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Was John Fury 'BATTERED' by North West Crime Lord?

Apr 22, 2024
It was John Fury beaten by Barry's Mr. Big David Campbell. This is the rumor spread by Mickey Theo, who claimed to have gotten the information from a good source. This is when they were having trouble and Mickey Theo was trying to antagonize John and catch him. in a fight with him for the first time, John Fury has now given his detailed take on The Clash with David Campbell in his autobiography, which I will bring to you and give you my opinion on claims that Big John Fury is a lot like Marmite . Love him or hate him, but one thing that can't be denied is that he was a fighter, a professional boxer who juggled working full-time on the shovel and trading blows in the ring under the lesser-known Monica Gypsy John Fury. about John Fury. is his shady career as a Gangland thug and his bloody bar brawl is Mr Big The Late Dave Campbell Dave Campbell, like all successful faces, didn't catch the landline but was well known in the North West as a powerful figure linked to a series of murders.
was john fury battered by north west crime lord
However, it must be said that there were no convictions for heinous


s and, in fact, he was a successful businessman. I'm afraid former London criminal Marvin Herbert spoke about Campbell on several podcasts, claiming that he used to do business with the berry man and had confided in Millions while recovering from a shooting that left him with one eye and other equally horrific injuries there were. some guy from Fallout and Herbert said he was owed money and requested a meeting with Campbell arranged by two influential kings, Peter Fury, John's brother, and Aaron Coglin, a man wrongly accused of murder. himself several times and some would say he was unfairly targeted by specialist police units John Fury was operating as an onean and forer gang collecting money from people who owe money to criminals or business entities, the excellent biography of his life insists.
was john fury battered by north west crime lord

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was john fury battered by north west crime lord...

Link in the description that he never used weapons, he only uses his hands, head and feet in the case of John Fury, he means it in the very literal sense, since he was sentenced to prison for the brutal fight with oie syes, a trainer of boxing and former friend of a caller, where he gouged out his eyes. Fingers, rumors have been circulating on the internet for some time with Mickey Theo, who was once best friends with Lenny McClean, who suggested that Dave KL Mickey Theo had punched Fury, but now claims that John Fury was knocked out in a pair. of bare-knuckle fights in the days when he was in his prime, in his 20s and 30s, by a guy called David Campbell.
was john fury battered by north west crime lord
He says John Fury started with this David Campbell in a workshop, but it backfired and John Fury ended up getting beaten up. He also claims that John Fury started this David Campbell guy for the second time and it backfired again. John Fury came in second and then this guy David Campbell, according to Mickey Theo, showed up at a gypsy camp looking for a third fight with John Fury, but John Fury refused to leave the Caravan he was in again. This is all according to Mickey Theo. In response, John responded by saying that he had severely beaten Campbell and left him for dead.
was john fury battered by north west crime lord
This is the only information that John gave without giving details until his book was released where he dedicates a chapter to it. I will read John Fury's account and then give my view of life as an enforcer. Someone with good mental health does not need to express themselves violently for approximately 5 years, between the ages of 30 and 35. an enforcer I always worked alone maybe it was a deal that went bad maybe someone owed someone else people could call and say they were being bullied by someone or they were in some kind of trouble and for a fee I would go and fix it on my own That led me to all sorts of weird and wonderful situations and I met some real OD people.
I was very natural about it. They stopped what they were doing or, in the case of someone who owed money, they paid or got a knuckle sandwich I never used a knife I never used a gun in all my years of violence I never touched a blade the only knife I own is a penknife to open cans of dog food, my fists and my head are the only weapons I need there, a man, a mafia boss from the


who had supposedly killed eight or nine people but the police had not been able to prove it.
I had a problem with him because of a friend, one day I went to a garage to pick up a car and he was there, a big man about 6 feet tall, 20 stone and a square head like Frankenstein's monster with him with five of his Heavies. I walked right up to him and hit him with a right hand and then put his head through a glass coffee table outside, we got to that. and had a full on fight in his last moments, he was clearly beaten and I heard deafening police sirens approaching, suddenly there were bodies jumping on us not sure if it was a clone copy of one of the gang Lords henchmen.
I slapped one in the face instead of knocking him out just to be safe. A few days later a storm was brewing when two high-ranking airline-dressed detectives came to the house and said they needed to talk to me about the gang. Sir, they had given me a good beating. In all, the police officer was approximately 6'5 and introduced himself as a special detective. He asked me if I could talk to him. I've always been respectful of the police, so I stepped aside and gestured for them to come in. Say what. Then you must go. I said I am here to issue a warning from Osman.
I have received a few of them before the police issue an Osman warning when they know there is a threat of death or risk of murder directly related to a person. Chief Gangl is taking it out on you, said the detective. I understand that you gave him a good beating. If he dies in the hospital, you understand that you have been accused of murder. He will not die. I said, besides, he is old enough to fight and he wants to live. That man. I admire his confidence. the special detective replied ironically I'm a fatalist I said whatever my destiny is it's already written outside it started pouring rain it flew towards the windows like knives I was early in my I was 30 years old, but that day I felt much older.
I'm getting too old to look over my shoulder. I thought: thank you gentlemen. I appreciate you letting me know. I showed them off and waved as they walked away. I didn't hear anything from the man. who wanted to be dead or his thugs for a few days nor did I hear from the special detective at the time my brother Peter was behind bars when he found out about the contract they had taken from me, he received news from his prison in York to the gang of the people of the Lord and calmed the whole situation, everything was silent for a while and I forgot about Osband's warning because I was more worried about my father who was very sick, strangely Peter, who had something for an expensive cause and was now out From prison he began to have dealings with a man who wanted me dead and who sold cars.
My brother came to the house one day and said, "This man John is terrified of you, he wants to put what happened between you two behind him, to be honest." He's not such a bad guy. I've been around him for the past few months and he's actually a pretty honorable guy. He had to keep his reputation intact, just like we have ours. He's afraid of what you might do after finding out he took a contract with you, so what do you think we should do? So I asked Peter, I thought for a moment and then I said, well, I'm thinking I could set up a meeting for next week so you two can get together and shake hands.
Where I said in some public place. we were able to choose a local mall, the rest of the week went by very quickly and the day came that I was supposed to go to this particular mall, obviously the police had found out from a snitch or heard on Great Vine that something was going on. Downstairs, when I met the Lo gang, there was a heavy police presence, a helicopter circling in the air and planes of university police scattered around the Centro store, how do you know they are playing with clothes? Peter asked as he walked towards the Rendevous, you forgot that I spent almost three years on the run, I said I can feel his presence at 100 Steps, well, they won't be necessary because there won't be any problem, John is not mine, I said quietly as it happened, the man and I shook his head.
Hand, I know. I won't say that we became friends and friends over time. He also saw that he was a man of his word and could be trusted. A year later, he even came to my garage and bought me some old cars. I wish you not. Have people pointed a gun at me before and since I'm still here, it illustrates the fact that most people are afraid to find one, which is a good thing? Just a few months ago I caught someone on my property trying to steal. A classic motorcycle inline from my shed. At first I thought he was a builder as there were few in sight, but then I saw him brazenly wandering around with my bike. “I need this bike,” he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a gun.
I walked. I reached out and grabbed the handle of the bite with one hand and knocked it out with the other, then returned my bite to the shed. I woke him up with a bucket of water in his face, kicked the horse and told him to get off me. property, any man who carries a gun or a knife is a coward, so that was John Fury's explosive account of the fight with David Campbell that different creators had talked about publicly on YouTube, so I gave them a segment of Hatman Stag's back to boxing Channel. Very good boxing analyst who I was talking about, I think it was last year, sometime around the time Mickey Theo was calling out John Fury.
John Fury responded by saying he hit it etc etc and said he could talk about it now because David Campbell had passed away Sly I don't know if he passed away or not I don't know the person I made some discreet inquiries regarding this incident I They've said there were a couple of fights that's what I've been told, but you know, it's just second hand, so I'm not suggesting that Jon Fury is lying, that's what I heard, that's what he said Mickey Theo, you got the workshop section right, but we have to remember that Mickey Theo was trying to go to John.
Fury in a fight at the time, um at the time, I didn't like the way Mickey Theo did it because one stage, Peter and John's mother had just passed and they were him and another YouTuber were in Manchester. I think putting up all the signs, etc. I don't know if they knew his mother had passed away, but I thought it was disgusting. However, like I said, John Fury is his mom. I love him. You hate it. It's okay, you get a lot. Stick for being knocked out in those two clips I showed, but he had lost his leg Adam Fogy uh Matt made a great video in this ER and points in four rounds in his first fight he had a good run and considering he was working . on the paddle and everything, plus doing barbell swings and pre-work, behind the scenes, and Henry Akamondo, one of the guys he lost to, had a version of the world championship and he wasn't sure about the other guy he saw a bit.
He's susceptible to gunshots, but he was a professional boxer with a decent record, so it's all very wild, people sitting behind the computer criticizing him saying, oh look at him, he's terrible, he just gets mocked by John Fury, whether you like it or not. he was a tough guy H Bartley Gorman talks about him in his book as the next big thing, he claims, John Fury, he has never lost Australia, of course, we really have his word, we have to take a pinch from Sal's people's books because we're only hearing one version. It would be interesting to hear from anyone who definitely knows what happened in this situation, of course, Peter isn't going to speak out outside of school, um, against his brother, so we won't really know, unless someone has. .
In fact, I heard my stories, other people heard his stories, Mick said what he wanted, but John Fury now came out in his book and declared that he improved and gave all the details about this and Tau as we have done . I just found out that Peter Fury smokes things, so I thought that was very interesting. I love hearing your comments as usual. You should be eager to read them. Subscribe if you haven't already and hit the notifications and smash the likes. That helps. post the video until the next time the consultation is

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