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War of Rights: Epic Battle at Burnside Bridge!

Mar 04, 2024
Burnside Bridge Sharpsburg Maryland Federal forces storm a small limestone


in an attempt to heroically ford the Antietam Creek. The 8th Connecticut plunges headlong over the


in a hail of Confederate bullets, suffering casualties but securing a beachhead, although it is slow to establish a fire base. At the bridge, Confederate forces consisting of the 5th Alabama, 19th Georgia, and 1st Laboratory react to the Federal flank on their right just in time to slow the Federal advance. foreigners isolated from artillery support. the 8th Connecticut, the 2nd Sharps, and the 9th Vermont begin to give way. Under the immense pressure falling on them from the hill above, thanks as they continue to suffer heavy casualties, the flank is forced to retreat and attack at a new location.
war of rights epic battle at burnside bridge
Maneuver, the Confederate army desperately tries to isolate the new wave of Union troops. sweeping the left flank, thanks to the Federal troops through sheer tenacity and fire superiority, they secured the Confederate left at the serpentine fence gathering some much-needed morale for the bullet-riddled Union soldiers, yourself now controlling The High Ground, the federal army outnumbers the scattered rebel soldiers, putting General Archer on the defensive, if only for a moment. Foreigner with few options. Union soldiers attack and attack across open terrain to probe the Confederate defenses in the center with the probing attack completed. Major General Irish decisively gathers more reserves to launch an attack directly on the The Confederate Center will leave weakened and outnumbered by General Archer and his brave Alabamians with remnants of other regiments covered in seats behind a serpentine fence in an attempt to thwart the approaching Federal horde climbing the stairs after some 2,000 dead and injured littering the bed of Bridge Creek. and Hillside's surrounding Federal troops of the Fifth Corps under Major General Irish would take the field in a bloody and costly victory.
war of rights epic battle at burnside bridge

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