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These Memes Are Hilarious...

May 14, 2024
Alright, welcome back guys, ready, this is going to be a Discord game, this is called, you know what my meme is, oh okay, oh no, okay, so if you want to join the Discord, link in the description, second thing, if you know a good meme, hit the like button. it turns blue when you press it what I don't know what uh I don't know I'm going to start pressing the subscribe button let's do this just like how this works they'll give us a message like the sigils are oh beautiful look Biffle trying to explain the recent news of the Pop culture, how's it?
these memes are hilarious
Well, we'll give him a gift to show what Biffle would look like while he's trying to do this, guys, please be nice if we're trying to explain recent pop culture news. I just so we can search for a term I'm going to search for this okay please know exactly what I am guys please guys please oh then one of us will show the answers and then we'll vote on who you think okay, Pat, are you? doing oh my god it's okay I'm doing it thank you I don't know I don't know it seems like people were also okay okay literally headaches across the board for those who know I have migraines , okay, okay, wait. yeah oh my god are you trying to explain to me what's going on? oh no, no, give me both.
these memes are hilarious

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these memes are hilarious...

It's a Discord kitten. I got 200, so I got two votes, so each vote counts for 100. The waiter tells you to enjoy your meal and you thank him, the plane door may close and there will be no one sitting next to you on the plane. plane. Both are pretty good. They are all pretty good. Yes, the one above is better. Don't know. I know I'm doing it right so when the waiter says enjoy your food and you also say thank you oh no how do you spell this word? Did I spell it right? Wait, what should I find good when trying this, let me try this word.
these memes are hilarious
What happens if we do the same? Because we just like the same brain. This is good. Oh, they are so good. Take your time. I'm still charging. I have time yet. I have 30 seconds. These are difficult. Do you know? I have to make sure everyone laughs. I think I'm going to follow my instinct. I'm going to follow that one. Yes, I said: read them carefully when the service says: enjoy your food and you say things too. Stop acting so stupid. Okay, yeah. the other way around nice, that's true, okay, okay, okay, what have I done? I love pandas, panda, panda, panda, I'm not a smart man, wait, why is Biffle in this white, is it White Strip?
these memes are hilarious
It just looks good, wait a minute. I gave whoever it was poop, um, oh. these are all pretty good I'm not going to lie to you all, it's okay I'm a very confident person, okay looking for Sunday gifts here we go we'll all relax buddy I'm already locked in. I'm stuck on exactly what to do. Pon, I've been training my whole life for this moment, you shouldn't look for Sunday often, I know every single one, I just need a jet, oh honorable, I can't do that, that's horrible, oh, seriously, what what's wrong with you? Do you think that?
I'm alive, oh, I think I know with Sigel's friend, so I don't want to click on it, but I could click on it. I think anyway maybe if you choose exactly the same one, no I can't do it, it's a shame, it's a shame I can. Don't do it, it's a shame, I can't do that, oh really, I'm doing this now. I am nervous. What he was thinking. What I was thinking. I'm thinking what he's thinking eight times. Alright. I'm presenting. I mean when you ask someone what they want to eat oh oh no no oh no oh what do they want to eat oh because it's vegan I'm not vegan oh there's no one here either okay I'm going to see what they want to eat why okay get rid of him, get rid of him, no, what do you have to study what they want to eat?, wait, no, no, why is Gary here?
That's Gregory, right? Gregory, thanks, okay, these are good except for four, but all of them. right, there's only one that's good yes yes, I like this one this one I'm really voting for that one this was very good this one is very good which one do you have to say which one I can't see that one right there spell it out loud I'm literally the winner is okay who wins I did the thank you um so here's the standings currently wait I couldn't see it a three way tie the next round will decide the sausage seeing someone wearing the exact same shirt as you oh god oh I know what to do oh I know We're all going to do this, we're all going to make the meme, right?
Everyone, yeah, we should say don't make the meme, no. I don't know the meme, what is the meaning? I'm pointing out. Yes, exactly, we all will, so don't vote for him. Okay, I have a good meme. Listen, we all will, so he sees. what this is not good at I don't like this one I don't like you but you know we're here okay uh no I don't like those oh shit oh I have mine we're fine I have a 20 second wait in 14 seconds this one oh you're running out of the creatives nor that's not even the right one that's Stephen King why is that and Colbert and Colbert what the hell I'm going to fart with that a couple of friends here pretty good oh yeah one of us is going to have to change Jimmy Fallon yeah no that's it Jimmy Buffett Myers yes Spiderman we agreed no Spider-Man's I like this I like this one with the adult games look at me oh it has points increased oh wow Stephen King wait who voted for me I voted for the girl I did it hey I don't have any , I don't have any either, poop, we're not funny on Sunday, can you take my car, his car, oh yeah, why is it always me, you know, you know why this is going to be good, oh?
This is going to be really good, you know who I am, so yeah, I got it, I got it, I got it saved on my desktop, don't worry, wow, that's cheating, what do you mean? I do not know what. I'm going in, I'm going to this is when you know cars as well as I do, you know what's really hard, yeah, the car is the movie, you know what I'm doing with this one, I'm doing that one, this is a good one, This is so good, why also pick me, pick me as a stealth so we can have a ball prank?
I don't know, yeah, come on, dude, I said, I'm sorry, hey, I'll introduce you guys on Sunday when we, oh God, oh God. oh god, we can take my car, his car, I like it, it's a good car, it's just a monster truck, it's a chili, this is a chili, it's okay, it's hot, it's hot, oh for that one, I voted too , I voted for that one, the winner is, come on. no, that's not true no, that's not true. I didn't get any votes. I think you are the worst monster truck. Does this do anything? I know, it's okay, I'm already dead.
I'm fine, okay, I can't use it, this guy


. himself so much on the internet, although like no, I can't do this to myself, come on, it means just do it, but he


on the internet a lot, but I don't know, that's too bad, just do it, you can do it. okay, okay, listen, listen, he does it, he memes himself, he does it, he needs himself, so okay, what do you mean he moves all the time if I don't laugh, no you get my vote, oh no, are you about to? see, it's okay, it's literally memed all the time, this is about to get bad, we'll know which one it is immediately, Patrick stops, you can take a day off, it looks like you're okay, are you okay, hard work, oh Well, that's dumb and dumber right now your job, huh, hey, what's going on there?
Oh man, that's okay, that's funny, bro, SpongeBob's brain, yeah, I think so, okay, okay, that's good, I promise you I said if you made me laugh I'd vote, oh man, am I a Bad person, that doesn't make me a bad person, right, no, no, no, no, no, no, yeah, wow guys, I went from zero points to I think I'm going to be the leader. I got 200, although hey hey, I got zero and that was it. That's not nice of you guys, come on, wait at the 300 marker, wait guys, okay, Biffle wins, guys, do me a favor, hit the like button, hit this.
I don't Biffle. I'm going to report them to the SPCA.

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