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7 Signs she's sexually attracted to you

Jul 01, 2024
So how do you know when a woman is


to you


? I mean, really, how can you say it? Have you been down this road a few times and can you actually guess or are you just making wild guesses and often being completely wrong? According to statistics, men tend to misunderstand women, because if a woman is just being friendly, they tend to think that it is an invitation for them to be physically intimate with them and nothing can be embarrassing if a man approaches you or try to make a move on you and be flatly rejected.
7 signs she s sexually attracted to you
I have a video on how to deal with rejection and maybe you should check it out to the point here. You can save yourself a lot of embarrassment by watching this video because I'm going to be giving you


that a woman is



to you don't go anywhere welcome back Jessica here you are welcome to my YouTube channel on this channel I offer relationship advice to men hopefully to help you decipher the homo sapien called woman today's video is It will be absolutely fantastic and watch it until the end, especially if you are a patron of my Patreon community.
7 signs she s sexually attracted to you

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7 signs she s sexually attracted to you...

I have special thanks addressed specifically and directly to you, and of course, if you want to be a Patreon, log in to Patreon. .com slash jessica join you as a vip and I will video call you as soon as possible before we move on to today's video let me tell you that in all the advice that I am about to give you, be careful and be absolutely sure that what you are reading is what it really is. If in doubt, just ask. In case you have questions, just ask to avoid very embarrassing situations. If in fact you may have read it wrong, remember that some women just emit a lot. of flirtatious energy and sometimes it's not that deep so if you're not sure please ask before you do something really bad, okay I'm just saying that let's jump right now.
7 signs she s sexually attracted to you
I know that relationships today are complicated. There's a lot of stuff that happens in person and also a lot of stuff that happens texting on the phone behind screens, so to speak, so I'll try to mix this up a little so you know if a woman is sexually attracted to you even when she's not. you're sitting in front of her and if you're really close to her, I'll share a couple of


together, so follow along and you know you can skip through the video, if you know you're looking for specific topics that you know address specific issues number one, unless of course you have an accent problem, maybe you are from a different part of the world and speak differently, so people have To like it, really pay attention to what you say reading your lips, usually when a woman is sexually attracted to you and unless language or accent is a barrier, she will focus a lot on your lips if you are one of those.
7 signs she s sexually attracted to you
People who have really nice lips and get that compliment a lot, chances are people tend to look at them while you're talking, but you pretty much know that when a woman is really attracted to you, really, really, really attracted. , it's crazy because even when you're saying something that requires her to like look away, she's still focused on your lips, just watching how your tongue plays with your teeth and how you lick your lips and how you know it all fits together. , it's so attractive and it's almost like she's completely obsessed she looks into your eyes for a second and then goes back down to your lips because you're just doing things to her just by talking when a woman concentrates and seems to be paying a little more attention of attention to your lips instead of looking into your eyes when you speak that for me and from where I sit and talk to a couple of my friends is a good sign that she may want you sexually now, with this particular tip, be careful because you don't want a sexual relationship.
You have been sued for harassment, so be absolutely certain that this is what the woman is trying to communicate. When in doubt, ask. In no way am I saying that every time a woman looks at her lips she is asking for it. No, let's get that straight. However, I am doing it. saying that once you guys have gotten over a certain barrier, a certain threshold, you become familiar strangers or maybe she's even a colleague or just a friend and you guys have dated a few times and you still get this vibe from her where she just does it. . she doesn't look you in the eyes and she is constantly looking at your lips, it could be a sign that she finds them attractive, maybe she even wants to try them and you should probably take that as a sign.
Well, number two, she wants to sit next to you and once. Again, this should not be used in communal spaces where, for example, on a bus and a woman comes to sit next to you or you are at a function and she comes to sit next to you because there is no other chair, the guys think. What I'm saying is a little deeper than that. I'm saying that if you have this person who has been in your life, a woman who has been friendly to you and you tend to realize that every opportunity you get, she creates an opportunity to sit next to you have her shoulders rub yours.
His hips rub your thighs, etc., etc. and that way she is most likely trying to give you a signal because one thing I know is that when women don't like you, they won't create opportunities for you. being so close to them the proximity will never happen because she is trying to avoid any type of sexual tension or any type of interaction that would make her feel uncomfortable. Now I say when you realize that she has been doing that to not come. As creepy as it may seem, you might want to test the waters, so instead of just lunging at her, you know you can touch the small of her back if the opportunity arises or touch her thigh and see what the response is if she's open. and open. her body language is positive so you know you didn't misread the number three she can't stop unconsciously touching you when a woman really likes you they tend to do that they are very touchy you will give yourself a playful push They will know that they probably run their hands through your beard when speak.
They would play with your tie if they were standing in front of you. Now they are very, very susceptible. Sometimes it's even subconscious. They are not even aware of that. They're giving off a great vibe but it's one thing because you see once again that if she doesn't like you she won't give you that chance and once personal barriers are broken it's a great sign it's two things maybe she's really a good friend and she is comfortable with you and trusts you enough, that's all, or maybe she actually wants you to know a little more, she is sexually attracted to you and therefore doesn't mind if you touch her the butt slightly, if you know, you push the barriers. little do you know, to see what her response will be, but generally when women are very touchy with you it is a good sign because it could mean that she is open to getting to know you a little more, she loves you, which is also another option or you know that she is just She feels very comfortable with you and doesn't perceive you as a threat, which is still a good thing, because all you want to do is make sure you remove all those things that could be barriers and prevent. prevent you from getting what you want from a woman now in all of this, I would also say don't feel the need to immediately reciprocate her susceptibility because it might take her out of all that subconscious stuff she's doing and it might alarm her if that's not even the case. where his mind is or what he is thinking about, I think that if you protect your feelings and your thoughts and hold back, you will actually be able to create more sexual tension between the two of you and the next time that happens, Rest assured that this moment is deliberate and You are not doubting yourself.
Number four, she smiles a lot now. Smiling is obviously a sign that someone is satisfied. Well, now if you're not telling a joke and she just seems nice. excited about the fact that you're in her space and with her and spending time, it could be a sign that you know, hey, I'm not saying jump on the next girl the moment she smiles at you, that's going to be stupid, it's well, I am. Saying that if a woman always seems happy and smiles a lot around you is a good sign that she is really enjoying the experience you are giving her, whatever the experience may be, you might know it's your time, um, it might be a experience. like you take her out or there might be some activity, it's a sign that she is enjoying it and if this person is constantly smiling at you, sometimes there is no conversation, she just looks at you silently and smiles back almost like she is in a daze.
It's a good sign that if you go a little further, you're likely to get something more than what's currently happening. Number five, she sends you a sexy video or photo. This is to me the most obvious sign that she wants to do something with you because you see the idea of ​​even sending sexy, dirty, maybe semi-naked photos to guys, it can be discouraging, it can be scary and unless a woman really likes you. wants that way, she won't send you anything and the moment she feels comfortable enough to send you a photo that, you know, exposes a body part a little bit or, you know, a photo that seems to tease you and make you Your mind wanders, my boy, as if I had gone to his house, there is something. happening, no one had called her at yours, you know, um, when women break that protocol and send you a video with an obscene or sexy image, don't let me talk too much, you know the deal, I think you know the deal, that's why you're watching this video and you're probably here for the not so obvious signs so I'll move on to the next number six on the phone, she could still find reasons to text you like every little thing she wants to text. she will laugh at your status if you post something you know on ig, any opportunity to enter your direct message, if you find her doing that frequently, it could be an open invitation for you to once again go further, because if she doesn't makes interested, she won't and it's not rocket science guys, which is why I don't even feel the need to elaborate the point that much if she uses any of these messaging apps like WhatsApp's Telegram signal, you know, and she she constantly changes her image to show and You know, just seeking your attention all the time is a very good sign that she may want a little more than what you are currently offering or she misses you intimately if you have already done things or are planning to do things or they like.
You guys are flirting a lot, right, and speaking of intense flirting, that's my last piece of advice. I mean, listen, there's a subtle flirting thing where you have to sit there and guess what she's thinking about, and it's in her face that I want them to come home. I'm flirting right where she's minding your business like you guys are dancing at the club and she's like rubbing her whole body against you. You know she's turning around and twerking. Ooh, I can't even twerk like her. She's like twerking. man taking off her socks, she's asking for it right, again, she would always say that as a first port of call, she's always testing the waters to make sure she reads the right sign because she doesn't want to embarrass herself if she does.
Rejected at the end of the day, okay, and now it's time to congratulate my clients, Dominic, Patrick, Robert, Khalil, Jammin, um Mackenzie and Theodore, oh my goodness, Rodney, too, guys , absolutely amazing, you guys are fantastic, you guys totally enjoyed it. All the video calls and video chats that we've been having, I'm happy to be able to contribute to your lives and, you know, catch up and bring you exclusive content every time, so we salute you and, yeah, the channel just hit a milestone. recently, so I'm really excited because of you guys and of course people who want to interact with me, talk about anything, I can really always video chat with you guys, just find me on
Jessica, register as a VIP and that's it.

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