book it's hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it, the other is that stock markets are not a way to put money into companies, but a means to get it out and Finally, I believe that you can't win the game if you don't know what you are playing and who your competitors are.
This book is how short this book is. This book is like 250 pages about pretty much everything you need to know about the finance and investing game and then at the end, for you guys, there's something else really interesting which is a glossary of financial investing terms, if you speak the language of money. , it turns out that they can earn a lot more with it, so it has everything. Here, from similar values ​​to beta values, benchmarks, blue chips, alternative investments, alpha and everything in between, you have about 30 pages of definitions to make your life a little easier if you don't understand why you're reading.
I would read. This, instead of listening to it, master the venture capital game, a venture capital expert reveals how to take your startup public on your terms, if you want to raise money and do venture capital, you should read this book The Capitalists risk and the rich. They speak contractual terms and jargon. This book, along with the other two, will teach you the terms familiar to those who raise money in Silicon Valley. Master this or impress your friends with all the words you know. A couple of ways to know if you should read. this book or not, do you know and understand what liquidation preferences are?
Also known as who gets money first when investing and if something goes wrong, do you understand what the protective provisions are? Those are things that VCS or investors can put in there and you have to be very careful because then they can monitor you being an investor in your company, so if you understand those two, maybe you don't have to read it, if not. I would read this book when I started raising money and then started looking into investing. in startups I read this book and all the books I could find on startup investing, this is probably the only one you need.
It saved me millions of dollars, starting with the fact that I could actually understand and read a term sheet which is like a kind of investment one1 and also to make sure that I understand when I met with other startup founders with other investors we were all talking the same code is almost like going to Mexico and not speaking Spanish, first you want to speak with your duo slang that's this book, some of my favorite quotes from this book are: if you're going to fail, fail fast and cheap, there's no stigma in fail that way, very VC and the culture of a startup is that you have a mission, not just doing a job now why those two things are important is because when you are in the startup field you have to realize that it is totally Unlike anything you've done when you're investing, investing in a startup is betting on hopes and dreams. help you make sure that if you're going to do that, you'll really know how likely those dreams are to come true if you read it or listen to it read, but be patient, it's not a fun book, we're not here to have fun, we are. here to make some money so now you have the mindset, you have the money, you build the skills to keep making more money now we focus on how to keep it and there are two books to do it, one from good to great, first line in the book good is the enemy of great Jim Collins uses basically a decade of research into conquering how to make good companies great and then shares the findings with you.
He uses two main frameworks on how to turn a good company into a great one. company, which means a company that makes a lot of money, is built through the innovative flywheel. This is what it looks like. A flywheel is essentially a specific process of figuring out the best way to achieve future results that overlap each other so that you get a result or when you achieve a result it starts pushing the flywheel without you having to do any work, think of it as a wheel hydraulic with a river running through it and the main framework he talks about is that you need three things that I need disciplined people, disciplined thinking and disciplined action, and if you can get those three, then you can build a great company that will survive long after of you and that also generates a lot of money without having to work all the time.
It basically involves getting the right leader and the right team. Discipline means understanding brutal facts and establishing a core set of values, and disciplined action means creating a culture in which the right people will work within the defined values ​​with the right amount of freedom, aka no. - micromanagement and I love this description and the image it has, if you want to be so good, others do the work for you, you also have to be a level five leader according to him and that means there are five different levels that you can start as a highly capable individual, then you go to a contributing team member, then you go to a competent manager, then you go to an effective leader, then you go to a level five executive that you can see right now via a questionnaire on the book. whether you're at one of those five levels or which of those five levels you're at, and once you get to the top, it turns out that it's a lot easier to make money over time and actually keep it as one of my other favorite quotes from this.
I harass my team a lot, when in doubt, don't escalate when you know you need to make people change, act with an exclamation point now and put your best people in the biggest opportunities, not the biggest problems, let that be sink into a Second, we often want to get things off our chest, so we hire people to do the things we find problematic. What we should do is hire people to do the things that will have the highest return on investment or return on investment for you, maybe a quick rule if you don't understand hiring, you will never be really rich, you have to understand hiring, You can never make multiples, multiples, millions on your own, you just can't do it, so one of the keys to hiring that I love from his book is that you don't hire unless it's a complete yes, if it's a maybe keep going. forward.
I would listen to this book. I don't think you have to read it, eh, and sometimes they listen to things while I make a great one. end only the paranoid survive Andy Grove uh CEO of Intel imagine that your company is about to die you are running out of money you do not see steps forward you are not sleeping and you are worried if you do not make an immediate decision change you will fail miserably keep this book next to your desk by that time almost every leader goes through the same thing that Andy did at Intel and you can steal his homework you know he had some of my favorite quotes of all time like strategic change doesn't just start at the top, it starts with your calendar, which is a micro appointment that will have a macro impact and the other one that I really like is that if you make a mistake, you will die, but most companies don't die because they make mistakes. they die because they don't commit, they waste their valuable resources while trying to make a decision, the biggest danger is standing still, really true, this is a total listen, you can listen to this at 2 and 1 half speed and end up like 2 hours, the last segment complete this, you've made money, you have a lot of it, you know how to build it, you know how to keep it, then something strange happens, you start to realize that a lot of people with money are miserable and suck to be around, so these last two books will help you not to be a miserable rich man.
I was actually thinking about putting together a whole YouTube video about it, if you want that video put it in the comments for later. I think there is a very specific way for you to make a ton of money and have a lot of fun while doing it, but we'll start with these two books: Your Money or Your Life, this book sparked the whole fire movement, if you've heard of that . A brilliant book written by a woman who basically said that the key is to remember that everything you buy and don't use, nothing you throw away, everything you consume and don't enjoy, is money down the drain, wasting your life and energy and wasting The finite resources of the planet, any waste of your life energy means more hours wasted in the rat race, dying and ithe meant that on purpose, instead of making a living, you're making him die, so how you spend your money is your vote on how you want.
The world exists and this book Vicki does an incredible job of listing exactly how she opted out of the rat race, how she specifically saved what she needed to retire early and enjoy her life. Vicki hasn't had a job for decades. and she has inspired a movement of tens of thousands of humans to do the same. In fact, this subreddit is about fire movement and how to do it. There is also a very famous guy, Mr. Money Mustache, who talks about all this in details that I don't know. I like that game a lot. I like to earn money.
I find this all funny and there's another group called Fat Fire that says: Can you be rich and also retire early? That one appeals to me, but this is a great book to read because I remember the first time I read it years and years and years and years ago. I must have reduced my expenses by like 75% after reading one book, which meant it probably saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. It's more interesting when you make a lot of money realizing you don't need it to enjoy life and then the latest adventure capitalist book.
I read this book by Jim Rogers when he was traveling through Latin America building a multi-million dollar asset management business, if you ever have. he wanted to make a lot of money while he ventured into the joy of exploration; This encourages people like you and me to reach out into this big world, get out of our comfort zones, and really approach life with a sense of curiosity and excitement while earning tons of money. Jim's money is fascinating. I've known him over the years and, in fact, he worked with George Soros on the first fund they had.
He had something like a 100% return multiple, which was crazy at the time. He made a ton of money and then he got ready and decided to ride his motorcycle all over the world, starting in Latin America and he invested as he went and then he designed a crazy looking Mercedes, you can see this with a convertible and he drove all over Europe, Asia and Africa doing the same by investing. He went from gold Rolexes and Gucci loafers on Wall Street to Boots and being something of what is now known as the Indiana Jones of finance. This book was the first for me.
At that moment I felt like I could really have an adventure and also be a billionaire, so I want to leave it to you because maybe it will also inspire you to ditch the loafers and put on boots and I think that's better for everyone. We all agree, that's a lot of books to read, if you don't want to read 6,638 pages, just subscribe to the newsletter link below. I publish a very quick, less than five minute read newsletter every week that will teach you a lot more than the MBA I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on, so you should subscribe

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