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VIRAL Keyboard Tiktoks...

Apr 16, 2024
Oh please, I don't want to. Were you four keys? Good guys, pretty fast. I mean, it was kind of impressive, not that impressive. This is not that difficult. I was able to do it. It looks easy. The last video didn't fit, but everyone said. Cut it in half, I honestly don't know how this is going to make a difference, but whatever we do here guys, it actually seems crazy. I had to cut it. Well, my first thought is that this part here is very thick, I don't. I don't want to have too much because it becomes a question of how to close the


viral keyboard tiktoks
I'm going to tell you the truth, guys, it really worked. I had to push as hard as I could and these screws have so much tension that he will be sitting up. he just plays minding his own business. I bought this new


, it sounds a little hollow and I don't like it. I need to fix that and I found out that a lot of people have been filling their keyboard with polyethylene, which is this stuff, so I thought I would try it. I'm worried it won't fit in the case since it's quite thick, but I think I can make it work so it fits.
viral keyboard tiktoks

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viral keyboard tiktoks...

I had to push it down, but I managed it. It sounds great, okay, I'm going to remove the keys while you do it, why does everyone love doing this dusty thing? I've never dusted off my keyboard again with the tapping meta, it's like you don't have to hit the key to make sure I left it, but everyone I see just goes and returns them, carry on, I still don't want to sound like a broken clock , but you took the keys and put them back. How many likes? This is 645,000. I won't stand it, okay, how to safely remove the keys, perfect, put them in alphabetical order, say less, say less, I think I'm sorry after that first, that's why I can't do this anymore in mono z. keymap type settings off 110 words per minute and 100 precision that's touch typing.
viral keyboard tiktoks
I have a tutorial where they changed the keys, but if you don't know the camera on the keyboard is the same as they said, it's just touch typing, there's no real difficulty here. there's nothing at stake this is easy let me show you how to do it put them in alphabetical order say less yes no this is pathetic let me show you how to do this hard first i changed my keyboard to one with russian letters so i couldn't just look at the keys, then enter a completely random keymap so I can't just touch type and to make it spicier I remove my ability to cheat with my eyes and if I mess up a single word my friend slaps me.
viral keyboard tiktoks
It's a pretty nice build, you know, all things considered, but it makes me uncomfortable. It seems like, as you know, you end up rubbing it against a key, which sounds like it would hurt but also makes it sound a little weird. I wonder what. we like to write with long nails like this my new keyboard this is me this is not me I feel like they are calling me here no this is not me my keyboard is not so loud that's what I would say if this were wait wait wait wait no no no there's no way it's like that she just puts them on and presses them and 1.2 million people said wow that's amazing, I'm going to like this, is this what I have to do, I mean, I can, I won.
I'll do it, I want tired, okay, look, I did what I took the keys, I put them back now you have to give me a million likes, I'm begging you, please, a million likes just once, wait, that It's not a keyboard, oh, it's like a A little edible keyboard. I don't want to see any more of this. I don't like that sound at all, but I want to move on. Okay, let's listen to it. Ah, it's the sound I don't like. people eating oh, it sounds nice, but still oh no no oh, I'm done, okay, removing the keys, okay, this is too ducky.
I think you are having so many problems. Are you thinking of continuing? I'm going to look like I'm going to pretend like I'm not, I'm going to see that, I know you want me to be like ah, this is so crazy, I'm so angry, but that's what I feel deeply, it just burns me so deep, I don't understand it. . the last one had colors, it had interesting keys, so it had all that. You removed the keys and didn't even put them back on this tile. You made me wait for the bass drop to end all the bass drop.
I was thinking, oh, it's going to be one of those makeover ones, it's going to be sick, I'm not sure, I must have missed it, yeah, that's it, that's it, uh, he's a hakko fr 301, that's the gun. glasses, okay, suddenly I'm paying attention, okay, keep them welded, this is the first one. The time I've seen someone on tiktok d, solder switches, okay and go, they are the stabilizer cables in our tick tac video. How does the joint look good? Any tape. I don't believe it. Only two shots were taken. Hundreds of tickets. Okay, I need. a i need to get something real quick beats by yalming you are the first person to join the prestigious keyboard ticking hall of fame congratulations this was supposed to go away did i buy a dud oh screw it congratulations i hate everything i'm never looking at?
It tickles no more. There should be one more. Thanks for watching.

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