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Was Jesus an Alien? Billy Carson Breaks Down Ancient Anunaki Civilization

May 31, 2024
so just forcing human beings to do their work for them yes, that is crazy and that is how they bring them and bring them the offerings yes, when you bring them the offerings your best harvest and your fresh taxis that is their meat that it's their food ah this is what you see in the biblical text they're eating, that's their food, they're not going out and Hunt, I mean this archaeologist was talking to me in Egypt in 2014, he was just laughing, he was showing me one of the altars, he said that these people were so foolish that he simply said his own people, his own people, he says that in


times they lined up for miles to bring their best offerings to the Chief.
was jesus an alien billy carson breaks down ancient anunaki civilization
God, wow, and God was just putting everything on them this food in the warehouses and showed me where the warehouses were inside these temples. They would put these things there and then they would have these other areas underneath the temple where other priests would go underneath and talk. and his voice would resound and it would be the voice of God speaking and all of this was nothing more than a farce to get them to bring all this food and gold and offerings and everything else. I mean I think that because if you go to chichin uh you can have a con, Limestone um creates this like a vibration effect and you can have a conversation like me and you can talk to each other across a football field like that yeah the Sound bounces, it's crazy, it comes back to you, yeah. so if they were using that as some kind of technological advantage, like some wizard from O, who was literally eating it or they were eating it like the sacrificial energy or not, they were eating the food that they were roasting, what about the sacrifice? what an outdoor barbecue, the KN cola redota, someone sacrifices a little more hot sauce.
was jesus an alien billy carson breaks down ancient anunaki civilization

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was jesus an alien billy carson breaks down ancient anunaki civilization...

I mean, you know, think about it, I mean, you know, it's if you were the ruler of a planet, yeah, Billy, I think you might be putting what you would do. Is that possible? I'm telling you these people ate the food because when I took TS Egypt all the time last year I did a private tour for 140 people and when I go I take a local Egyptologist and a local guide with us and he takes us to the temples where in actually they have the uh wait where actually they have the warehouses being hungry bil is hungry as a barbecue hey man so listen up Okay then go see you're there they take you to all the different ones so we take you to the temples and we showed you where they hid the food, they took all the offerings and where they kept them, yes, it was their grocery store, literally, wow, yes, okay, Jesus is part


, I think so, and he was part


and I was trying to do good.
was jesus an alien billy carson breaks down ancient anunaki civilization
Yeah, I think so, so he was separating, he was using his power and he says, "What these aliens are doing to us is over, we have to free ourselves from it and I'm going to free the people." Yes, so you have to understand yourself. You're right there's right and wrong Jes is the man brother right wrong everything we're all a part of extraterrestrial at this point absolutely in our DNA ah I thought it was a little more it was more it was a little more yeah how was it a little better ? If you look at the apocryphal text, you discover that not only was Jesus' mother born a virgin, but his grandmother was also a virgin from birth, no one talks about that in church and he talks about that in Sunday school. wait a minute, so his grandmother, wow, yeah, you see this establishment of this particular lineage, yeah, and then all of a sudden he comes out of the womb and then he starts getting all his own memories back, so he's a reincarnation of himself same from a previous life, that is why I sometimes hypothesize that he could be considered the Atlantean, who says he could incarnate on any plane he wants, could he now have decided to return through a womb?
was jesus an alien billy carson breaks down ancient anunaki civilization
So, the Atlantean was the king of the Atlantean Empire, yes. he was one of them or one of the leaders of the Atlantic Empire, is he reincarnating within Jesus and why did he choose to help people instead of enslaving us like he did in the good question when you look at the


text where Jesus gets all his information about yes, yes, the Emerald Tablets we have to talk about, brother, 36, a 38,000-year-old text in the book I wrote about it. I align the Christian text, yes, and I align the Jesus text. of the New Testament how we the people, this is going to seem really ignorant, people were writing 36,000 years ago, they were both the authors of these tablets, he wrote himself, he didn't have a scribe many times, these God figures or these leaders They would have scribes, right? actually he wrote it himself, he actually put it on these tablets and what does he write in what language, well, it seemed like the language was Ru NES runes, okay, and in this text he writes about coming to this planet. after the great flood and seeing the temples of ancient Kemet sticking out of the mud and actually going on a mission to help rebuild the


, not that it was the first time, but he is rebuilding it at a high level, so It was already built, destroyed.
Like hey, let's run him again, right, his father sends him on a mission, his father says: go, go to the land of Chem and make the plan you know so that he gets his crew and gets on the master's big ship and it takes off until the planet disappears this is the Horizon right he is up in the sky oh he comes from he is in a ship that goes up because you know this because when the land of C goes by I see the land of K below us and I see the temples rising from the mud that were flooded by Las Fuentes now we return now he goes down to the ground Las Fuentes is the great flood, okay, he opens the door, he comes out and He calls these people barbarians who are coming to attack him, probably territorial madmen and he says I raised my staff and sent out a vibration beam that stopped them like stone fragments from the mountain, so now I have a stun gun that can freeze them in their tracks. that's fire, that's technology and we have something, so is the spaceship, but we have something right now in the military called active denial system, which is the exact same thing gay, try to join, no, I like to take that off the record , you are honest, no.
It's um. It is a system that works just as he described on ancient tablets where he sends out an AR Ray type beam into an active denial system. He places it there and sends it like lightning into a crowd of people coming to attack, to ride or whatever. never and stops them in their tracks makes them feel like they are suffering makes them feel like they want to throw up puts voices in their heads wow, whatever you want to do, you can program the frequency in their body to do that Is this what the People said they were experiencing Cuba B Havana syndrome?
It's just that yeah, okay, okay, keep going, keep going, so here's the key about the God thing, he, you know, he doesn't want to be one of these gods when they when he let them go about that he started talking peacefully with the people and they started holding on to his feet and he said no no don't get up he said I am a son of Atlantis no he said I am God he said I 'I am a son of Atlantis and I am here to take you back to a high level of


and he worked with the people for a couple of thousand years to rebuild that civilization before he left and he told us that he told all his people that he came. there with it spread across the planet, this is how Atlanta moves forward again, spreads across the planet and duplicates what we did here and this is where you see similar stories in old Texas all over the world, right, and those stories similar are higher intelligence that comes to us. grants us this wisdom after the floods the Lakota tribe the Hy tribe the Doan tribe of Africa I mean the aborigines I mean I go on and on about the verbal history passed down from the aboriginals because I've been there before and we hang out, we go out We walked through the interior with the aborigines and we followed a path to go look for proto-Egyptian hieroglyphs that we came across and document that they were settled on this planet by the plans of the supplications PL adans of the supplications.
You have the same people that the Samaritans talk about, they call it mle Mo in the ancient text, uh, the ancient Egyptians also revere it, the supplications, it's in every text. Homer reads the Bible, the cheap mahab in any text you go to and most. the artifacts will have a representation of the plees or they will talk about the plees and what the representation of the stars is, the seven stars, oh it's that star system, yes, Subaru even has it on their car logo so it's a gay lesbian, she is a lesbian. for lesbian Galaxy is what's going on, okay, shout out Subarus, we love you all, it's a constellation, it's the star system you talked about, uh Jesus, where it went from 12 to 32, can you explain Jesus' trajectory from 12 to 32?
We don't have that in the Bible, yes, what does that mean? Then Jesus disappears from the Bible at the age of 12. Well, he disappears and where does he go. There is another text called The Gospel of Saints 12 and the Gospel of Saints 12. that was omitted in the Bible he goes to Egypt with his mother now I have been there and when I do my tour when I take people on tour I take them to the place where he slept is still there it's a crypt now it's like a place to go there you know where it is on the right it's inside a church right C Cairo right right inside that church they turned it into a church and he went there to study the Egyptian mysteries.
He went there also to learn all about the ancient mystery schools. and then he left there and went to Tibet to learn Mystical Tibet, he went to learn not Mystical Arts, but he went to learn spirituality, he went to Tibet and the Mystical Arts, yes, Mystical Arts, and then he went to India and learned about reincarnation. and all that and then it went back down and reappears in the biblical text When God says in the Bible I called my son out of Egypt, what episode Akash must be missed. I mean, we didn't tell him any of this. ego you will have when you discover that Jesus learned everything from India, we can't say it, okay, continue, okay, healing in Tibet and you know, energy healing with his hands, the Mystical Arts, I have to correct myself the Mystical Arts that learned in India.
I understood it and then he came back teaching reincarnation all the way back and how do we know he went to India? Well, complete records have been kept there and even the Dal Lama confirmed that he was in Tibet at some point. Really, yes, yes, how they keep reincarnation out of the Bible. Well, the Bible is about reincarnation, but they try to make you think it's not about reincarnation. But when you look at the Book of Revelations, it says that you will get a new name and a new body it didn't say that you were going to be a spirit with energy it said that you are going to get a new name and a new body a physical body uh and that you are going to live within that body uh, then you're going to come back and be born again, you know, and the biblical text where people get confused about this being born again as, uh, in the spirit, is really being born again in Consciousness, You know, diving into a bucket of water and all that is a waste of time, having someone throw you in a pool and all that you just get wet, throwing babies and splashing them is a waste of money, a waste of time, like that that what you're saying is that it's just a metaphor for this, this conscious rebirth, that happy conscious rebirth, what we can do, we can have a rebirth right now, right now, if we decide to look at ourselves and think about the things that We were doing things wrong, maybe in our lives right now, things that could be better. with ourselves and we start working on ourselves and we come back and look, we meet again in two weeks and we say what have we worked on individually within ourselves to become a better person, that is spiritual rebirth, that is, rebirth, we were just of being born again. in the spirit and you can be born again many times in a lifetime

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