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A divided island | Politics and poverty on the Isle of Wight

Jul 03, 2024
There are no jobs here, it shows that many workshops are closed. Jobs right now are normal for a job so if you live in view C or live in cows and live in places like that then maybe you are in a good position but if you live in cities and outer areas of the


, there is a lot of


and in general it is good. I will not be voting Labor or Conservative, most importantly right now here. um and and around is the Reform Party John Keats was so inspired by the Isle of White that he wrote something beautiful it's a joy forever it's the epitome of the kind of romantic pastoral electorate that Tori MPS dreams of representing maybe that's why it's been a safe Conservative seat for the last two decades, but in this election the white election has been


into two electoral districts, which threatens the future of the current representative Bob Sil, but that is not the only dividing line in the white a


, the Cost of living is skyrocketing and inequality is rising as parts of the


literally crumble into the sea.
a divided island politics and poverty on the isle of wight
What are the issues that matter to voters here? I think it's a cost of living crisis there. There are many people who struggle on the island even though we are quite well. -In a way, people think that we are a fairly well-off community. I think there are still a lot of families struggling because of the lack of infrastructure, the lack of public investment and there are no jobs here, basically half the stores are closing. As you may have noticed, cost of living is a ridiculous job right now. I'm desperate for a job. Yes, what is the employment situation at White's L?
a divided island politics and poverty on the isle of wight

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a divided island politics and poverty on the isle of wight...

Well, I have applied for quite a few but haven't gotten it. Anyone but feedback I got feedback once um and everyone else nothing What kind of jobs are you applying for in retail? I was trying to get into that Tesco right there, but nothing happened. Or I play for McDonald's and they rejected me. for them, I think it's my age, I think it's the age I am, and a lot of people my age have a hard time finding work, so yeah, I mean, I've heard a lot of people have talked about kind of clo. closed shops on this main street, there are a lot of closed shops here, yeah, I haven't been on the island for that long and you can tell there are a lot of closed shops here, like businesses that you know seem to be closing, left and right and in the center, um. um and it's certainly here at the supermarket too because I don't know I think going to the supermarket is more expensive because you're paying for it to be shipped obviously on the ferries as well so you have the most shipping cost than it would cost if we were in Southampton or Portsmouth or something like that, so I've noticed that when you go to the supermarkets it's definitely a lot more expensive.
a divided island politics and poverty on the isle of wight
I think a lot of people have this image of the white hallway as a kind of idic. "Um, pretty good off the island, but it's true. Well, I mean, you know we're in the sun now, it's cool, and then you look at the background behind us, which is probably the perfect metaphor for what's really happening." beneath the surface". We have 2,400 families and households on the housing waiting list, 200 in emergency accommodation, many insecure jobs due to the tourist industry, uh, and an education system that really needs improvement, especially around SCND, so yes,


it's a huge problem, you're probably going to get a chance to visit a food bank or food pantry P lately and the story they'll tell you is actually pretty sad because usage has increased by 2300% and again I'm getting into


because no I can stay out of it. and look what happens, I mean, Bob C has held this seat since 2017, he's been a safe Conservative seat for the last two decades, but there are some polls predicting you'll unseat him in the next election.
a divided island politics and poverty on the isle of wight
I mean, what do you think of that? Do you feel confident? uh confident. I think we should exaggerate a little. I think we are neck and neck as far as we can understand. uh and this time the stories are very different from the last time I showed up. 2019, people were voting for themselves this time. an overwhelming number of conversations of people voting for their children and grandchildren and away from the conservatives, so cautiously optimistic is for the best, I would say, but every vote counts because we are very fought at the moment, so one of the things that We were talking about that thing that you said you wanted to bring back or that


needs to come back is truth and integrity, can you tell me more about that?
Yeah, I mean, you know we all have to subscribe to Nolan's principles when you're in politics and I think that's a very good option when you're in public office. I think people are desperate to get their honesty and integrity back because right now the thing is here it's like everyone is the same and I will argue about it until the end of my days. I'm not the same as Bob Cely. I am entering into this because I want the politician to return to service and I want to return. Integrity has been lacking in politics in the white a


, specifically, yes, I think so.
We have stopped anyone now and raised that particular point with them: we have our current MP Bob Cely, who broke the lockdown rules in a time when people followed them to the nth degree without seeing their loved ones and a story I have heard. many, many times and I was enjoying a sausage at a barbecue, here's Bob Sely, I mean what do you think of him? What do you think about him? He was supposed to come to a meeting at the conservative Club U. I think it was last year. We canceled Bingo and he never showed up, yeah that's the conservative club we are members of and he never showed up so everyone was disappointed so the club never got any money that night from the members, it was ridiculous right?
I'll vote Conservative and then next time no, no, I won't vote Conservative, I'm really going for Labour. I saw that I'm Bob. He is predicted to lose his seat to the Labor candidate. Well, yeah, well, why is he so good? Because he hasn't. He hasn't done anything, he keeps promising to do things and he never does them, it's all word of mouth, there is no action. I mean what do you think the difference would be if I had a Labor MP for this constituency, we haven't had a Labor on this island for oh so many years.
It has to be 20 years probably more, yes, 20 30 years. I mean, I've only been on the island 22 years, but previously the IED came before and it used to be great, but now everything's gone to shit, it's not very good, the MP here. It's Bob Cely and has been since 2017. I mean, what do you think of him as an MP? Yes, I quite like it, I quite like it, but of course now they've


the island, so we have two halves. It's time to go, yeah, New Broom and all you know sweep clean, we need, we need someone to shoot, do you think he's got that fire?
I don't know, uh, I just can't see who, but um, I mean, Bob Sel is predicted to lose. his seat for the Labor candidate and what would you think of having a Labor MP in this constituency? I wouldn't be very happy, but I think nowadays politicians don't really have what it takes to be a politician, it doesn't matter. what party are they from, they all get fooled for something, he nods, they all cross the line, it's not right, I just don't trust the toy party in general, to be honest I don't trust many politicians, but I do trust in someone.
Aside from Bob Cely, he basically seems very caring and seems to realize what people want. I mean, some people or some polls have predicted that he might lose his seat in the election. I hope not, no, as I say. I haven't been on the island for a long time so I hope he stays there and we can sort everything out with jobs and whatever his policies, historically Britain's political power has been concentrated in the hands of the landed gentry and schoolchildren. from private schools and in the white corridor it has been no different Bob Cely was elected MP for the islands in 2017, but that is not where the silly family connection to power politics and land in the white corridor begins, it is the second member of his family to represent the electorate and the third to contest the seat and his great-great-grandfather was the Liberal MP Charles Cely, one of the richest industrialists of the Victorian era and, by the end of the 19th century, the Cely family owned almost the entire western half of the hall including motis and Mansion where I am now members of the Cely family still live here and it is where a few years ago Sophie Hunter, a relative of the Cely family, married Benedict Cumberbatch, most of the 10,000 The family's acres were sold piece by piece and today there are 12 areas of the island. place among the fifth most disadvantaged in the country.
I mean, I live in Pan myself and I just had no idea how difficult life was for so many people. Some people will say this is our lifeline. This is the only place we can reach. where we can talk to people we are located in the Pan Community Center um it is in the heart of pan Which is probably one of the largest developments on the island people can come to us they can come once a week they pay5 and I can get two shopping bags for that. I think there are certain areas on the island that are okay, so if you live in SE View or you live in CS and you live in places like that then maybe you'll be okay, but if you live in the towns and on the outer areas of the island there are a lot of poorness.
The first person to come to the United States took her children to school and then had to return home and turn off all the electricity. She had been to two places to try. and I got vouchers from the food bank and I couldn't get them and the school that joins us, which is next door, was able to send it our way so we were able to feed it, so people just don't have a lot of money. Mental health issues A lot of people struggle with their mental health, um, and there's no work. If you look at the island, the island is seasonal, so you know people have a hard time finding jobs, so it's just a lack of money.
What is the type of work situation? As for white people, to be honest, it's pretty desperate because a lot of it is seasonal work, so everyone's great, you know, in the summer everyone can get a job. You get to October, everything closes and then a lot of people are unemployed until March. time um and that's also reflected, I think, in the use of ler because when people are working in the summer there aren't as many people, we get to winter in October, people have to pay for gas, etc., because you're putting the heating. and the number of people coming in and using the ladder is doubling and it's not just people who are single parents but people who have come in and said they have their own house, they both work and they're still not able to make ends meet, which it's pretty desperate, I guess I mean, I feel like it's a misconception or that food poverty only affects people who are unemployed, but what you're saying there, absolutely not, absolutely not, it's a wide range of people and it's the elderly and people receiving a pension, which you think you know, at retirement age you should be able to live comfortably, that is not the case at all, we have pensioners who come and they are desperate and we have pensioners who come.
They come in and realize that we are now offering the filing service and they realize that they are not claiming the correct benefits. Many people do not receive an assistance subsidy, they do not receive a guaranteed pension credit because the government does not announce that they are not going to offer it to them, are they on a plate? It's good for us to be at Lauder and identify people that we know, we have people that come to the pantry and say this is ours. out of the week we don't see anyone, we don't see anyone, so they come to us just to see people, that opened my eyes, basically, it really opened my eyes to the fact that, like I said, people were coming in and They were living hand to mouth but working full time, owning their own home and can't afford to eat, that's not right.
The discontent of all the inhabitants with the status quo was to find a way out in the Reform Party as a pub owner, here I am. I'm sure you hear a lot of conversations about what are the issues in the white aisle that your clients are talking about who are concerned about the general consensus right now about the election and how many people we have, as I say, we have. we have millionaires and we have people who haven't worked for years we have a very good mix um and overall it's okay, I'm not going to vote for Labor and I'm not going to vote for the Conservatives um and most importantly right now here um and and around from um there's the Reform Party and I mean, I've heard reform described in the race here as the Dark Horse and that maybe people aren't paying attention to, but that should be what the reform party is about. and the reformed candidate that is here, that people like I think is the crux of the issue, you know, the discontent in the country, not just here, you know, the conservatives have now had 14 years to do a lot of things and they have made. sweet Fanny and um and you think you can't believe them anymore, you know, and the Labor Party that sort ofwe fear, you know, bringing back the Labor Party and the Corbin nights and then the far left, and you know it's just a horrible thought. you know, and it's not just Nigel farz, but everyone, I mean Richard TI um, you know, the reformist guy they're a good group and our um candidate in the group is white.
I think she's lovely, I met her twice, um, but she. emails, etc., etc., but she has all the right ideas and most of the ideas that they have come up with, they have the answers about where they are going to get the money to change all these things, you know and it's like If illegal immigrants were coming in the boats and I feel sorry for, you know, people coming from the war zone. I was in the Merchant Navy, so you know, get close to things, um and it's irrelevant color, creed or race, religion, a lot of these people are genuine, you know that and all for that, for taking care of them, um , but it's all you know, the gypsies, the homeless and other people who just come to rape and loot, they're basically going to rape our national health, they're going to loot. and they just make money as fast as they can without having to pay taxes.
You know you just think we need a change. Is immigration a big problem in White's L? Do you have a lot of immigration? We have people who come from The continent counts there, we call them ERS. I'm still done because I've only lived here 35 years, but the real corkheads that were generations-long families in a blank, um, they're what I think a lot of us aren't. If you don't particularly like change, just for change's sake, this election finds the Isle of White divided along political allegiance lines of income inequality and, for the first time, into two constituencies whose outcome is yet to be decided. determine: do you think there will be more parliamentarians for the The island will help, not because they are the same problems, it does not matter if you live in the east or the west, they are exactly the same problems, they are the fairy companies, they are the housing, the economy, it will be the same, the sound. of the Autumn rain that comes now like an arm again Calls the shame of those who died without a name

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