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May 04, 2020
Previously in the




it seems that we are being invaded by giant protuberances. What is this? What is the lake? Enchanted ocean. This citizen has volunteered to swim to the bottom of the lake. I'm going to go play until this happens. You came back. It's me,


. Number five, which is not breaking


, a giant vine has appeared and threatens the villagers' life as we know it. Villager number nine is on the scene. Thank you, villager number five. I'm on a cliff overlooking the giant vine, it seems to have attracted some. followers, but that's not the only bad news, the explosive force of the giant creepers is now the same as a hundred thousand blocks of TNT, that's right, if that creeper explodes, it will be the end of the world and it will also head to the village that We are preparing for the army.
villager news war animation
As we speak, but without an antidote for the potion, it may be a waste of time, but there is an antidote that no one asked about. Yes, your friend, get off, don't touch me, ladies, listen, this is the antidote. I need one of you to take this. I'm the giant creeper, put this in his mouth and save the world, who will it be, step forward, what. No soldier well done, here is the antidote and remember, the fate of the world depends on you. I would like to say that you are indispensable. Ok let's go. Come, we can't get through, there are too many, leave it to me, that's all for this edition, villager number four, until next time, villager number four, no, the antidote is over, what do we do now?
villager news war animation

More Interesting Facts About,

villager news war animation...

Well, look who's who. It's you, we've never met, yeah, so you got more of that antidote, oh you want this, well you can't have it, it's the last one, oh please, what do you want, I want him released, Joe, hi , I have been here. since 2013 you have another antidote wait it's that guy who litters no one stops me now we need someone else to take the antidote but this is our last chance if we don't do it this time we are doomed we need someone trustworthy so we can trust what's up with this duplicate man? No, no, he doesn't want to, how do you know he doesn't work there?
villager news war animation
Just, no, it's okay, besides, he's busy promoting his book, you should read it, it's very good, what about him? Lilla to benign hair report. From the battlefield I have been chosen to protect the round and save the world. You can make this religion benign. I believe in you. I'm saying it now so I can have a flashback later. I can't fly through this. Creepers are gaining ground. at the doors of the dollar almost there hey, did you know that I am a helicopter? I am also a helicopter. I know you're a helicopter. You are all a helicopter.
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Not all of us. It's too close to the village. We have to push it. back a helm II what commander why would you do that for everyone? There's been an update, we have new clothes and there are bees and it's okay, I'll come back later. You can do this religion for a while. I believe in you. I say it now. I may have a flashback later, how could I have imagined such a horrible series of events? Fortunately, none of that happened. He is still there. Yes, you did, villager number nine. Well, of course he does. He has plot armor like everyone else in the final season. from Game of Thrones I wouldn't be too sure where villager number nine is, but where is villager number nine?
You're probably too young to remember, but villager number nine saved the world. It was yesterday, he did it by riding a dragon into battle and burning everything in his path completely ignoring his previous stance during that no, he didn't, no, you're right, he didn't. That would be stupid. Villager number nine was not like everyone else, he was completely unique in the way he spoke. the way he looked completely different was one of the best, almost as good as testificandum. I'm sure he's doing something very important and brave right now. Anyone, let's go home, hey, remember when there were all those giant mobs everywhere, whatever happens with that, they're still here?
I didn't fix them, oh that's the topic of the next video and that's it for this edition of Villager News and to introduce ourselves as a tribute to villager number 84, here's the song that was playing when that poor guy got crushed by that giant rabbit. enjoy Oh no, it happened that this part of the video was a copyright claim so we had to remove it. It was an amazing song about wood and how this guy wants to know where his wood is and other things about wood. It's a shame, so here are some. Puppets, okay, so how do we get more money to make videos?
We could get people to like, subscribe and click the bell. We could tell people about Patreon. We could finish the next guy in Minecraft.

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