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REGINA Undercover As PERLITA from HATCH in Spy Ninjas Safe House & Ruined By Project Zorgo Leader!

Jun 29, 2024
Come on, Jack, come on, Chad, answer it. I have great news to tell you, maybe Daniel is calling me face to face. Daniel, what's going on? Hey guys, remember how he was on that mission where he was attending Melvin's online class. Yeah, yeah, how was he? Then Melvin found out it was me. My cover was blown. Are you OK? He's going to offer a reward for my drone. Now there are tons of hackers after Nightroad. We need to get him out of a



, otherwise they will find the location of the



, get out of there, yeah, are you okay?
regina undercover as perlita from hatch in spy ninjas safe house ruined by project zorgo leader
Oh poor thing, Gina is here, wait, how did you get in here? I'm a hacker. I could hack two phone calls. You really are the best hacker. Won't you show me how to do it? that then, yeah, Daniel, you don't know how to do that, I mean, but guys, guess why I discovered hackers. They were ordered to find Perlita and bring her back to the


s or a


. I still have the pre-Leto outfit. Can. Don't go


, contact the


, find out all the juicy secrets we need to know, great idea because you're the master of disguise, Regina, yeah, you had a petting zoo or what, there's a very loud bird, it's probably a pigeon Project Orgel, oh God, it's okay.
regina undercover as perlita from hatch in spy ninjas safe house ruined by project zorgo leader

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regina undercover as perlita from hatch in spy ninjas safe house ruined by project zorgo leader...

Better come back inside my air and be a meat, okay, I dress up as Perlita. I have my costume suitcase here beyond my sippy cup, it's my Jonas Brothers t-shirt. I have a cape here. It's probably time to let go of the mask. the bathroom I need to stop hanging out with Daniel guys it's not my drawing drink it looks like her no Priya has some freckles she looks really good other than that we're basically twins I'm one called Danny Boy easier to call my most trusted colleague mr. cheeto I'm pearl Eva you know what Regina will be great your look is fantastic it will definitely fool them but Politis speaks like Spanish knowing I'll be on my laptop and I'll be googling things for you to say in Spanish and then you'll connect to my headset the only thing is that you have to convince the hackers that you are through native Spanish speakers, people speak the beautiful Spanish language, they shake their butts, for example, in Spanish, rojo is Rojo, you say, just tone.
regina undercover as perlita from hatch in spy ninjas safe house ruined by project zorgo leader
Put it down I'm going to put on the headset right now trying 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 let's kick and serve 3 2 1 kick the ball I'm ready to infiltrate the hackers remote communication line it's called mask time I'm in you, Daniel, get ready, oh why can't I roll my eyes anymore? It's me, Perley thought, well, surely I must be dreaming currently, they've been looking for you for years, can you believe that guy, what are you talking about? swenglish there, I'm very impressed by you. I learned from Andy because they taught me English well. I want to talk to the leader. Can you hook me up with his favorite TV show?
regina undercover as perlita from hatch in spy ninjas safe house ruined by project zorgo leader
Uploading my favorite TV show without Killing, left hair butter, oh boy what are they? What do you think he's doing? Why is he writing like this? He just asked me a question about probably to say your program. Who cares? You're telling me your favorite TV show. I grew up on the sidewalk. Second, I need a moment. What are you doing? Avatar didn't come out in the '80s. Not sure you're right? He probably took it in 1980. I don't know, I need the 80s TV shows. We're looking for a show. for you, okay, a show from the 80s, shame, that was years ago, well, I'm a poet, I didn't even know that.
Look at me, watch TV shows that were in the 80s, oh here we go, of course the Ninja Turtles love that show. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I know one looks like this, sorry. Oh, he said children's TV show, I meant Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, turtles, uh, yeah, I love that show that came out in the 1980s. Okay, I'm going to grab Daniels by hand. -dandy Daniel drone and throw it in this box, yeah, put a little tape here and to the park I go, let's fly, you know the exact place to hide this thing where no one would think to look except Daniel and that would be on a boat of trash I'm using my super stealthy secret spy when you hide behind the trees no one will see me I'm going from tree to tree let's go this way oh God I just have to find a good trash can for Daniel you He's never seen me before I think he's realizing Oh, thug in the truck, you get all these hackers back, your hacker, give me that roadblock, Daniel, yeah, we'll take this.
Oh lord, friend, are you like a park or a hacker? It's pretty cool I have the drone those free online classes are mine free online classes what classes are you talking about the ninja spy moves for the classes oh geez or are you talking about Melvin's classes you actually signed up for that well I'm Get it for free because I draw, yeah, hey, do you want this? You gotta come and get it, hacker, okay, this is how you want to play, yeah, this is how I want to play, you're not getting this drone, this is mine, I gotta get drunk, look. then no, because Gina can't even do a scissor kick oh yeah, great kick Regina, good, so we practiced those kicks before, you see that book, civility, okay, so should I blow up your dressing room?
Boy, yeah, you know what I think Regina already has this. she's a natural you're doing great girl proud of you yes she's fine okay you know what sometimes nature calls right now call Daniel you have to go I was drinking milk and I accidentally spilled it on the floor and I kept spilling it spill it smell it and then it was just a simple urination, that's always fine, sure, a simple urination could be the same way, Regina, it's okay, it happens next time you use your microphone, it's okay, I don't want to hear that and the Hammers almost They calm the man.
The hacker almost snuck up and took this out of my hand. Well, he held a lot of my hands for a while. I guess I need to pay a little more attention to what's going on behind me, but luckily I was able to use about an inch of skills to put it back and now put it back where I wanted to put it in the first place here's the exact spot I was thinking of for Daniel this blue trash can here you guys know all about Daniel and how he always hides in trash cans let me first look at how clean this one is oh you're not as clean as a bat some bottles of water you know it's good.
I'll put it there, pretty sure Daniel will notice that, no problem, I don't think any hackers have seen it. I put it there, it should be fine, the drones have been dropped off Hi Regina, I just got a notification that Chad dropped off my drone. I'm going to go find the drone at the secret location before the hackers get it, but I'll still have the headset. Okay, so if you need anything, let me know I'll be here for you. Yeah, okay, I got this snake guy Daniel P Z easy, who's next. Regina is ready. I can't do that anymore.
You can talk to the


. leader, you can just say how your day went. I know the leader, he is my friend, yes, I know if he has friends. I met this dr. Lisa character, she speaks Spanish, English until now. I threw your cannoli off the Brooklyn Bridge. Did you just say I threw my cannoli off the Brooklyn Bridge? That's weird. Wait a minute, please, I understand. It seems that Regina you have to say period, a cannoli. They are many. the Brooklyn Brooklyn Peter - cannoli from the bridge there Brooklyn I don't quite understand it, so I want people to get to the project leader and I need to get to him in no way that was wrong.
I double checked. I triple checked. Even Regina asked. he what's the right answer okay I think he's lying it's Ally don't worry about the clothes oh some idiot PC 44 was using a translation app and put it in the wrong language this whole time oh , that's not fair, that kind of big hit no I still don't answer, okay, this question is too easy, it has to be a trick. Oh, remember when Peraleda came to the safe house and thought the toaster was a VCR? She tries to say VCR. Oh, a VCR, it's a VCR. VCR, do you think this is it? a VCR, yes, well, normally I would love to say this, you are very, very wrong, but again you gave me a lot of trouble, people, I appreciate you pushing your luck next time, I will be very friendly, right now, the leaders are waiting for you chance. for you I'm here in the park dad said he left a drone here in the secret place the only problem is that there are a couple of different secret places here in this park they all look the same let's check the secret place one no no there so rubbish what?
Can Chan say he put it in a cardboard box? It's just that Oh Bell Chad might have been here but there isn't a cardboard box with a drone inside. Is he in this one? No. I better call Chad and tell him what secret place you put it. man they call Chad this doesn't make any sense pick up Chad hey Chad hey yeah I'm here at the park. I looked at the secret location and the package was not there with the drone inside. Yeah, I checked out the secret place and everything. Similar secret places there are a lot of them.
I'm pretty sure I checked each and every one. I mean, there's like 15 of them. You have this Daniel. Okay, thanks Chad. Let me double check. I guess okay, let's start with this dump. this trash can there is a trash can check that one I'm not sure if I check this one yet yeah I would have noticed this one overturned a trash can I don't remember this let's take a look inside ah I'm not digging Over there I doubt Shad put the drone at the bottom of all that garbage. Oh, it sucks, what am I going to do without my handy dandy Daniel drone?
He's gone forever, that's all a coincidence. He probably put it in the wrong place. Oh what. Am I going to have the kids call me? Let's fix it Daniel, hang in there kid, be a big boy, be a big boy, it's just a drone, hey Regina, that's good. I think I'm getting ready to talk to the leader, I won't talk to the easy leader, yeah. You'll be in my ear in case I need help, okay I'm here with you, oh okay my laptop is ringing right now, oh my god this is crazy, it's not every day you get to talk to the PC leader, only you.
I've seen him in PZ videos for a long time, so I also knew your father quite well, really only Father knew him at the time, Chick, I think the leaders of the PC fell in love, his name is only Regina Perlita, I know a lot of things about me, why can't you find me? in the black pyramid and I will tell you everything you want to know. Happens. I need your help. Here you know it. I'm here. He wants to meet us in real life. Well, you can't do that. Regina. He will capture you with something hot.
It's like Bellator, what should I do? The PISA leader right now thinks you're actually the pearly finger. It's okay, he's been chasing you for years. You had higher ground. It's okay, you can convince him to do anything. Why did you do this? You challenge an old man. If he wins, he will meet him at headquarters, but if he wins, then the PISA leader has to tell him what he wants to know. Why is he sure that he will want to play rock, paper, scissors? No, no, Regina I. I know it sounds a little silly, you're the punch and gouge expert, you could beat him, but don't call it punch and gouge, just rock, paper, scissors, okay, I'll do it, good luck, but If I beat you, then you'll have to do it.
Tell me anything Perlita would like to know. I am the leader of the Zogo project. I don't play youth games, but I have a youth who loves games. PZ Squire in mask time, Pollito is challenging you to a game of paper-rock. -defeat with scissors I will order you when to go paper-rock-scissors cute pea East Choir has won the first round Rock Scissors shoot the winner is the polite PZ Squire if you do not win this third round you will not be able to play fifteen days in roblox and minecraft for two weeks Scissors shot the winner is paddle you're excommunicated from the game for two weeks come out now that's right you won and I know a lot about you I know who your father is I know you're a good fighter I know You're actually Regina pretending to be polite and I know I've been tracking your IP address all this time.
I sent hackers to your exact location.

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