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Visiting The Most Redneck Place in America

May 20, 2024
Oh my God, this is serious, hello friends, today I'm Tommy G. I'm in the Lord's country, in the Appalachians of East Tennessee, my name is Shaka Hustle Man and in East Tennessee we'll protect these kids. If we happen to come from the south, let's put a church in every If you try to defeat our children with drinks because it is the southern application, Lord, protect us with this block because we will make these children make it count with every way of life and it is that your first drink is 12 years old, yes, and I smoked the first.
visiting the most redneck place in america
When I was five years old, what do you imagine when you think of the southern



in the United States? Maybe you imagine ruling Alabama or somewhere near the Florida Everglades. What I imagine is East Tennessee, located right in the Appalachians, this


is the country, the Lord's country. You're likely to find a gun and damn near every house and it's not often that a place in Ste has a Confederate flag flying. It's a place where gas stations sell a lot of cheun and tobacco and the kids from this town drive trucks in this episode that I know of. with local resident rapper Shaka hustle M, that's what this kid sounds like.
visiting the most redneck place in america

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visiting the most redneck place in america...

I'm making a spear. I beat your ass out of here talking because, in the clearing, across the creek like I'm running from blood dogs, it's a fun town. You've got the gun up to the word I'll be sicker than syphilis, the mark of the beast when in this episode we shoot guns, get mud on our boots and meet the local people. Everything you see is for educational purposes, we're just going to do it. up y'all hurry up M welcome to East Tennessee we're going to show you what it's like how we live what it's like and we're going to tell you the truth about this place when it comes to Tennessee as a whole.
visiting the most redneck place in america
I feel like we are one of the last states that really sticks to the true American way of life found in the father who prepared it for us. East Tennessee is one of the few places you'll go where someone will walk up with their pants sagging and some cowboy boots on and be like hey buddy, what's up? My friend and I am a rapper. Everyone always has this stigma around rappers that they live a party lifestyle, but really I'm just fixing trucks, mowing lawns, and painting. walls, that's really what it is, but this is your baby right here, yeah, this right here, it's a 1979 Scotsdale, it says it's K10 but it's K20, as you can see, it's a little muddy right now, we We went crazy over the weekend here, they are people. take the route of doing drugs, I mean there's a middle ground, obviously people take the route of doing drugs or they go out and have fun with what they have and around here we know how to fix things, we know how to work on things and we put our crafts in fun The phenthol epidemic has taken over this area like you've never seen before one of my closest family members she recently took phenta and this is someone we never thought would even dabble in drugs.
visiting the most redneck place in america
They evicted us, they repossessed our car and stuff, and she's afraid of dying if she quits, but the thing is, I'm afraid of her dying if she keeps doing it. I went to prison in 2015, there was so much drugs that al


everyone knew that he was selling drugs or on drugs and he is a drug addict, yeah, okay, and then every time I came home it was an epidemic. I returned home in 2019. I was hooked. My baby mother, her sister just died of a stroke. Her father, come to find out. He was the one who gave it to her, he bought it from someone and gave it to her and she passed it.
They charged him with second degree murder. The dealer and his girl were charged with second degree murder but the only dealer was a youth soccer team coach and They knew I was selling well with my stepbrother. I hadn't seen him in 10 years and I caught up with him at the corner store, we met up and caught up with him the next day, he was dead because he took a pill and it killed him, he had to do it quickly, a little, that has some zp, eh, yes, it does. The town we are in Elizabeth is a very old town, a big news channel once said this was the best area to move to and everyone was I'm mad about that because now you have a lot of people, a lot of people from Florida, California, they are move here trying to get away from, I guess, the blood of City Life.
We were then invited to the top of the hill, to the headquarters of the diesel dicks, for a roaring party. Hey, 11 minutes left, it's lit up here right now, buddy, the sponsor of today's video is Opera Desktop, the browser of the future. Some browsers are clunky as if they were designed by a monkey, but Opera 1 is designed for a smooth browsing experience. Are you tired? of ads that appear everywhere on the Internet. Kapow Opera 1 comes with a free ad blocker Opera 1 has a built-in free VPN to get you covered and don't forget AI-powered intuitive tabbed browsing and much more Internet browsing should be smooth, easy and intuitive.
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We're in Stony Creek and it's. It's safe to say that's in Appalachia, yes we are at the bottom of Appalachia. I don't know if you're affiliated with a gang, but we're with the diesel idiots. Yes, we're with the diesel idiot gang. I know you. See you, you see the truck on the back of the truck sitting there, but yeah, that's what we do, we spin the tires, we break it down, we fix it and we go up. I like the belt buckle which is fashionable. Hey, listen, bro, some old guy made that for me. My wife would love me if she dressed me like that.
Hey, you better lock her up. If I had a stereotype of Appalachia, one would be that people can fix almost anything and the second is that they like to play like they have a ton of cars. a lot of things it's absolutely accurate stereo, yeah that's the name of the game, it's what I enjoy doing, even if I had a million dollars I'd still be here playing with my toys and stuff, do you guys feel represented by our current one? The government right now I feel like there's only one politician that I feel like I can trust and that's the man that says it clearly and you all already know who Hillary Clinton is, no we're talking about Trump, we're talking about fucking Hillary Clinton.
Shut up, I support Trump because he is the only person who I believe has moved the entire American movement forward. You already know the whole magga movement, but friend, any politician in general, it's like we don't know them. What does success mean? you wake up you do whatever you want every day the life we're living yeah is there any lingo I should learn if I'm trying to blend in a little more? You have to say it all the time There you have to say there in the shout how far it is there right here there and if you hear someone around here say uh yesterday, you know this happened the other day or whatever it could be at any time as of now 6 months ago, you know that doesn't mean the The funniest thing around here is that when someone in Holl or something gives you directions, they never use street names and they use landmarks, go north up the hill and then take a walk.
Yes, John Boy's truck here is the locally famous John Boy, tell them. about your truck, show them, I guess, are you having a barbecue here or what is all this CU talk? He's clear, I have to drive home, you're supposed to tell us about it, have you ever been burned, I've never been burned in my life, the car might explode if I do this, I mean, it's not going to hurt anyone, it's okay. , don't worry about it, it's okay, we only have one tire left, we only have one tire on this truck, well, I mean, it's I got two but the one blew up, okay, here it is okay, give it a little rest and start to reduce the accelerator.
I'm going to explode Flor, he's going to explode, keep it up, keep him on the floor. I'm going to be second. Oh my god, this is scary. Did I just explore a tire? Are you sure you wanted to have that holy look? Oh my god, now it just broke. We have to have a moment of silence. I mean, we all get irritated, but let's see what you do. I'm going to walk 100 miles. I'm going to do the land and take care of the work every day. I'm going to slow down here we go now and then I'll relocate IO directly to a face.
I'm serious, come and be curious. I'm going to put my little bit in a year I'm going to go for my family's tears and yet I'm from somewhere else, you want a drink, I'll have some Tommy G, yes, I'm drunker than F, but I'll tell you which one it is It was them. Important lesson because listen, man, people are going to bother you and if you just say them it won't bother you, man. Hey, listen, I was 12 and I threw up on Maple because my dad said you think you're a bastard. man, come on, come on, it was your first drink when I was 12, yeah, and I smoked my first joint when I was five, when people think of a rapper in their head, you're not the first image they stereotype, do you think you can change that?
Do you think the game is missing something new? Rap is so broad that anyone who can speak can rap. There's a St YP over there. I have you on the next one. One more thing that we are a group. There is a stereotype around us that we are. a bunch of dumb


s but anyone can come here tonight and have fun we have a fucking terrorist we're fine that's how you get respect a lot of times here what percentage of people have guns in their house there's a gun above every door in my house, it would be easier to talk about the percentage of people who don't have a gun in their house, what if someone broke it, what are you going to do if you throw them to the ground, he will come back, shoot you in the butt and when you have kids, it's something different once you have a kid, you have to have a gun, you call the damn police, they will be there in like 10 to 20 minutes, you have a damn 12 gauge, that mother will be there right now.
What is that tattoo on your knuckles? Man, this RC raises hell and eats cornbread. I have the state of Tennessee. I had this done in a kitchen. Brother, yes, this was made in the kitchen. This was done on a trailer driven by a generator. Stereotypes from abroad. In this state it's not okay for people to support each other no matter the color of their skin, no matter where you're from, what do you think stereotypes are? People act like a lot of hilltop hillbillies and things in our area are incest drugs. addicted racist, yeah, racist, I killed a black girl, yeah, my mother's black guy, believe it or not, like it had nothing to do with the color of your skin, there's nothing different about the color of your hair, brother, genetics are genetics, we are all human beings.
We are shitty human beings and good human beings in all races, hair colors, states, no matter what it is bro, trying to divide this nation, when people come together and unify, that's when the government has us scary dude look 1776 woo yeah y'all. okay friends, it's time to go to sleep, see you in the morning. I think we're about to come out with what they call the Tennessee Taliban. I don't know, I have to ask you, but let's make sure our ears are protected, let's get some earplugs and some watermelon, some fruits that we can shoot, let's do it.
I feel like Tennessee is one of the best states for gun rights. I am originally from the south. California, so moving here is definitely a breath of fresh air. What is the gun culture like here? You know, the Second Amendment is very open and not restricted, coming from a pretty tough area in Southern California. It is definitely a blessing that I can carry and not. I have to overcome obstacles and steps like that Do you think that's something Americans should protect and fight for 100% 1000% we have our earplugs we have our buttplugs we're ready to shoot I was a country boy now I'm a country team Tennessee has some of the most pro-Second Amendment gun laws in the United States, so we decided to educate ourselves and learn more about the gun culture here.
What are gun laws like in Tennessee? They are easy, it is called constitutional carry. As a resident of Tennessee, with a driver's license you have the right to conceal or open any weapon within the state and that ranges from a pistol to a shotgun to an AR. How do you prove that I'm not crazy and that you're not crazy? You pass a background check, you answer all these questions on this form, if you don't answer truthfully, it is and then from this I look at your background and it goes through five different divisions, are you a fugitive from justice?
I'm not, but you're right. Sort of like 99% of the people who buy guns are going to be good gun people, but then there are the crazy people, the Colins, how can you prevent that from happening? Well, you can't really stop it from happening if someone is going to come in andlie. about it, but we have a pretty clear idea, we have the right to deny anyone the purchase of a gun, we just had someone sign up to take a class with us, we don't feel comfortable with the person we gave a money refund. to let her take the class they were moving too much.
I went to a gun safety class recently. I got my concealed carry but I'm afraid to buy one because I sleepwalk sometimes and I don't want to wake up and accidentally take it. Sometimes I have dreams in which, as if there is someone in my house, I am running to go look for them. I don't want to wake up accidentally, but in the middle, you know what I mean, no, we probably refused to sell you a gun, okay, okay, we left this gun shop and met up with Shaka and his friends to shoot guns completely legal.
Thanks YouTube, so what do we have on the table here? friend State dagger these are my weapons here these are also Glocks this here is a Glock 19 this is my home defense because it has the laser and the flashlight this was given to me by someone who was murdered literally a week after you told me how young you were when you fired your first gun, probably like five or six, maybe four. He was shooting AK-47s when he was uh, before he could even ride a bike. What does the right to ban guns mean to you? violating the right granted to us by the Constitution, so it explains it in itself.
Now I can understand people's fears about training and everything else. You can go out and get proper training. It's not expensive. There are a lot of people around who know what they are doing. show everyone, maybe we'll drink a little before we start shooting, if you guys have some Bud Lights we could drink. Oh, get the firearms, alcohol and denber mix out of here. Do you feel like Bud Light made a big mistake with some of their? recent publicity, hell yeah, I mean, I've never been in a bar and seen a fucking transgender van drinking beer, drinking beer, you know what I mean, when I was in fourth grade, they took us on a field trip to a place called Camp Explore and We shot bows and guns when we were in 4th grade with our teachers, the guy was shooting guns, who will shoot first?
I got this ready here, ready, now he was a country boy. Now I am a king of the country this year. Now I'm a fan. I'm living dreams, get out of my way. I'm not trying to touch the microphone unless I'm getting there. Do you feel like this part of the country has been forgotten a little? There is less representative. I agree and in all fairness. I feel like the State of Franklin would have been a good idea if it ever remained in history. I think the State of Franklin, yes, Benjamin Franklin, dates back to the 19th century, so they tried to establish the State of Franklin instead of the state of Tennessee and basically just incorporated the entire Appalachian mountain range as one state, so I think it would be interesting.
I mean, Tennessee is a good state, we have a decent state government, it's been good, it could do better. Do you feel represented under Biden? Administration well, no, I'm not really talking about food prices, gasoline prices, unemployment, the debacle that is the southern border, the things they are doing in our educational system to our children, none of that is Well. I have had some personal experiences in some of the ones I went down. to the southern border was in a border task force. I just left it and went out there and partnered with the Texas DPS and the National Guard and did some work and watched your video.
It's a mess there, you know too? We captured 2,300 people in 19 days and four border stretches of M and I would say that around 85% were men of military age and of those 2,300 after their trial, 750 of us are already convicted of LRA within the United States because Trump said a controversial statement that they are not sending us the best they can, they are telling us that they are criminals oist, but from one of the people you have, you would say that they are in that category one3 just through the paperwork, not all of them were good people there.
I didn't really see many women and children. I saw a couple of groups at least on the shift I worked. I work from 05 to noon, about lunch time, but it's all military, it's men, are you proud to be an American, of course, and do you feel that we? We are losing that in this country, sad, yes, there is still a good core of people who are happy to be here, happy to be left alone, that's the most important thing. Everyone wants to be left alone. People just want to be left alone and allowed to have guns. for his jeans, eh, Kimbo, this is my message, it's Joe Biden, come try here, come to my property, man, lady, in a small town, Joe bid, and in these videos, I love meeting absolute characters, in the next scene we will go to Kurt's dog house and this guy is an Appalachian legend we are in King Sport Tennessee beautiful piece of paradise in northeast Tennessee this is no place like home I've been to a lot of places and already you know how birds and things navigate through the magnetism of the earth m m mi Magnetism is felt right here, so I hear you're a genius during the day.
What are you doing? What is your profession? Right now I work for the US military making explosives in holon defense. You must be very good if I let you in with all your tattoos, well, you know, with a degree and an excellent work history, the possibilities are endless. That's the big house where my wife and I and the kids live. We see a lot of overgrown trucks and weeds around here. this is a jeep that they just gave me, basically we are going to turn it into a birthday or christmas present, something random, i need it out of my area, it has a good engine, what happens here is just the farm when we have little ones excavations like we do today people come in there we have sofas sit Living room hang out this is honestly the dream is to have a lot of land peace and tranquility this is a place where the crickets sing at night the stars Get out, this is the result of deciding to take many good decisions along the way, probably a little later than most.
About 27. I pulled my head out of my ass and worked. I went back to university. I got my degree. What's happening? Caleb, it seems around these parts that having a gun on you is like having underwear on you wherever I go when I'm not going to work. Do you feel like this part of the country is overlooked or underrepresented, underrepresented in a positive light? A lot of the focus is on the negative because there's not much going on here except you have Music City in Nashville and everything you know in this little area you just assume is a bunch of dumb


I've never been properly muddied before in my life, you'll probably make it, oh yeah, definitely, here today guys, while we wait to heat things up, I must fill you in on this. I'm creating the biggest profit in America that the big dogs made. to eat if you want to join the gang buy a shirt Tommy I've got you covered here's another thing about this area we are superbly relevant globally as at Eastman makes products that are used all over the world all plastics all bottles and things like that, they make the polymers that they use to make, they had a big contract with Coca-Cola for years and Kodak, there are a lot of people that do this thing that makes America tick and we're trying to forget about them. a little bit, they don't think about boots on the ground, the kind of people you meet, boots on the ground, that's one of the mottos of the channel about oid.
I was coming into Oakd Oak Ridge, that's where they refined the uh. uranium for the fat man and the boy the bombs that were dropped here Shima Nagasaki oh, that was done, it was done in this area like Oak, they built a whole city, you know, no one came in or out, but they did what they did there. the explosive ordinance that went into that that wants to show the city boy like me how it's done in the truck could carun frame trou that sh seems to roll I've seen some confederate symbology around here different from people, what does it mean? people go back then, you know the north count controls everything and the south wanted to run their own thing, you know this slavery thing is terrible, horrible, it should have been scrapped a long time ago, but this area should not be governed. by them so hard because they benefit while we do the things you know, it seems like you went pig hunting recently, huh, that's no, I'm talking about pig, okay, friends, we went on a great trip and the music you've been listening to throughout this.
The video is all this guy right here, a couple of guys are here too, but the link is in the description. Blow this guy up. Comment. Big dogs have to eat. Thanks for the hospitality. Any final comments you have. I just appreciate you coming here and showing it. I love our people man we have good people and you guys are good people too so it's nice to get you all here and come do a little guys the world is a beautiful place the media will try to tell you it's not. but you can go anywhere with anyone, there are good people who are trying to create separation, but when you travel the country, you travel the world, people are friendly, people are wonderful, people are kind and I experienced that here in East Tennessee and Appalachia, love you guys.
See you next week, peace, you all have a good exotic chronicle. I'm tripping on the block, I'm breaking the seal, I'm size, my hustle for real, they bite me, they test my skill every time friends. I hope you enjoyed this episode. You want to see another one here. You want to subscribe here. See you next week.

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