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Vagus Nerve Activation | 10 Minute Daily Routines

Jun 03, 2024
Hello citizens of the earth, in this video I will show you a 10-


routine to activate your



. First, let's talk about what the



is. The vagus nerve is a nerve that starts in your brain and runs through your body like a network. it covers all the main organs down, down, like a blanket, in Latin vagus means to wander, so this nerve descends like a net over all the main organs and it has two main functions: one is to check first to make sure that all Its organs are functioning properly, it sends signals from the brain, let's say to your heart saying: Hello heart, are you okay? and then through that nerve the heart responds yes, I'm fine and the other function of the vagus nerve is to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is your rest and digest anti-stress response, in other words, if it somehow activates and It stimulates the vagus nerve, it can activate your anti-stress response in your body.
vagus nerve activation 10 minute daily routines
Now remember I said that your vagus nerve runs through your major organs in your body, but the problem is that your major organs are blocked by bone, fat, or other things, so it's difficult to activate that vagus nerve. However, there is a point where the threshold between the outside and inside of your body is the lowest and thinnest. Can you guess where that spot on your belly button is? So in this routine I will show you how to activate the vagus nerve that surrounds your intestine. Are you ready? First, sit comfortably in a chair, place your feet flat on the floor, never parallel. crossing like this or toes pointing like this feet flat on the floor straight spine tuck your chin in slightly relax your shoulders and first touch your abdomen, so touch the lower part of the abdomen below the navel first place the tab here touching here first will open open that area so we can stimulate the vagus nerve, okay, let's count to 30. one two three four five relax everything in your body including your intestine seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine twenty last ten two three four five six seven eight nine thirty now place your right hand on your navel and your left hand on top so that the upper half of your stomach between your stomach and your liver right in the middle of your diaphragm so it is touching your navel and then also above your navel in your diaphragm, so here you may also feel some pain, especially in your solar plexus, right here in the middle of your diaphragm, it's okay if you feel pain, just exhale up, exhale here , keep relaxing your intestine, don't make your body. tight keep relaxing your intestine we are going to play here 50 times one two three four five six seven eight nine ten if you want you can close your eyes to relax your body a little more one two three four five six seven eight nine twenty one two three four five six seven eight nine thirty one two three four five six seven eight nine forty last ten two three four five six seven eight nine fifty great job massage your abdomen and now this time put your hands together like this, fists facing each other and now gently twist your waist twist your waist like this from side to side, so you're basically opening up the midsection here, so you're twisting the muscles to open up the midsection, okay, so twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, you can feel your column here too, let's turn here 30 times. one two three four five feel the twist around your belly six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine twenty last ten nine eight seven six five four three two one and stop great now that was the warm up to warm up this one. area to activate the vagus nerve in your belly button, okay, so how you do it is very simple: stack your hands on top of each other and whichever hand is dominant, you'll have your dominant hand underneath, so if you're left-handed . place your left hand underneath if you are right handed place your right hand underneath and now with your dominant hand take out your thumb and push it towards your navel and then from here make small movements as if you were helping your palm to push place your thumb on the navel, so we'll do this 30 times and then we'll use both thumbs okay so first relax your gut with one thumb don't tense up and tighten your shoulders like this keep your shoulders loose keep your gut.
vagus nerve activation 10 minute daily routines

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Release and absorb the movement of the thumb in your navel, you can feel an undulating movement inside your stomach that activates your vagus nerve, your vagus nerve that travels to your brain and when you stimulate a point it creates a wave in your brain to activate your anti-stress response, okay, use your thumb, try to push deeply, if you push lightly like this, you won't have much benefit, you see, it doesn't even seem like it's moving anything, push. in 30 times one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine twenty one two three four five six 7 8 9 30. now both thumbs here and you will feel a stronger movement with both thumbs in and use them like a kind of stick to push your navel 30 times one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine twenty one two three four five six seven eight 9 30.
vagus nerve activation 10 minute daily routines
Great work now a little stronger, place your two fingers like a peace sign and then put them together and then bend them inwards so that you make a stick and then push it into your belly button like this, now you'll feel even deeper inside, even deeper, so push. here and feel your body if you feel saliva in your mouth that means you are doing a great job if you feel hot and sweaty your hands palms feel warmer feet feel warmer any or all of the above means you are doing a great job OK? now let's pump here 30 times one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine twenty one two three four five six seven eight 30. great now put your hands on your knees close your eyes feel your body feel the changes in your body now compared to before, especially if you feel warmer, if you feel tingling in your hands, if maybe you also feel warmer in your hands, you feel saliva in your mouth and you also feel even a slight sensation of Calm and Centered in your brain, notice any changes you feel inside now compared to when you started.
vagus nerve activation 10 minute daily routines
Okay, breathe in, exhale through your mouth again. Inhale and exhale through your mouth. Open your eyes. Have you noticed any changes in your body now? I want to note a few. things, some people have a lot of tension in their intestines, so if you have a lot of tension in your intestines, which can cause a lot of digestive problems or mental confusion, these are all symptoms that have to do with tension in your intestines, if your gut is tight so doing this just 60 times total isn't going to help you much, you have to continue to loosen your gut so you can activate deeper into the vagus nerve to initiate the anti-stress response, so if you feel like you're still tight and really You didn't go in much inside, don't worry, it's fine just with practice and repetition, as your gut loosens, you will be able to stimulate the vagus nerve more deeply to activate your anti-stress. response and on the other hand, if you can already feel the benefits because you can relax and deeply feel that you are doing very well, this is a great technique to use wherever you are to quickly activate, chemically and biologically, the anti-antibiotics in your body. -stress response this is based on science everyone has a vagus nerve regardless of their origin gender religion race none of that matters everyone has a vagus nerve and everyone's vagus nerve works the same way, it helps put starting your anti-stress response You did a great job experiencing a full hour of educational class.
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