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Nastya and kind stories about Halloween and Thanksgiving

Mar 09, 2024
Guys, Halloween is coming. I'll prepare a surprise for the last one. Decorate your room for Halloween. Oh, shut up, you never play with me again. Why would you have to eat lol? foreigner foreigner foreigner no one is here Luke, this is a surprise for you, thank you for my account wow You used a recipe recipe let's learn to cook Nastia decided to make cupcakes and cookies for dad eggs oh yes and some milk ready Nastia puts the resulting mixture in baking dishes waiting 20 minutes ready the cupcakes are ready now you can decorate them Nastia decorates the cupcake with edible decorations of white cream and sparkles, oh foreigner, these are Nastia's Halloween cupcakes, spread the dough for the cookies and then cut them using special molds, then you should put the cookies in the oven after baking.
nastya and kind stories about halloween and thanksgiving
Decorated Nastia decorates cookies with special cream of different colors now I know how to decorate and make cupcakes let me happy Halloween okay foreign laughter disgusting laughter please where are my beauties are lost yes he is he is here oh the door is closed and it is dirty these are ours four hours and this is Arrow for me, that's right, right, yeah, foreign bingo, the kitty is there. I need to do this quest hmm, this is my favorite way seven plus two nine five plus four nine three plus one four four hundred ninety nine four nine nine rounds the two key things left I need to find them foreign hours herb is I need to find the last wait I will say hmm what is this I know this is Wendy the last kitten was you why are you so angry because it's Halloween is coming up and I'm alone I don't have any friends I know what to do oh my god oh how nice today is Thanksgiving today we have to decorate our home and prepare dinner and don't forget the turkey okay, look master I have a turkey, it's not a turkey Master, look, I have a turkey Daddy, let's set her free, okay, then we don't have a turtle, don't worry, good idea , let's look outside outside, it's time for a game, next game, I'll throw the furthest one I have the red ones and daddy has the blue one are you ready turkeys yes one two three four yes next game hello oh good job my turn is time for dinner and turkey thank you for this great dinner thank you I'm so delicious come on let's go now let's make a


tree I'm grateful for my exam and school thanks for the house and the food thanks for the family and friends and what what a


nastya and kind stories about halloween and thanksgiving

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