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Valentine's day ! Elsa and Anna toddlers at school - Barbie is the teacher - cards - gifts

May 10, 2020
Yo, thanks, here it is, hooray, so girls, you better start on the Valentine's


because you're going to bed soon. Yes, mommy, we are about to start and we have everything. I'll write to him and Elsia, you can put stickers. Okay, I have the black one. bookmark happy valen times day I'm going to take this big heart right here it's so big wow it's so bright a heart on top of a heart here we go which one should I put hmm okay I can take out the little heart peel the wrapping put there's a lot of it well I love putting stickers on and decorating them, oh cupcakes and sticks, which ones should I use for this one?
valentine s day elsa and anna toddlers at school   barbie is the teacher   cards   gifts
I'm going to take them all for myself, Elsia won't be able to get them. Shimmery Shimmery. Put it on. in this eh where are those stickers are you hiding them I have nothing nothing nothing but I see something here no no nothing nothing but what's going on here no no no no no nothing nothing nothing no no no oh anya I can clearly Look the stickers are right behind of you, yes, yes, they are, but they are mine, mine, mine, you can't have them, mine, mine, mine, but we have to put the stickers on everything, you can't keep them, come on girls, no.
valentine s day elsa and anna toddlers at school   barbie is the teacher   cards   gifts

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valentine s day elsa and anna toddlers at school barbie is the teacher cards gifts...

I don't have time for this just use the stickers come on okay we'll do it so elsia sorry okay we'll work together high five yeah let's make the candy bags look how many stickers we have so colorful and bright red hearts white hearts light red hearts but Elsia's Valentine's Day is tomorrow, we have to hurry, oh yeah, you're right, red candy, white candy, light red candy, pop x flop and an o plop, and then we can put a blue heart, okay , twist and tie. twist and tie well, I'm done with my turn, okay, what color heart, how about red, plop and then put an x ​​for heart and another heart and the last heart, okay mommy, look how many sweets we made yum yum yum oh and it seems that you have tied our


already thank you well your mom is always very smart okay now it's time to go to bed girls and tomorrow you will give them to the children okay good night mommy good night honey tomorrow is


's day tomorrow elsia Are you done packing your things, yes almost These bags don't fit, yes, put them in well, oh, I'm sleepy, but I'm happy that today is Valentine's Day and we have our pretty pink dresses on, I think I see the bus, quick , quick, Elsia, let's get them up.


's day hearts hearts we're late oh no girls don't worry there are two minutes left cute hearts in the lockers so cute and everything looks so cute hearts hearts hearts everywhere oh pretty decorations it's like a reef of hearts happy valentine's day students happy valentine's day Wow Miss Natalie your safest dress is so beautiful oh I'm glad you like it see you thank you your dresses are super cute too I love you okay so students We can start handing out our candy and Valentine's Day cards so they can get on their feet. share them with everyone mulan this one is for you oh thank you and i have this soft kitty for you oh great it's pink for valentines day thank you mulan happy valentines day daniel oh and here's some candy oh thank you i love candy let me see oh yes, that's the one I like thank you girls you're welcome and I have something for you here too oh thank you look elsia says you're great and one for you too elsia because they're both great I want a cat because it's my favorite animal it's not fair, Don't worry Elsia I have cats for everyone oh thank you it's so cute and squishy it was so nice of you and since you did I'll give you a sparkly heart card and here's some sweets too.
valentine s day elsa and anna toddlers at school   barbie is the teacher   cards   gifts
I love these, thanks girls. You're welcome Anya, I have a unicorn squishy for you, oh thank you, squishy, ​​squishy, ​​squishy, ​​and here's a card, happy Valentine's day, wow, it's so pretty, oh I have I have to give it to Anya and Elsia, but I don't want them to give it to them. candy, I want to keep it, it's delicious, I'll just give you one card, hey, anyone, here's a card, oh, thanks, Benjamin, it's cute, I don't really like making things, but whatever, here you go, and wait , I have also. some sweets for you, oh yes, yes, here's a card, oh, thank you, but I don't really like cupcakes, cupcakes, don't they taste good?
valentine s day elsa and anna toddlers at school   barbie is the teacher   cards   gifts
I like cake, delicious cake, but at least you still have the sweets, oh yeah, well anyway. thank you oh you're welcome yeah don't have any more candy no one knows how smart I am I just have to give cards and then I'll have a lot of candy. Next up is Elsia Squishy, ​​hey Elsia, um, here's a card. Have? any sweets um yes anya we have more sweets uh yes actually we do I'll go get them oh more sweets yum yum yum happy that valentines day thank you now I have so many sweets hope you enjoy here you go shank happy valentines day oh I like this card thank you anya and i also have something for you this card because you are very sweet thank you happy valentines day you too i am not sweet yes you are elsia here is a card for you too oh thank you one two three, well three bags is a lot, but I still want more candy after all, it's Valentine's Day, I need more candy, but what should I do?
I can't keep asking people for candy. Hmm, I have an idea, I'll take some. people's bags and they won't even notice when they're not looking oh so no one's looking let me have some I hope no one sees me well, I'll leave these three sweets I guess my plan is working I need to wait until someone else leaves, but until then I'll hide it under the chair, come on, someone move, Anya, Nelson, can I see what you have? Oh, me too, yes, yes, I love this one, it's nice, yes, three chairs are empty. my chance this candy is not just a box I don't care I'll pick it up later let's open the candy yes yes yes from her bag to my bag yes now they only have two candies left let me try to wrap it put it on Go back to the desk and pick this up, no one will notice of what's going on at the next desk, someone's coming no, okay, five more minutes and then I have a surprise for you, oh yeah, we have to finish with our cards, yeah, and we have to give one too. to the


oh yes yes yes quickly eh oh I'm not doing anything I just thought there was a mistake on the chair but actually it wasn't a mistake it was just a piece of dust oh really yes and it's actually not a Mistake, you fool, better I'm leaving now, okay, stranger, he almost caught me, but that means I better move fast before anyone else sees me.
This and this triple the fun. Yes that's fine. I need to put them back in real quick. Okay, oh no, I dropped it. um, let's put this bag right here, are you guys looking? I can't wait to eat the candy, yes I know I should try it, oh yeah you guys aren't looking I can go on, I think this bag was here and this one was there, look at all these candy. I have yes I am so smart oh now I can say that I have so many sweets yes yes yes yes yes here are the last ones one for Tiana and one for the


the last ones for Elsia and Donia now I am complete yes I am very proud of what I did Here you are, Tiana, thank you.
Oops, I almost forgot about the teacher's candy and she gets most of it. Here you go, happy Valentine's Day. Wow, Anya, I didn't expect this. You're so sweet. Thank you. welcome andy once again happy valentines day happy valentines day to you oh and you wrote the card by yourself oh yes I did wow and elsia put the stickers we actually work together I love it you girls are so creative now sit in your seat because I have a surprise for everyone, hey, anya, hey, our candy is gone, mine is gone, what about yours, is it gone?
Yeah, you're right and not even in my seat, oh no, I just know I put them here, it's impossible, anyone, you have to go. Tell the teacher I think someone took them, Miss Natalie, someone stole our candy. Oh well, are you sure? Anya, I saw it on your desk, yes, but someone stole it. Apparently that's what, yeah, it's a week in class, hey class, did anyone take the Ghana and Elsia candy? No, we did, my candy is gone, uh, gone, oh, it's right here, but there's only like two or three left there. Mine too, there are only two or three there.
Even I only have two sweets left. Wait, everyone has just a little. There's a little left. What's going on here? What about you, Benjamin? Do you still have your candy? No need to check. I know I have them all here. I don't have any sweets. Anya, we don't need to cry. The problem will be solved. Don't worry Anya we'll figure it out now wait a minute something is very strange no one has candy but Benjamin has more this doesn't make sense to me Benjamin what's going on oh um but how do I know why the candy is here?
It's just that everyone here just gave me all this candy I'm just a special guy oh well can you take out the bag and show us how many you have here? This is the bag, so it was you who stole the cake, no, I did No, I just have a lot of candy, but that's too much. Wow, that's so big, so it doesn't matter, I just have a lot of candy. In there, Benjamin, well, yeah, okay, I had some candy just a little bit because a little more you have a lot, Benjamin, I hope you know that this is not nice, what you did, if you do it again, I will talk to your parents .
Can? Please give everyone back all the candy, it's okay you're right I took all the candy, I don't know why I did that, I just wanted more candy, but it's not fair that everyone can get their candy back and I'm sorry to everyone. We will forgive you and I hope you have learned your lesson Benjamin, yes I did, at least I still have some sweets, I don't need to have them all and here are onions, thank you, okay, now that the problem is solved, it's time. for your little


from me, so I bought you some nice notebooks and a nice bookmark.
You can choose a marker and a notebook. Yes, thank you, which unicorn, of course. Oh, and I want this one. It totally says Joseph and he has a and. it has a shark I like sharks I want to get it thanks I'm glad you like it and here are the candy shaped bookmarks thanks looking at one hm I like this color and I think Anya will like this pink one oh I like this green one I'm going to take it yeah and I forgot a notebook my turn oh this one with the orange heart super cool the candy marker matches my dress now that everyone has chosen the marker and a notebook it's time to have fun and draw Hooray Anya, how do you like my cat?
No offense, but he looks like a fox. Oh well, then it's a fox. These wheels make it look so cool. Yes, what do you think of this? Wow, look at the best heart I've ever drawn. Like Do you like my ice cream, of course, how about this? Do you think it's cool? I love your dress too. Hey girls, how is Valentine's Day so far? We love it, yes, it's very fun. Visit our channel and subscribe to see more videos.

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