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'Everything Rishi Sunak says is a lie': James O'Brien gives his election predictions | LBC

May 25, 2024
good morning 3 minutes after 10, today's Big Show I thought parking tickets, potholes, highway lanes, you name it, let's cover all the big issues, it's crazy right? I mean, she's not Brenda from Bristol Territory, I think. We can safely say that it has been four and a half years or it will have been July since we had a general


; The last one seemed almost an annual affair, didn't it? How many prime ministers? How many conservative leaders? we've had since the last one, we're on the third one at the moment, they've all been unprecedentedly horrible, listening to Richy Sunet this morning trying to campaign on his album was a moment of almost perfect comedy, you say to yourself, well.
everything rishi sunak says is a lie james o brien gives his election predictions lbc
What record is that champion? What record is it that you are campaigning for? I remember when inflation skyrocketed. Do you remember that? And he was absolutely adamant that he had nothing to do with the government and


to do with international factors. obviously the energy price increases caused by the war in Ukraine, uh, and then those situations resolve themselves and inflation goes down, he takes full credit for that and I have to say this morning I was surprised that The difficult decisions that I have made have put the economy back in a balanced situation and no one said which decisions are the winners, what decisions are those and now that we have brought inflation, how did you do it?
everything rishi sunak says is a lie james o brien gives his election predictions lbc

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everything rishi sunak says is a lie james o brien gives his election predictions lbc...

And if you had the levers and the powers to lower inflation, wouldn't that mean that you were responsible for when inflation went up? I mean, it's one of those mornings where your sort of jolt of relief in the upcoming


is seriously buoyed by the reminder of how broken the country is. This is so and the fact that the media has been forced to allow Rishi Sunak to make ridiculous claims about


from the economy and inflation to how other European countries view his plan for Rwanda, so his latest us is to claim that 15 other European countries support his plan for Rwanda. plan, so he boasts that other countries support his plan for Rwanda, while admitting to Nick Ferrari this morning that the plan for Rwanda will not have come to fruition before they go to the polls in July, if you look at what what these European countries have actually said.
everything rishi sunak says is a lie james o brien gives his election predictions lbc
You could defend Austria on a recent visit, doing a small part, and that would be that if you go to a third, well, no, you can't even do that because Austria certainly hasn't said that we're going to change the law to make an unsafe country to be safe, so he claims that 15 European countries support him in the Rwanda plan that he admitted this morning will not have materialized before they actually go to the country in July, but he is lying and he must know that he is lying because no country European Union could legally change a law to alter the meaning of the word insecure to mean safe and then, if asylum claims are processed abroad and those claims are successful, plans being discussed in the European Union would mean that applicants return to the country or come to the country they had arrived in before being sent to a safe third country, which could not be Rwanda, and the only thing that might work would be the A little bit about if the application is not successful, they have to stay there, but, to my shame, you know?
everything rishi sunak says is a lie james o brien gives his election predictions lbc
I don't know the details of that. In Rwanda's plan, what happens to unselected asylum seekers? Do they all stay in Rwanda too? And they are left there with exactly the same rights as the successful applicants and therefore presumably exactly the same costs for the former British Checker? So everything he


is nonsense, not just parts of it, it's not like traditional politics, this is the post-Brexit post. Boris Johnson election in which the Conservatives are going to triple their lies about everything, the only question, really, the only mystery facing the population is whether or not the client media retains enough power to allow them or if Kama will do it through a combination of attributes. and luck of the circumstances, if you will, and judgment on whether he will be able to overcome the ridiculous fry in which 80% of the media have been complicit in the complete corruption of the country that affected it first by Brexit, then by Boris Johnson, then Liz Truss and then Rie Sunak with a bit of a pause, I guess you could call it under Theresa May, who just saw if she didn't hit the brakes and put the country in reverse as she moved towards the edge of the cliff, then she at least slowed down a little. little things. a little bit or to put some mattresses at the bottom of the cliff before we rushed towards it and, you know, talk about Theresa May, which I don't do often, talk about Theresa, mate, the little speech yesterday outside Downey Street was up, it wasn't.
It was the same with the one where she couldn't stop coughing and then the cards started falling from the wall behind her while she was giving her speech at the conference, that is, for a prime minister who apparently didn't accept the wisdom that the The umbrella has almost what you have in your umbrella for about 40 years. I guess he usually has someone to drive him around. It is not like this? I mean, why couldn't he do that yesterday? Bad Optics no, you can't hold it yourself. Can't. I can't talk and hold an umbrella at the same time, who do you think I am Tommy Cooper?
This is absolutely impi. Well, can't someone else hold a number? No, because then people will say that he is your butler. I said, but he's not. my butler my butler has been hiding since I became prime minister he's in Richmond making sure the pool is properly chlorinated so why isn't there a why how could they be so bad? How could it be a disaster? In fact, I know the answer to that question, the answer to that question is what could best be described as the James Cunning Principle, and the James Cunning Principle is a neat way of describing the abject shallowness of the puddle of talent that Rishi Sunak has been required to make key appointments from, but those are the public appointments, if you think I'm referring to the Liz Trust principle, perhaps they would be even more effective if you look at the pool of talent that the Liz Trust made appointments from key, you would remember that, oh Lord, sometimes you remember things and it makes you uh Actually, it makes your stomach churn in terror of what they've done to a country you love, but Liz's confidence made Coffey vice prime minister and Jacob Ree, MOG, secretary of state for business, that is the caliber of candidate the Conservative party can turn to post-Brexit. and Boris Johnson, but the James Principle cleverly means that someone with as inappropriate a name as James can cleverly rise to head office and, indeed, the foreign office, can do both jobs in the space of a year and if that's what If you have to get Cameron back from the much-deserved political Oblivion, rarely has a politician deserved Oblivion more than Cameron.
If you have to bring Cameron back from political Oblivion to be your foreign secretary, it's pretty clear that the talent pool from which you'd normally get your cabinet appointments is shallow to the point of vanishing point, so if that's what is happening in public, imagine what is happening in private, imagine the kind of candidate who looked at Rishi Sunx Premiership 6 months ago. months ago 18 months ago and he thought to himself do you know what that is? a car that I really want to get on that guys that's the pl what is that yes I want to work for the Rishi team yes I want to be part of this exciting political project.
Yes, I want to be in the room where it will happen when Rishi Sunak becomes Prime Minister and that speaks to a caliber of candidate that would probably make James look intelligently like Abraham Lincoln, what kind of person is he currently? sitting in Downing Street quotes the mastermind End quotes the election campaign, so that's how yesterday the optics could be so incredibly horrible and B a prime minister can end up giving a speech that gets drowned out by the sounds of D's seminal stuff who can only get better and almost literally drowned by the pouring rain in which he attempted to deliver the speech you would need a heart of stone, shouldn't you not feel sorry for Richie Sunak as he gave a sort of pitiful puppy-eyed look towards the cameras and then He turned around to show his soaked back as he walked back to Downing Street and guess what turns out?
I have a heart of stone because I didn't feel sorry for him at all, the combination of arrogance and arrogance and catharism that Richie Sunak represents, uh, it's almost performance art in the ridiculousness of it. 12 minutes after 10 is time, so there are questions I can answer and there are questions I can't answer, but there are no definitive answers to today's first question, so there will be no rounds of applause. I can't imagine who would constitute a Rota at this point in the process, but why now? Why is he gone now? Why do you think he's gone now? 0345 6060 973 I'll probably ask the question after 11:00 today towards how could anyone vote for Tori after the 14 years we've just endured, but that is and that's not a question or a presumption that everyone will vote for workers , but I'm looking for answers to the question why.
You think it's gone now because none of it is good news for conservatives. The most notable thing I saw yesterday were reports that they were sending out censure letters. We'll talk to Natasha about this a little later, but the idea that Ranker might have one last round of us internally fighting one last volley of circular firing squad. Can you look me in the eyes and tell me that they aren't crazy enough to do this group is crazy enough to do anything? If it were like that, it would be comedy. not for the tragedy that they have been in charge of our country for 14 years, a party that could put Nadine Dory in charge of the media and culture in charge of the Arts, just an extraordinary cavalcade of incompetence and corruption that perhaps ends in July. on the 4th of this year, but don't take anything for granted because remember that the power wielded by the billionaire Tory owner donating your clients' media is absolutely immense.
Daily Mail uh rishy takes the initiative, takes the initiative that he couldn't even. stay dry, what did he do? He couldn't even grab an umbrella, but he takes the initiative. In the pages of the Daily Mail, Michael Go's ex-wife compares him to MC Beth and means it as a compliment. He is so desperate now with these people. Pretending that things aren't horrible and that your role in the horrible isn't destined for the history books, that you even have the Daily Telegraph essentially trying to make a joke about things can only get wetter and sunnier, I think it's pretty interesting. is expressing displeasure that we have an election because apparently everyone was looking forward to Taylor Swift and wimon's tour um so why now why now?
I have avoided some of the obvious answers to that question because I want you to bring the obvious and non-obvious solutions to this first mystery of the day, why do you think rishy


is gone now when all the political wisdom of everyone I actually think he said that will leave it in the air for as long as possible? Irish principle that something will arise, so the most obvious answer to the question of why he has done this now 0345 6060 973 is that Ry Sunak has had a good chance to read the runes, he has had a good try to work out what he waits and has decided that this is as close as it gets to including the humiliation of spending two years talking about little more than small boats and its ability to stop them by deporting genuine and perfectly peaceful asylum seekers to a country that recently shot dead to asylum seekers or refugees who had the audacity to protest their poultry food rations, they changed the law to call that unsafe country safe, promising that you were the man who saw the planes take off, putting in the head office to a woman who apparently dreams at night of the Daily Telegraph front pages showing Planes full of refugees flying to Rwanda and then having to get to the country before all this happens.
It is as if he had bet the house on deporting refugees and called elections before losing them. It is absolutely extraordinary. Should we open the phone? Line, should I spend more time on you than you do? Some people thought that today's monologue might take you until half past three, but that's not the case. It is not like previous moments in recent British politics. This is the most normal we have ever had. Interestingly, 2019 was an election fought with version 2.0 of the Brexit lie, so 2019 was that we will achieve Brexit. Isn't it strange that no Tor in the country is going to campaign this year on the fact that they got Brexit done and everything is going brilliantly crazy?
I think in the space of four and a half years you can go from promising to doing something, saying you've done it, and then expecting everyone to have done it.forgotten when they return to polls four and five. A year and a half later, 2017 was possibly the strangest election of all because Jeremy Corbin got more votes than anyone expected because the country's big rulers, terrified by the prospect of becoming the first population in history to impose economic sanctions on themselves , they thought it offered the last chance to find some kind of escape route from the crazy Brexit that Boris Johnson and the rest of them were set on, which is why 2017 was crazy 2015 2015 was semi-normal because David Cameron went in expecting to lose and in the best of cases return with a coalition with a second coalition government that meant that it would never have to fulfill the promise of holding the referendum that would make the country the first population in history to vote to impose economic sanctions, so in In some ways this is the most normal election we've had in almost a decade, why have you called it now?

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