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Vocal Coach Reacts to NIGHTWISH 'Ghost Love Score' (Official LIVE)

Apr 22, 2024
Hello, welcome back to my channel. My name is Georgina. I am the honest



. Damn, that's a cute mouth! I liked her voice. What she has is not necessary to put so many notes that are not constrained, baby, oh, so today. We are diving into the night desire now, my honest children have suggested me, my honest listeners, all that I am going to do with your children now, they have suggested this video some time ago and I didn't do it because all the


cultures already did it. they evaluated and took a look at it, look at it and why it's good and all that kind of stuff.
vocal coach reacts to nightwish ghost love score official live
Does it make any sense for me to do it too? But it seems like you really care about my opinion, which is very nice. I'm really grateful, thank you very much for that right, so without further ado, let's dive into this video and see what makes it so great, okay, there's definitely a mixed vocal with a touch of head, definitely, a very heavy technique, almost classic, but for some. It just works with the music, the adrenaline in that place must be incredible, it's such a big and powerful sound that has a very closed vocal, she really supports it with the breath and the tone is so stable and so controlled, very impressive to the Same time.
vocal coach reacts to nightwish ghost love score official live

More Interesting Facts About,

vocal coach reacts to nightwish ghost love score official live...

Right now I'm thinking about Metso soprano. I think that's where the level of her voice is, but who's to say we still have a little more to hear. Well, one that has a different type of technique than the first part. of the song that was more of a classic heady tone up here and now he's basing it on an interesting vise very good transition from Chester with his head down again very nice she's good again nice guitar we have one of those in E The studio crowd knows what's coming, I


its tonal quality, the change to a chest belt, a mighty city, okay, classic tone again, backs off slightly, lowers larynx making a little more of an Oh sound and again, I


these transitions between the two that he has. so inflexible, that's the wrong word, has varied tonal qualities, lots of colors in Belton's tip, right up there and then gently going down in the riff, very difficult to do, he's nailing it, there's definitely some kind of classical training that he has had, but he is outstanding. so it's not normally my kind of music to listen to, I don't really like loud heavy metal, but I thought it was surprisingly good, the musicians were very skilled and together, it was like I took you on a journey, right?
vocal coach reacts to nightwish ghost love score official live
I also loved the different textures of the ice, the way she was changing the technique from a really cool belt to a strong head voice with the classic technique, the way she seemed so balanced and so comfortable, there's a lot of train there I think I just thought. it was a great piece of theater or entertainment, it wasn't just about one thing, it was like a package deal and I totally understand why they asked me to watch it, so I hope you enjoyed my reaction and got a little insight into it. a little more information about her voice and acting, if you want to see more like this let me know who you want to see in the comments below because I would love to do more, and don't forget if you want to work with her.
vocal coach reacts to nightwish ghost love score official live
I'm jumping on the scale over our patreon because I would love to work with you and don't forget one more thing, watch out for my new online vocal training cart coming very soon again. Thank you very much for watching, stay with me. see you later love thumbs up bell ringing things like that until late laughter

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