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Was It Something I Said? Uncut S01E04

Jun 06, 2021
society runs on lies by exchanging insincere compliments, that's all very British to me and us. It's not so polite, well, it's like a party in Canada. Be quiet. I'd rather be sitting. I guess you're more right-wing than I'd like. I hope you are more left-wing than I would like. hit you if you weren't taller I didn't even want to come I told you it was a bad idea darling when we're getting divorced I love lying who are the two people in your life that you lie to the most maybe my little one and my wife, what about Another way are you going to survive in a marriage?
was it something i said uncut s01e04
Come on, to be honest, going home and thinking what have I done, oh my God, I could be doing anything right now, but I have to look after that little Jack Nicholson, I can tell you that as a hint. He's no longer married maybe you should Li her a wife and your girlfriend girlfriend yes that's a girlfriend and another girlfriend and boyfriend your girlfriend's detective at the corner store sells me wine what did you tell him? I told him I'm not going anywhere. otherwise the police the police well done any idea how Jack's age has affected his womanizing oh I think I know the answer to this he



ridiculous like he only takes Viagra when he's with more than one woman that's not the answer but that's fascinating, but no, he didn't mention Viagra, he


I'm definitely still wild at heart, but I've reached biogravity.
was it something i said uncut s01e04

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was it something i said uncut s01e04...

I can't flirt with women in public anymore. I didn't decide this, it just doesn't feel right at my age, you know he died in that movie The Shining in the Maze, right? No, the character he played laughed a little, yeah, well, I was going to say that if you're ever stuck in a maze, you know how to get out. out of a maze just keep turning left if you keep going left to left and left to left and left you will eventually get out of any maze that's a big thank you for ruining mazes for me my only way to relax when I come back to Hampton Court.
was it something i said uncut s01e04
I hope my son has figured that out. I really do in 1994. Jack was involved in a road rage incident when he was going to play golf when he crashed a man's car into his driver. It's unclear who was angrier: the car's owner or Jack's driver for being hit. round by the ankles the next round is called keywords I'm going to give our panelists two keywords from a famous quote that they need to know and they have to figure it all out. I'll give the point to whoever is closest to understanding it. completely correct just to make it a little more exciting if our panelists can't guess it I'm going to shoot them okay here's one of the American industrialists and founder of Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford, taken from his autobiography, my life and my work in 1922 So, Brian, can we please have the two key words, customer and color, tell you what you like about F?
was it something i said uncut s01e04
He never fell down the stairs. He never took risks on stairs. Yes, he is in the midst of a very careful descent. That's where Henry Ford's family is from. Cork and my family are from Cork and he is so successful as a multi-million dollar American industry man that he asks how come Ireland is so poor, don't they become like a bit of Ford? He didn't make the money when he was in Cork, I knew that, but I don't like rappers, they buy his mother a house, right? He would never have let Ireland suffer like Henry Ford is, nothing.
I'm starting to think he's a piece of good, yeah, he was a. Really, although it's a horrible anti- oh, so it was the "respect for all customers of all colors, except that one, well, yes, this has


to do with the first large production car, yes, wasn't it the Model T, the Model T exactly?" refers to his announcement in 1909 that Ford was going to build only one model of car, the Model T, it's like the customer can have any color car they want as long as it's black, that's basically great, in fact , he was an anti-site but he wasn't racist against black people, so he was selectively racist, which I don't know if that's better or worse, it's just different, really, isn't it?
Racism by its nature is selective, that's the good thing about it, yes, that's it. but no, you are absolutely right. I don't think I can let Mickey and Catherine guess anymore. I just think I have to get the full quote from Brian. Please, any customer can paint a car any color he wants, as long as he It's black Ford suggested the use of black from 1914 to 1926 due to the low cost and durability of black paint. You know, part of the reason he broke everything down into an individual task was because it would be easy to fire people instead of having to do it. a man who could build a car that could then force Ransom on you, yeah all you do is put the cap on the gas tank, anyone can do that and he was the first person to do it, essentially, he crushed Craftsman.
I would have thought he was the one. Who made the engine was pretty key, though. I don't think you've followed the dream of breaking the job if there's a guy on the engine, if everything's going well, I put that, I put that on the steering wheel, I put, I put that little bit. on the seat cover and then that guy, yeah, then he builds the engine. I guess that's why I never became an industrialist. Yes, what world leader had a life-size photo of Ford next to his desk? Idin no Stalin no Churchill no Hitler Hitler Classic Hitler Hitler becomes more and more friendly Henry Ford, doesn't he send you the photo saying "dear Adolf, with best wishes for your future projects?" Basically, yes, Hitler greatly admired Ford's writings on production, the Model T had inspired the Volkswagen Beetle, which is the automobile to have been produced in greater numbers as the automobile replaced the hand-pulled cab.
Henry Ford borrowed the idea of ​​using a moving assembly line from the meat industry that uses horses in quite a different way, so at the end of our ramp keywords I can tell you that the teams are now tied over the break, look If you can complete this quote from legendary filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock in 1963 by talking about something that scares him. Have you ever seen anything more disgusting than what you can tweet your response to something I said and I'll see you in a couple of minutes welcome back to it was something I said before the break we asked you to complete this Alfred Hitchcock quote Have you ever seen anything more disgusting than any thought panel uh, a man with a big big beard and mustache trying to eat a scotch egg, you see, it's horrible because the mustache sweeps the egg while they eat like a man with a beard, now I find eating a scotch egg easier because you get a second chance, yes mine. was eat a scotch egg now people would faint in this I one Gulp and that's the best way to yeah you just have to take it as a parac that's right yeah I think they've already half answered it in the I I think do you know the answer to this do you know the answer yes, it's eggs and I know the interview was with fronto truo well done, he says the yoke is like blood, he ate food in private, in a really juvenile way, but he had these certain things that really he doesn't like them and all seduction scenes and Hitchcock movies are usually accompanied by a meal, well what he actually said about blood, he said blood is a cheerful red, but the yolk of the egg is yellow, disgusting I've never tried it, it's strange.
Because it looks like an egg It also looks like it's tied to an egg Brian Can we give the full quote? Please, yes, here is a full quote. Have you never seen anything more disgusting than a Yol egg breaking and spilling its yellow liquid? What did other phobias do? Hitchcock, maybe you know this Richard. He had a reputation for being afraid of the police because when he was young he did some minor things and his father got the local cop to lock him in the jail cell for 10 minutes and then let him out and let's just say this is what we do to The Naughty Boys, said here to be afraid of the police, said, started when I was about 11: I had been on a bus trip and had no money for the return fair.
I came back I walked on foot and got home after 9:00 my father opened the door and didn't say a word, he just gave me a note and told me to take it to Watson Watson was a police officer, a friend of the family, just got the note when lock me in a cell screaming this is what happens to bad boys who come home after 9:00 it was 53 years ago but every time I see a cop I start shaking he was famous too for presenting himself in his own productions, but how will you do it? I definitely know this.
I'm sure how he put himself in a scene in the movie Lifeboat, which was a story of shipwrecked survivors, a drift in the middle of the ocean, he was in the lifeboat, he was the lifeboat, he wasn't in it. the life he spent in a banana his companions were on their way to eat not in a weight loss article in a newspaper and he had just gone on this great diet and had lost a lot of weight, so there is a before and after photo of him , yeah, that's absolutely true and, uh, Hitchcock are both men reading the newspaper, a guy, William Bendix, a big gangster, William Bendix, they're fantastic, I'll cook your teeth down your throat, wonderful, great, well , William Bendix also invented a wonderful Alfred mint.
Hitchcock's cameos have helped make his films very popular among moviegoers, as his films offer not only a thrilling suspense story or murder mystery, but also a free game of Where's Wally. Now it's time to play a game called What Are They Talking About? You're going to hear a quote that's been taken completely out of context and you need to figure out what that person is talking about, kind of like being a superior court judge who's had a big lunch and just woke up in the middle of someone giving testimony and now you have to determine if this is an email scam or a drive-by scam.
This quote is from naturalist and broadcaster David Atra talking about his beliefs on a chat show in 2009. Can I have the quote please, Brian? No one goes to 19,000 feet just to make a joke, so what is he talking about? Is it when you're on a plane and the sky passes by and you say, pull my finger? Is it true that he went up and lived with the gorilla? So, is it about going up and living with it? gorillas no, no, I don't think it's about gorillas because I don't think gorillas live at 19,000 feet, which is 19,000 feet, give me 19,000 feet as a reference point, you're starting to die pretty fast, huh, and then to 21,000 feet you have 16 days to live even if you are well air conditioned 28,000 feet where I was one day without oxygen then you will die in one day 19,000 feet your Det is furious, you don't want to stay there too long, who could live? at 19,000 feet then, well, no one can live there for long, but you can go there.
I'll give you a hint: is it someone pretending to be something? Go to 19,000 feet to put something on and pretend to be this creature. Who is it? Oh, that's too much of a clue. Is there too much track? But what I'm saying is too much clue. He has turned it into a bigger track. Is it Bigfoot? Well, let's have the full quote. Brian, yes. I'm so sorry AB, I screwed up so I just wanted to help you. No, you really did. I am absolutely baffled by The Abominable Snowman. No one goes to 19,000 feet just to make a joke.
Yes, Atam recognizes that there is. Very, very convincing prints and there's an unanswered problem there, so he's basically saying that he believes there could very well be a Yeti. Have you seen a Yeti Brian? It seems to me that there is a case for the yeti sukai, whatever it is. I want to call it and different guys I told the sherpers when I was in the deep U on the north side of Tibet the first time I went to Everest. I told them: is there such a thing as a Yeti? Yes, still, my father kills. a Yeti when I was a little kid I said well what was he like? he said he, he looks like you.
I think there's no doubt what I can deduce from the Russians and everything else and in Mongolia, where they cross the countryside and migrate. in the summer and the fall, uh, I think they certainly exist, uh, David, yeah, can Brian say a few more things? Yes, Brian, I need you to make a tape, yes, of you talking for an hour and I need to listen to that tape every day, every day, very. Well, well, our final round is the round. Was it something I said? In which each team has to work out who said the next quotes, will they be from someone on tonight's show or from our virtual guest Russell Crow.
We called Russell Crow to ask. a few quotes for the show, but all we got was the sound of the phone flying through the air and bouncing off a bellboy's face, so watch out for that. The first is Richard's team, who said the following, was it Mickey Catherine Brian, me or Russell Crow? I would like to play a passionate woman but no one lets me H I think Brian, don't you? It could be Flanigan, though. I wouldn't mind playing a woman but not a passionate one. I don't want to be passionate. to play a frigid woman, yeah, keep that away from me, you've immediately brought that to life and with it, a considerable and moving story of rejection that explains her inability to form physical bonds, that's the Oscar clip, yes, and the ghost of the Academy Award, and them. play that Mickey Flanigan clip forhating women, so you don't think Flanigan well I think it's Brian, yeah Brian, is that your answer, yeah, for Brian, the answer is Russell Crow, uh, yeah, he said it in an interview earlier in this year when I asked him about his dream role okay, so next up is Mickey's team who had this to say: Was it Richard Bob Brian, me or Russell Crow?
I haven't cried since 1996, so who is he? I think Mr. David Mitchell probably doesn't cry, no he doesn't. he wouldn't see it, but you know he probably just took your hands and pushed you into his first and just ran straight into a wall to stop it from happening or something, he also probably keeps the diary, so he recorded it in 1996 when he did it. Cry, yes, I don't register my liquid inions. I think Brian looks like he would cry over anything if he saw like a yak with one leg walking, oh Jack, I'm alive, I have to take him home, so I think he's aiming for Russell Crow.
I think we'll go with Russell Crow, yes well the answer is me, yes that was me. Dead inside, well I'm afraid that's all we have time for and a quick glance at the scores tells me that the This week's winners are Richard and Bob, thanks to Mickey and Catherine Richard and Bob and our guest narrator Brian, blessing and we're off. you with the words of author JK Rowling, who once said that death obsesses me. I can't understand why everyone isn't obsessed. The answer is because half the world is obsessed with Harry fucking Potter. Good evening on a Sunday from 10.
New, was it something? I said well, let's talk about Telly next about four Truth Hurts, let's get to the books h.

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