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Using Xenophobia to Become the Senate in Stellaris

Jun 18, 2024
You know what I love about space, the beautiful sites, the vast expanse and the glaring lack of international humanitarian trees, welcome to the Stellaris the Machine Age DLC, where I will break the game with a single planet that will allow us to enslave entire empires.


their vassal, control the entire Galactic Community to


the Senate and win the game through completely valid ethical means, so without further ado I present to you the Genocidal Science Edition of Stellaris, so welcome back to star , as I said recently, the Machine Age DLC came out. and has added a ton of new things specifically for synthetic factions and, in my opinion, overall made them much more fun to play.
using xenophobia to become the senate in stellaris
However, there are also a couple of very unwanted things you can do along with a new endgame crisis and a new way to become the endgame crisis and we're going to use the machine age to beat the game with just one planet, of course, to start we have our lovely Cuban Empire, which is a mega-corporation that is not only a PR specialist but literally a group of criminals who are very much like real life, xenophobic and Eagle tarian materialists. Also added a trait which is really cool, it's called Eternal Machine, it just makes all your leaders immortal, but we don't really need it because with our build all leaders will be immortal anyway, our origin is also welders arc, which I'll explain in a moment as soon as we see what this actually does and our wonderful leader of the Cuban Mega Corp is none other than Mark Cuban, so getting into the game here, the first thing we're going to want to do It's just building a bunch of research ships so we can explore everything around us and since we're arc welders we start with this thing here which is the ark furnace so the arc furnace is something we can Building only on molten planets gives us a deposit of a mineral on every planet or celestial body in the system.
using xenophobia to become the senate in stellaris

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using xenophobia to become the senate in stellaris...

We can upgrade it and eventually it starts to be really good and also increases the production of the mining station, but the best part is that we can build more. The first tradition will be the discovery tree here just to increase the speed of research because we are not going to expand to any other planets since we are only


one planet, so these planets here are very habitable, we are not going to colonize to none of them, very fantastic, now we are going to find our first group of aliens because we are relationship specialists, we have a lot more diplomats than most people, which is fantastic and immediately.
using xenophobia to become the senate in stellaris
We are going to want to discover who they are so we can start diplomacy. We also just discovered a second planet so we can put another Forge in another arc furnace. They can only be built on molten worlds, so it is very important that we find molten worlds and continually place more and more arc furnaces. This is absolutely amazing. It seems that we discovered the troop of artisans. These guys will let us commission a piece of art that is fantastic and become their patrons, giving us a little bit. a little more Unity, the r piece is fantastic because we only have one planet, so I can immediately display the artistic monument and there is no reason not to.
using xenophobia to become the senate in stellaris
We just discovered a second group of aliens, so we'll try to do the best we can. investigate them and find out where they are exactly, hopefully what we're looking for is to find another alien empire, preferably one that is both xenophobic and militaristic, but as long as they aren't also a megacorporation, that's the only thing that things too apparently we have a chain of events for a big protest. I'm going to close that right now. I may be Eagle Arian, but I'm also a criminal syndicate. Oh wow, that ended immediately. chain of events don't pass go don't protest at all go to jail all shit you're kidding so I just found this random big name caretaker and this is fantastic not only is he completely immortal but He's also a fantastic ruler, so there we are.
We will immediately bring him on board, he is quite expensive in terms of unit, but we will directly make him the leader of our capital. This random guy we just met, oh that's fantastic, the people I just met boarded my only science ship without knowing it. my language and I killed everyone, which is perfect, okay, here they are, let's see who they are, they're militarists, so this is exactly what I wanted and it's also exactly why I'm going to spit in their faces and insult them, so what i have to do. It's just that I need to get these guys to subjugate me.
I don't want them to take my systems, but I do want them to make me a vassal, so there are really two ways I can do this first if I give them a war objective, although they just want to claim my systems, that's not what I want, It's okay, because they're just trying to claim my systems. I'm going to try to use my army of envoys here to improve relations, also because I'm a mega cor. I'm making huge amounts of cash, so we're coming here to offer you a little business deal. There's a lot of money here.
Don't declare war on me for my first Ascension buff after we finish the discovery tree. I'm going to go with the nihilistic takeover, this will only allow us to attack other planets in terms of a bombardment position to claim them. Also, we just got a ruined Dyson Sphere over here, apparently yes, there it is, which is absolutely fantastic because, since we're arch. welders, we'll eventually get a research operation for Mega Engineering that will allow us to repair that thing, not that it's going to need energy credits because at the end of this I'll be making such ungodly amounts of money that it won't matter, oh yeah, I forgot that in We're actually kind of a democracy, so megacorporations have elections every 20 years and we can use a little unity to forcefully elect Mr.
Cuban here, but I'm going to abstain. We're going to lose Mr. Cuban as our boss, but it doesn't really matter, he'll be back, okay, that's a little annoying, it looks like they're going to try to declare war on us, which is very unfortunate. Other people we found here, oh wait, these are the people from the workshop. I, oh my gosh, this is fantastic. I can spend money on units, so we'll go here and grab a random stack of 10 Corvettes, they're however you can get them. Imagine complete garbage, but the only thing I have about each empire is money for our next tradition, we're actually going to go with diplomacy, which seems a little strange given that we want to potentially declare war on the people, but it's actually mainly for this.
What is here, which is improving relationships, has a 1% chance each month of acquiring a favor. This is crazy, especially since one of our Civics gives us two extra envoys. We are simply going to improve relationships with as many people as possible. Something I'm going to do because we're a criminal Mega Corp is come here and set up a branch. Normally you need commercial packages to do this, but since we are criminals, we don't care if you like us or not, we are selling. You, McDonald's, all the corporate buildings for the criminal masterminds here, they all produce a lot of crime, it's usually a win-win.
Here, you lose greatly and I gain greatly by building a smuggler port that will also increase trade value. like crime, the more crime there is on the planet, the more money we get from the branch. Well, we've finally contacted these guys and, oh yeah, they're racist. This is absolutely the best thing that could have happened to us when we discovered a group of xenophobes, where are they exactly? they're up here wait no I'm stupid they're down here so authoritarian xenophobes are awesome because they tend to have this quirky little thing where they like to vassalize everyone else and again we want to be vassals.
Alright, we've discovered another Empire once again, which is pretty cool, oh my goodness, so we found a primitive civilization here and all the workers are rebelling because of a massive monopoly and wealth inequality, and all those workers They have too many rights, oh. Duality of a tanned eagle Mega Corp oh that's not good, the communists won well, the reward for their tough anarchist revolution and the new government's taking of equality is that I'm going to bomb them, although first of course I'm going to prohibit the surrender of bombings subtle interference for ftls no, I think you mean an aggressive invasion.
I have four options with them, regards, comrades, no, I don't think we are comrades, we are literally a megacorporation, we hope to build a profitable relationship. I could I could hear the bombardment in the background and of course in response to my bombardment a scientist disappeared and now he is leading them like a God, it seems like he is going to try to enlighten them which I don't think is going to work. I love it. How did we get to an event where we discovered that aliens apparently really liked our works 600 years ago? My only options are racism and extreme racism and apparently abducting these poor pops, as much as we are completely xenophobic, what am I going to come here and do?
Actually, use them first. I'm changing them from slaves to residents only, so we don't want them to have a lot of political power and we don't want them to use so many amenities. Then, as residents, we can give them utopian abundance. It is available only to Eagletarian societies and what it does is give them a little political power, but it makes them produce unity and research when they are unemployed, we are literally kidnapping them from their planet and putting them in our Capital, where they are living in an extreme utopia . I'm also going to do that for my normal citizens, give them some of that utopian abundance, oh yeah, I totally forgot that I really need food for these guys, so let's set up some automated trading because I have a ton of money and guess why my only branch is forcing 100% of the crime on your planet and it is generating me 80 income alone and we also just kidnapped the last of these people and now they are all going to live in our capital, so if we come here and look to our unemployed, they are generating five investigations and six units in total, which is really good because they are simply not employed and yes, okay, that is our first and most important embassy.
These guys are now going to be friendly to us, which is great because I want them to make me a vassal and even more perfect is that they are superior to us in almost everything, which is by design. I stopped building ships because I don't want to have that many ships, okay? I just agreed to a defensive package with them that should hopefully increase our relations quite massively. I'm even going to launch the relationship building agenda because we want these people to love us, another really important thing. is that we have discovered another district here, so I can place an arc furnace right next to our capital in this area now that we have completed the second arc furnace that will give us a lot of income in this province.
See 25 and we haven't even updated it, but the most important side is that if I go into our technology in our engineering, now we can see that we have mega engineering as a guaranteed update, obviously, we can't do it now. Because it will take forever, but it is extremely useful for repairing the Dyson Sphere down here, as well as building more megastructures. Finally we have reached this point so my trust has increased tremendously with these people because I have literally taken everything I can to get them to like me what this means here is that I can now propose a subjugation agreement and if they agree now we are their vassals here's the problem this system is totally broken when you have a planet there is this thing here called Holdings and the AI ​​really likes these, if you have one you could build a holding on a planet.
If you have two, you can build a farm on two planets. You might see this getting a little silly. I only have one planet, so I can give them four Holdings and it doesn't do anything, so by giving them four Holdings they're going to love it, which is great. Now I can also add, ask for 45% of their research income and they don't care, you could see that research I lost isus 173 but Holdings limit is plus 300 acceptance It's the only thing they care about above all else and to be Even more stupid, I'm also going to ask them for 45% of their basic resources and they still don't care, it's 109 acceptance and the terms of integration are so lenient because I have independent diplomacy.
I can expand however I want. They get absolutely nothing out of this deal and I can go and take it for them and they should take it right now. There we go, so before. my research was 171 and now it's $249. We are stealing a lot of your research and a lot of your money too. I don't know how much money I made before, but now I'm making a lot more and you know? Even better,These guys have instilled their confidence in me. You know, they actually think I'm a good guy, literally, just because we're PR guys. They are forgetting that I am also a criminal Mega Corp and that I am going to establish a company. branches on each of her planets and destroy them with crime and now outside of her capital I have forced her to commit 100% crime and I am earning over $50 off every tick the amenities are going down the toilet.
I am destroying the Plets I am in and I am making a lot of money from it, everyone loves me no matter what I do because I am a PR specialist so I will continue to improve relationships with almost everyone I can, it is also important to remember. that now I have this ability improve relationships has a 1% chance each month of acquiring a favor and I have a billion diplomats, this means that I can take this and distribute my diplomats throughout the galaxy to force people to like me and get 10 favors from them and the best part about having a lot of favors is that if they try to renegotiate the overlord agrees I can use all my favors to say no and then do it again and we already have our first favor right there and it will be oh and there There is the second and everyone already has undeclared rivalries with me and they declare them with other people instead.
I already have income up to 500 because we have established crime on many planets and I have only just started. I can solve almost all of my shortages by simply buying everything I need because I have that amount of money and someone is going to file. war against my own Overlord, which normally would be bad, but I honestly don't care what it means, it's that I can come here to help them and by help I mean kidnap tons of Pops from all the enemy planets, okay, it actually seems like . like my Overlord had been totally crushed and was probably going to lose the war, but I don't have enough research either.
I have bankrupted them from research, they can't even pay the subsidy and they have completely lost the war and you know. What I don't really care about, although these guys just declare more about my Overlord, they don't actually care much about me, in fact we have positive relationships because again everyone loves me and while my Overlord can somehow pay for my research ability . I don't really care, and now that my Overlord has basically destroyed himself trying to fight other factions, I'll simply declare war on him, thus improving my relations with our more powerful neighbors. And what's this about me being able to come here and promise fifty secrets to these guys so I can part ways with my original Overlord, who is now useless because they can't pay his subsidy, which is less subsidy and more? from a tax I also got another Ascension benefit and I'm not sure what we'll take oh, there we'll share.
Destiny increases the number of envoys I have. Now I have seven diplomats and, honestly, it will only come out. I'm just going to ram oh wow oh I have a lot of diplomats you're going to love me and you're going to like it oh my god, I wasn't even looking at this. I have 300 mineral income 260 are just from mining stations because of our incredibly good arc furnaces this is giving us 85 and this is giving us 70 and then 130 I'm stealing from my Overlord which is putting him bankrupt. Holy shit I'm making 300 revenue from this station and crime is only at 53. % that means if I can get to 100% we're going to make $600 just from one branch, what are you waiting for, what am I looking at, this is your capital, they're just completely commercial areas, I don't know what they are. doing this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life, I mean it's making me money so I don't care, but it's still fine, perfect, so the galactic community is going to be born, which is great , will allow us to know a lot of new factions around the world.
I'll also do it very quickly. You know, we have a choice, which is a choice. Wow, it's crazy that Mark Cubin won the election. I did not see him coming. I am now. I'm going to come here to almost all of these locations that we just discovered and I'm just going to throw out the branches, it doesn't matter how far away they are, it doesn't really matter as long as I can see where their capital is. It is and I can see the capital itself. I can set up a branch and make silly amounts of money.
I mean, I'm already making 600 and I don't even know what to spend it all on. Oh, this is the best it could be. It has happened, a war was declared on me or rather, it was declared on my Overlord, so what is going to happen now is that my Overlord will be destroyed and I am not going to help him at all because this war is a war of subjugation. What is going to happen? What happens is that when my Overlord inevitably loses control, this guy will become my new Overlord, the guy I wanted to be my Overlord all along, and even though I only have one planet, I have a lot of power on the diplomatic floor. . and the best part is that they could if they just ate a Consciousness.
I'm going to back up a second. In fact, I can ask for favors here from all these stupid favors I'm getting, even if a resolution wasn't supported. I have so many favors to ask from just random nations because I am improving relations with them, the galactic market will also pass so obviously I will come here and reinforce my nomination. Offer immediately in every way until you become exceptional. I officially have over 1000 income from branches because all I'm doing is just setting them up ruining the planet. See that many have 100% crime. This somehow generates me 400 income. Some of these planets are even getting bombed, I don't even know what's going on and I don't really care, oh I wasn't talking about that either, but I have income from 124 alloys.
You see these arc furnaces, they don't just give you minerals if you upgrade them enough. They also give you alloys, so I'm making 98 alloys from this system and since I can keep building these things, all my alloy income will come from arc furnaces. I have surpassed most factions when it comes to economic power because I am trading I have 600 mineral income and I have barely been building these things, my Overlord is losing this battle. I mean, every one of their systems is basically being bombed, the other thing I've been doing is going through and buying as many as possible. slaves like I can prop up the robots and they don't really do anything for us, uh, but eventually I'll be able to upgrade them to be a little bit better, we're actually going to assimilate them here, so that's actually pretty cool, hopefully we're going to do that. . in order to leave them unemployed and thus do more research, apparently the peace treaty was also achieved and wow, that's terrible, they actually chose not to take us as vassals, which I personally feel a little insulted, but at the same time not.
It doesn't really matter, I'll just give you some money and I'm sure you'll start thinking the right way. Here are $37,000 and 25,000 resources. Something else you could build is a criminal Mega Corp. It is not an information center but a misinformation. center, it's like a Russian troll farm that provides a maximum level of infiltration and basically just makes the population uncomfortable, of course it also increases crime, which is what I like the most. I tried to become independent from my Overlord, no you can't become independent, you wouldn't survive on your own. Okay with my fifth Ascension buff here, that's awesome because now we can take what I really need, which is synthetic age, so this will put us in a very interesting position.
Here we have a situation called transformation and this is It will allow us to study the three versions of transformation, there are three different types of Ascension and they will give us three different tradition trees. The first one will be nanites, so we'll speed it up, but nanites aren't what we care about. the second is to modify it here and I don't care much either, making it our top priority gives us a couple of bonuses to our Capital, so I can too and the last one will be virtuality, which will make us essentially virtual beings. this is what we want and now we have been given the big transition that we can replace as Nano machines invest in modular upgrades or adopt the virtual world and there we go, we can now adopt the traditional tree of virtuality, so this will immediately give us a thank you, you have contacted me every month for the last 20 years thanks to virtuality, now my species will become virtual and this is what makes virtuality so crazy plus the 175% production of jobs, but minus 25% per colony and because just having one colony, this will simply give us the full benefit, this is our resource production before building it, this is how it is now, ah yes, you have noticed this pre-ftl civilization , now I'm pretty sure that what you noticed was The power of my 5K Fleet that was here had a very specific intention of what I wanted to do to you, uh, you know, I'm sorry, at this point my current Overlord has really stayed more time, so you are welcome and can't contribute the money to me.
I want to, and it makes a lot more sense, to come here and promise a secret that won't be so secret to the guy next to them, that I'm actually going to do it to this other group of people that Having better things and more things means that I can exploit them even more, so now I can come here and declare war on these guys for Independence and because they are super weak because we have been stealing all their money, dragging them into wars and their technological level would be much better if not was taking up most of his research.
Now I'm just going to walk into your capital, destroy your very weak army, destroy your strange system and instead of ending the war immediately, I'm now going to bomb your capital into oblivion and of course our c is like: "hm, should we let them give up?" I am free. I'm going to ask someone else to be my Overlord again, you know, and essentially become my vassal. Oh, actually I take it back. I found someone else here who is willing to pay a little more than 30%. of his research disappeared, so now we're getting a total of about 400 research from our Overlord alone, that doesn't even include 917 energy credits, that's so crazy I don't even need your money.
I'm actually maxed out, so I'm just doing them. Pay me money and then throw it at a star. Another amazing thing is that I'm pretty sure that the unit maintenance for electing an oligarch actually increases based on the number of planets we have in our population and because I'm generating tons of unit, We have Democratic elections and we've also researched Mega engineering like my money can't go any higher, now I can come here and with a little more Unity, I'm just going to fix the Dyson Sphere, it's fully operational. You will only give me 4,000 in income.
I don't even need the money. I just wanted to ruin my Overlord. Oh shit, I wasn't even paying attention. It seems that they modified the agreement for vassalage. They realized that the only thing they changed was unified sensors for independent sensors. They don't care that I'm stealing all their money and investigating. God, this is so beautiful, oh my God, the people we were bombing descended into nuclear war and now We're back in the Stone Age, they were about to ascend too and it's okay, I got caught like three times followed and they keep saying: why are you attacking us brother?
I've been bombarding you for like 30 years. Sorry, we just had a random guy come through a wormhole and declare war on everyone near me. I'm very confused as to what just happened now I'm in a massive war with oh oh this is what's been going on for the entire I've been trying to strengthen my economy and apparently the whole world is in World War II or something like that. I haven't done anything to help anyone by the way, there's a war down here. I think there are a couple of wars. Around here there are tons of wars going on here and then this guy just joined the war because, oh wait, the first wave.
The Chosen Ones, well, chose the worst place to invade. Now we are going to maximize virtuality. Finally that goes. To be a big disadvantage, what it will be is that virtual pops can no longer be resettled, become refugees, or assembled, meaning that the number of virtual pops we have right now is pretty much fixed at their current number. I think we can still gather more. Pops in general, but we just can't assemble any more virtual pops, okay, I'll take the back, we can't actually assemble any species anymore, it seems, but our main way to grow our population will be to buy it, well, buy it and kidnap him too, those guys are getting really close, so as the world essentially turns into a Mass War, I mean we've chosen to invade from other places, we have several federations at war with each other.
I'm going to work to achieve what I do. better and that has become the crisis, the new DLC hasbrought a new type of crisis called cosmogenesis. This allows us to become the crisis, except it's not really an aggressive crisis, but rather it allows us to use the research to travel to a new universe now. We need to be independent for this, so right now we need to try to become independent again. Oh my God, the thing really happened. I think everyone is united behind killing the chosen one. In fact, he may already be dead. Well, apparently he's definitely not dead. he's actually taking over a considerable amount of areas oh my god, you're kidding.
I have the second highest diplomatic weight. All my diplomatic weight comes from the economy and the population, I admit that the population part I I don't know why I like going to At this point, I spend all my time essentially sitting in the slave market, immediately buying anything that appears here for the ridiculous research income we are getting. I also realized that in all this time I haven't really shown you what our main goal is. Capital appears to be basically just research complexes, each complex offering 150 researches. I have accumulated so many bonuses here that if I go into Specialists, you can see that my researchers, I have 40 jobs, each one does about 40 researches and if we add the vassal subsidy that ends up being even higher and as I mentioned before, we need to become independent in order to get Our galactic crisis is underway, so what I can do here is immediately request Independence and guarantee it.
The reason for this is because Independence has a base acceptance of minus 50 and I always get plus five for my diplomacy tree and because I always have 10 favors. For my Overlord I can always collect 10 favors at any time to lose vassalage, which means that not only can I get vassalage at any time from anyone, but I can also get rid of it immediately for any reason and then I can come here in order . To take my crisis as cosmogenesis, as soon as we have this, the chain of cosmogenesis events will begin and in the management of my society we have a new crisis tree, so this crisis is almost completely based on research, we want to investigate continually technologies and Moving from one crisis chain to another, we only need to investigate different texts.
I also completely forgot that I'm 11 and have kids, this is so dumb, so I'm going to try to reestablish relations with someone else who's actually at peace. Because you know we left the Galaxy in a massive state of war and then we're going to have them make us vassals, so you can see if I go into my research and I can upgrade level two of the cosmogenesis crisis, which only costs 20K research. and because my research is so ridiculous for this point in the game, I can immediately research that in 13 months that's, oh my god, oh wait, I just realized I'm actually on the Galactic Council.
I don't know how I did all that. my weight comes from technology. I have twice the weight of technology as essentially everyone else. Jesus Christ, so I could use an emergency measure here, advance Zeno studies to generate even more diplomatic weight from the technology and my Dyson sphere has been restored, which is. Great, so my income is going to go over 9k, oh, oh my gosh, what's good, now people are promising me fifty? Okay, guys, this is not how it was supposed to go. Well, it looks like we just got our level two of cosmogenesis. That will allow us to make a dark matter reactor and if we get here to our crisis, yes, that will give us a lot of new technologies and give us the ability to go to the next level of risk.
There we are going well, so crisis level two. I just needed to wait a bit to research enough technologies to allow us to build Fallen Empire ships, which is fantastic, as well as giving us advanced Fallen Empire buildings and a couple of definitely experimental items. Technologies we also get something that allows us to eat Pops to generate research, which would be cool if it had people. Oh wait, I didn't know both things could happen at the same time, so apparently we have the chosen event here along with The Big Con. I don't know where the Big Con is, but all I see is the chosen one kicking a lot of shit. loot here next to me and the big con just formed somewhere else and, you know.
The world sucks right now yeah, you know, I keep looking at what's above me. I'm just going to assume that this long line of notifications doesn't concern me and we're now at level three, which is perfect, so that's going to give us access to Fallen Empire battlecruisers, as well as a bunch of new buildings of the fallen Empire and yada and and essentially our goal is to reach the maximum level of research while the world burns from the great scam The Chosen uh and now I, as I declare more and my neighbor to subjugate them. I have an incredibly powerful fleet, not because of my fleet capacity, but because my tech level is literally just Fallen Empire stuff, my ships move through space effectively instantaneously, so they just run straight here immediately.
Zoom to the center, explode everything. and then move on to the next one, they also just elected a galactic custodian, which is a little unfortunate, they can sue me and stuff, but they're obviously too focused on the big Con to try to combat B, who is literally going to ascend the existence and the galaxy, oh thank god okay the big hustler, dying is great because it's actually been on my frontier for quite a while, they spent all their time bombing this specific one, oh it turned out well, they spent all their time killing everyone in that. planet and they didn't actually bother to invade me and thank god for that, okay, now there's a second new scam and they're actually friendly to us, oh thank god, I'll just throw all my diplomats in there.
I've barely been fighting these guys at all, they're already at 100% war exhaustion and I'm tearing through their planets like it was nothing. This is where I have stupid amounts of money. Actually, I'm not that high. I made as much money as I could because I had to close all my branches which made me like $2,000 here so as soon as this war is over my income will skyrocket even more than it already has, someone also keeps throwing away alloys apparently because the price keeps fluctuating between being almost free and being ridiculously good, well, I'm the one who buys all the alloys, okay, just one more planetary invasion.
I think this should give us the occupation. I'm also kidnapping as many pops as I can while I have the chance they're all robots right now this should be my last invasion until there we go subjugation thank you very much for your business they should be mine right now so now I've subjugated them which means I can actually Renegotiate our politics and, well, where I was exploiting people as vessels, now I'm going to exploit them as the Overlord, so now I can turn my vessel into a reamer and force them to give me 60% of their research income. as soon as we do that, they will become a Scarium, which is actually in line with our crisis because we have a lot of advanced logic for having Scarium vassals and now we are at level four of the cosmogenesis crisis.
Jesus, I'm just looking. in some of these Fallen Empire buildings and they're crazy Dark Matter deflectors, uh, super scramblers, essentially I mean we have all kinds of really weird technology that no one else has access to. You know, I love looking at all my branches and noticing. that half of them have disappeared uh somewhere because this planet was bombed to a pop, it has 78% crime and there's a guy, what is he doing? This guy is the level 100 mob boss. I swear, okay, I also just realized that I actually forgot to take most of the Pops I've been buying for utopian abundance from the market, so which we're at 982 engineering research right now, so as soon as I finish reallocating everything, it will increase by about 200, well at least It only took me 187 years to realize, oh yeah, I was just about to comment on that, like this It seems that my ally wants to declare war on the chosen ones.
I don't know how I feel about it, and you know what I think? I'm going to vote no on this. I don't think he wants to go to war with the elected right this second. First I want to manage a network of spies so I can understand, you know how powerful it is, okay? Do you know what for? wait a second, I think this UI is buggy, it keeps saying that this guy's power, The Chosen One, is overwhelming, it's not in the slightest, I even have an expensive belly to subjugate him despite being a purifying fanatic Oh, would you mind self-actualizing somewhere else? ah Cuban Empire let me guess you have a special offer just for us well yeah it's called genocide so I built this thing called synaptic lab here and essentially what it does is purge pops and turn them into research it's part of our crisis tree up here and it just gives us a big reason to extract neural chips from them to be fair, even if it wouldn't contribute to an investigation.
I probably would do it anyway, okay, I don't know why, but apparently one of the aliens just gave me this planet, which obviously confuses me again since this is a single planet challenge. I'm going to resettle all these people on this other planet and then abandon it. I'm not exactly sure why they gave it to us. Considering I didn't invade, but hey, you're going to be purged anyway. You know, I just realized that some of the nations are starting to break agreements with me because I'm purging the pops, which is that I don't like, in general, I don't like genocide, but.
Because I have so many positive relationship bonuses, I would still be able to access my contacts and people like me despite the genocide. I have 122 more slots to pop and I've just been camping in the market and dumping everyone here. God, this is terrible, I can even build. additional buildings to reduce the rate at which people die because you know we need 36 decreases per month. I admit it was involuntary. Oh boy, I'd love to live on a random space station in the middle of nowhere, no one would bomb. us here, okay, I think I made a little mistake.
I didn't realize that the chosen one would come here with his entire fleet and will probably win this fight. Oh no, he actually just summoned a ghost fleet. I think so, one of the dimensional fleets you can expect, am I winning this? It's really okay, well a commander just died, everyone hates me now, I must have done it, so I'm breaking galactic law and then I randomly got another colony with only six Pops. I don't understand, I'm so confused. Okay, by some miracle, we actually won that and I need it. I need to get out of a breach in the galactic wall very quickly.
I think it's my fleet power that's doing really well. I've put at least at least 50 pops into this meat grinder, it's chewing people up at leisurely speeds, although it gives us about 1,500 and it's still moving up, uh, in terms of what, what, why, what are you doing , well, thank God, all my diplomacy is. Now I am being restored. I almost shot myself in the foot because I was below 50% naval capacity because you know I'm trying to fight the endgame crisis here guys or the midgame crisis and lo and behold, everyone gets mad at me . for not following galactic law, although I like this resolution, 10% more naval capacity and 5% less for everyone else, I don't care if I do it right now, the chosen ones are camping here while I watch each of the The waves simply appear and die instantly.
Now I can activate the lgate, which is bad news for the universe. Alright, we've turned enough pops into neural chips to get our fourth level of Crisis and the fifth level is a bit SLO. we have 18,000 advanced logic which is pretty respectable, we need 45,000 to get to the last level and there's really only one good way to get lots and lots of advanced logic. Wait, I just realized I killed the Ether Drake. Paying attention, I think my fleet entered the system and blew up the dragon because there is no other way to get the unique dragon scale armor.
Paradox Titan, okay Paradox, I see what you're doing there, apparently we've reached a Point where even the Fallen Empires are starting to worry. I mean, they know they like to declare war on me, but I don't even think it matters. Most of my fleets are literally just Fallen Empire tech. Anyway, okay and oh, this is not a good try. I just test me please don't test me oh uh I think I did this. He might have accidentally awakened the Fallen Empire. You know, maybe maybe they won't declare war on me, so I just started researching level five on cosmogenesis. that will take 200 months, so I definitely need a little moreof research, but in the meantime we need to continue with our advanced logic, we're getting pretty far, but unfortunately my La synaptic here is very hungry, so I'm going to need to try and probably kidnap a bunch of dads from other planets to keep this going, Of course, I've also been non-stop buying everything that comes on the market and throwing it in here, oh you know what I really don't do.
It's not like banning the organic slave trade, that's horrible. I mean, you know, it really touches the bottom of my heart. Try again. Oh, you know. I keep getting these picks and I told you Mark Cuban would be back. How many years? Is it him anyway? He's 200, wait, it's her, she's 229, but we'll have a democracy as soon as she dies. Okay, you know, I'm not going to try to make any kind of crazy assumptions here, but yeah, I think genocide. It has something to do with why everyone hates me Terrorist Bombing. I didn't order my people to just do it on their own.
Good job. Basically, I'm now playing a politically strict PTR game because there are several laws here in the uh on. the expedient that if any of them pass, I will be permanently a galactic violator of the law, for example, life with basic substances will apparently be banned, since it turns out that purging masses of populations actually counts as that, who would have guessed ? Wait a second. I just realized. these guys are crisis wannabes they're also trying to end the world yeah I think they have a couple war goals okay guys take genocide it could be bad you know it's bad when everyone thinks it's bad They are more evil than the fanatical purifiers, wait, why?
Why are you reporting me, wait a second guys? I'm not doing anything wrong, my god, I'm voting almost the entire Council, in fact almost the entire galaxy, there's really only like four civilizations left right now that have any power and like no matter how much they're going to go ahead and try to report me. , it's a shame I'm literally on the council. The Cuban Mega Corp has conducted an internal audit and found some shocking results. We haven't done anything wrong. Wow, look what happened. the law that only I supported, a pat on the back to everyone, it was a team effort, okay, we have finally reached enough advanced logic to have our level five crisis, we need to do two applied Infinity theses, which I think It's what we need to do. more research Beyond this, then what I can do is go to my synaptic lab and generate 300 research which is not too bad and then I will essentially replace all of this with neural gates to ensure that this generates three or four times as much research and we have also unlocked cosmogenesis level 5, the research itself, although I think we still do it, yeah, there they are, oh my god.
It is very expensive. I'm going to research nexi science first and then we'll look into that. My God, they've done it again. Another attempt to denounce the Council. Guys, I have so much influence that it is literally impossible to report me. I did too. I don't realize that I got 11 7,000 advanced logic just from the galactic community that supports me. Oh yeah, we're on a timer now, so it seems like the unexpected has shown up and this is the endgame crisis, but you know. The most important thing is that this will reduce our profit margins now. I don't know where the unsolicited ones are actually going to appear.
I hope there's somewhere that's not close to us, oh my god, are you serious? I vetoed the thing and they immediately put another resolution on the board to report me unfortunately for them basically all I have to do is just support some random garbage resolution that I don't care about and it all falls apart for them too guys why are you reporting me? We literally have everything that has not been asked for. right, we're going to have to take Galactic Contender to get another 33% damage towards the unbid, it will also increase my diplomatic weight, Jesus Christ, oh you know, I could actually lose this resolution right here if I didn't have 10 favors. that I could call and bring an additional 59,000 pesos, no, I think I'll accept 140,000, you know?
Can I get even more? Oh my gosh, I can, but with the unsolicited basically at our door, I'm going to have to try. to bend the rules of reality because we need to score two of these research things to really win. Well, you know, Unsolicited could be a useful surprise here at Disguise because if everyone is at war with Unsolicited, they can't. go to war with me and unfortunately it seems like no one wants to even support my resol solution to focus on the unsolicited, so you know, I'll do it myself by asking for all my favors or at least all the favors worth asking for. in, let's just give it all my support right there and now for 280 influence, let's just bump that up to the second highest supported resolution, oh wait, did we do that?
We just won against the spontaneous, oh that's not good, the problem is fine so soon. As everyone stops killing the spontaneous, they will declare war on me. I can only veto a galactic complaint so many times. Okay, I'm trying to play like 6D chess right now. I'm trying to nominate this guy as custodian. and then repeatedly rejected the resolution. I outvote everyone. I am the Senate. The other reason I can't get people to start declaring war on me or at least successfully is because I make $35,000 for the branches, which is more money than my Dyson Sphere makes. oh here's my first altered reality uh our last experiment was only partially successful oh okay I just increased pop food maintenance by 65% ​​worldwide our relations with other empires have deteriorated.
They can't get much worse oh wait some poor inner perfectionists, I'm going to eat them up so I'm just going to come here and hit them with a subsidiary target but I mean it doesn't really matter I'm just going to jump all over the place across the galaxy and probably steal all their dads, wait for Guardians of the Galaxy and, oh no, they will be able to save us, yes, for me, from me, as long as this doesn't put me at war with the rest of the world, I don't. I really care oh wait it's The Fallen Empire oh totally oh no you've refused to listen to it look look look look that's all I've been listening to well try as they can they won't stop me from coming here and I'm probably just destroying this poor inner perfectionist as a whole, how many pops do you have here? 61 oh, it's M, this synaptic lab here is generating most of a ton of research and if I can get it to even higher levels of Pops crammed inside of it, we'll look even better, don't mind me, I'm just taking a bit of pit st and I'm already kidnapping pops, oh wow look how everyone wants to focus on the unsolicited.
That's crazy, I completely agree guys, no one is going to vote for that, it's just me, it's just me, my vassal and I don't even know who these guys are, oh okay, try to bend the rules of reality for the second time. Now it will only take 60 months, the synaptic L is generating 3000 investigations. I have 44 pops here and they are taking 86, oh my god I am purging them so fast no one is willing to sell me anything else. slave market because I'm snatching it up instantly, okay, it's official, the only person voting on the resolution is me and my vassal who I forced to do it and I'm still going to get it passed.
I can even ask for more favors. and I just don't need to wait. I just realized that part of the reason no one could vote against me is because all galactic laws are bullshit, everyone on the council breaks galactic law partly because they are at war. and killing each other's fleets so they can't be above 50% naval capacity, so everyone wants to repeal the sanctions, so the only people who are even remotely a threat right now are technically the Fallen Empire that he is trying to save. everyone's lives, so what if you listen to me here, and instead I declare it a crisis?
Force this on the record with my ridiculous amount of political power, we'll just call it a couple of measures and now I've gone off the deep end. All this until you get to the top of the list, everyone is going to declare war on the guys who are trying to save the world. The best part is that I don't think anyone can do it because everyone is defaulting. of galactic law at this point my diplomats have become blackmail officers because I'm simply sending them to all the top diplomatic factions in the world to improve relations and then collect a million favors from them at the same time, oh , now this.
This is a controversial topic. This is very interesting. I'm going to have to ask for every last favor I have to make this happen. Ah, here we go. I finally got to crisis level five and no. I don't know, I think we got there, so we finished our second Infinity thesis and I believe in our technology that gives us the ability to get there, it's the Horizon needle, so we have to research and then build this and as soon as We can collect all our Pops and leave the galaxy, it will take another 147 months, but again, at this point, my Synaptic is generating almost 4000 research, which is half of all my research, as long as I continue to feed it. with people we should be pretty clear, oh my god, we've also unlocked some ridiculous technologies.
Nanite repair system. Nanite anti-aircraft batteries. Automatic nanite cannons. This generates a fifth of my armor every day. Some of my ships don't even work. die in combat because they are regenerating a lot, okay, clearly I need a lot more, so I'm going to replace these two synaptic stabilizers that, you know, are ho


and services, yes, I'm going to replace them with an overclocker that increases speed of purge by 100% each, yes, it will cost us about three times as many pops, but it will greatly increase our research income, oh okay, I don't really like that, so we technically defeated the invasion of the unsolicited. and I think everyone is going to close their borders, yeah, I'm definitely a little worried about the amount of stuff at the top of my screen right now, okay, now I purge three full pops every month, we're at 300% of this . it's generating 6,000 research income, oh my gosh, okay, I'm actually going to replace them again because it's just too much.
This will give me 61% more naval capacity. If I build two of these, I'll have around 3,000 naval units. capacity I can't even fill mine, oh my God, I've done you a lot of favors. I'm going to force the entire Galactic Community to declare war on the very people who are trying to save them and three 2 1 there. come on can the Rampage be stopped oh my god so now everyone is going to De oh oh yeah and the best part of this is as much as they try to close borders with me they physically can't the crisis forces them to do it? keep its borders open so it can attack whoever it wants, even the guy I'm at war with.
I am forced to declare war on these other people. They have half a million energy fleets and the entire galaxy is about to start launching. They get into the meat grinder to try to fight them. I can see how before my eyes my allies are continually sending fleets straight through here, they are just dying on the space stations, but there are enough of them to drag it down eventually and of course all the things that people could vote on , they decide now is the time to vote on a non-interference law for Native ftls. I just clicked on the right side and everything disappeared into the voting booth.
This went from being the most popular thing to vote for every person in the entire galaxy just analyzes and says no, no, it doesn't matter. Something else I found here is that there is diplomatic weight when opposing resolutions plus 50%. If he had that, he would literally have a diplomatic weight of 150,000 superior votes. each person alone with no favors in any resolution I didn't want to pass God, this is so beautiful, so many people coming together in uh, you know, the attempt to kill the Fallen Empire and they can't make a dent in these fleets, I mean, you know these The guys are trying, they're taking it down a couple ships every now and then and the Fallen Empire has to go through everything on this side and everything on the right side just to get me there with strong support to make it the only one other. guy it's not a crisis the galactic custodian the problem is because of my crisis i can't do this and wait what i wasn't even looking at this the galactic


passed a resolution to tering wait a minute oh my god we just declared the There's only one other faction , this is a disaster, so technically there are three crises right now.
There are these guys who are trampling everyone. There are these guys who actually weren't that strong, but they all decided to declare them a crisis anyway. and then there is me, who is much more powerful than everyone else and no one seems to do it well, in fact everyone knows they can't vote for me and, betterStill, we are almost at the horizon needle and as soon as that happens, I should be able to win. I think all the real credit should go to the inner perfectionists here who have stayed in this war for too long and just let me kidnap like 500 pops or something from their planets and there's the Horizon needle, so This is the latest that I have to build and all I have to do is find it, so it's going to cost me Holy Jesus, so the Thousand Dark Matter, I can literally buy the 177,000 advanced logics that I have already gotten by eating. each pop and now I only need 50,000 alloys, which is actually not that difficult, it seems that I have also reached the maximum for my genocide, it is minus 1,000 relationships from each person in the entire world, but no one can declare war on me because I have them locked in these guys, and it seems like the game is trying to give me a bunch of colonies.
No, no, no, that's not how it works. You are all going to be eaten. Oh wait, the other crisis actually destroyed a star. system, so it seems they are also in the final stages of their crisis. If I go to their main capital, I should see the yes, there it is, so they are trying to build this faster than I could get my alloys to build my needle. Well, it looks like the guys that have been trying that we accidentally declared war on are actually coming here, they're right next to my main stuff here and they don't really have much of a chance right now, oh. and there's another planet or system that blew up, luckily it's on the other side of the map and actually doubly lucky is that it's against other people we were at war with, it seems like they've really freaked out on my own systems here.
I really don't want my stars to start flying so I'm going to have to defend myself for once, I'm defending myself with my royal fleets, my income has also tanked because I was making about $1,000 in branches with these. Guys, just so you know, it all comes down to a measly 600. I have 100% crime on so many planets. I have ruined this galaxy. Well, I finally think we're at the point. Yes, the Horizon spire, we can build it. You probably need to go somewhere where. there is no mega structure oh no I actually have to build it in my capital okay so let's start the construction of this we really just need to defend this because I don't know how long it will take it's uh So I was wondering essentially because I thought you know, I was basically done, but then I got invaded through one of the wormholes there and they actually beat my three fleets that were sitting in it, which kind of gives them the opportunity to actually They killed my defense minister and now I'm breaking galactic law oh my god okay but I don't think it matters because now the Horizon needle is ready wait that's really cool the game gives you a special dialogue option.
Since I only have one planet, the compact size of our nation is proving to be a good thing, only our capital's population will need to be shipped out before arranging the final details of our exodus. You also know that we have to make sure that is the case. I won't die, so I have every one of my ships here in the center, every piece of power that I have and where my needle is, there it is, oh, that's beautiful, so now I should be able to ship my population and I mean, this It's going to destroy my economy because I won't have an economy after this, so it's going to start taking over almost everyone on the planet.
I have 228 pops here, all in the synoptic. Oh, you know what? I took you off a random planet and you. We are probably going to die, so preparing for the Exodus is such a daunting task. We are working surprisingly. A segment of our population is chosen to remain fair enough. Everything is ready. We are authorized to proceed to the black hole. Our crossing to the event horizon must not be. It won't be painless for the rest of our galaxy, but oh wait, this is going to kill everyone. Well, let's figure out that I can make a random black hole, but you know I'm not a coward, so let's do it. make the central black hole, so this will give us a special project that we need, where should this be?
Well, as I investigate, this is, you know, this is probably the best indication of what's going on right now, the rest of the Galaxy is essentially in ruins as it's been taken over by an awakened Empire, a second awakened Empire over here and the endgame crisis that is trying to blow everything up, from one Legend to another. I take my hat off to you too. Bye bye. Oh, the game is. starting to fall behind is a good thing and there it is, we have crossed through a black hole and now we are done and I don't know what has happened to our ship.
I'm sure it's fine, so technically we still have our little remains. alive here on our little planet are going to start mobilizing and oh my goodness there are a lot of them but overall we have what I mean we have left the world in the hands of these guys here. and they are probably going to kill everyone and we have also had genocide. I lost count of how many people, but hey, a win is a win, no matter how unethical it is either way, thanks for watching. I don't know how long this is going to last.
In the end it was like that, it was a lot of effort, but 20 years before the victory date and we managed to get our jaws dropped too, if you haven't already, make sure to watch me on Twitch because remember the chances of me becoming the authoritarian dictator. of humanity are very low but not zero thanks for watching see you

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