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Film Theory: John Wick Literally CAN’T DIE!

Apr 15, 2024
This video contains spoilers for John Wick Chapter 4. At the end of his latest


we see the death of John Wick, but is everyone's favorite puppy-loving assassin really dead? What do you say, John? You are absolutely right, Emily, no, he is alive and I am. I'm about to prove it: Long live John Wick, hello Internet, welcome to Film Theory, the show that knows you can't do business on the mainland, so why not subscribe and watch some of our videos? Oh, guys, loyal theorists, today we're talking about one. of my favorite franchises to come out in the last decade, John Wick, you're ready, John, in case you missed this one.
film theory john wick literally can t die
John Wick is about a legendary assassin who seeks revenge against the entire criminal underworld known collectively as the High Table after his dog is killed. The later movies are less about the dog and more about simply leaving the organization, but regardless of these movies having a pretty simple premise, what follows are four movies of incredible action in a super-stylish neon-lit world, all directed by specialist professionals who make sure you see exactly what's going on. and I think the results speak for themselves John Wick is one of those rare franchises where each sequel is arguably better than the previous entry, with box office numbers that aren't all that surprising when it's clear how much love is put into them. things, but you know what a shock it was to see John Wick die at the end of chapter four, after months of running and fighting through endless armies of faceless thugs, Jon is forced into a final duel against his old man. friend Kane, in which he is shot three times and although he manages to survive long enough to kill the big boss and gain his freedom minutes later, he takes a seat and peacefully succumbs to his wounds to say that


no one saw this coming, To put it mildly, as I was leaving my presentation at In the Movie I overheard several people asking each other that he couldn't be right.
film theory john wick literally can t die

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film theory john wick literally can t die...

I mean, it takes a lot to surprise me in movies right now and even I have to admit that this one got me. John Wick is a great franchise, there is a hunger of fans for more of these movies and now at the height of their success they kill off the main character no I don't think so, it doesn't matter if we saw a grave because John Wick is not dead when you look at this franchise and examines the type of injuries Wick suffered throughout his quest to escape the high table. Things don't line up here.
film theory john wick literally can t die
There is no way that the wounds he receives in this Final Duel will kill him. In fact, not only is John Wick not dead but After watching these movies again, I am almost 100% convinced that John Wick


cannot die and there is a secret reason for that, so put on your magic bulletproof suit, loyal theorists , we have a death to refute, so to do this analysis we are going to be grouping the


s into two groups, John Wick, chapters one to three, and John Wick, chapter four, why does it have to do with the time period Where do the movies take place?
film theory john wick literally can t die
According to franchise director Chad Stilleski, the first three John Wick movies take place in about a week. week and a half somewhere in there, so all this fighting all the bullies, him killing, all the damage he takes in those three movies, yeah, all of that is apparently happening in just under two weeks, meanwhile, here I am crying on the floor every time I step on it. On the other hand, a Lego, chapter 4 apparently takes place about six months later, enough time for John to have had a chance to rest, heal and refill his tank, plus here we will only see the serious injuries, he sure suffers a lot of injuries . he hits and falls through the glass, but we'll focus on the moments that are most likely to kill him and it seems to me that the best starting point is actually the ending, by taking a closer look at the wounds that end. quote killing him during this final shootout Kane grazes Wick's right arm, hits his left shoulder and then shoots his lower abdomen, the resulting blood loss apparently causing Wick to die shortly after, but wait a second, why that pattern? of wound sounds so familiar?
Well, because this is not the first time we have seen someone shot in these places in the franchise in chapter 3, John is forced to shoot a friendly doctor to save his life. It's complicated, but trust me, it works anyway. The week asks where. The doctor would like him to be shot and points out two specific places that will hurt so it won't be fatal. Here, right under my floating rib. Oh wait, one may not be enough. You shouldn't touch Mike. Good luck, Mr. Rick. the first is in his lower abdomen and the second is across his shoulder, the exact same body parts where Kane hits Wick during the shootout at the end of chapter four and remember that the doctor chose those places specifically because he didn't they would be directly. fatal that right there that is very suspicious not only that but Jon also shot Kane in the same part of the abdomen and we see him able to fully recover in the post-credits scene of chapter 4 so we already have two solid points of evidence. stating that Jon shouldn't be dead at the end of this duel and all that without saying that these guys are trained professionals, they can get shot in the head in their sleep, the fact that they just brush against each other and hit each other with no essential areas that right there they clearly indicate that something else is going on, but let's talk for a second about blood loss according to the National Library of Medicine, healthy adults have an average of four and a half to five and a half liters of circulating blood. through their bodies at any given time, obviously everyone will react to trauma differently, but as a general guideline, most adults can lose up to 15 percent of that blood volume without any physical symptoms, this Known as Class 1 bleeding, any symptom higher than that. progressively worsen between 15 and 40 blood loss can cause nausea, fatigue and hallucinations.
It's not until you hit 40 or so blood loss that things start to get seriously deadly. These are class IV hemorrhages, they are the type of wounds that have high risks of organ failure, coma and death, so how much blood does John lose to calculate that we need to know how badly he was injured? According to the Internet Movie Firearms Database, the weapons used in the duel appear to be a pair of engraved Thompsons. Center Arms Encore pistols with nickel plated or silver 44 magnum cartridges, how powerful is a 44 magnum cartridge in the words of Dirty Harry, a powerful pistol will blow your head off and wipe your head clean, these should be doing significant damage, emphasis should, but now just take a look at the wounds on Jon's stomach and arms to lose 40 of his blood, John Wick would need to bleed about two liters and thanks to the white shirts we can see how much blood he's actually losing and it's not Enough, this is just a pint or two of blood is not enough to cause him such a death.
This also agrees with the statistics, according to a study in the Annals of Surgery. 88.3 percent of people who are shot in the abdomen area survive. Lastly, we've seen him survive this exact set of injuries before. In Chapter 2, John is shot twice in the right side of his abdomen while fending off one of the Assassins, although it clearly hurts Jon and causes him to hold the wound and stumble, but he survives just fine, so in the scene end of John Wick's death. He actually survives, but what happens during the rest of the movie? Could his injuries have simply added up?
What about being hit by a car? John is hit by several cars throughout these films, which can obviously result in a fatal injury. 9.1 percent of pedestrians hit by vehicles are killed, another 21.8 percent are seriously injured, the big X Factor, ultimately, is the way the hit occurs and the speed at which it goes the car in John Wake, chapter 4, for example, we see it hit by a car during its battle in the middle of the traffic warning. This fight is happening on a very specific road, the Champs Lisa, which surrounds the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, a massive 12-lane roundabout where the speed limit is 50 kilometers per hour or just over 30 miles per hour at other times. streets of Paris where we also see it. reaches the speed limits restricted to 30 kilometers or 18 miles per hour, but here's the thing: the odds are in John's favor in all of these cases, only 33 percent of pedestrians hit by vehicles traveling 25 miles per hour hour are seriously injured and only 10 percent Hit at 35 miles per hour, die, these hits at those speeds, while they certainly look painful, are probably some of the least dangerous things we see Wix survive over the course of the movies, so if cars are not a threat and bullets are not a threat.
What about Falls? Chapter 4 features an incredible top-down shootout that looks straight out of Hotline Miami. A shootout that ends with him jumping out of the fourth floor window. Don't worry, there's a conveniently located pickup truck that will tear it up. Falling four stories becomes about 43.3 feet or 13.2 meters and, according to several health and medical textbooks, only 50 of the people who fall in love with the stories are actually able to survive, so John here he's just flipping a coin with his life, but it's worth noting that that's actually one of his lower falls during a fight with a member of the high table.
John falls from a balcony, hits a beam on the way down, and then falls. face down on the concrete floor below This scene was filmed in a space called crafts in Berlin and estimating According to the information available on their website, the total height of this fall was approximately 50 feet or 15 meters. What are the chances that Jon will survive this further fall? Believe it or not, but the beam really helped his odds. Keanu Reeves is six feet and one inch tall. and we see that he falls about twice the height of his body or 12 feet before hitting that beam.
Yes, he is landing hard on his back, but it is enough to slow him down and restart his fall to a lower level where he now only falls an additional 38 feet. or 11 and a half meters according to this scientific study, the chances of dying from a fall at that height are only 18, so it is likely that he will survive, but shouldn't he break his back? In fact, studies have shown that fracturing a cervical spine. You need a force of about 3000 Newtons which is equal to the impact created by a 500 pound car hitting a wall at 30 miles per hour, so how close does John Wick get to this number?
You see, you can actually calculate free fall energy as mass times gravity times the height of the fall Keanu Reeves weighs 175 pounds and we know he's falling about 12 feet, which brings us to 2,847 joules of energy when he hits the beam, almost the 3000 Newtons to break it, but not enough, which brings As painful as all those grueling falls seem, they seem to be there intentionally, the filmmakers are making sure they never cross the four-story rule, which would make Jon's chances of survival extremely unlikely and at times where he is falling more than four stories, like here, they try to make sure to break his fall and he comes back with a couple of painful stops on the way down, which places the scientific odds of Jon's survival on the right side of believable while still looking visceral. painful in the process, but how far can these physics examples take you?
The mother of all John Wick 3 falls when he is thrown off the top of the true-to-form Continental on his way down, hits a sloped roof and bounces into a fire. the escape railing crashes into another awning and then crashes to the pavement. The real-world location used as a stand-in for the Continental Hotel. Here's a Wall Street Court in New York City, which is 205 feet tall, more than three times higher than the fall Jon takes at that nightclub in chapter four and while it certainly would be a fall he's impossible to survive, that's not actually what we're seeing happen, well yeah, a Wall Street court was visually what we see when Jon actually falls, from where he's falling. a much lower height if you count the stories when Jon falls, he is actually falling eight full stories and considering that a typical story in New York is 10 feet high, which translates to a whopping 80 feet or 24 meters drop, still thus its tallest height by a wide margin. said what damage we would expect to be done here, well not as much as you might expect, the two stories downward sloping surface would actually help dissipate most of its initial fall energy, largely restoring it to zero, the last part of the fall could alsosurvive.
When the awning traps you about 30 feet down, the biggest problem, unsurprisingly, is the fire escape. Here John is falling a little over two stories to land on his back on a thin metal railing that would almost completely break his back if it plugged. our handy equation energy equals mass times gravity times height he's landing on that railing with almost 4,750 joules of energy to put it another way he's falling at a speed roughly equivalent to 36 miles per hour and then he stops dead at That railing Behind him is the fact that Jon is able to escape the continental fall, much less continue his Rampage six months later in chapter four.
Yes, nothing short of impossible, but perhaps John's most serious injury is the first he has suffered in the entire franchise. At the beginning of the first movie, one of the thugs takes an aluminum bat to the back of Jon's head, then kicks him in the stomach in the face, hits his left arm with the bat, and then hits him. a punch to the face again, knocking him unconscious now. The gut punches in his arm could easily have left him with internal abdominal injuries or broken bones, but that's far from the most worrying thing that can happen here: the fact that John was hit in the head several times hard enough to to make him unconscious. a grade three concussion which is serious according to the CDC and which should have caused Jon slurred speech reduced coordination confusion severe headaches nausea for weeks if not months after this injury, now this is an important fact because we see Jon receives hits to the head several times throughout the series, including being knocked out again after being hit by a car, but shows no signs of permanence or life. menacing symptoms of all these concussions still able to hold conversations immediately after waking up calm down oh you manage that anyway watch briefly over the course of two weeks from chapters one to three



gets shot stabbed run over by cars dangerously cauterizes a The wound has been close enough to an explosion that he is thrown and falls a distance that breaks his back.
All of these wounds are much worse than what finally, quote, kills him at the end of chapter four. It can only lead me to conclude that John Wick is simply not dead at the end of the last movie, the name is dead, the legend of John Wick is dead, but the man is not, he is still alive and out there, but that still doesn't answer to the question of how and how he survived the chapter. four I think we've covered it pretty well, but how he survived chapters one through three, it's two brutal weeks that should have killed him multiple times, but you know what I think I have an answer, loyal theorist, look in a short summary I posted A few weeks ago we showed that blind assassin Kane has to have superpowers, it's the only way he could sense what cards he was dealt during the poker game in Chapter 4 and I don't think he's the only one.
The super-powered assassin we're seeing in these movies, Jon has overly specific powers, a healing factor similar to Wolverine or Deadpool, that may seem like a big leap, but we see evidence of Jon's healing factor in action during the movies in Chapter one. John gets this cut on his nose, and yet it's completely gone by the time chapter two begins. This is supposed to happen right after and even a superficial cut like this could take a few days to fully heal. I want a more serious wound that will magically heal. Remember John. getting shot twice in the abdomen during chapter two And yet, when a stab wound to the shoulders is treated in chapter three, we see that those shots to the abdomen have completely healed, no scars, no bandages, no stitches, with nothing, chapter 3 takes place immediately after. chapter two and the filmmakers cared so much about continuity that Jon wears the same shirt with the same blood stains from those gunshot wounds and yet there is no real evidence of those wounds on his body, all because John Wick has a factor of super healing, that's why he is capable.
Going on and on and on throughout these movies getting up every time he's knocked down killing all the assassins they send him John Wick isn't dead because he's literally immortal thematically it works really well Jon and Kane agree before their Final Duel those cling to death live for those who cling to life die and no one clings to death more than John Wick. It's also worth noting that the John Wick franchise was born during an era when superhero movies dominated the box office. I suspect this might just be a grittier, more realistic sleeper superhero movie, but it still starts with someone with larger-than-life special abilities and now what do we see while I record this?
They are already announcing a chapter 5 of John Wick. Then, when it is revealed that John Wick has faked his death. because he's a man who literally can't die, remember where you first heard it, but hey, all this work taking down the Assassin sent by the high table couldn't be easy on an empty stomach, luckily for Mr. John Wick it's more easier than ever to do it. be sure to get some good food with our sponsor for today's episode factor factor is a meal service that focuses on getting fresh, never frozen, meals delivered right to your door, that means if you're too busy to meal plan but you still want to make sure The "you're eating well" factor will be your secret weapon.
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, a movie, theory and cuts foreign.

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