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Valve Should Be Embarrassed FixTF2

Jun 28, 2024
I don't know if I've gotten shorter recently, the OMB put me on mini as I got older or maybe there was some kind of small earthquake that hit Florida that didn't register on the RoR scale that caused my house to fall over a little, but I no longer occupy the entire frame of this camera. I haven't touched it at all and I feel like I'm like 15% of what's on the screen right now, so maybe I've been hit like a shrink ray and are slowly getting smaller. I have no idea, but this tangent is useless. What's not useless is the Team Fortress 2 save move.
valve should be embarrassed fixtf2
This is a classic. How many times do you have to teach yourself this lesson? Old moment. I decided to tilt the camera down a bit, it was really bothering me and I didn't want to sit on an Apple box to be taller or anything, but the community has been involved in this war against their creator


for years. Team Fortress 2 is an iconic game that remains extremely popular to this day, but they left it in an abandoned state, alone in the cold rain, while Valve does nothing as it is falling apart due to bots, actually there are many different things, but everything is kind. of links to Bots and for years the community has been begging Valve to do something to combat this threat and two years ago I covered their first big attempt called uh save Team Fortress 2 save TF2.
valve should be embarrassed fixtf2

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valve should be embarrassed fixtf2...

I made a whole video about this. I even started doing field journalism. You know, I investigated it firsthand on the front lines. I went into Team Fortress 2 to see how prevalent the bot issue was and it's bad, so for those who don't know, Team Fortress 2 has this issue. There are Bots infesting the game in every game you join, chances are there will be Bots unless you stay on community servers of course where they have anti-bot measures, but if you join public lobbies they will be Bots . and what the Bots do is pick the sniper, they look up in the air, turn around and instantly headshot almost everyone on the map, killing them immediately, ruins the fact that it's unplayable, unplayable at point blank range and two years ago, when I saved.
valve should be embarrassed fixtf2
TF2 was blowing up, there was enough fuss, enough fuss, Valve made a statement that they were going to do something and everyone celebrated shaking their fists, you know, everyone was like Gatorade showers and stuff thinking Valve is finally going to do something and they did. to some extent, but it was a band-aid fix that never really addressed the core problem, so 2 years later and it's still in shambles, it still has a massive bot problem, so the community is once again taking up arms trying their best to beg Valve to do something to save the game they love.
valve should be embarrassed fixtf2
The new move is called Fix TF2 and is the sequel to saving TF2. He has 275,000 signatures for the petition right now, which is a big number. Popular is TF2, it's an old game so surely it


n't have such a strong community. You'd make me sick if you thought I'd spit on you for that, rubbish, no, it's still very popular consistently at the top of the Steam charts at the moment. Let's take a look at these player numbers: 84.85 players played 40 minutes ago at the time of recording this video and they actually reached their all-time peak just 11 months ago, so this game is still full of Like here, it's not like if he were old old decrepit and dusty, maybe it's time we think about putting him down, it's the most humane thing to do, no, this game is exploding and he's still making


Millions and millions of dollars without any effort, it's like a cheat code here for them, infinite money. Fail, it's like starting a single fan for foot selections and you only drop one foot selection, but it keeps renewing automatically because people are addicted to it. It's a really stupid comparison, but it was the first thing I thought of for something so low. effort, the passive income point is that Valve makes millions of dollars just by putting both thumbs up its butt and not touching this product because the community loves the game and buys the microtransactions. I'm sure all of you have played TF2 at some point, that's why I did.
I don't do a breakdown of what the game is. I bet you know that and I bet you're familiar with hats. The hats in Team Fortress 2 are still iconic and Valve makes a lot of money from this game and they don't. do something about it, so I think turning it off isn't really something that makes sense for any valve, especially, so I don't know why they are so reluctant to do something to improve it, probably because they don't need to. because they still make millions from it and think it's probably not worth allocating resources, but they would like to have the obligation to make this game playable;
It's still a game that's on their platform that they make money off of, so they


have an obligation to keep it in a working state for the player base, but yeah, again, this isn't like an old game like that. Maybe it's time to pull the plug, that would be like shoving a cyanide pill down Bryen Fraser's throat, what a waste. potential Brenan Fraser is still an incredible actor who makes masterpieces and Team Fortress 2 is still an incredible game, it's still a masterpiece and it still has a very strong community, so closing it I don't think makes sense, it doesn't make sense at all either to keep the game in this pathetic state they should be ashamed and ashamed and I don't know why they don't see this as a terrible marketing and reputation move, plus they have a new game coming out I'm sure a lot.
Some of you have seen the leaks, it's called Dead block and this is supposed to be a big Valve game here and it's not far away, you know it's on the horizon here but how can anyone be excited about that game with the What state is TF2 in? Let's think about that for a second, let's say deadlock becomes extremely popular. Everyone loves it, it's so good. Now suddenly we have some Bots and some cheaters, which will happen with every game. Well, now we have. a track record that shows Valve doing nothing to combat that in their games like Team Fortress 2o, so why would anyone have confidence in the longevity and health of their next release?
This should be extremely concerning for Valve because of how people perceive it. this game comes out because they can't or refuse to fix TF2, so why would people immediately go long term here, really screw up their Bel seat, and prepare for the dead end years later when the valve just won't? They don't take care of their games, they don't do anything, they just let them wither and die like Team Fortress 2o. I feel like a lot of players find it very difficult to get excited about the long-term health of a Valve game. because they can look at what Valve isn't doing with TF2 and say yeah that sucks, what they should finally do is just throw the community a bone and put some real effort into fixing this game, so on Valve's website repair TF2 break.
All in an easily digestible form that aimbots have to follow for the last 5 years. Team Fortress 2 has become almost unplayable. The game's official servers have been overrun by hordes of cheating aimbots, while Valve has remained steadfast in its refusal to properly address the issue. This lack of interference from the developers has thrown the game into a state of confusion with no end in sight, despite being aware of the bot's crisis valve, it has instead turned its attention towards other companies, leaving TF2 with insufficient support in their grave time of need from outside. Valve seems more concerned with generating millions in revenue each month through in-game micros rather than maintaining a product that should work as expected.
It cannot be said lightly. Team Fort 2 is in an unacceptable state and Valve's apathy and dealing with the problem is nothing short of appalling, that's the gist of it, but it's actually much worse than that. There is so much nastiness to the Team Fortress 2 bot problem that I don't even know where to start. There are quite a few great videos that cover this. in a lot more detail than I could, but one of them that I think is starting to blow up a bit on Twitter is that some of the Bots are actually just taking victory laps about being untouchable because the valve doesn't do anything to fix the problem. problem and now bot hosting providers are engaging in full-blown illegal activity.
I'm not going to get into the nitty gritty and details of it, but I will get into some of the horrible and legitimately disgusting things that Bots and bot hosting providers are engaging in right now. Because Big Daddy Valve doesn't want to do anything to solve a problem like this, it would 100% be a huge legal problem if the authorities ever bothered to investigate and Valve just lets it fester. Here's a little more information about aimbots in general. Are here. re programmed to join casual servers in mass installation and kick innocent players with the intention of ruining their gaming experience.
This behavior is where most of the community's resentment comes from; However, many are not aware that the problem goes far beyond simply trolling and misleading bot hosters. malicious actors who use aimbots as a means to relentlessly attack and harass community members, abuse in-game voice and text chat to spread the most vile hate speech imaginable, while simultaneously advertising their bot immunity services and try to scam players who are desperately looking for a solution to this. It's something I mentioned a little bit in my first video covering this 2 years ago, most of the bots in the lobbies you join spam with microphones, it's just a bunch of extremely loud mumbo-jumbo most of the time I don't even you can distinguish them. a lot of the words actually sound like farts transmitted over a ham radio most of the time it sounds like a really awful dog but some of the Bots Mike spams are insults so that's a pretty common thing among Bots and beyond. that there's something they've turned to twice when it comes to bots, which is hosting their own immunity services.
This is the one that blew my mind when I first learned a couple years ago the bot problem is so bad in Team Fortress. 2 that there are actually Services where you can hire Bots to join you in your game and kill the other bots in the lobby, so you have your own little bodyguard bots against the Bots you will encounter, so literally Skynet fights against itself as you try. having this little Frolic on the playing field of Team Fortress 2 is so silly and Valve knows all this that they are aware of these problems, it's not like they are just covering their ears and closing their eyes as they know and have recognized the issues. but don't do anything to fix them and now I understand that it's a difficult thing to fix and it's an uphill battle when it comes to cheats and bots on this scale, but you have to at least try.
I saw a really good comment on a YouTube video and I can't remember what it was now, but it said that the valve philosophy is why would we do this when it will keep happening and it basically boils down to why would I wipe my butt afterwards when I'm just going to have than to clean it one more time, like it's the same logic, you should still wipe your butt, but the valve just doesn't bother, they say H, yeah, we're just going to have to do it again in the future. It's not worth the resources anyway, we'll still passively make a couple million dollars here and there from people who still play this game and stand in the robots' faces.
It's very frustrating. I really hope Valve finally does something to fix this. game, but I'm pretty skeptical like the last time they made the big statement that they were, they didn't actually do anything two years ago and they said, "Okay, listen, we heard you, you called 911, well, do not do it". Worry, help has arrived. Gabe answered the phones personally and is fighting the Bots tooth and nail pugilistic style, he is throwing punches with them and hits all the bots by hitting them in the jaw. Bots no longer exist. TF2 is saved, we hear you. community and then they just didn't do what they liked, they did the bare minimum and that clearly wasn't good enough and now once again it's started collecting cobwebs again, it's so infuriating that Valve should be doing everything they can to fix it . this issue before their new game comes out because like I said I think this ruins people's confidence in their next game considering Valve doesn't offer any support so why invest in their new game when Valve doesn't know how to what do I mean?
That's what it's about. and

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