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War Commander: Base Setup 2024 (Shield Generator)

May 30, 2024
this, yeah, I know it works a little higher up, look at that hidden bunker, yeah, I like it, I'll probably get rinsed once, but there are also a lot of cheats in the game right now, so you have to remember that it's not a Exact science until I start getting rid of some of these tricks. I'm going to put it. I want it there. I think I can get it. he there actually oh uh he wasn't from that building I move him out a little that means he'll be protected yeah I like the next one I don't want them too close to each other uh I think he has to be here somewhere in it Yeah, around there and those are most of the important buildings.
war commander base setup 2024 shield generator
I think you obviously have to make sure they're not too close to each other, so I've got one there. I need one for this side or a little further down. and then one on this side somewhere and we should have everywhere covered so that works, I like it and then I forget about these too. I have this building that can fit in there, but I also have the other one that is where I want to move that and then you hear me chatting, I've been chatting to myself, basically, now I'm generating buildings. I wonder if I can upload it there, yeah look I'm forgetting things guys you should be screaming at your monitors right now.
war commander base setup 2024 shield generator

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war commander base setup 2024 shield generator...

I think I want to put that in the CC, but that's going to I can go here with him and he would be in the CC but then it's open then it's open to the elements so I'll need I have more reinforcement turrets oh no there's a good one I want a reinforcement On that, yeah, maybe I think it could work and then this guy will be in the back, not that it matters anymore, he's not beefed up or anything. I'm not too worried about him and then it's about just strengthening the other one. things less less important buildings, I'm even praying that all this doesn't get ruined.
war commander base setup 2024 shield generator
I'm going to go to one of them. Can I put any of these inside? I have to go abroad. Actually, I probably want to. yeah, I'm just saying it's a little further away and it's not as easy to kill and the same thing with this one he wants to be on this side, he wants to be here, so I think I'm pretty much there, apart from a few, obviously, I'm I'm going to shore up some of my bunkers and another used them. I wonder what I use them for. Well, we'll trade that for an armband. I can use an R.
war commander base setup 2024 shield generator
I think we're almost there, minus the. uh, shouting and chatting and I think you can decide where you want the rest of the buildings, obviously, things like this, plants that are quite important, bring them inside your walls a little bit and then put some of these, think that's it, boys. I think you can, you can judge where you want to put things other than what I've done, so you just want to zoom in on your buildings. Oh, where didn't some of them go? A, some of them with Fusion do nothing. The turrets aren't good anymore on the B, even the uh CC is garbage.
I think I'm already there. I think that's all. I don't think I can show you much more than this. It all depends on where you want things after this, yeah. I'm going to leave it at that guys, I think I've held you back long enough. I hope this


holds up well, like I say it's all about what units I put in there now, which ones I'll be until I probably make one. separate video for my units because I want to do a little bit of testing before we continue, see what works where, why and when before I give you the units I'm going to use, but that's the basic


I hope you like it, give it the thumbs up if you do, if not, give it the thumbs up down. No, I will not remove the skin from my nose. See you guys, bye.

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