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Meet Fortnite’s #1 Mobile Player (he’s insane)

Jul 04, 2024
This is a Fortnite pro but plays on


devices. Yes, this is Percept, the number one Fortnite




. How is this possible? Today we are going to solve it and I will be watching. I need to show them exactly. How good is Percep. I have a little surprise for you at the end of this video if you beat this game with at least 10 kills. I have a special surprise prepared for you, okay, oh, shoot, I have to be ready for that thing that is CRA. Yeah, you've got a lot locked in here, you've got to lock yourself in here, okay, here we go, we're tuned in, we're watching, this is all a purely mobile game and when I say mobile, I'm talking like finger mobile, right?
meet fortnite s 1 mobile player he s insane
It's not even like you're not using the controller, right, all natural, mobile, touch the screen, all natural, no, no, plastic, all natural, okay, this should be interesting like I, I've seen your free builds, honestly you don't even know how you do it, have you always played on mobile devices? Actually, yes, I started around season X. I've always used the platform to play games. It's been fun, oh, here we go, a second elimination, right there, what are you playing, on what tablet or, uh, this? That's actually where it gets interesting because I would say about 70% Fox, that's what I can think of about this, about 70% PC console.
meet fortnite s 1 mobile player he s insane

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meet fortnite s 1 mobile player he s insane...

The community thinks that mobile devices are completely banned, but it is still true, which is partially correct, as on iOS, you can't. play the game natively, but that's where I'm playing right now, Samsung Tabls 9 Android device is fine, so you play on an Android tablet, what's your FPS like and what's your refresh rate? 120HZ refresh rate. at 90 FPS oh okay you got like you got a whole stack of wood just show me show me some real quick builds show me just a couple wait little triple edit okay okay bro I can't believe that you are moving like this. mobile using your finger like you're using your fingertips to do this with raw finger that's crazy okay okay so obviously it's mobile you know you have an extra disadvantage with the FPS you can't max like 240 Herz and all that, um.
meet fortnite s 1 mobile player he s insane
You are also playing with your fingers and maybe there is some delay, maybe there are some things you need to keep in mind. What would you say is a strength that the mobile phone has? I would say that we at least don't. I don't know, I can't really fault it now, but as long as iOS was something we could have, I'd say keyboard mechanics and having controller-style aim assist makes sense as a combination of both, so right now. You're like you're Rec, you're filming with a handheld camera, but someone's holding the camera and I think your brother was helping you, he's still there, he's still there, he's grinding, he's screaming, screaming, screaming at the Broski holding the camera for you guys. so you can see their point of view because like we wanted to, we really wanted to show an authentic look at how a mobile gamer plays and it's been a while since we've highlighted any type of mobile


, uhoh, that guy. it seems like he's weak, he's trying to take some medicine or something that's going to combat it, he's the icon Nick a30 and he only uses the guitar, he's Metallica, he's a little bit Metallica, yeah yeah, so wait, what season Did you start playing?
meet fortnite s 1 mobile player he s insane
You started, you always started. on mobile devices this was your first platform for Fortnite. I mean, technically, truth be told, I think I started on season five, but I figured I'd only play occasionally, so I preferred to play on mobile. This has a unique feel to me, the fact that you can take it anywhere. I like it a lot. I played on mobile. uh for a couple of sponsored things, it wasn't easy, bro. It wasn't easy, like I wasn't. I wasn't playing claw like you. Let's say that many mobile gamers have to play claw to get the most out of it and reach a decent level.
I would say that you have to play claw or it is more recommended, very rarely do you see like a two-finger, no-claw or something like that and they are extremely good and for the people that I like, I respect it a lot because I would say that a great part of those players play where you see that guy. Look at that guy opening a shield, yeah let me go fight this guy real quick before I'm the guy that ran away earlier, oh Nick, a 30, oh he hit you with the hook, those were some good shots , so I want to say this guy was. running away from someone, so I have to pay attention to that, yes, I see, I see a medallion like above you, I think if it is in a bush I will be able to see it, it is another one on mobile if you move the indicator around the screen and there is someone in a bush the crosshairs will turn red the crosshairs turn red if they're in a bush I'm not what's his name, you didn't hear that from me, but oh, this guy, this guy heard you because he's immediately uh get out of here yeah that's it hard oh that was a quick turnaround wait this kid is crazy oh uhoh oh your Nitro just saved you right there this kid is a little crazy I'm not going to lie it's a moment this lobby is like a bronze combo for gamers Unreal is really like a mix oh no oh no, I took out my wrong weapon uh oh oh shit, that's what's up with mobile, you can just sort your weapons using like the right finger, you can do like this without taking out the inventory, which usually it's a Str click and drag the gun yeah tell me about the bush thing so if someone is in a bush and you I want to give you a better example but say I was just sitting here and moved CL if it was straight , oh my god, that guy didn't want to hear the explanation, but it was right on him, he would go uhoh, this is not good, oh way to go out a little crazy, no, dude, he pushed you across the ramp, okay , guys, we.
We're giving our guy another chance here to take out the remaining 50 players so when was the last time there was a build mode mobile tournament tournament build mode mobile tournament that's a good question. I mean 2021 2022 was like a long time ago. but it was also a very so called mobile monday and the prize pool remains confusing to this day NA East na West the only region oh I was about to go into that piece yeah fire bro it's fighting here nice ramp , OK. ah it's so easy bro, there was also something completely broken in the mobile where you could drop the item like this and reload it and then it would instantly reload oh wait wait wait.
I remember in chapter 2 there was a bug where if you dropped your item it automatically reloaded and mobile players were abusing that like they could drop it and pick it up faster than anything else. I remember that clip. I remember seeing a mobile gamer do that and go crazy at the end of the game, yeah what's that called fiction? I think it was the name on the Booga cup I remember those good times, oh, some good shots right there, all right, I'm going to rotate next to them, who is it? Oh wow, there's a guy right there.
My neck Peely is going crazy, bro, yeah, wait, go crazy. I like your style of play. I feel like you don't do much. You are just very fundamental. Keep it simple and look for smart plays. I'm like FPS oh sh, I got it, no, you got it, you got it, bro, oh, he's running away, bro, don't blame him, it's like he got too close, I don't want to fight with it anymore, it's a little risky . I see someone, yes. This time you're going to get your revenge, yeah brother, it's ready, oh, there's another brother ready, everyone's using the, everyone's using the lightning, come out, yeah, like I have to, maybe I have to use that tone Low, come on, please don't tell me I'm. let's go fight this guy here he might actually come oh this guy ain't even paying attention okay these guys are running right away bro no one wanna smoke yeah chill im on im on mobile man , relax, okay, okay, here we are.
I've got people shooting you in the back yeah I'm not going to lie I think I'm going to have to rotate this yeah the storm is coming have you used this before? That's kind of crazy, bro, crazy object, wait, wait, dude, that's crazy, like bouncing off the tree. I'm just gonna let it bro, unlucky, wow, this guy is trying to send it with the guitar, bro, guaros, bro, we're watching a mobile player board and finish the game here, yeah, I'm getting a I think this is a little chaotic. Up, wait, wait, oh, that would have been so nice.
Are you the only mobile player in this lobby? I highly doubt anyone else is on the phone. This is what he wants. I'm just going to do this. Actually, yes, Smart Bro, everyone is going to use this. at the end of the game I just realized it's going to be crazy it's going to be something oh there he is bro he's the guy for this it's just going to be Revenge bro I gotta catch him okay lead honesty it seems I'm going to have to pack my bags and wait. This is about to get crazy. I keep hearing the guitar playing.
We were looking at a mobile player in the endgame. 18 players stacked. Four eliminations. Come on. I never thought I'd say that, but this guy. in front of me, come on, is he going to use it? Oh well, oh wait, what did you do? ConEd turns it off a bit. Okay, you have Medit a little deep in the area, but that's okay. I like this. I like this. Although this is like. You stay on the dead side like you, you actually have a lot of competitive experience, don't you? Yes, you played some tournaments. No Nitro, so I don't have to worry about all these guitars flying in 16 players.
Gotta be careful with the guitar so I don't get into a storm, right brother, I like this, this is like an endgame, yeah, this is a pretty complete ending. I'm not going to lie, people are going crazy, was he running? Okay, fly, here we go, here we go, just be careful not to go too deep, stay in the storm because the storm damage is fragmenting, yeah, yeah, oh they cut, we're gonna need a little refresh here, taking out the 10 best situations, yes. pressure that guy by popping a Fizz oh that guy's broken here we go top eight that's still the guy that's weak down there yeah he almost got caught oh no this is the smartest play but this is going to be crazy bro, you gotta get in, get in, you gotta get in you gotta get in shit, oh my god, drop damage that guitar is dangerous, bro.
I've seen a couple people fall to their deaths exactly like that because you think you're not going to fall or get hurt and it's like bro g g that was still so awesome bro I still want to surprise you with something even though you didn't get a 10 even though that you got the 10 and the victory I still want to surprise you with something I want, I want to hook you up with $500 so you can get some recording equipment, a tripod, just some upgrades and stuff to get more content, Fortnite Mobile, what's it called? Content board. I like that it represents the Fortnite Mobile community.
I want to see a comeback for this scene, hopefully we'll also get iOS back and more tournaments and all that, guys giving in to the criminal by rocking out on mobile. The community took down a lot of players while on mobile, that's pretty impressive, thanks guys. Much to see, don't forget to like and subscribe. I'll see you next time.

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