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THIS GAME IS HILARIOUS! | Shark Dating Simulator - Part 1

Apr 09, 2024
*WHOO-PAH* UP OF THE MORNING FOR YOU LADIES! My name is Jacksepticeye and have you ever wanted to date a


? I know you have. There is a very small group of people; There's probably a subreddit for people who find


s very attractive. I'm the co-founder of that movement and I say people should be allowed to date sharks. So here we are, in my video


that I didn't create at all, but for


joke, I one hundred percent created



to delve deeper into my habits of wanting to date a shark. Welcome to "Shark Dating Simulator XL". *Clap* *Clap* Say it with me: sharks are people too!
this game is hilarious shark dating simulator   part 1
Sharks are people too! Sharks are people too! Yeah! Thank you! Very good very good. Let's start! Well, apparently this is me. I have a fantastic profile! Look at that strong jaw! My only true home. The place I long for and long for. *Dramatic yawn* But were they cold? They had to be cold because you can't open anything else with the boys! *ping sound* MOTHER OF GOD! You have a lot of tits! Jesus! Real fish scientist. Me too. I've got my uh- I've got my uh- my uh- little whale biology certificate... right here. Look, it's right here. *Wave Book* You- is my- my whale biology course.
this game is hilarious shark dating simulator   part 1

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this game is hilarious shark dating simulator part 1...

That is a good one! Is it due to your attitude? Lollygagging, chin wagging, mischief, all welcome! Bluntly! If you, any of you start to get nervous, it will be... *Chops* shkroo- death by tits for you! Wow, that's a tough sentence. "Holy crap, is this the kind of dumb diving school?" Jesus Christ. Wait, did he just call me a scrub? Actually, your outfit is an insult to fish science! Well. We are here to make a GENUINE whale biologist on fish science. How else am I going to get my PhD on how to fix blowholes if you're dressed like this?
this game is hilarious shark dating simulator   part 1
Confusing everyone! The fish no longer know what is happening. "Now listen, Neanderthal sea sponge." Shit. Me. I mean, I know we're in the ocean. I know it's full of salt. That doesn't mean YOU have to be. Well. All those delicious flavors out there and you chose to be salty. Actually? It seems like you would remain much more optimistic than any of us. "Oh, what's with that goose look, are you inbred?" I just came here to do some genuine fish science and honestly I feel SO attacked right now! I mean, I didn't do anything wrong. I came out here wide-eyed, full of wonder, ready to face the sea!
this game is hilarious shark dating simulator   part 1
Like a real sailor! But my God, okay? "Do you have any questions or something?" Oh god, yes. Well, "what am I really supposed to do?" Well. "Wow...are they...are they real?" I want to ask that. *Laughs* Oh God, I suddenly feel like I'm playing Hunie Pop. Is it "Shark Dating Simulator" or "Big Boobs McGee Dating Simulator"? No! Sharks! So I'm not going to continue with her. I'm just going to ask what I'm supposed to do. Although she will just insult me ​​when I ask her this. Good? Wait! Wait. Insult in three... two... one... Okay. Crisis averted, everyone!
There is no name calling happening. We're ok. Is your name Marina? That's a fake name. Your name is as real as your chest *Laugh* I'd like to think that's actually what fishermen say. They're hanging out on their own and there might be some scientific reasoning going on, but they're just like, "Um, Houston. Weird shit going on here!" *Laughs* Please tell me this is how the astronauts head to Houston. "Uh, Houston, we have a problem. There's some crazy fucking shit going on here in space. Did you know it's all empty?" Here we go. "Okay... looks like I'm on a boat with a fucking lunatic." "...but the fishermen have provided me with a lot... *hard* evidence." "A man claims that a sea donkey begged him for his life." "Another says Herring called him an idiot." *Dies laughing* *Inhales* I'd love to think that's the first thing you, a talking fish, would say to you. *Laughs* It's like, "Oh my God!
These fish can talk!" He says, "Of course I can talk, you idiot! *Giggles* This is amazing! Are you sure the locals around here have nothing better to do than heroin or mushrooms or something? Are you all imagining This? I don't know. Maybe it's because everything here is salt. The air is salt, to a certain extent my blood is salt. Ah! The good Marina came here wanting to be an actress! That didn't work because people realized he had a face for radio, THEN he dedicated himself to the empirical sciences of... fishing! The highest levels of fishing society find out about these findings, they will take it into account! serious AND THEN....♪ Acting! ♪ "Then get in there, soldier!" Okay, big boy, I'm going to the ocean!
Oh, shit! checkpoint! the majesty of life under the ocean wa-" Oh, I'm in. If I were a talking fish, I wouldn't be in the ocean. I'd be on Broadway! Learning to act with all people! At least not Miss Marina. Ss- uh- a brain sponge isn't that bad. Do you know what a sponge does? It absorbs everything around it. So if you have a sponge brain, absorb all the knowledge that is circulating. SpongeBob SquarePants! That's an old check, bro! *A weak moan as the text appears and surprises Jack* Damn! It's okay, God. Where should I look first?
Um, maybe inside my heart. "Maybe inside that old shipwreck? Behind that seaweed it looks promising." Ha ha. Behind those SEAWEED, friend. I'm going to take a look at the SEAWEED. "Uh, hello? Any little fish here?" *Jack doesn't even know what to do with this man* The first rule of fish school is that they teach you proper grammar! That the plural of fish is 'fish'. 'Well, not 'fish!' God, do I... *stutters* do I have a friend instead of a brain? Heh, it's a bit... it's a little marine joke. It's a little joke about fish. You'll understand in a while...
He just turns around and says, "Fuck you, cunt!" He he! It's like, "Okay! I guess they CAN talk! Everyone is so angry down here!" You know why? Because they are so SALTY in the ocean! "How are you doing today?" *Absolutely dies laughing* YES- IT IS! OMG, that's exactly it. I was just kidding! *Laughs* "SUCK MAH'S BALLS!" Duh- "What the fuck did you just say?" "SUCK MAH'S BALLS!" *Laughs* Sea slugs don't even have balls! Oh, I'm so glad I played this game! Asking the real questions. "SUCK A-MAH A-BALLS!" Am I Aquaman? If you're. Didn't you see my bachelor's degree in fishology and fishonomy?!
Damn, man. Suck all my spaghetti! "You have balls!" Oh God! What happened? Did I just get two fish balls? Is this real life? Man. Twenty-eight years, opening up to such fantastic wonders. In the future we will have talking fish! Also, by the way, happy new year everyone. I hope you're having fun. "I'll be there, there are some fish inside that old shipwreck over there." "I'll try there. Let's see if I can get in." *ping noise* WOW! HOLY SHIT! Who is this beauty that stuns me? You're not going to tell me to suck your balls, are you? "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HERE BAKA?!" That's a stupid person for any of you who don't speak 'Japanese' like me.
I've seen some animoos in my time, okay? And don't fuck with me, because I have the power of God AND anime on MY side! I'm ready, Shark Chan! Nani? SHIT?! You don't seem like you mean it, okay? Um, I guess all that goes out the window once the shark talks to you. Hey, do it! Give it the old *PSSHH* NANI SMILES! You've messed with the wrong guy this time! Omae wa mou shindeiru. WOW! Oh Lord! You told me you were going to bite me. Oooohh, unless you meant it in a sexual way, not really. That? That's not sexual.
Now you sound like a dolphin. *Sick dolphin impression* I like how you went with the 'violent'


and not the 'small'


. God, everyone just insults me. SUCK THE MAH BALLS! Do you... do you want to fight with muscle? Do you want to go? Just because this is your house, just because this is your domain, doesn't mean I can't kick down your door and say, "WHAT'S GOING ON, FUCKERS!" "Come to me!" Oh shit! I thought I had to click the balls! Damn! SUCK THE MAH BALLS! DAMN, snail! OUT OF HERE! Always wanting me to suck his balls.
But then I have a huge erection. Heh! I have balls! Who wants balls? Everyone wants balls! Do you want balls? I have balls! I love balls! *Slightly confused laugh* Whoo hoo, WHAT!? Jesus Christ! *Sniffing* Do you guys smell smoke? Because I've been FUCKING TURNED ON right now! How about a slap on your tits? You find moisture inside the shower, okay? These are things that happen in the real world. You find silicone-silicon inside my breasts. These are all accurate facts. Who knows? Learning every day. Every day is a new experience. Twenty eight. New year, new me. SUCK THE MAH BALLS! "Why are men so useless?" Wow!
Just throwing out that casual sexism! No damn problem! Whatever, okay? I'm a real fish scientist! I don't need to listen to people like you! I'm going to go to the ocean and live with the true... meaning of life. "Wow, I'm so sorry, Miss Marina!" No! "If you think sharks are no big deal, YOU do it!" Yeah! Defend yourself! I'm really starting to think she's not a great person. I'm really starting to think that Miss Marina is a bit of a BITCH. That's what I'm saying. First rule of the school of fish: learn to swim. "It's these damn breasts!" *Laughs* *Laughs* All the jokes I've made before they were told. *Laughs* I'm just kidding, man, I'm just having a good time! *Laughs* SUCK THE MAH BALLS!
GARY! Yeah, it's not the right time, okay? But precise, okay? "I bet I could handle them." Shit! Shit! "Well done, mouth!" Aaaaa! When the brain and the mouth do not communicate, bad mouth results! *Sigh* I need to improve my mouth next time. "Fuck you, brain! You're not my boss!" *Laughs* I made the joke again before they made it! *Giggles* Are you talking about the boat or your breasts? *PHYOO* *Laughs* I'm going to leave rooms like this from now on. It's like, "Oh. Sorry, I have to go!" *PHYOO* *Distant laughter* *Applause* Wow! Fuck yes! A good first day!
We got someone to suck our balls, we got six balls, we punched a shark, we talked about a woman's tits, and we got insulted all day! If that's not a good start to the day, I don't know what is. Is Bruno Mars gay? Is Harry Potter really the chosen one or was it Neville all along? Are eyebrows really considered facial hair? Do vegetarians and vegans really eat animal crackers? If Jacksepticeye screams in the woods and no one is around to hear him, does he really make a sound? That's a trick question because the real answer is yes, because I can be heard throughout the cosmos.
How many humans have fucked fish? Enough for evolution to take over. *Giggles* *Laughs* Just like Annie said: only one day left. *Giggles* This game is amazing! Well, shall we start the next day? Here we go. Good! Well I'm going to leave this episode of..."Shark Dating Simulator?" That's what it's called? I'll call it "Shark Dating Soob Diving School Insult Simulator." Oh Lord. This is incredible! I found this randomly on Steam while I was reviewing. I wanted to find some silly little games to play. THIS has completely impressed me! This made me laugh MUCH harder than he thought.
It's an opportunity, it's incredible! He he! Anyway! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS FOR WATCHING THIS EPISODE! IF YOU LIKED IT... HIT THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE... LIKE A BOSS! And... Happy twenty-eight years to everyone. *WHOO-PEESH* *WHOO-PEESH* BUT THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE YOU ALL.... IN THE NEXT VIDEOOOOOOO! Happy twenty-eighth! I have to leave now. *PHYOO* *Dramatic exit*

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