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Jacob Rees-Mogg at risk of losing his seat as Tories face electoral wipe out

Jun 29, 2024
That sleeping in the commons thing really bothered me, um, I don't think he's in touch with all the people I might say, but I don't think he is, I don't think he listens to anyone but himself and him. he is simply an example of what is wrong with the government at the moment the polls suggest that Labor could win under Dan Norris, but that doesn't excite you anymore, it doesn't excite me because my impression of the senior candidates. It's, um, that, that I've seen on TV reports and what we, to me, are acting unprofessionally, all this infighting talking over each other and I think it's absolutely shocking and I don't have any of them. . they're jumping all over me, plus the dishonesty about budgets, their behaviors, I just think it's a disaster, yeah, yeah, and then you say conservative, you're, would you describe yourself as a conservative man then, but you can't, yeah, but you can not? support the party no, is there anything in particular why not just frustration anymore?
jacob rees mogg at risk of losing his seat as tories face electoral wipe out
I just think they've lost the support of the country as a whole, like us, you know Boris Johnson and all his lies and all that, and then, and then, you come. to rishy sunak and yes nothing is building up anymore, yes it's just time for a change, could childbirth really take her


away from her? Do you think that could be a possibility? I don't think it's possible. I think we're pretty solid. solid group here so I'll certainly vote conservative, but having said that, I'm pretty unhappy with a lot of things that's been going on, um, but I'll still put my conservative vter, yeah, and in terms of when are you casting that vote next week? is what it means to make that decision for you is that you've always been a supporter of Jacob S


, is it the bigger party or is it more of looking at the electorate?
jacob rees mogg at risk of losing his seat as tories face electoral wipe out

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jacob rees mogg at risk of losing his seat as tories face electoral wipe out...

To be honest, I'm a big fan. rishy actually I think he's a good honorable man I think he's trying to do a good job, he's starting to give a little, you know, maybe if he'd waited a little longer, some of the results might have gotten, but but . We're where we are, so, yeah, I think, I think, I think Richi is probably the one I'll stick with because he's the person I feel like I can trust more than everyone else that's out there right now. All this nonsense with gambling is really interesting and you even mentioned that you know you're looking for a bit of transparency next week to the point where some of the more niche parties could get your vote if they just said this is the situation, right?
jacob rees mogg at risk of losing his seat as tories face electoral wipe out
Who did you mention you could vote for? I had this conversation with my son this morning, he was asking me what I'm going to do and I told him that he just got the pamphlet on my doorstep about the Crow Monster, Looney. party with baked beans all over your


and I thought I might even accept that, why are you voting Labor next week? I mean, I've always been a very conservative person um like um I like values, but in general what we've actually accomplished in the last few years or the last 10 years or so, um, it's just gone downhill I think. that it's time for a change, yes, it's time for a reevaluation of the country, you really aren't.
jacob rees mogg at risk of losing his seat as tories face electoral wipe out
Not a fan, do you think you know that we value surveys a lot? You know, we think we're looking at the polls every week. MRP polls, you seem to know that the Americanist supermajority has almost been used for this landslide. That could happen, but do you really see Northeast Somerser making the switch? You know people still came out that day and put a cross next to work if or somewhere else so Jacob would lose a


, do you think it's possible? everything is possible because until all those people vote and you know that at the end of the day everything will be possible.
I think there will be a lot of people being very brave and changing their vote from what they would normally vote for. but that's ok or not to vote at all it's been a strong conservative electorate since 2010 yes knowing it's now labor yes I think it will make a difference to the final result so I think the inevitable final results will be a Labor wins so they'll get the Labor victory and then it's up to the Conservatives to start fighting back later, yeah, among my co-workers, my partner, like we're all people that I talk to, they're all very conservative people. but yes, everyone is involved in the labor movement, yes, yes, and how do you feel?
Is there any enthusiasm for a Labor government for you or is it just going to be, let's see, let's see, yeah, it's a big


, you know, like running the country and what? they are what they are trying to achieve, so I just don't know. I'm not sure I'm being honest. I told my partner I don't even want to vote, but she said, "you know yourself." Like I have to vote and yeah, that's it, yeah, we talked earlier at the coffee. We're about to finish and we bump into each other again and I said you know you're not the only one saying those words of frustration even when a Labor voter in a pretty strong Conservative seat and you had a few more words to say so we thought we'd We might know how he feels.
I just wanted to add from my professional head that I was a hospital social worker for over 30 years. years, so I have first-hand experience of the trials and tribulations of the NHS and health and social care. If the candidates, all of them, sit still and say they are not going to increase taxes, they are not going to increase insurance. All of these services are going nowhere but down. If they were honest and looked at the budget and thought about x amount of pounds each person in the country can afford, these services would improve, there would be no ambulances queuing.
Upstairs there wouldn't be people in the hallways for hours on end, our loved ones wouldn't be there, we wouldn't have been able to get a bed for over 2448 hours, sometimes even more AO GP appointments, all those things are a mess and you mentioned that you are not a fan of Richi Sunak. You're not a fan of everything else going on in the game right now. Rum is a kind of post-election leadership debate that is already doing the rounds. What do you think about that? Frustrating, isn't it when they just can't settle down and just get this out of the way and then it's understandable that they might go for someone new, um, which is fair because it'll be, you know?
Something new they have to deliver because they will be fighting to get back into the government, so Richy may not be that person. I don't know, but hopefully, you know, if they lose, they will. They'll do what they have to do to get back in, but it's all these rumors and you know, all these things that, um, in a way, distract them, um, it's frustrating, you know, and even from before, um, Boris Johnson, it's There's been a whole confusion since then, a sort of Brexit, really from there, the lies about Brexit and what they were going to say they were going to do and what they haven't achieved and just leaving Brexit has left to the country in a It's a bit of a mess anyway, yeah, it's interesting that you mention Brexit because, like I said, we're here in North East Somerset?
Jacob ree MOG seat here, he was a strong supporter of Brexit, you know, he fell out with people about it, he got promoted to the cabinet. through Brexit with Boris Johnson, yes, are you a Brexiteer yourself? I was, you were fine, so you voted, you voted for, I voted to leave, yeah, and how do you feel now, I was sorry, my parents were very focused, you know, because the older ones. generation, we're like you regret it and if we leave, you know it's going to be hard, your parents are going to stay, yeah, right, right, and again, the main word is frustration, yeah, and I think most people would.
I mean look back. I was nice, they made people very naive about what was going to happen and there was no chance it would ever happen. Yeah, you're saying you're frustrated with this game story, but you want a little more detail so you think there are deg


to this you also know they certainly report to you and you don't know what level of play they're doing you know if it's like it's like a you to me if it's like an A5 footer like who really cares yeah, but no one Have you ever said what the number is?
Do you know if there are thousands and thousands and thousands then and they are benefiting from it? You may think well, that's definitely wrong, but I think the numbers are starting to come out a little bit now, so I saw a couple thousand come out the other day and you think, well, that's too much. I feel like the big talking point with this as well is that it's almost insider knowledge, right? It's not necessarily about the money, but from your point of view, it's more about the money than the kind of no, no, I think it's the principle that's wrong, yes, but the size of the story, um, so Maybe it just needs to be managed a little more sensibly.
I am absolutely a historic Labor voter and you know this is a line that they are pushing for change. We will be the party that sought this, but you are not convinced by what they have been saying during the campaign. I am not convinced. because you can't convince them because they focus on the terrible financial situation, there is no resolution in what they say, they simply say that they are not going to increase the taxes that are in place. You are not going to ask us for more money, so how are you going to do it?
Know? Do you think that could be possible around here? Probably yes, yes, yes, thanks to people like you, you know it's conservative, but you can't, I can't


the vote, yes. Yeah, I mean, I've always been conservative since I was able to vote since I was 18 years old. I'm 32 now so that's a long time, yes it is, yes.

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