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War, Colonialism, and Industrialism | The Worldbuilding of Avatar

May 31, 2021
The Fire Nation was a colonialist power bent on conquering the Earth Kingdom's water tribes and eliminating the Air Nomads, although we tend to think that the Hundred Year War began in 0bg and the genocide of the Air Nomads could be considered which actually began 37 years earlier. With the establishment of U Dow as the first Fire Nation colony on the western coast of the Earth Kingdom, with the time in between being something more akin to a Cold War, the Fire Nation would go on to establish many more colonies and take more land and the history. explores how the Fire Nation diminishes the native peoples to improve their economy and society in the comics that come after the last airbender asks how they plan to deal with these colonies in the post-colonial post-war scenario today we're going to take a look at these three fascinating geopolitical questions that the last airbender asks and his unexpected answers and cheers to the bonfire of


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player worlds. it - the link below in the description to get ten days free the first question is what justifies


the regeneration of inferior or degenerated races by superior races is part of the providential order of things for Humanity countries like China are crying aloud for foreign conquest Nature has created a race of workers, the Chinese race, who have wonderful manual dexterity and almost no sense of honor, govern them justly and live off them in return for the blessing of such government, with ample concession for the conquering race and them.
war colonialism and industrialism the worldbuilding of avatar
I will be satisfied. Can I get a yak? I don't think I've ever seen more red flags at a USSR military parade. Joseph Ernest Renan cited him as an expert on civilization. Yes, you can kiss the Avatar in the Fire Lord. Sozen defends the expansion of the Fire Nation state for altruistic reasons, our nation is enjoying a time of unprecedented peace and wealth, our people are happy and were very fortunate in many ways. I've been thinking that we should share this prosperity with the rest of the world in our Hands is the most successful empire in history, it's time we expanded it, although worded perhaps in a more kid-friendly way, sozin here offers the same justification What Renan makes of it is an altruistic effort to provide others with the economic and governmental benefits his state has experienced. by forcibly expanding its role over them and


offers an interesting analysis of this justification, necessarily these efforts unequivocally result in genocide, cultural oppression and intellectual degradation not only of the other nations but of the fire nation itself, as well as the wise men and intellectuals of the fire nation.
war colonialism and industrialism the worldbuilding of avatar

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war colonialism and industrialism the worldbuilding of avatar...

If they do not agree with state propaganda and history itself is hidden from the population, the air nomads were killed to protect the colonization effort, the masters of the land are enslaved in the service of the Empire's economy, removing them from industry local and taking away vital skills from the population. Native immunity decreased the standard of living of its population. It was an incredibly common colonization tactic in our world and in places like India, allowing indigenous people to earn but then taxing them to be used by the Empire and the cultural practices are lost to those who remember them and teach them were killed or the communities did not have the time and resources to live as they should, after all, almost all the waterbenders of the Southern Water Tribe were imprisoned or killed, all of us happened in the last airbender and everything happened.
war colonialism and industrialism the worldbuilding of avatar
In Our World: The writers say unequivocally that this justification doesn't work and this is all because the economic or political incentives simply don't exist to altruistically share wealth like Sozin supposedly wanted a secret he didn't want, especially when there is an imbalance. of technology like that between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom, as there was between the Europeans and basically everyone else, returning that wealth and workforce to the natives would simply make them more capable of rebelling, weakening the homeland, and threatening with retaliation, the incentives are always towards repression which fundamentally reveals colonization as an effort of the idealistically cruel and blind, the writers then build on this deconstruction of colonial justification by looking at its consequences in a post-war world.
war colonialism and industrialism the worldbuilding of avatar
Let's go back to Katara in the comic North and South Qatar returns to the south wants to try to find it different it is larger, more technologically advanced and has been evolving socially the rapid change is the result of the proliferation of Fire Nation technology and village wants to reestablish itself after a century of isolation and depression, this is often the space a colony finds itself in after colonization ends, the question the story raises is what is the best way for a village to reestablish itself in this new kind of world. Katara believes that her people's priority in this post-colonial, post-war world should be to protect and revitalize. your heritage, including those parts that may not be so practical.
Sir, it may cost time and money to protect your concern is to lose the authentic culture of the Southern Water Tribe as they develop call an hour just an imitation of the Northern Water Tribe worn out by establishing restaurants with their northern gastronomic architecture designed so that Seems like she's from the Earth Kingdom or the northerners, instead of these simpler igloos she's used to, she realizes that the Water Tribe children weren't learning the cultural stories she grew up with in society either. and the economic environment is completely different and Katara is right on the scene in New Zealand a huge amount of money, time and effort has been invested in protecting and revitalizing the Maori language at the expense of other things, even though other languages ​​are more global , there is also a comment. here in the way we think about ISM reconstruction, this is how we help countries emerging from war or


I mean it's not subtle but they are literally bringing democracy to the country with oil so you just got out of a war congratulations and we are going to help you recover you will need democracy office buildings bombs I mean low barriers to international trade now you are ready to join the rest of us modern first world nations, we hope to buy your oil in XI I mean work with you on reconstruction efforts. The emphasis is usually on bringing certain styles of government, particular economic models, and globalization to the country, but while those efforts to rebuild and revitalize can help, they can also be harmful in different ways, as Katara says. it is turning post-colonial post-war countries into imitations rather than its own identity.
Consider the reconstruction effort in Japan after World War II, in which the United States invested an enormous amount of resources into a country in an effort to help it recover, but also with the secondary. intention to make it a useful global ally, something similar happened in Germany, so it happens in the post-war scenario, but this also happened in post-colonial countries like Korea and many of the Pacific islands after World War II ended. Empires fundamentally relinquished their control the way we help can be oppressive to alternatively football sees this rapid globalization and development as progress. A Northern Water Tribe some point out that they found a huge oil reserve at the South Pole that is key to finally lifting the southward and then allowing the Southern Water Tribe to evolve in this way will improve everyone's lives;
It is even called reconstruction of the south, if there are no points of subtlety, or they are there after colonization and war, the standard of living and equality in a new world. The setting for everyone is what matters most, even at the cost of some heritage, after all cultures still evolve with technology, you can't just hold them back forever. The writers also complicate this question in a scene where a non-bender tells Katara that this is difficult. so you understand because you are a master, the kind of power you possess simply has not been available to us non-benders until now.
Touma Lincoln's football machinery and industrialization give them equal opportunities in a way that Katara did not consider because the traditional way of doing things gave her status and influence in society, much of the culture elevated Katara and others. water masters like the Southern Water Tribe. Many decolonized countries emerged with industrial technology in the 20th century. Colonial power and culture were still closely linked to industrial power. but it also had the potential to help, what were they going to do?, that is, the fight to give a real-world example. The Meiji Restoration began in 1853, when the US knocked on Japanese doors and, to quote the words, "open" was stuck shut.
Here Japan realized the very real threat of colonization and moved to become an industrial power, reforming its government, military, and economy. It was brutal, but it worked. At the same time, there was a considerable noble class of samurai who had previously had many powers. land wealth power and their traditions and this is the important part, they were culturally important, there was a lot to do with them and their religion, much of that heritage throughout the Meiji Restoration diminished or was lost completely, but it brought economic benefits and substantial social for For the lower classes, the most surprising finding is that rice wages since the Meiji era consistently and significantly during the Meiji period of the welfare ratio and Tokyo remained above Milan;
In other words, both masters and samurai diminished their influence and status as it almost took a class to improve those below them, this complicates the issue of protecting culture. The writers of The Last Airbender in no way say that colonization here is an enlightening force that liberates Esmaranized groups that they clearly represented as a malevolent genocidal force, but they do recognize that the cross-cultural and economic fusion of groups throughout the period of colonization It will mean that sometimes a better way of organizing wealth and power in society will emerge for the postcolonial world that does not necessarily fit with indigenous culture.
The colonial way of exploiting and subjugating indigenous populations is certainly not the main one, but we have to be more realistic when dealing with postcolonial societies to take the example of Hong Kong, a former British colony that inherited the Western emphasis on political self-determination even . although much of its culture remained Cantonese, we even know that it was returned to Chinese ownership, that evolution is not a bad thing and deserves to be protected, but Avatar further complicates this discussion in the promise that it explores the post-war world and asks what should we do with the leftover colonies now?
The answer might seem simple at first glance: return the people to where they belong and the promise begins with the characters working towards that goal with the Harmony restoration movement basically returning the citizens of the Fire Nation to the fine. and Earth to the Earth Kingdom, but they question this answer when Zuko learns that you now do the best intermediate work produced using the experience of the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom, making it one of the richest cities in the world. . It is difficult to give an exact parallel. to You Dao's colonization experience, but Hong Kong was a forcibly ceded British colony from 1842 to 1997, but it is incredibly wealthy with a much higher standard of living than almost all of its counterparts in the surrounding countries, this is due partly because it operated as an open economy and was used as a center for Western trade in the East due to its status as a British colony;
However, the pledge then points out that even in cities like You Dao, where economic prosperity is not necessarily evenly distributed, natives are often contributing only as much labor but reaping far fewer benefits, to which Duco says it is not perfect, but all the people in the city, including the people of the Earth Kingdom, are now better off than they were a hundred years ago, which is forcing a significant portion of the population to leave. In this case, everyone's standard of living is reduced. There is an economic argument here and I want to be clear that none of this justifies the forced and brutal takeover of Dao or our world, Hong Kong, but it does raise the question of what we do next.
It is much more difficult that returning things to the way they were before may not be the best economic option for either group after so much time. The answer is not as simple as eliminating all the settlers. They influence writers and then further complicate thediscussion with a social focus and ethical question who makes the earth Allah - it is easy to think that the earth belongs to state entities the fire nation the Kingdom of the earth China or Great Britain this is a communal way of seeing land ownership, but


offers an individualistic way of looking at the land and resources owned.
Zuko points out that it would be disrespectful to remove them from a life in which they spent generations building their home. I will not let you do it because the truth is that these state entities order colonization, it is individuals who live and work in these colonies. You Dao is like most real world colonies and the people who live there and have ties to the colonial power like me in New Zealand did not choose to be here, we did not participate in the atrocities of the past nor did our parents and the life we ​​have built here is completely our own, the ethical problem here is that it would punish individuals for something they had no control over state action from a bygone era, in any fair system that would not be right, they did not build on this .
I may be an earthbender, but through my father's lineage I am a citizen of the Fire Nation. My father taught me to always be loyal to the Fire Nation and my people. In the more than one hundred years of colonization, a new culture has emerged and evolved in a way that has neither the holy land kingdom nor the sacred fire nation, there are also hints of this in the series, which the What the story doesn't do here is really question whether that new culture is as legitimate as the previous two nor does it really question how it came about and how brutally it took to get to this point, which is a fair question, but some evolutions are legitimate and worth the effort. worth protecting, consider those democratic influences we see in Hong Kong, but the writers then posit that our focus on decolonization should be individual responsibility for the unequal social conditions in society that are loud and can change the Earthbenders were still a disadvantaged class as many indigenous groups have historically been or still are today hints at whether the solution is not to force citizens to leave but to create a multicultural Council society to govern with equal representatives of the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation.
Now you may disagree with this analysis in many ways, you may believe in community ownership and that's fine, or you may believe in the general good of collective rather than individual responsibility. responsibility, this is just these writers assuming, oddly enough, avatar is actually giving a federalist answer here, let me explain, the US Senate represents each state equally with two senators, regardless of the population, the two different cultural groups where the new Dow also has equal representation regardless of population New Zealand also has this with four seats in parliament reserved for indigenous Maori, the point is to represent the cultural groups equally, which It's a grown-up thing, if there was an individualistic approach, but it recognizes that you can have a kind of mix of community and individualistic responsibility and blames three fascinating answers to three fascinating questions, but what I want to know is what your thoughts are, let me know in the comments below and once again applaud our friends for our bonfire for sponsoring this video and I want to do a bit of a review because the program is for writing and world building, which I know a little more about and I want to be more careful in recommending, although to start I want to say that I totally recommend campfire Pro and the world building package, especially for certain writers.
If you're building languages, magic systems, species, or building your character profiles and if that's all you want to hear from me, then get the 10-day free trial at this link in the description below, but otherwise, let me persuade you Why should you do that? In my first review in the mentors video, I said it wasn't so much for world builders, but Kem Fire has certainly been revamped and expanded since then, fantastic ways and just the shapes they needed, they gave me the new world. Peck builders, giving you pages for magical species, cultures, religions, philosophies, systems and elements.
There are some basic details you can fill out on all of these pages, but you can add whatever features you want on the magic systems page, although in particular it has clearly had a lot of effort put into it and, for the better, clearly follow the rules of Sanderson, you have areas for cost limitations, exceptions, the source of how to channel it, as well as a history and guide to everything, all of which is a very good way to structure it and I know a lot of work creators focus on this type of things. The languages ​​page is also incredibly well done.
I really want to highlight it so that you call us. It has pages for phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, pragmatics and a visual dictionary for which it is clearly designed. For you, the way most of these types of shows just aren't the timeline is still a great way to lay out your world story or your story plot with dividers that can be major world changing events or like I. I have used splits for X 1, 2 and 3, you can do both, now they have multiple timelines in general. I would say there are three groups that use this type of software.
Writers who like to organize and Kellog their stories in depth were builders. and roleplayers like Dungeon Master's, the nice thing is that the campfire is definitely now aimed at world builders as well, but I think it has an advantage towards D&D Player's Dungeon Master's roleplayers with a built world in mind, e.g. , the elements and species page. It clearly has the layout and interface designed to give stance and attributes even with numerical values, which is a great choice on its part, though, because it also has deep character profiles, an entire section for developing character arc relationship networks. useful characters for things like noble houses, chemical fire.
It's definitely designed for writers and someone else like me, and some world-building software I know isn't so much, it can be a little clunky if you're really into the writing side of things. Personally, I have a hard time keeping track of details like hair color and glasses etc, so the character profile really works for me, although it will still be very useful if you're not one of these, you'll definitely get the most out of it if you are one. of these two types. from writers I think there are a few things that I think the map interface could be improved a little: it allows you to create articles for locations, but you also have an encyclopedia and I think it would be clearer and simpler if it appeared when you click on a location.
That encyclopedia article, instead of having two different types of libraries, there are also some tweaks I'd like to see to the character arc feature that allow you to create star points and end points without events being placed on your line. time, but overall I highly recommend it. campfire Pro and word building pack for roleplayers, builders, gamers and writers, especially in fantasy and science fiction, there are tons of useful organization tools for those big, unwieldy universes and I think it really helps to know certain things , but before starting to write. and it really tells you that so you don't go blind, also top marks for aesthetic, font and theme, all of which you can customize, it's beautiful, even if you're not sure, get a 10 day free trial.
Do it for me, do it for yourself and the links below the description. I don't think you'll regret it and even if you don't use it now, I think you'll come back and use it someday in the future, so yeah. I really like the campfire. I hope this video and your guy was helpful in the meantime, stay nerdy and I'll see you in the future.

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