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I Fired My Friends! (Deducto Among Us)

Apr 19, 2024
What's up guys, welcome to an Among Us style 3D game called Doctor. We all work in an office building trying to sell materials while two impostors try to kill us, and of course we stay until the end. I get the imposter and we. staple them up and also if you've ever used a stapler before hit the like button to watch the video what makes it turn blue hit the subscribe button let's do this oh we're raw coworkers okay guys , listen, listen. Okay, okay, it's necessary. Be honest with me, wait, no, you have to be careful, there is a sheriff with us, but don't say who you are, so this is called


i fired my friends deducto among us
Our job is to finish all our tasks on this map, right there, can you? I help you, yes, I'm going to press buttons on this phone, so I have to dial zero or the number five six nine. Hey, I called someone, so there are a lot of tasks we need to do. There are two impostors and they have a stapler to kill. Gotta fix servers fix servers again for your new guys who don't know what Among Us is there are eight crewmates one of the crewmates is a sheriff with a gun the sheriff is trying to find out who the imposter is so he can kill him.
i fired my friends deducto among us

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i fired my friends deducto among us...

I'm a coworker if I do all my tests we'll win guys what happened one of our coworkers is dead where up come here come here come here I just fixed the fax machine boss I fixed the fax machine later but will anyone does? Do we have any information? Do we have any information on who the founder of the Imposter is? That's disgusting. I just found it. I went to H. I was with Biffle. Oh, the H. Do your tests. That's how we win. You're not saying, buddy, stay. Until then I will try to catch the imposter.
i fired my friends deducto among us
I want to see what it's about. Hey Zod, hey, that's the outside cover, wait. I don't know if I can trust you, son, you could be the imposter. Wait, Pat, no, no, it's not me, but. Pat, how are you? Oh, I just can't walk next to you. I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, what was that, what schedules, what are we going to play right here, uh, the dolls, wait, no, no, what happened. I think he died, you know, he was literally downstairs, yeah, I was with him, you know what, oh, follow me, oh, oh, Goose had an accident, okay, so hello, I am and, uh, Hugo, hello, he and Hugo are dead.
i fired my friends deducto among us
Zod and I were in the basement with Pat, we're looking at the cameras we ran into and the sigils killed Hugo, but he wasn't there when I started with the sandwich guys, we're 53 okay, here's the deal, we're 53 done. with our tasks. I think we removed the central sensors only, uh, eight. on the left we have to vote for eight that's the rules you guys read the wiki hit the like button if we vote in the vote what's up? Oh, they expel him? Guys, I don't want to work here anymore, this is how they fire people. Here I'm going to show you something, you are the one, don't tell anyone that you have a gun because then they will point it at you.
I know, I know. I think I could trust you because you put yourself together. I think he was. you think it was him, you think so let's do one more all my tests are done all my tests are done I'll just watch him just hang out why are you looking at me like that sandwich? 83 ready Gary no he was gay yeah there's literally no homework here Gary you scared me listen Zod was staring at me awkwardly while I was making a sandwich Gary was floating over a dead body oh yeah I don't know what to do with that information listen If we see Gary, do you want me to do it? do you want to do you want to do it I'll do it I'll do it let's go find him where is Gary where is Gary where is Gary where is Gary is dead he wasn't Gary I think it sucks come here take him upstairs wait no it was sudden Pat in and he died quickly no Nico was the one Boss, when did Pat die?
Okay, let's wait my turn to catch the imposter. Alright guys, we have to clean our desk and drink our milk. Hello, okay, listen. Okay, there's a boss here, but me. I'm the assistant boss okay so I say all orders go change the toilet paper guys I'm the impostor look good I think our staplers are a one shot kill but we gotta be a little close, right?, but then they leave. in a cleaner, let's run together and then we'll defend each other if someone calls a meeting, if someone suspects us, we'll say no, they're wrong, hey man, yeah, yeah, I know we were together, yeah, look at that camera, right? what's below? here anything oh oh what's happening up there is right there it's okay don't be like that don't be don't be good let him live because he's special let's go down this special path Florecita okay, we got it, we have to catch people look at the map we have to find corners, okay, you can see up here, you can see my little blue dot on the map, right, we have to get people to the corners and then, and then, hug them, you know what I mean, hug.
They, hey, Red Fox Studios, listen, uh, I need, I need, I need a fox, but I don't like red foxes. I want a green fox. Can I get a green fox? Please, full of green, how about a red stapler? Fox Mad Men, who is that? Who is the boss? You know, we're just doing an external internal review. External review. I'm going this way. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I have Zod, can you hear me? Zod died, there's a body over here, boss. Mitzi, there is a corpse, what kind of show are you doing here, huh, what companies are you working hard for?
I was here with uh, Hugo stamps, we were here with Hugo and we ran away, that's right, he didn't say anything, he just laughed, guys. We are suspicious of Hugo, don't say anything, we have to be attentive to how we are going to get our promotion. What's that? Why is everything burning? This is a strange company. We did? I do not know what. Even we make red foxes, that's all I know, but what does the fox say? That's what I am maybe I don't know what's here I don't know red fox hey, hey, I have information, I have information, I have information Okay, Gary, come here, come here.
I'm standing back here, where did Gary die? Oh no, Gary's in the reception room, yeah, Gary's in the reception room, this way, Gary's dead, yeah, someone's, what do you mean? Okay, listen, listen, worse, Hugo. Go straight to the sheriff's gun, okay, boss, boss, I don't bring anything that works today. Hey guys, I just had to put my own coffee on my desk, how does it make you feel like you were right next to it? Just whispering. No, we wouldn't listen, listen, listen, it wasn't us, it was Hugo, that's what we're saying. Hugo needs to bring you coffee, but he doesn't want to, boss, do you want me to do this right for you?
You can fix this, yeah, go, but you know, okay, we know Mitzi is the boss, but this is what happened. We were talking to Gary and Hugo at the same time. Sigils and I walk away. We came back. Gary was dead. You have a gun. 100 what happened I mean, I have no reason not to believe this, everyone found the body that was, I mean, we all talk about it, yeah, a beautiful place that we still don't know, we don't know, we don't know, I mean. Maybe that's it, could you do your homework, please, could you do your tests?
There's Gary's body. Well, we can choose to expel Hugo or you can shoot him in the face. What do you want to do? Where is the? Are you Biffle? okay, oh, oh, it's Biffle, guys, I was in my fields, it's raining and as you know I don't like the man, mate, get rid of him, okay, we gotta find Hugo, we gotta talk to him, oh , I found it, oh, there you go. oh, are you on top of a dead body? okay, you know what to do, okay, you know what to do, you know what to do, go.
I'm very sorry, I'm not sorry, okay, then, an impossibility, an imposter is down, an impostor is down, we. I need to find one more, okay, you're the best, my weapon, I'm, wait, it's gone, it's gone, what does that mean? It doesn't mean I didn't kill the imposter or the sheriff just gets shot and we have to vote. out to the other impostor oh that makes more sense hey guys maybe a little hey boss boss about the Boston Coffee boss you gotta follow me boss is this about you staying still what's going on okay okay Hugo led us right to this body? and then Kate shot him yes, that was for you so what we wanted her coffee today we have to get it out we have to get the cake out she knows too much come on hey we have more information the sheriff sheriff we have more information Sheriff yes yes yes yes sir listen listen listen It's okay, so we were talking to Zud and he was jumping up and down and he was like, look at my red stapler, look at my red stapler, look at my hand, this is what I was talking about, wait, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm doing a copy real quick oh that's a good idea okay guys okay here we go this is devastating yeah I don't know what to think about this there are dead people okay we have information though.
We have even more information, so Hugo was a murderer. Kate killed the murderer. Ah, now we just have to find Kate and see if she killed anyone. There is in the office. You think I know you're the boss. Incorporated Murder, but we believe that one of. the impostors are dead because Hugo was very eager to take care of him Kate was the oh I can't say that oh no wait where the cage is I don't know I don't know have you seen it hey you're fine wait where is it unfortunate men boss have you seen anything ?
How did he escape? Boss yes, follow me following the boss's orders. I'm just afraid to explain oh why Kate is not only dead but also dead in the men's room oh no, I just listen, listen. I was outside together we were all together and you came running all scared looking no no no no no no no you ran and hid wait I have to poop why are you looking I just want to make sure I don't trust you at this point, turn around , I have to poop, okay, turn around, okay, boss, what are you thinking? boss, what are you thinking?
I have to make a copy, make a copy, I have to go, I left, where did she go? I did not do it? I don't know, man, I don't know either, I don't know, oh, that was an embarrassing Pat, okay, okay, we have information. Me, Zud, Pat and Mitz were all in the closet looking at painting supplies. true and sigils, that's true, oh yeah, and Kate was going into the bathroom and Biffle had just left and now Kate is dead, listen, look what I could do hello, I'm hello, they killed me Hugo, we have a lot of suspicions about Hugo, like this that there is only one imposter. we leave if we eliminate Biffle we win and we are in six and we can vote in six I am a coach I have to prove it I can prove it how definitely in three words after the meeting I can't prove it Get him out of here I don't trust studying signs I don't know why they don't trust me in the Spirituals oh goodbye people, it's worth it even if we're wrong, wait, we were wrong, that would be over, oh no.
Great way to do it everyone, we're terrible coworkers, wait no, what if we kill? What if Biffle was the imposter but Hugo didn't make the mistake first? Okay, listen Todd, listen, listen, we have suspicions, okay and we're. I'm going to tell you about them listen, come here, okay, listen, there are five people left, if there is one imposter, they need to kill three people to win, but if there are two impostors, they only need to kill one person, wait, oh, one person dies, we lose or wait, what happens? The deal is if there are two impostors and only one person dies, we lose, well we vote for both and the imposter has red staplers in his hands, yeah, yeah, guys, guys, no, no, no, no, no, who is.
I know who is. You can see this because I have come to the conclusion that people who have staplers are impostors and have been fooling us this whole time. Oh no, foreigner, hit the like button, hit the subscribe button. We are the best staplers ever.

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