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May 31, 2021
Warning: if you don't like


you might want to click on this damn video because guess what there are


in this video and guess what else there is one crawling on your arm right behind you and before you say anything hey, ok, listen spiders. everywhere crawling on your neck crawling on your hair uh nah I won't give you bars today before you say something your boy is in his omelette friend fromage okay what alias this is a hat and it keeps my hair hydrated now if you try it To roast me in the chat, go ahead, I dare you, I'll be down there frying anyone who tried me, what's up?
warning if you don t like spiders don t watch kill it with fire ignition
Tips for fast cooking and welcome to


it with


in this game. You are at home taking care of your business. business and then spiders everywhere just fix my headphones you have to


the spiders normally in my house if I see a spider I don't really kill it now if it's in my room I have to take you outside but if you are somewhere in the house like in a little corner like spiders they actually kill like little bugs or flies or so I usually leave one or two if they like it far from where I sleep now if you're in the bedroom I put you in a bottle and I have to go in the car oh brother this guy sucks , but in this game we kill everything, let's do it, hey, up, down, up, down, okay, this is where we live, nice little space, that almost made me fart.
warning if you don t like spiders don t watch kill it with fire ignition

More Interesting Facts About,

warning if you don t like spiders don t watch kill it with fire ignition...

You can inspect it. Okay, my God, open the door. drawer, look how big it is, I farted, what's up with that damn music man? Take the clipboard, damn it, killing a spider is our main goal. I don't know if that spider just hit me, is it talking about something, oh, oh, oh, what the hell where is it? that brother, you have to go, why are they testing me like this? Spiders don't attack you in real life or I won't be able to take it, so you have to die, wait, time's up, I can't, I can't. t brother brother die die this look how many there are I oh my I'm helping help I don't have to call the police for this I don't have to call the police I thought this was an official 9-1-1 game right there, come on, what? as?
warning if you don t like spiders don t watch kill it with fire ignition
Can we, oh, do I have to unlock the door? Hey, oh, oh, can I? There's too much going on, grab the spider tracker from the closet bro, relax, give me the spider truck, there's one here, they opened the door, I didn't even open it, oh god. Oh my god, brother, this is Spider Tracker, where you are with friends, where you are with friends, oh, we have a battery here, find more equipment, open this, open that, why is this one? Why can't I open that drawer? Can I play the piano, brother, look? Him pretending he's in the back of this, continue here, come here, oh come on, did you see I hit him with that extra crunchy triple?
warning if you don t like spiders don t watch kill it with fire ignition
Look at him behind the plant, come here like he heard me, come here, yeah. Come on yeah bro these spiders have health bars, I had to hit them too many times, oh can I pick up the TV, your game and match it? If I could do that, oh my god, bro, it's getting hot, come here, come here, come here, what? Yeah, they're really behind things, so what we're going to do is because there's no organization right now. We need to have everything on one side of the room after it's cleared here. No, open there. Hey, what's that? shurikens oh you guys weren't wrong, come here, yeah, come here bro, I can't hit him, I just broke my whole controller, oh my god, he's cheating on me, he dies, oh, I pick it up, I pick it up, I pick it up, I pick it up. one of these i'll catch you oh my god i just killed my momo plant come here oh mike he's dodging all of these hey it only took me 19 tries but i got it i'm actually about to destroy the whole my house. killing these spiders bathroom spray oh I have something for you I have something for you come here come here where are you going friend I'm about to leave I'm about to burn down my whole house let's all go together spiders up we're done we're out we're out uh my new goal is to burn things I bet I ran out of ammo uh brother in the back of the damn point of being in my naruto come here come here come here I can get it now I saw some hairspray right?
Here's more ammo, brother, don't tell me they could be somewhere on the shelf, according to my calculations, the spider should be nearby, over here, around this TV, you should keep the places, come here, yeah, I got it , give me the book, give me. the book, give me the book, yeah, where did you try to come here? Let me give you this look, how fast is that, it didn't matter, it didn't matter though, open this, hey, hey, what's up? This reminds me of that Family Guy episode when Peter was trying to kill the mosquito with a shotgun if this is the measure I'm taking to kill spiders yes there is one in the area it's in the area oh I feel bad about the Next spider, I show you your damn I face you somewhere here, don't I?
I know you can hear me. You can not? If where you are? You are in this box. Do you want this where you, Yes, come here, come here, get up, get out, one shot, one kill. I'm on my Call of Duty one on camera bro, he's right here, oh, he's in the back, where you, uh-huh, where you show up, come here, come here, look at him breaking his ankle, bro, I'm about to keep running. oh my god, I can't hear it, oh my brother, yes, I have something, how can I can't I hit it? He's here, I know you out here, I know you in his bathroom, man, oh my God, yeah, stay still, I'm going to get you guys.
I'll catch them with the next shot. You will have to cut the Like button well. If I do, yeah, yeah, messed up, do I have more flamethrowers? Oh yeah, so my goal is to burn things, just burn everything, burn everything, ah, yet. gotta burn 11 more things oh there's one there come here come here yeah you're dead you're dead bro come on yeah and there was one there come here come here my red dead redemption arthur morgan eh, I said that I. I unlocked the lid, unlocked something, and then unlocked the radio, regardless of whether we met all the objectives.
We defeat at least 20 spiders in 60 seconds. What are spiders? What spider does? I have unlimited ammo, brother. I'm going to start hitting them. Get a clipboard. Yeah bro, no way, I don't even know where they come from, come here, yeah, come here, oh how many are here? Oh my god, brother, I only have four more. What happens if we go to the exit? Hey hey. Get me out of here oh, that's quite a mission, 35 spiders, had a battery, battery upgrades available, oh come on baby, protein shake, throw objects further, no, give your bullets an extra kick, oh yeah, oh, but that's too many points, I only have five. that cost ten so give me a protein shake and then thanks look at the utility bro wait wait guns could you get oh oh that's a fucking bazooka right there this is some clean close encounters type It's a completely different level to this.
I'm not ready, what is this? Oh this is so fucking sick, I'm sorry, why is that spider a little red spider? Oh hey, he never had the chance, so this is how many spiders you have to kill to get into this room, so we have to get four, four spiders, yeah, come here, come here. bye, who's the next next victim, come here, I hear you there, oh, oh, where are you, come here, come here, go to sleep, hey, in the master bedroom and in the master bedroom, master, damn sea, this place is fucking used, what are these good batteries to equip the tracker upgrades? this tracker is kind of buns, like when you spin a little faster, you better just listen to the sound, oh that's a fat guy, he's a bad guy, come here, bring your little boy too, oh yeah, I don't discriminate , come here, come here, uh- uh, where are you coming here?
Oh, she got under the bathroom door. Guess what that friend might open? Hey, let me get in 'em, let me get in 'em, when you close that door, it's just you and me, buddy, where do you open? open it, huh, where are you, yeah, on the handkerchief, huh, come here, that's why they were sold out in stores, uh, oh, they didn't waste any time and threw flames at me. You all wasted no time and gave me a flamethrower. oh if it was one in the bathroom you were about to die huh get off of me okay let's look around the house we need 15 deaths to do that you're dead you're dead you're dead what are those Shattered memories that the monster destroyed?
Memories, there's a whole lock on this door and not like that opened the damn game, yeah, open this bedroom, baby, bedroom, baby, I don't know who it is how many spiders are in here, but you won't be able to get out of this room alive. I've got the little iPhone going crazy out of here oh you're dead you're dead yeah if you're going to burn death they take burn damage you're dead you're dead you don't even have to chase them if they get on. shoot this gun it's op come here you thought you thought you have to give the fatties some


even though I should be dead cheese buns eat one of those oh they start eating the cheese oh it got big even though she's dead buddy You're dead , I hope you enjoyed the cheese balls, I hope you enjoyed them, brother, can you bake them, oh, this is too clean now, this is too clean, now you can prime them and then take out the warmer, open this drawer somewhere, yeah, skinny cheetos, eat a. cheeto oh you're going to ruin now the perfect open combo we got here hit it who wanted a cheeto who wants a cheeto yeah come eat the cheetos I got some for you for you uh they fall in love every time come on , tracker. help me what is this oh batteries yeah give me those memories give me the ones in the back I know you hello yeah come here get the cheeto get the cheeto you know what I don't even like that yeah who else brother there's another one here won't he give him a cheeto?
Oh, it's in the trash, yeah, you're dead, bro, go to sleep, hey, secret room, oh, shorts, bro, what am I gonna get right now? Oh, I want to open that safe, I really do. Open that safe, I know, go to the Cheeto, yeah, you're dead, catch him every time, I catch him every time, well where's the other team to stop anyone around here? I heard who else is around here, oh, behind here, made the cheeto. Aha, who was it, you're dead, where the hell did he go? you should see his brothers fallen next to the cheeto there is another one that happened no, I wanted to continue oh man brother, that was just a demonstration of this game about to be very fun, look at the level of the story, look at all the things you can use, well guys I was killing with fire


, you guys want to see me play the full game when it comes out you know what to do make sure to subscribe. that like button subscribe today to join the samurai and until next time our business is this because my name is curry king you win perfect

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