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Vampire Blippi Visits a Haunted House for Halloween! 1 HOUR OF BLIPPI HALLOWEEN!

May 12, 2024
turn on the flippy station it's time to get up and shout I wonder what we'll learn about flippy. I also love looking at spooky


s decorated for Halloween. Wow, look at all Jacko's flashlights, let's go see him. Hello, Flippy, oh, hello, Mr. Pumpkin. I was scared, you're welcome, Flippy, I love being scared, it's fun, it's H. I wonder if it's really fun to be scared. There's only one way to find out. Let's have a scary contest. Okay, let's do it. Oh, score one for the pumpkin team! I don't see anyone else, yeah, oh, hello again, Bones, that's two points for team Pumpkin, come on Bones, let's plan our next scare.
vampire blippi visits a haunted house for halloween 1 hour of blippi halloween
We have to come up with a good scare. I must, what can we do? I have an idea, oh, I'll wear this mask and hold on. your shoulders as you howl come on this is going to be a good score one for the team blippy you got us good blippy yeah good job Deo wa cool a secret hallway oh boy this is really going to scare them that's two points for the team boy next team to score a point is the winner, yes, wait, Debo. I have an idea, let's hide in that cauldron and jump out and scare Mr.
vampire blippi visits a haunted house for halloween 1 hour of blippi halloween

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vampire blippi visits a haunted house for halloween 1 hour of blippi halloween...

Pumpkin and Bones. Hey, Bones, let's hide in that cauldron and jump out to scare Blippy and Debo. I guess it's a tie. true, Halloween is the best, but I still don't know the answer to my question, is it really fun to be scared? Yes, okay, upload the answer Debo, thanks for an amazing scary contest, Mr. Pumpkin, I had a lot of fun, no problem, flippy, I had a great fun too, don't worry Debo, those are not real monsters , they're people trick-or-treating because it's Halloween, of course. I must. I can teach you how to do tricks, trick or treat.
vampire blippi visits a haunted house for halloween 1 hour of blippi halloween
Did someone say trick or treat? Hello Rita. this is my friend Debo hello Debo I'm Rita the raccoon and Halloween is my favorite holiday because of all the costumes it's not stupid all the free food well you're just in time because Debo and I are about to go trick or treating wait Debo, we still need a few things before we go, the first thing we will need are costumes. A great idea will be the ghosts, very fun, even the ghosts should be able to see them, here we go. I'm a flickering ghost, wao. I have a karate master who comes trick-or-treating with us and now such a cool chef.
vampire blippi visits a haunted house for halloween 1 hour of blippi halloween
I'll stick with a mask. Our costumes are ready. It's time for The Next Step containers to keep our treats fresh. Jacko Lantern pales, yes, trash. My first gift now. it's time to go outside it's getting dark a fun glowing ghost okay make sure you choose a


that is decorated and lit up for


then knock on the door and say "trick or treat" come on what are you waiting for trick or deal, thanks? Happy Halloween, what a session, remember you can only go to each house once and only take one candy, trick or treat, jackpot that will last you until next Halloween.
Those scare me every time, trick or treat, trick or treat, look what I got. Look at all these deliciousness, thanks for helping me. Teach Debo how to trick or treat Rita and remember that Debo to trick or treat you need a costume and a bag or pallet for the treats, then walk from door to door and stop at the lighted and decorated houses. Say Trick. o Try to get treats in return and remember that you always need an adult, yes, upload the answer I must, thanks for a sweet night, Rita, bye, blippy and Deo, happy Halloween, happy Halloween, whoa, what's that?
You're right, Debo, I think he's getting ready for the day. The dead. The Day of the Dead mmm I wonder how the Day of the Dead is celebrated great idea we'll go ask him and find out hey it's me blippy and this is Debo oh hi I'm Paco Paco what are you doing here? I'm doing. an offense is part of a Mexican celebration where we remember family members who are no longer with us but I have a problem that happens I don't remember anything about my great ABA Rosa I need to know what things she liked so I can make an appropriate offense for her great idea I must we can go back in time and meet your great ABA Rosa just follow us I'm going to need wings wings confirmed activate the flippy station going back in time wao where we are welcome to mexo W great ABA Rosa yes, hello, it's me, Bako, your great-grandson of the future H and who are your friends, this is choppy and mean, hello, hello, what are you doing here?
Don't tell me you don't know how to make me a proper friend, well, no, him. No? I'll show you all my favorite things. Come on, the first thing I love is walking fast. You are very fast. My second favorite thing is oranges, they are very juicy and sweet. M, yes, oh no, we can make orange juice. I'm okay my third favorite thing is music I love music well then you should dance woo yes thank you blippy for helping me learn about my great grandpa Rosa you're welcome Paco and I got the answer to my question to celebrate Moorish diodes you can make an offering with the things that really represent the spirit of our loved ones upload answer Deo goodbye Paco goodbye driving at night is very fun and we have the streets to ourselves what was it that it's already quite late for the animals to come out?
You're right, Debo, it's definitely an animal. I wonder why some animals come out at night. I'm going to need a grabbing arm. Grab arm confirmed, activate the Flippy station, shrink the Flippy mobile, it's ready for adventure, let's go find that nocturnal animal, oh hello. The name is Rita the raccoon. What's yours? Hey, it's me, blippy and that's Deo. We were wondering why some animals like you come out at night. Look. I am nocturnal. That means that everything you like to do during the day, I like to do at night. It's great. Hey, do you think this can help me find some food?
Of course, I think the blippy mobile could do almost anything. Look at her, go, Debo, follow that raccoon. Woo, come on, keep it up. Rita, you're not supposed to use the blippy phone without permission. stealing I'm sorry we raccoons do almost anything for food I'm freezing Rita it's very cold at night aren't you cold too? I by no means have this big fur coat that helps keep me nice and warm all night. I wish I had a big coat or something to keep me warm. Watch out, okay, freaky look, oh, thanks Rita, that's another great advantage of being a nocturnal.
Many of the animals that want to chase me are asleep. I like it better with less hostile predators around. something smells good, let's go to the cell phone this time, everyone is driving, that's all, that seems complicated Rita, how are you going to open it? No problem, raccoons are great problem solvers, as long as there is food involved, jackpot, only L animals around, I don't. I got to share all this great food, what an amazing adventure and I got the answer to my question: why do some animals come out at night? Some animals like to go out at night because there is less competition for food, there are fewer predators and people. around and because it's cooler at night up answer I must bye blippy I'm going to greener rubbish bins bye Rita you're right I must it would be fun to have a dinosaur as a pet h I wonder if a dinosaur would make a good pet good thinking let's go back in time to find out that I'm going to need the monster truck's grab arm and wheels.
Confirmed grip arm monster truck wheels activate the flippy station going back in time the flippy mobile is ready for adventure, that's right, we are in the Cretaceous Period, millions of years ago, when the Earth was full of dinosaurs Hello, It's me blippy and this is deo Hi flppy I'm Tina the Tyrannosaurus Rex Hi Tina, we were wondering which dinosaur would make a good pet, an animal that you love and care for. Wow, being a pet sounds amazing, maybe I could be your pet for a day. Can you please drop Deo, Deo is made of metal and we don't want you to break a tooth?
Well, Dino, we sure have sharp teeth. I use mine to eat wa. You eat a lot? Feeding is an important part of having a pet. I can buy up to 500 pounds of food at one time. That's a lot more than I have here. Let's try a trick. Great idea. I must go find Tina, who is screaming. Sometimes I forget about myself. size oh T-Rex can be up to 12 feet tall and up to 40 feet long wow that's so big hey let's go for a walk Tina look at all those teeth w w something tells me that's not how it looks It's supposed to be a walk Come on, we tried, but I'm not sure if dinosaurs are meant to be pets.
I think you're right, we were meant to rule the jungle. Yes, and you helped me find the answer to my question: would a dinosaur make a good pet? big ones have a lot of teeth they need room to roam and eat a lot so they may not make good pets but it's still fun to imagine upload answer Deo bye bye Tina bye go back in time Ed it's time to cool down a fire truck you're right eyelashes It has a very long ladder H I wonder what it's like to be a fire truck. Great idea, we can catch up with that first Tru and find out.
Hi it's Frankie the fire truck, hey it's me blippy and this is a cool tab for See you Frankie, we were wondering what it's like to be a fire truck. It's a great job. You always have to be ready to help. They call me a lifeguard, which means I am the first to arrive in any emergency. That's great. Frankie, hey, could you show the eyelashes? Your really long staircase. I'm sure I have a lot of other special equipment too. Check it out. I have a lot of cool ladders and hoses and also fire extinguishers and first aid kits, and hammers and cutters open stuck doors.
Ooh. You also have nets, oh yes I have nets in case someone in trouble needs to jump to safety. I not only put out fires, I also rescue people and animals. It sounds like a cat needs help. It's in a tree, come on, flippy, climb up. and put the kitten down. I'm ready. Hello Kitty Kitty, I'm here to help. I'll pick you up and carry you down. I couldn't get to her. We can't give up, Flippy, we must rescue your tabs of good ideas that we can use. the network, yeah Kitty, this way we did it, Frankie, we got a code 1171 on Main Street, there's a fire, please hurry up, I'm on it, it's time to go, my siren may be loud, but help People know how to get out of my way.
Don't worry I got this, yeah that was amazing Frankie you put the fire out so fast the fire is burning again. I'm going to need the water hose attachment. The water hose is confirmed. Yes we did it. The fire went out and I have the answer. to my question, what is it like to be a fire truck? Fire trucks are first aid in fires and other emergencies. They carry a lot of equipment such as hoses, ladders and nets. They also have a siren to alert people that they are coming. Upload the answers tab. Bye, Frankie, thank you. for letting us help bye blippy bye tabs stay safe wa a giant construction site let's check out the helmet area H I wonder why construction workers need to wear helmets hey I'm driving here wo hey it's me blippy and this is I must we were wondering why construction workers wear helmets oh well hello from Lippi and I must my name is Christopher Christopher crane how are you uh-oh here put these on you'll need them okay come with me I need to take these beans to the En On the other side of the site, I can teach you about hard hats and how construction sites are very dangerous and a hard head helps protect your head from many risks, like you know, swinging steel beams.
Careful, it was close, that's why we made it. be careful, you know, Kareem, how are you, that's my friend Kareem, he's a good guy, very tall, come on, hello Kareem, hey Deo, look how he stops those pipes, it's good that you wear your helmet. Debo helmets are excellent for protecting your head. against the potholes, you know, you still have ways to get on, yeah, look at all those construction workers up there, oh, that sounds like lunch to me, but remember there are dangers throughout a construction site, you have to be careful when walk under the workers. because you never know when something might oh, okay, stop fooling around, we have a job to do, come on, uh-oh, thanks Christopher, okay, let's get started on this job, yeah, this is the hard part, I gotta line it up, so be careful, oh.
No, oh Deo Deo, are you okay? Look, you helped install the last beam, yes, and I got the answer to my question. Construction workers wear hard hats to protect their heads from blows and falling objects. Upload the answer I owe, Hello, I have another job to do, thanks for your help Lippy I'll see you later bye Christopher ready I owe three 2 one yes, it's not exactly what I imagined I wish I could make some changes oh yes, I can use an eraser h me wonder how an eraser works great idea Deo we' I'll cringe and take a closer look.
I'm going to need a grappling arm and helicopter blades. Confirmed grab arm helicopter blades. Activate flippy station. Shrink flippy mobile is ready for adventure. Even up close, it sure needs some changes. Maybe I can. help, it's the amazing Ernie, hey, it's me, blippy and this is Debo, we're here to learn how an eraser works well, you've come to the right eraser because I can make anything disappear, even pencil marks, that's awesome,I have the answer to my question. How do bees make honey? They get nectar from flowers, chew it, store it in their stomachs, and then put the honey in a honeycomb. flap their wings about it upload answer tabs goodbye Bean thanks for being you goodbye wo yeah I love being on the beach wao a flying fish H I wonder what's under the ocean good ideas tabs we can go to the ocean and find out I'll need a duck feet and a propeller duck legs propeller confirmed activate the flippy station the flippy mobile is ready for the adventure wow, it's a completely different world down here it's like some kind of underwater forest exactly it's a forest welcome to my neighborhood my name is Jerry Jerry the jellyfish hey it's me, blippy and these are eyelashes, we're down here to see what's in the ocean, oh yes, yes, there are many, the ocean is full of surprises.
I'll show you. I'm going to meet my friends. I'll give you a tour. The trail is fine, thanks Jerry, first in our kelp forest, these kelp can grow up to 150 feet. Wow, that's really high. Oh yes, but sometimes the water current around here blows the algae around the algae. K. Oh no, this never happens. Great idea, tabs, let's use the turbo. boosters oh well I'm glad you're okay let's move on wow that fish is blue and has a long nose she's a blue marlin she uses her nose to find and catch food she's also very fast wao wo wo wo oh no , this never happens, yeah, tabula it's dark here wherever we are Jerry Jerry flippy you're there oh no wait, I scared a gray whale and she pulled you out of her hole that never happens thanks for getting us out of there Jerry, oh you're everything illuminated I told you the ocean was full of surprises, right?
Hey, look, they're your friends. Hello horrors, you found me and I found the answer to my question. What is under the ocean? There is a kelp forest. Blue marlins. Huge whales and a jellyfish that lights up upload answer tabs and we are only in chapter 1 in chapter 2 there is an octopus and a shark and a sea turtle and a setup of hello Jerry oh and there is an otter and a rockhorse sea ​​and a lobster and a stinger m I I love chocolate just a little from time to time Do you love it too? I must Oh, right, dogs can't eat chocolate, it hurts their stomach.
H I wonder how chocolate bars are made. Great idea, we can go to that chocolate factory and find out where I'm going. need a Wings hovercraft and a propeller motor Wingsmotor hovercraft accessory confirmed activate flippy stations by shrinking the flippy mobile is ready for the adventure let's find some chocolate bars at the Chocolate Factory Hello, you're not cocoa beans I need them so we can start making chocolate bars I'm not a bean, it's me Flippy and this is Debo hi blippy hi Debo I'm Barb, the chocolate bar Welcome to My Chocolate Factory, thanks Barb. I would love to see how chocolate bars are made.
Can we accompany you? It all starts with the cocoa beans where these beans come from. plants, so how do you turn beans into a chocolate bar? First they go on a little journey, first a bean bath, then our beans are roasted and roasted, then turned into tiny beans, our bean powder is then mixed with sugar and milk to make them sweet and soft. ha woohoo, come on Deo, it's time to ski, no, but it will be fun. It's a chocolate bar. I must, after the chocolate cools in bar form, we wrap them and they are ready.
They both look alike and I have the answer to my question. How are chocolate bars made? Cocoa beans are washed, heated, crushed, mixed with milk and sugar and then cooled to obtain a chocolate bar. upload reply I must, thanks for a sweet T Barb anytime, bye, bye

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