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Fox Forced to Admit Biden Economy Is Booming; Biden Calls Trump a "Sick F*ck": A Closer Look

May 03, 2024
-Fox News was




that the




under Joe Biden after a blockbuster jobs report on Friday that surprised everyone. And yet, Donald Trump is still somehow trying to take credit for the good economic news, which has left even some Fox hosts baffled. For more on this, it's time for "A Closer Look ". ♪♪ We live in strange times dominated by strange people talking about strange things. For about an entire week, the biggest talking point in right-wing media was the MAGA conspiracy theory that the Super Bowl was somehow rigged for the Chiefs so Taylor Swift could endorse Joe Biden, which obviously It's crazy.
fox forced to admit biden economy is booming biden calls trump a sick f ck a closer look
The Super Bowl hasn't been rigged since 2011, when my Steelers lost to the Packers in a game that was obviously rigged. And if you don't believe me, feel free to ask for my handwritten manifesto on the subject, available only on the dark web, because
fox forced to admit biden economy is booming biden calls trump a sick f ck a closer look

More Interesting Facts About,

fox forced to admit biden economy is booming biden calls trump a sick f ck a closer look...

That's how weird things are: The president of the United States talks about the election like a trucker dragged to an art exhibition. "What the hell is this weird shit? An arm sticking out of the wall holding a googly banana. This ain't art. I'll tell you what art is. A bunch of different dogs. They're all playing poker. One of them is doing trap. He has an ace up his back leg." But "weird" is probably the nicest thing Biden has to say about Trump, because privately he has reportedly said much worse things. Politico recently reported that the president has described Trump to longtime friends and close associates as "a


man who delights in the misfortune of others." According to one of the people who spoke to the president, Biden recently said of Trump: "What an idiot that guy is." And he


s, I'll keep it behind closed doors.
fox forced to admit biden economy is booming biden calls trump a sick f ck a closer look
In the past, a slip of vulgarity was political kryptonite, but so were 91 felony charges. We live in different times, so I say, let it flow, Joe. Just start dropping “F” bombs on the campaign trail. You're from Scranton. You can get away with it. "I love... I love Amtrak. It's the best. It's the best way to travel. And no, I'm not around. No... there's no TSA. No... there's no metal detectors. Nobody forces you to take your shoes. It's no joke." So Biden thinks Trump is both a jerk and a weirdo, and instead of trying to prove him wrong, Trump just says, "You think that's weird?
fox forced to admit biden economy is booming biden calls trump a sick f ck a closer look
Hold my bear." And then people say, "I think you mean 'hold my beer.'" And Trump says, "I'm pretty sure he's a bear." Over the weekend, Trump posted a side-by-side image of half his face with half of Elvis's face with the caption...I think they just wanted to say that you


like you died in the bathroom too. That photo looks like Two Face if he were a musician. "Hey, flip a coin. If it comes up heads, I'll do "Blue Suede Shoes." If it comes up tails, I'm going to yell that the water pressure in the showers isn't working anymore." Yes, I'll be ready when you call me back.
Don't worry. And even when he supposedly talks about real politics, Trump is still a weirdo and a liar. Over the weekend, he was asked about his trade policies, and instead of defending them on the merits, he told another bizarre false story about people coming up to him with tears in their eyes. -Your critics say that you are going to start another trade war with China. -It is not a trade war. I did very well with China with... with everything. Look, China came in. They were going to destroy our steel industry. And I put tariffs, big tariffs, 50%, 100%, but 50% for the most part... and that stopped it.
I have people of steel who start crying every time they see me. They hug me. They said, "You saved our industry." -The funny thing is that with Trump you don't know if he is referring to people who work in the steel industry or people who are made of steel. "Steel people cry, and it's very sad when a steel person cries because the tears roll down their metal faces and into their steel joints, and then they rust. Steel people rust and they can't get close to you." . You have to go up to them because they're frozen in place.
And you go... you go up to them and you get really close and they say, 'Mr. Trump, please me.'" -Trump is such a weird and blatant liar. You can even see it in the faces of the people who interview him. Fox host Maria Bartiromo, for example, asked Trump about the growing


, and even Bartiromo, a big Trump supporter and fellow nutcase, seemed taken aback by Trump's attempt to take credit for it. -Biden's team can say, "Well, if things are so bad, why is the stock market on a roll?" -Because they think I'm going to be chosen. -That...
Do you think the stock market is recovering because people believe you are going to be elected? -Yes Yes. -Look at his face. Or he's going through a moment of existential panic where he finally realizes that the guy he's interviewing is a pathological liar detached from reality. Or she's thinking to herself, "Is that Elvis?" "Hey, Maria, I can see you're looking at my face. Yeah, right there, that's the king, and that's not the king, and that's... This is what I'm going to do for you, Maria. I'm going to flip this coin. If it comes up heads, I'll do 'Viva Las Vegas'.
And if it's tails, Maria, I'm going to start talking about windmills that cut off the heads of birds. And for your information, Maria, I'm almost done, Maria -Of course, the real reason the stock market is rising is not because of Trump's poll numbers, but because of the buoyant economy, which received even more good news on Friday with a blockbuster jobs report that surprised everyone. Even Fox News was taken aback by how good it was. -We are about to get these numbers shortly. We are waiting for the employment figures, where we expect 180,000 jobs to be created in the month of January. unemployment rate rises to 3.8%.
We are attentive to the revisions, of course, and also to production. -I have it. -And... Do you have the numbers? -Wow. -Let's go straight to Cheryl. -This is something: 353,000 non-agricultural jobs. I seriously had to recheck this, guys. The unemployment rate fell to 3.7%. That's the real number. We were looking for 3.8%. Let me give you... I don't even know what to say here. -The way they react to good economic news when Joe Biden is president is the same way I react when my wife tells me that her girls' night out was canceled. Oh! That's great. So now you'll be here with me all night?
Oh great. Let me... Do you know what I'm going to do? I'll turn off the basketball game and try to uncover a lie that explains why an obscene amount of Chinese food is about to appear. That's how you know the news is good for Joe Biden. Fox News double checked. If it was good for Trump, they would pass it on without even checking it. I tuned in this morning and the headline was... So the economy has been


under Biden, which is not what many predicted. When inflation was still rising, almost everyone thought the United States would end up in a recession.
In contrast, the United States had the best recovery in the world. By contrast, Trump was the first president in modern American history to leave office with a net loss of jobs. Now, yes, Trump was president during COVID, and that had a lot to do with it. But he also brags about how low gas prices were during his tenure, and that was only because no one was driving anywhere. Of course, gas prices were low. You couldn't even go to the supermarket to buy toilet paper because they didn't have it. I had to use cue cards! I used cue cards!
Can you hear me?! And you can't flush them down the toilet, believe me. After a few monologues, I gave it a try. The economic news has been so strong that Fox hosts who worked for Trump, like Larry Kudlow, Trump's former economic adviser, had to come clean and


that the numbers are good for Biden. -We had a spectacular employment report: more than double the consensus expectation. Now I know that many of my conservative friends are trying to poke holes in this report. But you know what, friends? It is what it is. It is a very strong report.
Not all economic statistics should be viewed from a political perspective. I've been in this business for a long time and sometimes you just have to throw out the ballot boxes and just recognize the numbers. They are what they are. This was a very strong report. -How angry do you think Trump was when he saw that? His assistants are probably still trying to clean the ketchup stains off his TV. The economic news has been so good that even Republicans and Fox News have to admit they were wrong, which is why they're moving on to other issues they think they can exploit, like immigration or a bunch of absurd impeachment investigations in the Camera.
Anything that distracts from the fact that their candidate has been accused of trying to steal classified documents, of trying to steal votes. Hell, if Trump could get his way, he'd probably try... -...Rob people. -He caught me off guard. I did not see him coming. This has been "A Closer Look." ♪♪ Hello everyone. Thanks for watching "A Closer Look." And as a reminder, my brother Josh and I started a new podcast called "Family Travels with the Meyers Brothers." We hope you listen. We hope you like it. We will see you soon.

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