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She Hasn't Eaten in 16 Years (No Food, No Water)

Jun 04, 2024
remote? You have no attention, she has no reason to lie. who can he impress without needing to eat, he must be saving money because he doesn't have to go buy


all the time just for the little one so there is no electricity so we are using the phone lights right now so I ask for passport and she is taking it out right now the passport is proof attractive passport, let's open it and see yes, it has stamps here I feel like I'm an investigator right now this is yes, that's Dubai, February 7, 2021, so 10 days you were seeing doctors every day 7 days Seven days in the hospital who sponsored the prime minister during the trip how he met him and how the meeting with the prime minister went he came to visit the National Park which is about an hour's drive from here and discovers about her and he comes to meet her, it is very important to meet the head of state of your country, what did he say about your condition?
she hasn t eaten in 16 years no food no water
She said that she is happy with me as am I if she is so special that the prime minister is I will send her to Dubai and other places Why isn't she more famous if she has received all this attention? She believes that it matters where she lives. I live here in an isolated area and don't have much exposure. Do you think it's good to have your story out there or do you prefer to keep it private? Yes, it's good for me. Do you want to be famous? yes, that was a strong yes too. I'm skeptical that Mula's work saying that she wants to be famous is all just a trap so she can get rich.
she hasn t eaten in 16 years no food no water

More Interesting Facts About,

she hasn t eaten in 16 years no food no water...

I still can't ignore the valid evidence and testimonies that support her claim of not eating. I also have a feeling that is too difficult to describe, just the humble way Muler behaves, which convinces me that it is 100%. To tell the truth, I still don't know what to believe, but what I do know is that the house smells delicious and we are all excited to try the homemade


from Mula's work. Now we are relaxing in the living room. very hospitable, she will bring a bed here, a mattress so we can lie down, but I am quite comfortable on the couch.
she hasn t eaten in 16 years no food no water
Our driver went to the store and brought all the ingredients here for us to work on cooking. Thank you. We are falling asleep. Here in the room it is very cozy. Mula works and her sister is preparing dinner. They have all these ingredients. I don't even know what they're doing, but she's starting to smell really good. She came out to put on the headband. serious matter now I am very surprised that she is so passionate about cooking because she doesn't eat it is work a good cook is the best cook she is a good cook but she can't even taste the food to know if it is good she simply has the ability to cook better, not even she tastes the salt and the spices but she just makes it perfect when you think about the chefs in the kitchen they are always tasting it you just see them like with a little spoon she is using a black stone to crush the garlic if you were to force yourself to eat something What do you think would happen to you?
she hasn t eaten in 16 years no food no water
You say, I don't think it'll hurt me or do anything, but I don't feel like eating. That smells very, very good. Wow, well, after about an hour, dinner is ready, there's been a lot of cooking here. I watched her, instead of tasting it, she likes to look at it very closely on the stick to see the texture. I just pulled out this huge chunk of, you know, Ethiopian inera. The food is my favorite cuisine in Africa and I have yet to eat a home cooked meal. What do you think of this food? Yes, it already looks delicious.
It's crazy. She just did. Is incredible. She knows. Ask her what she thinks. The food is the best food, it's really very tasty, it's spicy and sour, chewy, I don't know, with a lot of onion and garlic, is it crazy to say that the best chef I know is from a lady who doesn't know what the food tastes like? food, so here it is? What we know, we know that the Prime Minister sent mul work to Dubai for medical checks. That trip is confirmed by the stamp in her passport, but we have no way of contacting those doctors to ask them what is true.
We know that everyone around mul work believes her story, no. only his family, but also his neighbors and acquaintances, who have no incentive to lie, but we also know that it is not humanly possible to survive without food or


, much less for 16


, that must mean that Mulk is a superhuman unless May she be the most talented liar. of all time, what do you think? I'd love to hear your discussions in the comments below, as this puzzle remains unfinished.

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