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I EAT Top 3 Vitamins to CONQUER AGING! 100 yo Harvard Doctor John Scharffenberg

Apr 15, 2024
Vitamin D is a very important vitamin, which is why many of our people are deficient in vitamin D. There are more people deficient in B12 than we ever thought. Meet Dr. John Scharfenberg, this is Dr. John Scharfenberg, professor of nutrition at Loma Linda University. I am in my 100th year. At the age of 100 he is still an active physician nutritionist and professor of nutrition at Loma Linda University. Prepare to be inspired as he still generously shares his knowledge to help you live a healthier life. Did you know that the majority of Americans are nutritionally deficient? certain


stay until the end to discover three of those


and how said deficiency can be remedied in Dr.
i eat top 3 vitamins to conquer aging 100 yo harvard doctor john scharffenberg
Scharfenberg's own words. First, let's explore three secrets about how Dr. Scharfenberg stays healthy while he's an active centenarian exercising. I think it is extremely important if A woman who is obese but exercises every day will outlive a normal weight woman. A woman who doesn't exercise. Dr. Scharfenberg emphasizes the importance of exercise for health and longevity. He highlights that it is particularly important for middle-aged people to keep up with daily exercise. Middle age is the most important time when exercising in that age group could reduce your risk of Alzheimer's at age 100. Dr. Scharfenberg has cut back on many exercises, but says he continues to walk, walking at least two miles a day is recommended.
i eat top 3 vitamins to conquer aging 100 yo harvard doctor john scharffenberg

More Interesting Facts About,

i eat top 3 vitamins to conquer aging 100 yo harvard doctor john scharffenberg...

An older adult Regular physical activity is one of the most important things he can do for his health. It can prevent or delay many of the health problems that seem to come with age. It also helps his muscles get stronger so he can continue going about his day. daily activities without depending on others, for every R you exercise you will live three more hours on the diet as a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Dr. Scharfenberg does not smoke or drink and is a vegetarian, although it is not strictly mandatory to be so. Vegetarian, many Adventists choose to enjoy an exclusively plant-based diet.
i eat top 3 vitamins to conquer aging 100 yo harvard doctor john scharffenberg
Did you know that Loma Linda in California, where Dr. Scharfenberg is from, is one of the fifth known blue zone areas in the world? Blue zones are areas around the world where the population is known. live longer than average Many people who live in blue zones like Loma Linda Okinawa Japan Sardinia Italy Nikoya Costa Rica and Korea Greece live to at least 100 years Research on blue zones found that 95 percent of people who live to at least 108 are primarily a plant-based diet rich in beans and whole grains. Additionally, Loma Linda Adventists have been shown to outlive other Americans by about a decade.
i eat top 3 vitamins to conquer aging 100 yo harvard doctor john scharffenberg
Additionally, studies have found that vegetarian Adventists live between 1.5 and 2.4 years longer than non-On average, vegetarian Adventists, why do you think Seven-day Adventists live so long in the United States? I think it's mainly a question of vegetarianism, what foods Adventists typically eat on a day-to-day basis. Adventist cuisine generally consists of five food groups, legumes, these. They include beans, lentils, chickpeas and peas, and are high in protein, fiber and other nutrients. I like peas, whole grains like brown rice, barley and oats etc., they have more fiber than refined grains. A diet rich in whole grains is linked to lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.
Eating nuts is part of a healthy diet and can cut your risk of a heart attack in half if you are in a high-risk group. Nuts are high in calories, so you should limit your portion. Large sized pistachios are good fruits and vegetables. Eat a variety of these every day to get the most benefits. They have plant chemicals that can reduce your chances of suffering from chronic diseases. As an Adventist resident of Loma Linda, what specifically does Dr. Scharfenberg eat to maintain his health and alertness? Mind you in the Golden Age of it, soy is a good thing.
I recommend, you know, one of those quarter meter boxes, 400 gram box, 100 grams a day of tofu, soybeans. Soybeans are high in protein and are a decent source of carbohydrates and fats. rich source of various vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds such as isoflavones, for this reason regular consumption of soy can relieve menopause symptoms and reduce the risk of prostate and breast cancer, however, they can cause digestive problems and suppress thyroid function in predisposed people. top fruits eats mangoes Dr. Scharfenberg loves fruits four fruits likes mango being the king of fruits mango is revered in many countries where mango is grown similar to leafy green vegetables such as spinach broccoli kale and bright yellow Red foods such as tomatoes, peppers, and egg yolks are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which may help reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases.
Polyphenols and mangoes may also help prevent the growth of certain breast and colon cancer cells, according to a 2010 study. Mangos are a great source of vitamin B6 that many older people do not have. Getting enough for optimal health Vitamin B6 is important for maintaining brain functions Just half a cup of raw mango provides 10 percent of the vitamin B6 we need every day There are three other vitamins that Dr. Scharfenberg highlighted as deficient with frequency in older people, let's find out what they are and how we can remedy it to live a long and healthy life vitamin A about 45 percent of Americans do not get an adequate amount of vitamin A worldwide about 127 million children and 7 Millions of pregnant women are deficient in vitamin A.
This vitamin can increase the risk of infection, blindness and even death. Vitamin A is essential for skin cell replacement and for maintaining optimal vision and a healthy immune system, for this reason, those who are deficient in vitamin A are at higher risk of serious illness. Infection Because children are prone to infections, it is crucial that children under five get enough vitamin A in their diets or through supplements. In adults, one of the main warning signs of a vitamin A deficiency is night blindness. You drive at night. If you had your cataracts removed. I got 2020 glasses so I have 20 20 vision through my glasses to prevent vitamin A deficiency.
It is important to eat a healthy diet. Beta-carotene will produce two vitamins A. With the beta-carotenes in carrots, you get vitamin A. Beta-carotene. It would be better than vitamin A Vitamin A increases the risk of osteoporosis Beta-carotene Is there a lot of vitamin A or beta-carotene? You should say it's plant-based. The melon The melon Yellow on the outside. Inside. Yellow. It has a lot. Things are like. sweet potato with dark colored sweet potato that has vitamin B12. You should know about the new evidence we have regarding vitamin B12. There are two methods by which vitamin B12 is absorbed.
One is because of the intrinsic factor that is produced in the stomach and in the stomach. ilium, the third part of the small intestine, is combined with vitamin B12 and you have to have this combination for it to be absorbed as we age, we lose the ability to produce that intrinsic factor, so above 50 there are many people who are deficient even though they are getting a large amount in their meat diet, but there is another absorption method which is by passive diffusion, basically for vegetarians or elderly people who find it difficult to absorb vitamin B12, it is best to take supplements of vitamin D in more than 50 percent of the amount.
The general population is deficient in vitamin D, regardless of age, it worsens with age. About seventy percent of older Americans are deficient in vitamin D. In some studies, they found that up to 95 percent of American adults are deficient in vitamin D. Everyone who lives north of, say, Washington DC o New York City, all of those people are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D is a very important vitamin. We obtain it mainly from the sun. It reaches the skin. Cholesterol in the skin is converted and goes to the liver. It is chemically modified and again goes to the kidneys. it changes again and produces a hormone we call vitamin D.
It is important because it has to do with keeping bones in good shape. We need vitamin D because it increases calcium absorption in the intestines if you have adequate levels of vitamin D in your blood. It can absorb up to three times more. Many of our people are deficient in vitamin D. Most of the people who come to our hospitals in the US, perhaps 70 percent, are deficient in vitamin D. The level of vitamin D in the blood increased and the blood pressure arterial. went down, so it was helpful for blood pressure. We believe that in some cases it can decrease the risk of certain cancers, so we believe people should take vitamin D, but you can get too much vitamin D and get skin cancer, however, geography and seasons can affect it.
The absorption of vitamin D and in many places in the world the UVB content of the sun's rays is not significant enough to stimulate the production of vitamin D, so older people do not get it and have to take a supplement while we explore Dr. Scharfenberg's secrets to longevity by incorporating a lot of vegetables and fruits into our diet is important, but as the lifestyle of Seventh-day Adventists demonstrates, it is not just the foods that matter, but also a lifestyle. healthy lifestyle in general, avoiding harmful substances such as tobacco and alcohol and doing exercise and community work.

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