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100 Years of Cake Taste Test

May 31, 2021


they baked in the past let's talk about those mythical good days join the mythical society to get early access to our tour exclusive access to behind the scenes content and permanent access to the netflix password from the link check it all the best part of any workday is the office birthday


, that's right, the second best part is licking the frosting off the office birthday cake candles and just a note, we reuse those candles, yes, but it's a little known fact that humans enjoyed cakes before the office birthday cake existed. invented you could say that our history is full of cakes we're about to see if we can guess what era the cakes are from just by trying them it's time for you to take a look at two straight boys cake edition welcome to the random area a Let's go Try a pie that was popular in a particular decade and then we'll guess that decade by playing shuffleboard a piece of the pie on the legendary shuffleboard court.
100 years of cake taste test
Yes, and the pie closest to the answer gets the point, but we're trying something new. instead of just one point per round, we are going to increase the point value by one each round one two three four five ooh and the winner of the game will receive a special themed cake just for them oh and be sure to follow us on Instagram at rhettlink to see the mythical team finish the leftover cake in a very fun way, let's eat cake in the first round, okay, for the last time, I'm going to go first because going second actually gives you the advantage, yes, but first we have to eat our cake brother okay so we have this fig cake here look at that well those are figs yeah those are figs on top so I'm going to and some walnuts or walnuts I'm not a cake lover in general.
100 years of cake taste test

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100 years of cake taste test...

It is not the option I choose, but this is not bad and the figs are not bad, they are very figs. Okay, so in what decade would a fig cake become popular? so I'm using that logic to go as far back as possible on the board, which is the year 1900. Wow, that's clever, it's going off the board, but hey, I'm right next to the answer, so it's still workable . Yeah you can be okay my only point of reference for figs is fig newtons well and I'm talking like in the 80's man I would have a stash of those newtons so you think figs there was the fig , no, the fig arises, the great fig. wave of the 80s no, I think you're right and besides I never had a fake cake in the 80s man, what are you going to do?
100 years of cake taste test
You're just talking about figs, man, you're going to try to knock mine down if you land. on mine you'll be closer to 1900, you'll be closer to each answer if you come from this side, my answer is 19.50, but I'm going to go with 1930. Okay, wow, it still works, okay, Stevie, what is this ? I had a Lady Baltimore cake, a fluffy white cake made of pecans, walnuts, figs and vanilla, and it was popular in the 20th century. You were right, rhett, and I get the point, yes, you do it in the second round. I have another beautiful cake here of chocolate with a little coconut on top. let's try a little this is a very strong cake here hmm you are tasting something unusual there something almost bitter yes there is something it's like there's something wrong with the cake and it's not just the coconut hmm what is that try the coconut again so it's just the coconut oh that's cabbage sauerkraut isn't coconut that's sauerkraut I think I know about this but I don't want to think out loud because I don't want to give you the right answer oh my god, that's horrible, okay?
100 years of cake taste test
I would gladly send this away from my face across the game of shuffleboard. Where on earth would you put fermented cabbage, aka sauerkraut, in a pie? That's just an accident, right, now I can't even find a ration for them to do that in any decade on this planet hmm, okay, I'm going to go for the 30s, but I'll hedge my bet with the 50s and I'm going to do, very good, very precise. I nailed something that could probably be the wrong answer, okay? So you think this is a German chocolate cake is a German chocolate cake, okay, and is this popularity in the United States or popularity in the world somewhere in the United States, United States, okay, so definitely not it would have been too close to war because it took us a few decades to warm up.
Back to the German stuff, very good, I think it's a display of dominance to eat your cake, that's a good point. I think the '50s are too early, but it could be the '30s because maybe we were eating it up until we had to start fighting. him, but you know what I think the '50s is not a bad answer, but I think it's the '60s because I think that gave us about two decades to forget about everything they did and say, yeah, we'll buy their cars, we'll eat your cake. go take it easy cause that thing is slippery yeah ok im going for 60 that was hard ok or am i just stuck oh you left me out so now we're both in 30's but you're in


50 and 30, well this was a beer cake and sauerkraut fudge made with sauerkraut beer and cocoa, it's still made today especially during Oktoberfest, but it was more popular in the 1950s.
Oh okay , then you get two points, yes, in the third round, look at this, a Barbie cake. She is not beautiful? And oh, she had an accident, oh my goodness, a little wedge in the commotion. How is that a fun cake? Well, it's fun. You know, we didn't have to start by eating this part of Barbie, but that's okay. a strawberry shortcake, when did America decide they wanted to have fun with cake? Do you know when Barbie was invented? I would have thought Barbie was invented in the 50s. 60s are older than 140s. I'm not saying it, but I don't think you are.
Don't walk out the door with a Barbie like this, even though this is after Barbie has really settled into the American consciousness and say, "I think we can kick it now. Okay, I think the '80s were a time of infinite possibilities, You know?". drip in economics and crazy cakes cocaine yeah, uh, so I'm going 80, but did someone just ring the doorbell? Hello Barbie, it's the 80s. They call and want you to land there. I don't know, okay, okay, he's going to 1980. You've gone too far, God, it's so slippery, it's so fucking slippery, so slippery, it's like Barbie driving a corvette on black ice, geez, it's so slippery this time. , okay, something so wrong, okay, here's what it was, yeah, I was trying, I was trying to take you back, oh, that's your account, okay, look, I was trying to take you back in time, more far from what I think is the correct answer.
I think with the advent of entertainment, people in the 2000s started to get desperate about baking cakes. the videos click and now it's totally out of control, but in the 2000s they did stuff like this. I'm going for the tip of the spear, you really can't lose unless you don't cross the black line, in which case it doesn't count oh it's so I'm nice oh that's not it you're really you're very good today you're on fire man yeah I'm on fire 2000s. This was a Barbie birthday cake made from a real Barbie cake and the birthday cake became extremely popular after the movie Barbie's Birthday Party at Walt Disney World debuted in the 90s. 1990, the 1990s, okay, Barbie movies, I have a bunch of those, we're on either side, but you're definitely closer. get three points yeah round four ok we have a tall cake with olives on top and what looks like some kind of meat inside oh my gosh look this is ham and cream cheese I think it's like potted meat , I almost want to say. it's a mm-hmm it's something very processed ah when they thought of this I'm glad they don't do it anymore oh god it looks super great it


s super horrible to me because I don't like them I don't like Spanish meats that's cream cheese there, although yes, This has the '70s written all over it, okay, it's like, hey, cool, I guess it's the '60s, okay, I'm going to split the difference halfway between the '70s and the '60s, oops, okay, that came a little short, well, but there's a strategy for that now, I'm just blocking your role, there's definitely a strategy for that, what do you think it is?
I think the 60s aren't a bad assumption at all. I also think they might have done something with this strange type of meat in the '30s, but if I could get past you and get closer to 1960, I've basically got both guesses covered. I'm going to try to go around you and land in the 1960s and thus have that assumption and the other. one for the lead, wow, that's a good move, man, okay, okay, this was a nonsense cake made with Oscar Meyer bologna cream cheese ranch dressing and genius cheese. The recipe was mentioned in the movie Sweet Home Alabama in 2002, but was originally very popular in the 1970s. oh okay, you should have followed your voice and not your gut, but either way I'm closer to link five.
I know you're excited about this round. This cake has a crushed tomato on top. I guess that means it has tomato inside um, so this is like a ketchup cake yeah, yeah, exactly on earth it


s like carrot cake, yeah, carrot cake, it's a carrot cake with ketchup on top, okay okay I'll go first to what you think, well this is a time where people say what do we have and then whatever the answer to that question is let's make a cake out of it this feels like hard times and we all know the 30's were a difficult time, but didn't it start to get worse? in the '20s and then that's what happened in the '30s with the stock market crash, I wasn't alive then man, this is what I'm going to do because you have the advantage, you go second, I have to be something strategic here I'm going to try to land on the line between 1990 and 1920.
My hope is that it is serving as a small block. Okay, maybe you can give me the right answer if you want to be aggressive, which could be 1930, but I'm going to try to land on 20. Nice shot, not bad. In fact, I think this vibrant red happy cake was in the vibrant '80s because I don't think it was a correct answer in a previous round, I hope it's not. I'm wrong about that, I can't confirm or deny it. I feel like we're in the '80s, so I'll stop a bit before I get to your frying pan.
Oh, you're going to hit a little. Oh, look at that, no, it's anyone's game now, though everything. right, I wanted to say that epically, this is a tomato soup pie made with Campbell's tomato soup, cloves, cinnamon and other spices. It was the first recipe printed on a Campbell's soup can and became immediately popular in the 1960s, so you're more right, but I'm closer, you win, link and chase, bring on the special link prize, okay, 1960. This is my favorite cake, let's see it, oh, it's a cake with my theme, right? Help yourself to some of this too, I just don't feel right.
Because this cake is obviously meant for you, I mean, they've gone out of their way to make this all about you. I'll eat it anyway cookies and cream ah ok be sure to follow us on Instagram rhett and link to see the team does something weird with all this leftover cake thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing you know what time is what pass shabby link it's official brandon collins and i'm eating the cake and now it's time to spin the wheel of mythology what's up eat that cake click the link above to watch us see the cake fails and get a more mythical and to discover where the willamette chevron will land.
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