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Apr 17, 2024
oh this is not good guys I have to give you some bad news okay I'm sure most of you know the ones James and Gabe are in like almost every video they were in on a trip camping and they are actually trapped. They're literally stuck on a desert


in the middle of nowhere They're miles from shore and I have to go save them I need something to get out of there I can use this I can use this well I can do this no no no this floats, this isn't going to work, no, this is not going to work, okay, wait, I have an idea, I know what I can use, so it's not perfect.
visiting a stranded island with a lego boat
I'm sure most of you remember this breaking news game and James is stuck on a desert


. off the coast with a ton of water but no food a brave man whose name is indescribable this building what appears to be a Lego


to save them we just arrived on the scene with the same indescribable yeah so this is my


now You know, Legos, okay, so in order for this to successfully travel miles off the coast, we're going to need to improve a couple of things, number one, we need to get rid of that motor, it's electric, we need gas, we need more horsepower. , number two.
visiting a stranded island with a lego boat

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visiting a stranded island with a lego boat...

We'll need a roof because shelter number three we'll need to reinforce the front of this thing because there will be waves and sharks. Step number four is uh, I really thought this far, but I'm working on it, well, friends, let's hope we don't talk. bless a Lego boat built in the next five seconds because I'm done, it's complete like a boat is ready ladies and gentlemen, let me explain, I think I have a device that can save James and Gabe, we have a Lego boat, the front is reinforced stronger than ever more nails more glue than we've ever seen we also have a roof shelter that hopefully doesn't come off we also have our flagpole right here with our nondescript trick there too and we've upgraded the engine and reinforced the The rear of the boat, this new engine is gasoline, it is no longer electric, ladies and gentlemen, let me show you how it works.
visiting a stranded island with a lego boat
Look, we have speed control right here that will allow us to cross the sea pretty quickly if you ask me. Well, the last one. What we need to do is gather some supplies and hit the water turn off the engine here so we can talk to you guys we're about um I'd say a mile mile and a half from the shoreline I probably have another one no. I know it's about a 20 minute ride but so far the Leggett boats are stuck, you're not leaking or anything as you can see we're in the water come on I see the island right there we're full speed on the engine right now .
visiting a stranded island with a lego boat
Hopefully, we're not really here, we're roasting the island. It looks like we have some debris in the water. We will make it. We're here to save James' game. I hope they have some food. Hey guys, we're getting closer. The island, I would say, was probably about a thousand feet away, right there, no sign of James having game yet, but it will be destroyed soon. The engineer we were driving around the island right now trying to see if we can spot Gaiba James, how is there something there? There is so much vegetation on this island, oh, it's so thick, no, just our brain.
Let's go a little further down, see if we can find some of that. It almost looks like a raft. I wonder if I'm trying to go. the oldest type looks like a small arch maybe someone tried to film we tried to shout again ah I don't know I think we're going to keep going around the island you only got halfway so let's go to the other side hello hello Go ahead, there's no game, it's a game James, are you okay, hey, hey, hey, calm down, it's me, Nathan? You guys, how long have you been here? call it put down the stick put down the stick hello human hello build a Lego boat and save them I give them I give them a home gone gone gone gone they're gone they're hungry oh yeah oh it's Well, yeah, what's that?
Okay, yeah, what is this? There is a video here. Aha, you made a video. What's wrong with them? How long have they been on this island? Oh God okay I'm going to teach these guys how I speak English again this is no good so apparently they gave me an SD card that has a video on it let's go ahead and play this video and see what's on it okay Gabe we're here on this island, we have to find a food shelter, don't really see anything right now, but I found something. I probably should have brought it and I should have brought more than just a 10.
We'll get back to you. Come on, yeah, let's go there. Hello, I would like three bottles of water. I'll like the first two, where are we going anyway? We are just making a path. I mean, are we going in circles? If you are seeing this, please send help. The only source of water around here is our sweat. I think we're going to go crazy. gave him some more ants and bees, keep attacking him, okay, I don't know what to do, okay, you lost your mind, you guys want to show me the island, like, what are you sleeping?, you had to do it, there's no way they did it.
I won't sleep, okay, I'll follow you, oh my God, there are so many fines. I know you women have a stick. What's here like wild animals? Okay, there's a tire, you guys put them on a car with this, this is crazy. Like, where are you guys? What do you eat there? You eat there. They have no idea what I'm doing. They have forgotten to speak. I don't eat grass. We can catch something. You know, I admit it. I still have cell service here, so I think we'll be fine in this room, guys. I mean, other people have been to this island before, so the sun still went down a bit, although they haven't completely lost their minds.
I'm a little worried, maybe if I talked to them like they talked to me, they'll understand. Then you lost sleep. You lost where you are lost. What do you mean we came and at that moment we were literally there? I do not remember. where they slept and you think this I'm wearing flip flops flip flops good sleep hello I think this is where they sleep well this makes sense it's a little darker shady here the ground a little soft let me tell you I don't understand anything they say I want to take them back to the shore because I give you a small prize I think that if these boys put some food in their mouths we will return to normal hey boys I want to follow me hey, follow me, I have a gift for you, a gift, a gift, see something, okay, follow me, follow me, oh my god, wait, I'm even coming, let's go back to the shore, guys, honestly, if I were you, I would.
I've stayed on the shore the entire time because going deep into these woods is no fun. I know you probably can't even understand what I'm saying, but I prefer to introduce you after giving you this gift. Get them off this island, we're going home guys, okay guys, we're back, eyes, are you okay, look at this? I brought you something, look at this, now you don't have to hold the machete anymore. We have something. fishing rods no, no, it's a fishing rod that takes your fish out of the water, yeah, use it to have the rod down there, you're going to go ahead and do that and look, there's a button right here, you're going to press it and then you press this button, it shoots, yeah, look, she's going to wait for a fish to catch it with this one here, look, you're right, it's super easy to use and you do it again and on an iPhone like seven days ago.
I don't understand how this is so awesome, be careful because they have hooks so you can fish and they'll be inside too, hey, there you go James, now just wait, you gotta be patient, you gotta be patient. It's time to catch a fish called far away you'll hit a fish like all the way James is fishing here you guys don't really remember me and from talking to talking unspeakable merchandise yeah you used to use this for all the videos yeah I really don't know what we do with these guys, I think they are a little helpless, I think I need to bring them back to the real plan, let's go to a five star restaurant, okay, you guys like sushi, yeah, where do you want to go?
We have a boat, we can get home, we mean we can go, hey, look, it's stuck on a branch, let's get on this boat, okay, I built it to save you, okay, guys, get on, get on, don't move It happened, don't break my boat, don't break my boat, I'll take you home, let's sleep in a bed, okay guys, yeah.

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