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Find The Imposter Among Us (Jackbox)

Mar 30, 2024
So today we are playing Jackbox TV this is press the button so in this video I am the


they will ask questions to try to


out it's me so I have to use the tricks and stay hidden guys stay till the end . This gets interesting and very fast. Do you know what else Sussy is if you are below the video? I'll turn blue hit the subscribe button, let's get this right there are two impostors there are two impostors on our ship we have to Ask them questions, put them in strange situations to


out who is right.
find the imposter among us jackbox
We have 15 minutes or the whole world will explode. Well, for you newbies, this is pressing the button. How does it work. There will be a captain. Henry is the first Captain. uh, he's going to walk away, he's going to select the game and two quarters, okay, okay, okay, okay, now Henry's going to select three people to draw, hurry up, everyone, hurry up, okay, so, huh? How does this work? They will be given a human answer and they have to draw what the answer is. Impostors get a completely different response, so if they draw something really weird, it identifies them as bad, yeah, no, why do you think, oh no, love, huh, I can't draw, I'm horrible, you're 14? minutes and also since I'm the impostor right, I can hack and if I hack someone, let's say I hack, hello I am, it will give you the


's answer so we can find out, you can't undo it, I screwed it up, hurry up.
find the imposter among us jackbox

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find the imposter among us jackbox...

Hurry up, I'll hurry up, so here's the human message, this is what was given to humans, draw a construction worker, oh no, wait, does that mean, does that mean Biffle and Biffle, Nico and the slacker, all clear unless we have a similar one or someone who acts like a cowboy, although I mean it could have also been ammo or like you know, Builder, you know it could be something very similar, so we have to test people several times but hey let's click hurry up yeah okay so everyone drew a construction worker which means everyone is human because they got the human response or the imposter got hacked oh something now he's choosing a game .
find the imposter among us jackbox
I think we should write a little, friend, and write some news. I'm working, okay, okay, I need to use these tricks. If he chooses me, I have to use a trick. Actually, I'll put all the people who haven't been vetted yet, so Ian Henry and the guy, good idea, okay, I've got to hack myself. I have to hack myself. Okay, so look down here. I have four tricks. to use is fine so here we have to write an answer to this question correctly but don't say the question because then it will give you away oh no say it out loud you won't.
find the imposter among us jackbox
My favorite sport to watch is so this is the human response since I hacked myself and got four devils, so if I was, if I didn't click hack, I would have heard them. I'm hurting them, don't rush me, don't rush me, okay? I'm rushing them there we go there we go I did it I did it I did it right this is the human response right here my favorite sport to watch is I mean, you know, you know, that's, yeah, that's very, these are really good. Henley, okay, let me ask you a question, Henry Henry, are you saying okay, everyone, hurry up, are you saying football or soccer, are you saying football or soccer, okay, I have a question, all six of us are clear , that's not right, opinions are like asses, we all have them and they all suck, yes, well, I'm going to need an opinion from Ian, no, Henry, do you like him, oh, I'm going to save a lot, since Biffle, me and I are the impostor, no, I can't hack.
I am in touch with my feelings. I'm going to agree a little. I don't know. I cry at least once a week. Scarier. Are you OK? Oh, no, wait, Henry, you're not in touch with your, you know, your emotional side, I can't. Remember the last time I cried to be honest, you can't tell that sauce potential, okay, okay, there's two of us here. I don't have anyone to break up, there are two of us here. Alright. Alright. You know there are two of us here. It was a little. okay because we're not afraid, you know, we say we cry sometimes, okay, yeah, there's also Biffle, the captain, there's also a biological scanner that's online in nine seconds before you can do it, oh, I was going straight, oh, I already clicked, oh, what.
Alright? What is this deliberation? It's OK? So 5 5 pretty much sucks right now dude, he's got a lot of suspects on him as the imposter. She's very sorry. Very difficult choice. Okay, so they're asking you a question, a human question, unless you like it. it's the other ambassador, that's not how it works, yeah, imposters have no problem, they just have to click on something random, oh, they don't get any questions, yeah, okay, so here's the human message, This is what the human has at a garage sale. a baseball card worth 100 marked for one dollar, are you trying to buy it?
Wait, I'd feel too guilty, so I'd give them 50. Yeah, at least give them some. We both know you have the morals of a dead man. frog, it's okay buddy, I just paid full price for my Pokémon cards. No, no, you're probably the guy who goes to the supermarket, grabs a can of beans, throws it on the floor and tries to get a discount because it's damaged, oh my gosh, well you're the type to eat the grapes, wow, okay, shall we do it? We make bio games. I think we postponed the bioscanner since we are not suspicious of anyone but Henry.
Opinions are correct for Friday. Write write. Okay, bring it. bring it, bring it, I'm fine, uh, okay, they're writing here. I have a degree in titles, so you have it in writing now and you know what, like uh, you know, I'm speeding things up, okay, stalling, okay. I'm going to find out about Henry since we're already found out about him. I hacked it. I hacked the chicken. We had Can we? I think it's okay, my favorite drink is, this is not the right question, although this is the question for the imposter. Oh no, um, um. I don't like that I'm going to say I don't like that okay that's simple simple ah the human message was what was the human message a drink that I can't stand is yes, yes, I don't like drinks because I only drink water, okay, that's it, I drink milk, that refrigerator is no longer a drink, it's not a drink, it's something you put sugar in, oranges like a soda or juice Henry or something, you're literally from the UK, you love water with gas, come on.
Okay, water and milk are not drinks, that's why I didn't add water. I just thought a drink was a drink. Well, he drinks water, so I'm on his side. Well, I have to hack someone else. They're kind of things to me. now I have to be careful I have to be careful I have to be careful I'm the captain now guys I'm the captain now you know what bioscanner time is it's bioscanner time it's the bioscanner so how does the bioscanner work since I'm the captain I have I choose two people and what I'm going to put is okay, I don't trust Henry, so I'm going to add uh, let's add hello, I'm hey and fliko hello well, I don't love you, I'm I'm going to put Henry, no , I don't trust him, I'm just putting people up.
I'm going to put the Biffle star test, okay, so what I have to do is give you three of the symbols on my list, these three, okay, and if you get it right, we can decipher someone, okay , the first symbol is a backwards F and four words s f with a dot in the center, up, wait, of course, like right, without up, Center, up, Dots in the center, a dot at the top , Center, good, up. here and then two upside down, okay, okay, the second symbol is like the bottom layer, the bottom is an a with a dot in the middle and then there are two lines on top, okay, a dot in the middle of a dot in the middle of okay and then two lines on top yeah two lines on top what do you mean?
Yes, the speed of the third symbol is two people fighting, it looks like two people fighting, there are two heads, two, two points as heads, three lines. like an M, it looks like an m and there are two, the two heads, you see, it's okay, and the one on the right is taller than the one on the left, yes, yes, yes, you got it. If we do this right, we can get someone out. Get it right, we got it, oh yeah, we got it, so now we can choose. Now I can pick someone, since I'm the captain, and throw them in this little spinning thing and it will tell me as captain if they did it.
Are you in the imposter or not, yes, I will choose. Biffle says he is the other imposter. Confirm. Alright. I chose Biffle. I'm not suspicious of him, so I want to clear it up completely. Biffle is human. Beville is human. Yes, we have four minutes to find out who it is. I'm very excessive Henry, no, why not? Nico has not been tested. I just had to hack myself. I had to hack myself to get the human response. Oh wait, okay, so I have to draw what this says. um, yeah, you're going to draw The Prompt, okay, okay, I'm drawing what it says.
I'm drawing someone in the room. This is a room and there is someone in it. I drew it. I drew it. I drew it. I'm hurrying. I have 30 minutes, it wasn't even finished, okay, so this is the human response. Draw someone in the room. I eliminated Biffle. I just drew in the room, so I'm clear. Nico is clear because he received the human response and Loaf is clear because he. he drew Nico with a Tesla in a Tesla room, what does that have to do with him, hurry up, hurry up, we have three minutes? Now, why does the guy cry at least once a week?
Totally disagree, yes, of course, once a week. I want to know his opinions. Yes, he would have been susceptible, but he was acquitted. I have to be quick. I have to be quick. We will put Henry Nico. and Biffle clears up, he's fine, hurry up, hurry up, we have to hurry up, hurry up, it hurts for two minutes. I think I used all my tricks, so you guys are being asked a question. Yeah, okay, let's see what the question was. I can juggle up to six chainsaws. Okay, we're talking about Nico, yeah, he'd say he could, he could, he'd say no, just because he can do six or seven, you'd probably say you totally agree.
I can juggle, not chainsaws, and he remembers it takes like three. or four seconds to press the button, great, let's go to the right, okay, I'm going to put okay, he's wasted so much time. I dont trust him. I dont trust him. I dont trust him. I hold the button down. Press and hold the button. I hold the button down. Okay, guys, we have one minute left. Well, here is my thought. Why did I press the button? Well, I'm free because I eliminated Biffle correctly and drew that he's been drawing well the whole time, not exactly.
You, Henry, I'm wary of you because of your answers. Now here we are, here is my network. I'm throwing Henry in there now. My neck. Its the reason why I am distrustful of this person. We only have one minute left. Lots of time to choose the game and choose the players. They're running out of time. I agree, I agree with Nico, but I disagree with me because it's not me, shut up man, I don't trust you, come out, it's okay guys, it's okay, it's okay. Hi, I'm Pan Bible, do you have any other rebuttals? do you have any rebuttals?
I don't want to hear anything they have to say. It's definitely stagnating. I agree. I am nervous. That sauce thing ready? The black man's responses were also very bad. Yeah, you know what, it's okay if we vote, what's up, so now you guys will vote, we all have to vote properly with a yes to get him out, come on, see you later, no, Rick, bye bye for real, Nico Nico, this is a real Blame, Nico, this is oh. My God, are they impostors? Wait, where did you lie about people's results? Oh, that's what I'm talking about, hit the like button, hit the subscribe button.

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