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Tim Dillon (Comedian): The Boomers Are A Selfish Generation And Gen Z Has Exposed Society's Scam!

Apr 16, 2024
the Zoomers some of them have discovered that the country is a


they invent mental health ailments they don't have they take days off they terrorize their superiors they found the flaw in the system they go why are you late? van yo I'm gay, don't worry, we're still on YouTube. Tim Dylan is a comic icon, a master of improvisation, one of the best in the world. I like to make people laugh at things that are inherently maybe a little darker because from 13 to 25 I was a closeted gay cocaine addict, but some of our best qualities don't come about for the best reasons: there's no one better for those random rants Tim there are a lot of topics I want to address with you and the first is the future of AI we have raised some of the least interesting people on the planet influencers these generic barcodes with feet those people don't need to exist they need to be replaced by an AI version of that what's your assessment of the different


s we've had? abandoned to children, they are being raised by algorithms, the Boomers, they are the funniest


because to be fun, you simply don't have to care and there is no generation of people who has ever cared less about the future of this planet and its children. and then Millennials were this shitty generation that wanted to constantly be patted on the back and told how great they are.
tim dillon comedian the boomers are a selfish generation and gen z has exposed society s scam
I believe in the right things. I tweeted the right thing. I'm fine. I know it might be unpopular to say it, but I'll just do it. continues before this episode begins. I have a small favor to ask you two months ago. 74% of people who watched this channel did not subscribe. Now we are down to 69%. My goal is 50%, so if you ever liked that. any of the videos we've posted if you like this channel can you do me a quick favor and hit that subscribe button. It helps this channel more than you think and the bigger the channel gets, as you've seen, the bigger the guests get. and enjoy this episode, Tim.
tim dillon comedian the boomers are a selfish generation and gen z has exposed society s scam

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tim dillon comedian the boomers are a selfish generation and gen z has exposed society s scam...

I have watched you for many years and I think you are one of the most exceptionally talented, provocative and interesting


s because you have a remarkable ability to improvise, it seems good, thank you and I wonder how. someone learns to do that, where does that talent come from? I was a closeted gay cocaine addict for many years. You really have to be good when you're a closeted gay cocaine addict aged 13-25. encounter situations where you're going to need to lie and you're going to need to be able to do something like filibuster and I guess I got good at that, so I was always good at talking, but I think that was good, that allowed me to think quickly more than what other people would have to do.
tim dillon comedian the boomers are a selfish generation and gen z has exposed society s scam
Maybe not always for the best reasons. Some of our best qualities don't come about for the best reasons, but it's good that we have that quality. I assume you know Jimmy. I don't know him personally. I love his comedy and he's like an amazing


, but no, I don't know if we met. I was sitting here with him two weeks ago. He told me, Steve says, when you meet a comedian, you don't ask a comedian if he's depressed, you ask him which of his parents is depressed, that's a good way to put it, sure, well, my mother was schizophrenic, so I tend to think of the hierarchy of mental illnesses, she was kind of the gold standard, whereas depression, with all due respect, is a little bit less um and then I think my father might have been depressed on and off, but schizophrenia It was the um, you know, Central. challenge in their life for people who don't know what that is or haven't experienced it, what it is, what being schizophrenic looks like, especially for you, a 10-year-old kid, when you have a schizophrenic parent, yeah.
tim dillon comedian the boomers are a selfish generation and gen z has exposed society s scam
I started really dating when I was 13 and 12 or 13 years old. There is a lot of paranoia, there is a lot of confusion. When you're a kid, you try to contextualize and you don't really understand why your mom talks about people following you. her or these big elaborate stories that are not true and even at 12 or 13 you know that they are not true and you are worried about her because physical illness is very easy to understand when you are a child because you know that someone will get sick. If you get sick as a child, you get sick and then you get it.
Mental illness is much harder to understand when you are a child, you only start to really understand it as you go through life and when you become more of an adult you start to look back because you have had your own mental problems. You know people who have had mental problems at 12 years old. Actually, most 12-year-olds don't have them, so it's something that I've understood more as I've gotten older and then it was very disorienting and confusing and what kind of cost or impact that confusion had because yes you are right about schizophrenia in particular when you can compare how your parents act to other parents, that kind of disparity or similar distinction must be quite a lot, it is jarring, yes it is jarring when you are young and in someone else's house person and you see the way her mother talks and you see the way the family interacts and in your house when that is different and my mother was a very funny person, very eccentric, a free spirit, she had been that all her life, It wasn't hell growing up with her.
She loved her and she loved me very much, but around my teenage years it became clear that something was wrong, I think. I was in the car one day and I remember she said there are people following us but don't worry, they're protecting me and I found out that was crazy as hell, right? It wasn't just her who believed there were people following me. her, but that they were doing it to protect her. I thought she was crazy and I remember when I was young hearing that and internalizing that something was really wrong and I remember thinking about it and telling a friend of mine, like I think she was my mother. you know, it's crazy, you know, and uh, I don't know, and that got progressively worse as I got older and what was the impact of all that on you, growing up in that family home, how does that shape you? that they leave some kind of imprint on you that still stays with you today in terms of comedy or who you are, yeah, sure, the fragility of mental health is something that I understand in a way that other people don't, I understand that people, uh they can have a nervous breakdown, you know, you know, having a stress-related event that points them in a direction that you know I've had friends who have gotten this right, as you know, it's something difficult to understand at 12 or 13 years old. but that was a big impact on me, growing up, basically your world is shaken up a little bit when someone suffers from a mental health problem, you feel less safe, you feel like something is coming and it's not good.
You know, schizophrenia is a degenerative disorder, there is no real cure, there are medications that can make the effects less obvious for periods of time. Those medications have really bad physical side effects, so watching my mom go through a lot of similar physical side effects. Those medications, you know, rocking back and forth, uh, uh, muscle contractions and things like that, uh, it was also very difficult to watch, as you know, as I got older and she was medicated with some very strong drugs to treat to please him. I know, I guess she mitigates schizophrenia. It is very difficult.
It is similar to a loved one having a physical ailment. It's very similar to that in the sense that you know you're slowly saying goodbye to someone and your father. Parents also divorce at this time, yes, yes, and that confuses things. I imagine so, I think that was an event that was probably uh, I think she was always schizophrenic, there was always an underlying predilection for that, I mean, from talking to doctors. This is what I think, I think the divorce was the stress, but she initiated the divorce. I think there was a catalyst for her to feel maybe vulnerable or she, you know, I think a lot of stress caused some of the symptoms because there had never always been indications that she was a wild person again, right, she went out and collected. these Disney toy sets at McDonald's, I collected Beanie Babies, I would pick up trash on the street and say, let's fix it and restore it and these are antiques and everything was a lot of obsessive compulsive type of obsessive behavior um some behavior now you know a little bit conspiratorial.
I make a joke now that where I talk about it I go you know The people who are saying the things my mother said for years are now in Congress, so if we had known about YouTube, we could have put her there, she would have earned her name. life, you know, he really would have done well. She was a nice woman, but yeah, I mean, that was difficult because he was away from home, she was there and she was struggling and because I'm from an Irish Catholic family, no one talked about it and people used words like eccentric. or she's funny, she's funny like Patty, no one would really say wow.
I think she has a real problem and you're 13, so you're going through all the things 13-year-olds go through to figure out life. I have no brothers, it's okay, it's just me, it's okay, just me, that's all the fun for me, yeah, just one, uh, yeah, it was just me. Do you think you were raised from that moment on? Not really, no, I grew up and it's the generation that a title too I think I'm a more extreme case because my mother cared about me and wanted you to know that I hated drugs and alcohol I hated cigarettes I hated all these things that if you knew that She would go crazy, she would scream, she was never a permissive person, she didn't encourage any of my behaviors, she always wanted me to succeed and was always very critical of my behavior, so there was a feeling that there was parenting. children in that sense in which it was not a right of all against all, but generationally you know, we were just not raised the same way that children are raised today, there were no cell phones, there were no, uh, you know where it is your location, no one was being tracked, you were able to spend. hours on your bike riding around the suburbs with your friends you had a curfew you had to be within curfew you had to make sure your eyes weren't bloodshot when you got home because you know you were smoking pot the whole time They were gone, um, so there were things like that, but besides that, which is kind of a generational difference in parenting, there was the idea that she was dealing with her own problems and my father was out of it. scene, so I had this freedom where it's like I was raised in a strange way, a lot of freedom and a lot of trauma so it seems like, yeah, yeah, yeah, there was a lot of stuff, I would say, unprocessed for a long time and that tends to be to find a raw avenue. trauma, right, it tends to find an avenue for many years, it was drugs that was the avenue, which is where it goes a lot, you know, um and then, how old were you when you started doing drugs?
I started smoking marijuana in eighth grade and uh. seventh seventh grade the summer between seventh grade and eighth grade uh, I smoked pot a couple of times in seventh grade and the summer between seventh and eighth grade, we really stepped it up, really you know, I was friends with a girl in It was fun, she was a lesbian who skated everywhere, which I thought was an interesting archetype and I still do, and she always smoked marijuana while she skated. I thought she was cool, you know, she was kind of a pot-smoking goth lesbian. and to be honest, she was very Londoner and she just skated in high places all the time and I became friends with her and I told her this seems like a good way to live and uh, you know, I started smoking weed with her and then, very quickly, within a year you know we were doing hit and acid, you know I dropped acid on stage at my eighth grade graduation, you know, with her and another friend of mine, you know, we dropped acid pills. uh, we were doing ecstasy, we were doing Special K lines, it was a good time, you know, I mean, this was obviously a response to everything I just talked about, but you know, drugs are a lot of fun, they have a lot of negative aspects, but that period of my life was very fun and terrible, but you know, that's why I haven't done any drugs or drunk in 14 years, so I don't recommend it, it's not a course of action that I advise, but looking back on it you know that they certainly were good times I know that's unpopular maybe to say I don't think you know that not everything was terrible is my point but don't do it but you know what I mean but I would I haven't changed those moments for anything but no It's something good.
I would have preferred to be a hot surfer or get into sports or something. What if you were a comedian at that age? Probably yes, I was always a bit stupid. There were also people who told you at that age that you were funny. Yes, I would like to make people laugh. You know, I would imitate. We had a teacher who died. She was a smoker and died of lung cancer and she had a voice like this. and I would imitate her at the end of class and it would be like I was here and now I'm in hell and thanks to you you know things like that um and I would just know that she was always kind like we drove around Long Island, we smoked pot in thethat I grew up with, but I have to make sure those jokes are funny enough for people to laugh at them and then there are some people who will never laugh at them, there are some people who don't understand comedy. take it very literally they don't like it they like to be bothered they get angry that's why they're not happy someone is making someone laugh somewhere and they're angry I don't know what to do with those people I don't know how much we can pay attention to those people.
I know a lot - a lot of them write articles and you know, you know, the monologue on TV about how they're upset about something, I just don't know how much attention we've paid to them, we've paid a lot of attention to them over the last four years I think people are a little exhausted by this I think people have gotten over it a little I think there are people in


who are allowed to have their reactions to anything you do, you can hate me find something I've said offensive, I don't agree with me, you can write about it, talk about it however you want.
It's really none of my business and there is some attention I can give it. I think that's the way comedians have to do it. look at these things, they say, hey man, we're making jokes, we're having fun, you have a right to be really angry about it and upset about it, but I mean, again, that's a little crazy in my opinion. That bothers me, uh, because of comedians who don't have real power, the thing about comedians we don't have, but now people say, well, you have cultural power, soft power, whatever, that's for sure, but we don't have the kind of power that CEOs of big companies have. the job is not to advance a conversation our job is not to be funny now if we do other things if we shed light on something that's good if we advance a conversation if we illustrate a truth that's a big deal and it's secondary our main job is to be funny and that could be being wrong that's being stupid that's being short-sighted it could even be being intolerant if it's funny we're not in the we're not in the job of being right we're not in the job of being right there are people whose job or have to have right a surgeon has to be right they can't just improvise we're in the business of being funny so if you confuse those things which a lot of people do, that's where this tension arises, you know, but again, I'm a clown.
I perform in comedy clubs and theaters. I do a podcast, if I say something you don't like, it's really an infinitesimal possibility. that whatever I say will actually have the gravity and weight that these people believe it has. um you want to look at other people who have more power, they direct that energy somewhere else, you say, they direct that energy somewhere else, but I saw that video of You're getting so angry because yeah, Rogan, uh, yeah, they cancel it and you No, and you say you're trying to cancel it. Yes, you seem incapable in many ways.
Well, no, no, I'm not cancelable by UNC. I am a fool. I wear crazy glasses I'm a comedian I say things that are probably smart and sometimes people look at me and say that's a good take a lot of the things I say are completely absurd um and you know, I don't even know what it is when I say it because I do two hours of broadcasting I've done it for eight years and I don't know what I'm going to say until I sit down and talk and some of the things I say that are absurd start off intelligently and some of the things I say that are intelligent maybe start absurdly and that's the fun thing for me, if I knew what I was going to say or if I had an agenda, if I wanted to say a certain thing, I would get I get bored very quickly, but I just try to look at things and think, what do I think?
What do I think? They're telling me this, you know what my reaction is, you know, and that's what I try to do, but yeah, I think. I'm stupid and if people are mad at me, sometimes they seem stupid because of how over the top I am with certain things and how wild and, again, a lot of them, I think are funny. True, Joe has a different podcast, he has a podcast where sometimes he is funny, but he has very serious people. It's the biggest podcast, I think, in the world. I think you guys are maybe the second.
You have no idea, you have no idea, okay, smart, but you know he's super successful and he does all these really amazing interviews where he does research and reads books and he's smart and he's talking to someone and I'm like shooting from the hip. I'm going crazy and like halfway through a story I'll say oh no and just go to the other side because I'll realize sometimes I'll read. I'll read the third. paragraph, I'll throw out the whole thing and then when I get to the third paragraph I'm like, oh, this is a problem, this is it, and that's what I think makes it funny.
Joe Rogan, yeah, going on his show, you described him as being really instrumental to you in your career, he's the most generous person I've ever met with his audience and his fan base, all he wants is for other people to be successful, He brings in comedians, he brings in writers, he brings in journalists, he helps them promote whatever. what they're doing, he has a huge fan base that he shares with people so I'm very lucky that he's had me on a show many times and he's a really good friend and when I go on the show we just have the Conversation that we would have it privately, we have it on a show, so I think that's why people like podcasting, yeah, I mean, it's taken on a life of its own.
What do you think about podcasting? I mean, he's obviously been on a journey. There, um, it was so big. I think podcasting was like the origins of podcasting, like when Rogan started and then Cara Joe Rogan Keithan came out, the girl show in New York City. Mark Marin, those guys were in the early days, before it was cool, before anyone did it. really like before the money was there and then celebrities came along it was like an experiment for a couple of years it seems like Spotify regresses from that experience yeah because they don't have anything to say um most celebrities don't . a lot of them, uh, you know, they're made up people that are created in a lab, the lab is Cia, uh, my agency, and they create a persona and they get, um, uh, PR people, they get lawyers, they get all these people, business managers, agents. they come and they go this is who you are this is what plays these are the things you highlight from your past these are the things we don't talk about let's leave the confederate flag at home you know they create a person that person then leaves and now They're famous um, it's a terrible idea to give that person a microphone and tell them to talk for an hour, it's terrible, you know, a lot of these people aren't that talented, some of them are incredibly talented, some of them are very nice people. de Bal, people tend to think of Hollywood as a place where all the satanic pedophiles eat children.
Now, no doubt, some of that is true, but a lot of it is very boring, benevolent people who have been created by these corporations that, uh. when you realize how boring they are and then you look at how much money they have and where they live, that's what will drive you crazy, you'll say "OMG" that's why podcasting is a very, very bad idea for these people, they should be . kept somewhere, they should have handled it very well, things where they come out on the red carpet and say: how are you? and they just talk about climate change and then they walk into the auditorium and they get an award.
They should be allowed to speak two or three words. at the same time and they should know what those words are beforehand um, it's a terrible idea to tell someone again that these people that all their interactions are with other famous people, all their thoughts are filtered through a prism of um, you know , corporate lawyers before. they can say anything, this is not what podcasting is, in my opinion, is there any celebrity podcast that you think is? I'm sure there are some that are really good. Not everyone is right. I'm sure there are people who have really good podcasts. but if we're just talking in general about giving a microphone to the actors in attendance, it's probably not the best idea, she's probably not the best idea, you know what's here because I know they gave money to Megan Markle, they gave her money to many people. there Spotify and you know, so I don't know, but then they came out and said we made a mistake, we shouldn't have given these people money, do you think you should have received the money instead of, of course, I absolutely believe that. that, but you know, I can't force them to give me the money, I can't force them, I can't get a member of the royal family to marry me and I would have stayed in that castle no matter what was said and but I can't allow that to happen, so I can't, you know, Oprah doesn't interview me, so you've got yourself.
I have enough money, but um, I'm sure you know that. I think for me it's podcasting, the fun thing about podcasting is not having filters. and just having fun what's your assessment of these kinds of different generations? We have these genius Millennials and we have the Boomers. What's your read on this? Well, we have given up on children, the future is not children, uh, children are no longer the future, the future is AI, the future is robotics, we are very clear that we no longer even talk about children, we talk mainly from Ai. No one has said anything about the kids in months, years, really, we've given up.
Children are little monsters with dead eyes, they run around killing each other, we can't deal with it, it's very traumatic. I even stopped thinking about what they're doing because it's crazy. I'm more excited about AI. that kids, like anyone else reviving the San Francisco economy, kids don't have AI, so AI is next, we don't know what we're going to do with kids, build prisons, that's what I'm saying to The kids, um, are crazy. um, they're being raised by algorithms, everyone's high and everyone's high, we're all running around trying to kill each other and we record it. um there was a case in Phoenix, Arizona, these rich white kids running around beating up they got random kids together filming it and putting it on Tik Tok for no reason nothing just for influence just for psychological things and they killed a kid and finally now because they're all white, for Of course, the police didn't do anything for a year and they were like, wow, just a couple of kids having fun killing other kids, that's how people grow up, so this Gilbert, Arizona Police Department doesn't do anything about it. regard.
They finally arrested these kids because they killed someone, but this is not just there. I mean, it's kind of an epidemic where everywhere you see you know young people, unfortunately, you know these crazy acts of violence that are now being charged up for influence. People look at what I did and what they did was like, you know, assault. Someone, this is a real problem, so we have to deal with the kids somehow, imprison them, I don't know what to do with them, but AI is big, robotics is big, that's what's next, the Boomers. I have a book on the way. about them, I love the Boomers, they are a


, uh, generation of people, the, the, the state of the Boomers, these paranoid people who refuse to leave their mansions, they won't go away, they won't retire, uh, they , Lord, around their houses.
They, they, uh, look down on their kids, say, I can't believe you don't have something like this. They like to hold these houses over their children's heads. They retire to bigger houses. They have thousands and thousands of square feet. They are very sick. people who refuse to quit their jobs are dying in the Senate they are collapsing in Congress they will not leave uh they will not sow any of their power they are emotional terrorists uh and uh and I grew up with them they They are very interesting people, they have proven the LIE of the sick, these hippies that everyone thought were progressive, in reality they are not, they were always


drug addicts, they never cared, nothing they pretended to care about, they just wanted. getting high and rolling in the mud and then as soon as the drugs changed from you know, uh, whatever, from uh, you know, acid to money, uh, you know, they became a very materialistic group of people and soulless, but the funniest generation that ever lived.
Funnier, no one is funnier because to be fun like we talk about, you just don't have to worry about anything and there is no generation of people that has cared less about the future of this planet, their children and anything than the Boomers, huh , they're all little islands and they're all themselves forever and ever and there's something really refreshing about that funny um and they're holding the planet hostage they won't die they won't go away I've suggested that they would be forcibly evicted from their homes and placed in institutions Mentally legally we have some problems that are not easy to solve um I have spoken with some lawyers there are problems doing that um and then the Millennials were this very shitty generation of like putting on a metal, putting on a headband I, I'm right, I went to the right college, got the right internship, believe in the right things, tweeted the right thing, did the right thing, have all the right beliefs, have the right politics, have this, shower me with you, tell me.
I am good because my Boomer parents don't care about me, but you tell me that I am good, the world needs to fill the void that exists inside me and these Millennials are this type of ambitious peopleThey are constantly patted on the back and told how great they are by those who want them, so they are kind of shapeshifters who conform to whatever popular sentiment they bring together all the opinions they just want, while the Boomers just didn't care. nothing nor nobody. I have the Millennials who are more like I am good and you tell me I am good because they are not, they are good to be told to be good, their politics are aesthetic, they want everyone to look at them to tell them how great they are and then the Zoomers are the youngest generation after the Millennials, they seem to be, you know, kind of entrepreneurial, they're very skeptical of institutions, they're a little more cynical, that's something. of their positive qualities that they are more independent minded the negative qualities are the aforementioned murder and the filming of the murders and the murders and the drugs and the AP phenthol vein and all that seems to be less, I mean we need a recruitment to be honest, you know I'm a little old and fat, now we need a draft, young people should probably go to the army.
I know it's going to be a controversial thing to say, but If they're just going to do fent andol and attack each other in malls and put it on Tik Tok, they can die in Ukraine so B and they can make some money. Are we still on YouTube? So would you consider yourself? be optimistic about the future a lot of things are happening in the world no I no I I I am not sane so I don't think good things are happening but I mean optimistic about the future in general I don't I know it's hard to be right I mean , you have elections this year too here in the US, which is good, we all know that elections solve everything, we all know that's where the real power lies.
The elections now, yes, when I'm talking about refusing to cede control and power to the boomer generation. I was thinking a lot about Biden, I'm sure because it seems like his presidency is getting older and older and he's refusing to. Yeah, I mean, Biden seems like he's a little old. Trump. You know, Biden. He seems to be in a stage of mental deterioration, although he was very good in the State of the Union, they gave him something, they injected him with something that is great, we don't have new talent in the country, no one wants to be a politician anymore.
Unless they are psychotic, you need young people who care about the country and want to change it, and what you are getting more and more now is that you know that all the interesting people in our country are interesting and the people who are ambitious and the people who they have talent they don't want to be in politics they want to be somewhere else it's more fun to go to Miami and trade Bitcoin on a yacht you know what I mean they just don't want to be in politics no I don't want to do it so you end up with these Octogenarians, uh, drooling a little bit, uh, you know, like older people with dementia who are unable to understand what's happening because they don't even know what it is, they barely know what Tik Tock is.
It's something that their grandson shows them, you know, at a party they're having in Maine, they're sitting on a hill in Maine eating lobsters that fall out of their mouths, they go watch, grandpa, they watch the Tik Tock and then they have to do it. go to Congress and discuss this, no, so I mean the problem really is that we just don't have young people who care enough about the country because the press is going to destroy their lives, just when they go, there's a lot more money. in other places uh there's a lot more and the system is so toxic and so corrupt that they become I don't want to get involved in them getting banned from Tik Tok, right?, they're talking a lot about B, they're talking about that.
I don't have any followers, so I'm in favor of the ban, you know, for personal and completely personal reasons. I am in favor and I also think it is probable. I don't know, I don't know anything about it. I just know. People are making a lot of money from this and if I say I'm for the band, people get mad at me, it's not a good cultural force, but what is it? Do you have goals in terms of your comedy and your career? More generally, do you have set goals? Yes, I have things I want to do.
You know, the Boomer thing. I want to do a show about Boomers. I always wanted the book to be a big part of what I love. to make a movie or a show there's something that I find very fun, the way I grew up my friends' families, their parents were very funny people and I want to do something that immortalizes that because they're about to leave, they're about to leave . go and there's something really funny about them and I want to do something about I think a lot of comedians maybe they all want to do something about their childhood or do something about how they grew up or, but you know, mine will be good, that would be the difference no, I really like it.
I like the idea that that is a goal, just telling that story is a goal. I'm pounding the desk, I apologize, um and then it's just keep making people laugh and keep having fun, you know, I mean everyone. What I'm sure is that Boomer's story is something I want to tell you, you have to find the right platform with the right medium, but that's something I want to do, all those first experiences you've had are pretty clear. manifested in your work in various ways you talked about unprocessed trauma from your early years yes you have processed it no I don't want to say process some of that some of that I mean I don't know if I process it all no In one life it is difficult to process everything, but I process a fair amount and have reached a point where there is always more work to do.
You can always be in a better place mentally and you should try. that you're trying to get there, um, but I think I've done a good job of processing it. I lost my mother about six months ago, uh, I guess I don't know, it was in August, she died in August, maybe maybe six months, um, and it was a very difficult thing to go through because her life wasn't great in the end, but it was at the beginning that he had a charming and incredible life. At first, she and my father were married for 10 years before having me.
She loved surfing and sailing and she spent a lot of time in Florida and she was voted prettiest in her high school. She was very, very attractive at first. The front nine was good. The back nine was a little difficult, but I invited her to my house. um on Long Island and the whole family was there we had a really nice day where everyone my cousins ​​my sister everyone was there and that was a good time that's what I remember and you know she was as good as she could be um, I try to get more religious as I get older and have more faith, I think it's good to have faith, you know, obviously, religion is a human institution, there are pitfalls, there are problems, you know, we don't have to repeat them. . um, the idea of ​​there being a spiritual realm seems very interesting to me.
I think it seems quite possible. I believe that people are more than their bodies, they are more than flesh, they are more than there is a spirit there. and I think there was a spirit in my mother that was stuck in a very difficult situation and I think that spirit is free and I think that's the way I feel about a lot of things now, is that it seems like I'm getting into it every time. more on this. The idea that you know the physical is not everything and that we must develop a spiritual side of ourselves and I looked at the struggles that she had later in her life and it was like keeping her in a body and in a mind.
Actively fighting against her was selfish, so letting her have it free I think is the best result, it's a complex set of feelings, it's because there is pain on one end and then there is something else on the other. There is like a well, there is relief because she was suffering, so when someone feels pain and leaves this world, there is a relief that you have because seeing them go through that is terrible, it is difficult and these are people who suffer in all kinds of ways. situations. ways for you to know again I think people are more than their bodies and you know, I think they are, you know the soul, I think, is a real thing.
I believe the spirit is real and I was raised Catholic. There are parts of Catholicism that don't. It vibes obviously with the terrible lineage of abuse, um, but then there are parts that I think are really good about having a spiritual dimension in your life. I think it's really good, so you know. I look at it and I would never say what it was like. time, but she had suffered a lot for a while and having her in the house and having her with everyone for the last time, no one knew she was going to die, but that was a moment where I think she could have suffered a lot.
I felt like it was okay to let go. I don't know if that's true or not. Have you been in therapy to process? I've been, yeah, I'm not in this currently because I'm on tour, but and I haven't been in this for a while, but I certainly have and I think it can be very good. I have been in therapy. Yeah, it can't be good either. Yes, it can be too. Yeah, it can't be good either. But. can be good because presumably you want to have your own family. Someday I guess maybe yes, I mean, I don't know, I have.
I've done a lot of professional things for a long time and I think that at the age I'm at, around 30, you start to realize that there's a limit, not even in terms of your career, but in how happy you are. will do, so my career could improve a lot, but the amount of joy you get. of achievements as you get older starts to weaken and you start to really enjoy other people's achievements, you start to look around you. The community makes you happy, being involved in things makes you happy, helping people makes you happy, it starts to change if you meet it on a good path I think you start to go from being like me, look what I've done, to like.
Hey, can I help someone or be a part of something that has value? What is the greatest side of you that your audience doesn't? I don't understand it or I don't know, because I've watched you for years and I think I've seen a dimension of you, yes, a funny one, hopefully a very funny one, but, you know, I think everyone sees me as Well, he's a human being. and it's not always on all the time and I think you know there's a dimension of me that appears on the show. There is a dimension of a lot of otorhinolaryngology.
You get a lot of what I think in the show. Like if you go out to dinner with me and the things that I'm saying on the show are what I would say there like I would I'm not going to have an opinion on the show and then sit down and do it right actually this is the way I really feel about everything. what you hear is what I think and some of it is very funny some of it isn't um but I think it's just a dimension of being a human being apart from being a product right where people just consume the things that you're saying and doing. , a lot of people probably didn't know much about this, some of them did because I'm pretty open about it, but as you know, I think a lot of people only see one side of you. where there's a guy who makes everything funny or tries to make everything funny, but there's also a lot of stuff that you know I'm interested in, it's not comedy, I'm interested in it or I'm not, you know my career, I'm interested in it or not. and I like, you know, talking about spirituality things, that's probably something I don't talk about, maybe I'll mention it, it's like an aside, but there are interests that I have that are varied, but for some reason, I like that It's not funny or it doesn't fit with the show I'm doing, so there's a show and then there's one person, right, who's not me, who is all the artists from all the places where you'll be performing at the rural Lait Hall that's looms It's in a In a couple of days, yeah, one of the things that always surprises me with you and that you've said before is that when you do your podcast or when you do these kinds of long, long, long pieces, it seems like you're basically freestyle, yeah, what's going on in your head?
I've always wondered, if you're sitting on Rogan or if you're sitting on your podcast and you know your producer puts out some article, right? Do you trust it? If that's what I used to do when I was drunk, I would sit in a bar and talk and now I just do that without alcohol like before. I like to look at things and try to figure out what's going on and try to make them fun and that's the value and the service that I provide is like here's a panorama of stories and articles and things and what the heck is going on and let's see if we can do it. fun and let's see if we can understand it in a deeper level way because there is, so you know, the press has all these agendas about what they want you to believe everywhere, left, right, any centrist corporation, just buy things, whatever whatever, and what I like to do is look at them and maybe do well.
There is a dimension here that is more human that I can develop because I am looking at it. I don't have an agenda. I don't care either way. I am not sponsored by the person in this article. I don't have an Alliance or allegiance to anything. I look at it and say what's the funniest take and how does this, you know, how does this explain something bigger that's happening, that's interesting to me, that's fun to me. I like doing that, so I think it's I was successful because I enjoy it. You came out as G at about age 25 during that period of your time.
During that period of your life, very late by today's standards, statistically, most people today come out at the age of two. you fit love into all of this you try to fit it in as much as you can you know you try you achieve it you know it's difficult because you travel a lot and it's difficult because you spend a lot of timespend time doing things that benefit you in one part of your life but sometimes that hurts another part of your life, so you try again and again, once you start, you know that being successful is like that, many comedians marry other comedians or with someone in that world who understands it, so you know, I think you know that's it.
It's been something I've seen and that works a lot of times, as people are really happy and make a big family. It's kind of like in the comedy world because your partner understands it, but for me, I don't know if that's going to work. I don't want that, I would really like someone who is not completely involved in this at all. You date, yes, but not with anyone in a serious way, you know, you're around and you know how to meet people and see what's fun. homosexuality is slightly different, so it's not like a whole, you know what I mean?
It's not the royal wedding itself, it's not like moving to the castle, but maybe one day you will know: have you ever been in a long-term relationship with serious relationships on and off, but not? it's not serious, where again it seems like it's going to lead to marriage and children, there's kind of a difference where you don't know that gay people can't get married and have children and they can and do and blah blah blah, we know that. , but I personally haven't been in a relationship where everything went towards this and I think a lot of that is because I was so hyperfocused on trying to figure out how to do something really difficult which was being a comedian, but you know, I think that I'm more open to those things because, like I said, you know you do some things, you do some interesting things and then you want to expand on those other parts of your life that you've neglected.
Same thing for most of my life, but I actually think when I look back I just had uh, I think the first model of what love is is learned by watching your parents, yeah, uh, oh, yeah, but You're right, you know, and then you say, "Okay." this is this is love, okay, so this man, this woman, how they interact and then you grow up and go, that never leaves your brain and you think that's what I want, that's right, that's right, yeah, yeah, I don't It is, but you are. right, and a lot of that is an excuse when I go, oh, it's all the Rel, it's all the running, it's me being a bit of a selfish person, I needed to be selfish to find a way to get where I wanted. go, but you know I could have put in more time, but I didn't do it right, so it's like you know you struggle a lot in life with the things you want, the things you think you want, you know it's like you want what you want.
You want nice things, you want nice cars, you want nice things, but then you realize that the things you really like are the things that attract you and obviously you are attracted to making people laugh, but you are also attracted to them. You are attracted to being what you know. in a similar situation where you are appreciated, loved and you know, take care of what you love about yourself, my ability to do it and continue to do it and, like me, no, I'm not an excuse person, no, uh You know, I accept rejection. and I move on pretty quickly.
I've done it since I was a kid. I have a lot of the qualities that a lot of YouTube guys try to avoid going to the gym. every day and I do this and I do that obviously, but I don't let anyone tell me that something isn't going to happen. I'll keep going until I find a way to make it happen on my terms. I like that at all. uh um, you know, I really like that about myself. I think it's a good quality to have to grow up the way I grew up. There is a version of me that is just a drug addict who is on the street, who is dead, and who blames everyone else for everything.
It's another thing to talk about how, you know, a lot of people had it a lot harder than me. I had a mom who was sick and you know, a dad who maybe wasn't as involved as he could have been, but they're both really. Good people, they were both very supportive, drugs were something I did, you know what I mean, a lot of people grow up in genuinely abusive environments and are very successful, so I'm inspired by people like that, I'm not trying to. I say it's me or something, but I come from a background and I have that thing in me that we all have where I can just dump everything and say hey, I didn't get what I wanted, it wasn't a perfect scenario I'm GNA I'll use drugs for the rest of my life I'm going to mismanage my money I'm going to go broke I'm going to blame everyone else I could have been that guy I was that guy for many years and I know who that guy is.
I'm happy I was able to get rid of that. That doesn't mean that the guy I am now is a perfect person. Not at all. There are a lot of other problems you have once you get rid of them. that guy, but I'm glad I got rid of that guy and what you're working on now there. I mean everything, eat better, sleep better, spend more time with people, go on dates and listen to what people say, you know even if they are terribly uninteresting since most of them are right, but you should know that the Bless, God bless you, you are children of God, you just have to listen and you majored in marketing, so you already know that, but all that. things, obviously I'm joking, but like all the things that human beings have to do with their physical mental health, you know, the way they balance their lives, it's all, once you're sober, it's not like wow, the trip is over, it's like wow. the journey can really begin and I can learn to negotiate all these things as a human being and you fail all the time across the board, but what you don't do is don't start using drugs, don't start drinking. don't start becoming a pathological liar don't start doing the things you used to do when you were out there you know you're the worst version of yourself coping mechanisms yeah, mental health coping mechanisms what's what's your mental health like and um What are your new types of mechanisms to manage mental health well?
I just think it's good. I'm a comedian, so it can't be cool if it was cool. I probably wouldn't have become a comedian. I think talking to people. you know, going for long walks again helping people in Ling your life your spiritual life trying to be a better person is what everyone should do all the time I think that's what I try to do I try not to get too caught up in ya you know the crazy thing in the world of spending too much time online looking at too much internet, you know, not being around real people, being in your head, obsessing about things you can't control, all of that if you can, if you can find ways not to look the murders on Tik Tok and go somewhere else and just sit on the beach or go for a walk or do something, it's much better for your mental health than just watching this crazy parade.
You know it's fun to do it. I do it sometimes. I have to do it. Make it part of my program, but I think if you can get away from it. As I get older, I spend less time online. I grew up without it and then it became your life and now if you spend less time on it, I actually think. You see it as something I do for my career, but then you have a real life, you can read a book and go somewhere like that for me now it has more value than just the scrolling and the endlessness.
That to me is a recipe for unhappiness, we know it too, all these little kids know how bad it is, we know how bad the effects of many of these things are and we will lie about it and all these technology companies like they don't there's a correlation between mass suicide and my new app that tells them how to do it like there's no, you know, there's no, you know, they have a new suicide app or they say that has nothing to do with it, you know, it's like Did you know, only filters that you can kill yourself they go that has nothing to do with what is happening it is for entertainment the children know it so we know how bad this is we know how toxic it is um we are seeing it with young people now like never before we've seen it You know, I think that's another thing is your mental health can improve dramatically if you have a human interaction with Elon, obviously B Twitter, and that seems to have balanced the scales in terms of giving, one could call it Free.
Speech, but another outlet for people to speak in a more free and uncensored way. More free, are you happy he bought? I think he was good, yeah, I mean, listen. Twitter had become a really unfortunate example of censorship in American


itself, you know. one thing is not a holistic thing, it never was, it was always this kind of battlefield where people just went crazy and you know, they fought each other and this that and the other, I don't know what it is, you know, people it says it's in the People's Square it could be I don't know if it is uh I think it's good that I bought it I think it's good that people can say what they want to say again I just think that at the end of the day it's like Lo Whatever Twitter is for people, if they really enjoy it or like it, use it, you know, at the time, when I enjoy it and use it, there are times when I just don't care as much and I'd rather put those thoughts in my head. program. and develop them further I think that's where I am.
Do comments ever bother you? You make sure everyone does it, everyone does it, but I don't get many. I've tried to limit comments because comments can work. You can also start doing something that you think people will like and then end up destroying the beauty of what you do or what you enjoy, so I think when people do well, why don't you do more of this? I don't like. this this sucks do more of that you shouldn't be in that headspace you should go out and do what you do and then all the responses are valid because the people who have them this is their reaction but you don't You have to consume their reactions as a form of program your mind about the things you create.
I think you can let them have their reactions and you know you can say you know you can look and you know what you're doing makes you feel good. It makes you laugh. Is it funny? the people you trust and like enjoy it and you know you know everything. In comedy there are metrics. There are all kinds of things on the Internet. There are all kinds of metrics. People likes it? Do you buy tickets? Are you enjoying it? People communicate in many ways to get their tour to the UK. Very, very excited. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure it's at least one of the shows I would love. you go to Finland where 19 people bought tickets, no I'm kidding that's it, I love the ending, a woman messaged me and says it's not London or the Hampton but she says it's what we have and I.
I'll show it to you and I thought, well, I like it, I like someone who is down to earth and really knows what it is, but the Royal ALB is the iconic place and I'm very happy to do it. I'm so angry you're in Australia. We would let you know. I'm pretty sure I'm in Australia that day, right? Because when I saw you post on Twitter that you were coming to London, I sent it. to my team in about a millisecond and I was like, "Oh my god, let's all get tickets" and then someone rebutted and said, "you're in Australia at the time, but you're doing it, you're also in Manchester and Liverpool, but on April 7 ".
Royal Albert Hall, what can you expect from that programme? I think if you like darker comedy, if you like it, you know it's a lot, it's current to a certain extent. I look back on the year we had and you know, I talk about stories that have interested me in fun ways, obviously there are cultural trends in America and probably a lot of them in Britain, you know, we talk about all these things, a lot Of the things that I've covered today, whether it's social media and its effect on children and mental health, all of these things are around Comedy Hour, and like people getting canceled for certain things and people being homeless.
I talk about it because it's an epidemic in American cities like drugs. Everything we've discussed today is more fun there and you, hopefully, I think I heard you say that you were thinking about moving to London at some point. Wanna. I'd love to have something in London. like an H High Park, but it's very expensive and the reason I like it is because it's the most expensive residential real estate building in the world, no one lives there, but you see these young Saudis driving around in their Bugattis and stuff, and from time to time. then one or two lights come on and to me it symbolizes the absolute coldness and emptiness of having things and I think there's a beauty in that, there's something very interesting about it, you know, the whole city of London really interests me and I don't mean to the city of London, I mean that city of London, that city within a city that most people don't know about, but there is a great article in Vanity Fair, whether you read it or not.
The point is that the whole Nightbridge area is very interesting to One-Eyed Park and I is interesting because the banality and emptiness of extreme wealth really hits home with us, we tend to listen and we know that the rich are doing crazy things, right? The mega rich drive yachts crazy with this and that. It's not good, it's unfortunate, we understand it, there is also an element that I think people don't understand and that is the banality, how boring, how unpassionate many people are at that level and that has always made me want to join the crowd of Nightbridge.
Me, well. Watch you know they'll never let me in. That's the other thing I love about I've been addicted to rejection since I was six. I've been auditioning and I don't have anyno so they'll never let me in but it's fun to watch and you don't even want to be in the group. Because it's not funny, that's what's really not that funny, but it's funny to me when I see that you know the secret and how you know that part of it is really very bad and people are doing crazy things and they're overthrowing. governments and that's probably 10% of them and then 90% of them, it's just that they are fighting extreme, suffocating boredom and the north of England is very different, as you may have noticed, very energetic, lively, fun, interesting , I love it there, they like a little alcohol. they have more fun, they have a lot of fun I guess they probably annoy you more, maybe they do.
I mean, I haven't been up north. This is my first time in the north. I've been to Glasgow, which is Scotland. I've been. in Dublin, uh, but this is my first time up north. I did a show, the first SEC show in Dublin. I did last year one of the best shows I've ever done. The second show, uh, it was a late show and it was just the Dr. so drunk. They were crazy and a woman shouted Catholics and then there was a big fight in the audience and then I shouted at them I said: that's why Dubai is winning, that's why China is winning, look, people, they shout, look everyone.
You all look like me, all you potatoes, shouting at other potatoes that they are slightly different types of potatoes, it's stupid, um, and you like it, you clapped your hands. I said, this is why you guys are losers and Dubai is taking over. building buildings that reach to the sky and everyone cheered, they got it, you know, they get it, I mean, that's where I'm from, that's where I'm from culturally, so Dubai is really doing well in all kinds of economic accounts, it's the people . I love it, people love it, you like it, I've never been, you've never been, I've never been, oh, it's beautiful, clean people, it seems like there's good, those are the themes, I mean, this is what You know.
What you're seeing is this is what people want, they want something beautiful and clean and tidy, and you know now there's a vulnerable spot there, obviously, you know this isn't ideal, right, you know, but you're are the things that America is struggling with right now, many of our cities are in disarray, yeah, I mean, California is a good example of a city. I couldn't believe it because the image we all have of California is British, it's beautiful, clean, it's not a lie, Hollywood lies, that's what we've seen. On our TV there are some beautiful parts of this state that are incredibly impressive and you are, but the people are hollow, they are empty, they don't exist, all the people you meet in Los Angeles are a figment of your imagination.
Fractals aren't real, you didn't know them, uh, they're an entity, they go between worlds, but they're not actually physically like you or me, so keep that in mind while When you're browsing this city, the people you're seeing are like you know some of them are attractive and whatever, but they don't really exist in any meaningful way in any way that you can understand, there's actually a like you say. that there is a thin line between the two polar sides of La, extreme wealth and then extreme poverty, there is a psychologically thin line between most of La is people waiting for instructions, that is what it is now because everyone here is on the chopping block from the CEO of Paramount to a bus boy who's trying to get a showcase, to get a spot in Hollywood improv or maybe he wants to be an actor, whatever, everyone in this town is replaceable, everyone feels like everyone is waiting for instructions, no one wants to act, everyone waits for someone else to let them know what's right because that's how the city works and people tend to wait for a consensus to be reached before doing something, you know, they don't believe in anything .
The city is not a city of people. who believe things are sitting in their house they're sitting, you know, you look at these houses and Beverly Hills or wherever you are, Malibu, they're just sitting like that, they're just sitting like that, they're very still. and they don't know it and then they leave the coach solves them they come back and sit and stare and they are waiting for instructions waiting for the phone for a call they are waiting for an email they are waiting for them to tell us what to believe and who to believe in and what is the reality of today it's fat women in a big way to get them get a group of women in this on oxygen machines what are we on today will we do something else tomorrow?
Back to the sexy people, they get it, they're waiting for instructions, they have no beliefs, they're empty, they're hollow, they're vessels, um, but it's pretty and the tacos are good, um, which we know as Brits. We've seen America for so long and we see California Hollywood, you know, it seems glamorous, we see New York, which also seems like an amazing place. New York is incredible and different. I love, love New York. I live in a real city, this is an idea. and it's not good and you said at the beginning of this you said the phrase that how can you, which is bad advice, that you can do anything and be anything, but for us, that's always been like the American dream, you come here and then . you can do anything and be anything, that's what we see as the American dream in the UK, as the land of possibilities, you can become anyone and get to the top and well, yeah, we market that pretty well and for sure , I mean, listen, yeah, I mean, I could.
Yes, but the reality of the situation is that the journey is a little more complicated than people say. When you go, you can be the president of the United States when you tell a kid that he's eight years old or whatever. the president, yes, but the travel has involved a little, you leave out a lot of things, you leave out a lot of things about the commitments you have to make to become president of the United States, it's like telling someone they can be a superhero , Yes I am. Sure you can be a version of that, but there are some things you'll have to do.
I think that, in general, it is very bad to tell masses of people that they should do it without taking into account reality, without taking into account their own limitations. or their own without taking into account their own tolerance for work and how much work they want to do without taking into account any of that telling them that they can be whatever they want to be is such a deep conversation and is such is a slogan is a license plate is something that it's put on a shirt it's a bumper sticker it's not a philosophy of life because there's a lot more there's a lot more that goes into that statement and I think that's what I mean, not that people can't do great things, people I absolutely can do great things I think people can do great things in the UK too, right, people can do things in the UK.
I mean, maybe the class systems are more stratified there than here, but I think you know what we mean when we say you can be anything you want in America and you can make as much money as you want, that's what we're really about. saying, we're really pushing this idea that the only route to happiness is this upward vertical that you have to hang on to. everything and being a boss and being a businessman and running an empire and that is the way to happiness that is not the way to happiness that is what we are promoting we are not telling everyone that they can be whatever they want to be so that Let's have a lot of challenges to like our ideas and things that we're not, we're not looking for that kind of feedback, we just want people to go out and work until they die, that's what we really want when we say you can be anything you want. be the translation is to work until you die.
I'm in my boat, but this younger generation apparently isn't working their butts off if you look at things like Tik Tok where they have palates like makach Chaka Frapp and they do the Yoga and working at the big tech company and the silent resignation, some Of them have realized that the country is a


and this is the good news: they are not wrong and when you find out that the country is a scam, you can approach it. way a scammer or scammer would approach it, which is what many of them do, they invent mental health ailments that they don't have, they take days off, they terrify their superiors into respecting their mediocre quality of work, this is something that Jenzy sticking with this is something I fully support.
This is their way of rising through the ranks. They are taking advantage of the people they work with. And you know, make them tolerate less and less work and work. a lower and lower quality because they've realized that a lot of this is like that and they're wondering why they shouldn't participate and obviously now they're also working remotely, that's a big thing after the pandemic, which is absolutely We have realized this during the pandemic. I think a lot of people believe that a lot of the things that we thought were guarantees are not, and a lot of the things that we used to fervently believe in, at least right now we're questioning.
I think we are young. People say, Why the hell should I spend 40 hours doing a job I hate when I can pretend to do it and threaten my boss if they try to fire me and fake a mental illness I don't have and demand that everyone conform to it? what I want and then use whatever diversity chip I have to go out and scare anyone who tries to hold me accountable for any of my behavior and I think that's a beautiful thing, I mean, it's really interesting, it's really destabilizing. of society, you know, obviously, the same thing is to silence those people and tell them to shut up, they have to do these things or get out, but nobody is going to do it.
They have found the flaw in the system they have


. the scam and once the scam is


it's for everyone to see and now everyone can address it as it is, now everyone is like even the big companies, everyone is in this for themselves and just trying to figure out how do I get the most out of it and not There's nothing wrong with that, that's the most American thing ever, the right thing to do is try to get something for yourself, no, there shouldn't be any hate for that, it's kind of silly and ridiculous and crazy how they do it, but just They're taking the tools that you've given them and that you've allowed them to use correctly, so they use these things, you know, they go, why are you late today?
They leave, I'm gay, go, don't worry. about it, you know how they are, they are you, it's the most American thing you've ever used The Playbook that someone hands you and says, here's the Playbook and you do great. I have anxiety. You keep coming to my physical space. good words you keep coming into my physical space you are using volume right now I have anxiety I need time right now this report is not ready but I need time right now and I have it and you know what I need right now is just to be a little quiet so that's great, I mean, I'm all for, let's talk about Zoe, who you may know because she's a sponsor of this podcast and I'm an investor in the company, you know health is my number one priority.
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Stepen, you can use my exclusive code ce10 to get 10% off. Don't tell anyone about it. Okay, just for you. I've interviewed a lot of people about AI Experts at the top of these AI companies, but you mentioned it before and when I found out you were coming today I thought this is the guy I had to ask about the future of AI because, in As far as that generation is concerned, the thing that will upset them, but also many other Generations, is the advent of super intelligence, where apparently you know that all the things we do can be done by some type of robot or AI, so that you must have a fairly informed vision about what is artificial.
Intelligence, well listen, it's affecting the industry I'm in a lot. I think I'm lucky and comedians are lucky that we won't be replaced as quickly maybe as other people, but it's certainly going to disrupt the writing world. of acting, you certainly know that Tyler Perry just canceled an $800 million expansion because he looked at this new AI that was generating locations and he's like, why do we have to have location shots? So you start thinking about decorators, prop companies, all these things that are going to be You know, maybe it's unnecessary now with AI, so the business that I'm in it doesn't seem to be too dramatic about it, but people sees it as an apocalyptic event because there are jobs that when we look at how it is going to profoundly impact a business that simply will not exist.
You know, we have influencers now that are actually because we've raised in this country some of the least interesting people on the planet and some of the most interesting, but some. Of the least interesting people, the most generic people make millions andmillion dollars.Basically just Hawking products on the internet, that's all they do. Someone asked me about my skincare routine and I thought I'd share some with you. I would share a promo code with you because a lot of people reach out to me. and they go, your skin really glows, it looks really good, so I'm very excited to share this promotion and those people don't need to exist, in fact, they really don't, they don't exist as human beings, so they need to be simply replaced by a pixelated version of that, an AI version of that, now there's ABS going from Robert DeNiro to AI, that's going to be something going from, you know, Tina Turner to AI.
That's a big problem for these people, these generic barcodes. with their feet, these promo codes going from them to the AI ​​are going to be literally imperceptible, let it happen. I saw an AI influencer the other day that had 200,000 followers. I was like, oh my gosh, yeah, and there's some with Millions, there's Linn, what's that Lynn AI? influencer That has millions and millions and I was thinking and then the crazy thing was the comments section of these men who were actually messaging about this AI flu very healthy very healthy men, yeah, really, yeah, well, you know, Not everyone is happy with women right now and this AI woman might be, you know she's doing better.
I don't know if you would play this because you talked about robotics before. AI robotics people are getting lonelier than ever. It seems that many people in the future will be. Dating these AI sexers could be where I finally find someone who respects my autonomy and respects me and it could be someone I like. I mean, I'm very open to that to come out with some kind of AI very well. I mean, you never say never. never say never i mean humans are done we've had a streak it's ending um it's all around us that's why I mean the whole children thing no one cares politicians used to talk endlessly about children and families now the The only reason boys come up is if they're using the bathroom and it's a gender thing other than no one cares, no one cares, they're just a battering ram, like a cultural conversation or whatever, there's nothing to it.
It has to do with whether they are being polite, right? They are going to have money, can they ever own anything? And you know, all these companies that own everything now and have locked people out, blocked other people from owning Black Rocks, things like that, basically, they're just having. just like the internet is your home, that's who you are, that's your home, you can't own a house, you can't own anything, but you own your avatar, you can date someone who is AI, you can do anything comment on whatever you want if you know something. it comes out and you don't like it you can write about it you will never have anything you will never have a house you will never have a car you will never have money uh the best parts of the world will be colonized by the super rich, the rest will be devastated by climate change.
The good news is that you can close the door to your small group, talk to your AI influencer and have an opinion, but that won't change anything and it won't matter because you will be living in this world that we have created so that you feel like you have a purpose. , but we have stolen from you all the things you could say are yours and everything that is yours, even your own thoughts. now we own even your locations they are digital the way you know where you park your memories are digital we own all of that we have taken away all the physical dimension of your life we ​​have simply eliminated it completely let the cities you used to love be invaded by hordes of drug addicts and you're afraid to leave your house and isn't NE not that good because you don't need to leave your house anyway so after us?
I've taken all this from you, we're going to give you a good AI influencer today, so I'm optimistic about the future. The answer is yes. What will be beautiful? What about men? The men are fighting. It seems so, if you look at the data there. men seem to be lonelier than ever there are higher rates of suicidality there are many types of addictions, porn addictions and things like that, you know, now we have the kind of quote-unquote male influences that are emerging that present a set of answers and they're told they're losers and those people seem to be the most attractive to that group, yeah, well, I think it's again, I think dividing the world into interest groups and having them just be interest groups and, you know, surrendering our Humanity to this idea that everyone should be pitted against each other, whether it's men and women, whether it's different races, whether it's different religions, at the end of the day, it all feeds the same kind of isolation that you're seeing right now, it feeds that It's an ideology that is not about building anything, it's not about building something, it's about destroying something, so when everyone talks endlessly about how terrible men are or how men are the result of all these horrible things that happen because of men and you know having a man in something or uh giving a man a chance at whatever now obviously men do very well in the world so even when People hear me say this, they are going to get angry, they are going to leave, no, all presidents have been good men, but not him.
The reality is that you know how to listen if you are a young boy, you are a young boy who goes to school. and you hear that you are toxic and that there are traits in you that are toxic and that you are contributing to a worldview, that's it. without knowing it or that you're inherently racist or that you're inherently sexist learning that and hearing that and feeling that and everything else I just talked about this world where it's harder and harder to stand out, it's harder and harder to get something that feels like it's worth it, it's harder now to make space for everyone you know, but I think no one wants to hear men talk about it, no one wants to hear men commiserate about the difficulties and the challenges that they're having because I think One of people's knee-jerk reactions is to just tell men you had a good time, shut up, no one wants to listen to you, that's terrible, these are also the same people who talk about the importance of mental health, the important thing which is talking about mental health.
So I think we have to stop pitting people against each other and stop tearing everything down and start building things based on values ​​and values ​​can't just be this rampant tribalism of "you're a man, you're straight." you're gay you're white you're black you're indigenous you're I think we have to build it on values ​​like what we believe what we believe and then you should be surrounded by like-minded people who believe in things that you believe in and they don't all have to be the same The very big country of States United the people who live in Malibu California don't believe the same things the people who live in Louisiana are fine we are all going to die if they keep trying to convince each other to think the same way other people think.
There is no greater waste of time on this planet than going to people and convincing them to have the same thoughts as me and the same experience on this planet. The way forward is to respect people's differences and create a world where different people can thrive, and Andrew Tate has shown himself to be a kind of symbol for that group of people with the Lamborghini, the muscles, the fight and the money. and women and yes, and that attracts in a large group of men who say: you know good, you know. I think I met Andrew Tate.
I had him on my show and he is very, very, lovely to me. He was a good guy. Think about what he talks about and says weird things like everyone else does, like I like a lot of people, he's not again, he shouldn't be a senator, um, but I think what he's talking about is that desire. that many people have. a lot of men have to be respected, they want to be respected and they want to do things in life that get them respect and I think he is preaching certain things that can get you respect and can elevate your status as a man, now some of those things have negative effects. connotations and some of those things can have unintended consequences, but the things you talk about it's easy why young people understand why they would want to have money and status and, you know, be in good shape and all these things that, somehow way, they demonize you. potentially known by people but at the same time coveted, which means that many of the people who demonize the initiates of the world are doing the same thing that he is doing otherwise, no one would ever know if someone went and celebrated the female directors executives would never be criticized actually it would be a big thing if I had an event for women leaders if I had an event for women leaders and I stood up and said these women are rich, you have money, you have status, look what you've done, it would be applauded, this would be the Aspen Ideas Grant, this would be anywhere right now, what Andrew Tat told the man, among other things that are probably not all good, but one of his things is to improve your financial status because that It's how you're going to get respect in this world is by having money and not depending on other people, that is infinitely demonized as this madness that is terrible and the worst advice men can receive and he says yes, he'll get you.
Women having these things will attract women and then people will demonize them and say how dare you? That's crazy, but on the other hand, I'm celebrating the material achievements of women who are great in our culture and telling girls that they should all do it. be bosses and everyone should get material things and be owners of their house and be owners of a company and be like that. I think there's a bit of a double standard where we look at the Andrew Tates of the world and completely demonize them. The idea that they tell men that money gives you status these things give you status they give you women However, on the other hand, we constantly tell young women that career-oriented goals are the most important thing in life. life, we have a closed tradition on this podcast when the last guest leaves a question for the next guest without knowing who they're going to leave it to interesting wow, that's a good one, oh, I think you know this person, but I'm fine, but that's interesting after saying the question, can you? tell me who's the one that breaks the rules a little bit, okay, okay, then I won't break the rules, but you could figure it out if you cared enough to realize that we actually turn this into cards that are there, like this which is a stack of cards and if you turn it over to your question, the question, well, if you find this question there and you turn it over and you scan the back of the card, it will show you how to answer it. could you figure it out oh interesting okay so I have to leave a question for the next person and you don't know who he will be either.
I answer your question first. Yes, answer this one first. Okay, who should you do it? I apologized but I didn't and why good question, Megan Markle, because when you launched your lifestyle brand American Riviera Orchard, which is a beautiful collection of glassware and dinnerware for the woman on the rise, I really thought you doubted your level of shamelessness. Now I respect it, I like it, I would have lunch with her. I've come full circle when she uses all that social capital, uh, about this alleged racist treatment that you received using all that social capital to launch a lifestyle brand so that people have glasses that they can drink chardonnay out of in Santa Barbara, perfect, so I'm sorry Megan for ever doubting you.
Now I'm on board in a big way and if there's a job for me at American Rivier Orchard, three words that don't really make sense together, but still sound lovely. I'd love to. I would love to be. I would love to be considered for a position. So you're a Megan Markles fan. Now in a big way. Big Time. It has often gone the other way. She does it with me, I criticize a person for being somewhat grotesque and then she starts appropriating her grotesqueness and that makes you inevitably have to like her because she is so shameless, you just say: I like this, I adore you.
I know like I saw her, I saw her and she's like American Riv Orchard monkey, it's so funny, it's everything she supposedly hates, which is privilege and class and all that, and it's there, you know, it's cool, it's actually funny and gives me hope for the future I feel like you weren't serious with that answer, but I am. She would apologize to him. I would tell her that she doubted you and, you know, and I'm very serious about Megan Markle being at her core. okay, a climber, this is it, she's a Hollywood act, she's a climber, look where she's climbed, look where she's climbed, she's living in a mansion, monoco, she's got all these idiots like she's climbed, that's not it We're talking about his character, we're not. talking about that and I'm hitting the desk again we're not talking about her character we're just talking about the results you have to give her many seist actresses end up in many places very few end up in Buckingham Palace or in our version of Buckingham Palace, which is Monaco, so good for her.
I'm not going to let you leave until you give me another answer, another answer as to who I should have apologized to. I don't know, I haveexcused. For so many people, I guess my grandmother, who died, I should have apologized more, you know, when she was a drug addict and when she was out there and how much she cared about me. I think people tend not to. I realized how much anxiety her behavior caused me like she didn't notice how she went out and she stayed out late and did these things. She just spent a lot of time worrying about me and was such a positive force in my life if I could talk to her. she again I would apologize for you know how you know inconsiderate I was Tim thank you thank you thank you very much you know I have um you're potentially my favorite comedian and I'm only saying that because I've never seen you live, but absolutely, you've given me so many moments of joy, laughter in a life that is sometimes difficult.
I'm not going to say I have a very difficult life these days, but I struggle sometimes like everyone else, of course. and in those moments I really find myself gravitating towards you because I think you represent the other side of my brain that I'm not publicly allowed to know, do so much research because your humor is so unacceptable sometimes it's How wonderful, thank you very much and it's rare in a world where people are increasingly scared. It's always funny how many times I've played clips or videos of you for my entire team here long before you even knew we were around.
Sitting down and sitting together is amazing and hearing that you're coming to London and you're going to do the show is very, very exciting and I would recommend everyone, each and every person, to go buy tickets for Tim Dillan's tour called American. royalty is the American royals tour and we're all over the United Kingdom and the Royal Albert, you know, the second to last one, the really cool one, you know, but there are also places like Finland and other places that, you know, are less importance to me and the world thank you very much the links to your tour are all below in the description below so everyone can go and get those tickets right now before they sell out so Tim, thank you, thank you for being thank you for everything what you do and I don't think you'll ever do it, you're probably not very good at accepting praise.
I can see that yes, I don't think so, but they usually yell at me. but thank you, thank you for inviting me. I really enjoyed this, oh.

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