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USING MODS TO BREAK THAT'S NOT MY NEIGHBOR... (Flood, Random Faces, Crazy Anomalies)

May 28, 2024
What's happening? My news. How are you doing today? D Blake, here today, we are modifying. That's not my


. That's right, today we return to the game where we are a goalkeeper trying to find out who is real and who is fake. Look at the thing. it's in this episode it finally happened finally it's here we have


my friend teased uh who made the ice cream


a long time ago uh even some granny mods a long time ago uh I was able to mod this game so it's


that there's a lot in this added the possibility to


ize characters, make them super




and then I think we can even


everything in water because there are tornadoes.
using mods to break that s not my neighbor flood random faces crazy anomalies
Today will be a different game here, but have you tested your skills? Do you find out? I'm real. I'm fake. Come on. You can tell me? Look what's different about me right now. That's how it is. I'm Dak Blake, but with a bottle of hot sauce. Look, could you tell if you did it? I didn't know I'm a different Tech Blake, okay, let's get started, let's have some fun. I just loaded the game and now I have a bunch of new buttons that I just noticed and I also have Chester's badge. It's like covering everything up, but hey, I think it will still work.
using mods to break that s not my neighbor flood random faces crazy anomalies

More Interesting Facts About,

using mods to break that s not my neighbor flood random faces crazy anomalies...

I think I can skip this right now, click this button and it should


ize someone, so let's see if they're going to come in right now. I think, my God, what. What's that? Wait, wait, okay, this is so perfect, this is exactly my mood, it's just silly, wait, let me see your IDID Mr. H. I don't know if this matches, wait if I click on the red yes. I click on the red button, wait, wait, well, don't laugh, okay, guys, this is not funny, this is a serious mod, you know, it seems to match, right, wait, look at his eyebrows, his eyebrows and Your nose is so small, oh. man, this is the best.
using mods to break that s not my neighbor flood random faces crazy anomalies
It might click randomly. oh man, we haven't even started this video and I realized this whole episode is going to be so shaky, uh, yeah, you know, let's just keep going with this. one, so hi Dr W William Aton, this is William Aon, can we get something similar? No, probably not. Oh, look at this one, but oh man, what's up with this one? Mr. Glasses Man, hello, would you like to enter the building? Do you know what we do? I'll let this guy in, let's go to the next person. I have to see what happens, so we're going to run into some crazy


because at some point they're going to be like, oh wait, oh I forgot to close the door, oh man.
using mods to break that s not my neighbor flood random faces crazy anomalies
I keep doing that, man, I'm a bad goalie, okay, wait, wait, what, what, how does that happen? His head is spinning, you know, I just realized, his hair is basically his eyebrows, it's just on his forehead and it's so small, okay, this may not be a good idea. I feel like I don't think I'm mature enough to stop laughing at this video. Yes, welcome, Mia Stone. You look different. Can you tell me about your appearance? My head. Yeah. I'm sick, I can't, I can't, okay, you know what that explains it well, you know, when you're sick and your head starts spinning, uh, I believe him, I am, I have tears in my eyes, this is it.
What are these other buttons? I think these other buttons are ways to delete them. I think this first one might even be water. Well, you know what I'm going to say, you're probably not real. Let's start with water. My God, the water fills only the area. I have a tear rolling down my face right now. Well, it looks like your head will have to turn a little higher if you want to breathe. Wow, this is amazing. This is a real test. Can you breathe underwater? Are you an alien that has gills? Can you oh? She is filling up and she turned purple.
Oh man, he can't breathe. Wait, what if we let her in? Can you oh oh? She just cleaned the water, she's fine, oh wait, wait, I have to close the door, oh man, oh my god, what am I looking at you? I feel like every person in this episode is crazy, she has the most giant monocle, tiny hat. oh man, wait, wait, Boop, okay, you know what's coming, she takes a closer look at that mustache, can I randomize it to make the funniest thing I've ever seen? wait, big hat, it's me, the big hat guy, uh, yeah, alf kuchin, um, what's up?
Yeah, what's wrong with your looks, man, what's wrong with my looks? I don't know, maybe I'm just yeah, everything, everything looks good, wait, I want something even crazier, for a second, I didn't even have a head. Yes this. It looks perfect, uh, okay, so let's try the next one. It's like fire. It's like an orange button. literally just lighting the room on fire this almost seems more evil wait let's randomize again he's like help help help oh wait wait whoa whoa what what oh I think he just burned down I started randomizing him I didn't even open the door and he went into a side who are you?
Oh my gosh, okay, so this is the perfect one, this one has scary features, so we could just randomize it, can we get something fun out of it or is it just going to be? always creepy, okay, creepy, creepy, creepy, creepy, creepy, kind of funny, I think we can understand it as the funniest thing is that she has a very small head, grabbed, I think, wait, there's nothing funny here, I'm just randomizing, what if she went? Just standing here doing this, I say, sorry, you seem a little unusual, just cut this. What seems to be unusual about me, I mean, I don't know, maybe it's the emptiness of the eyes and the mouth and your little head.
I know how cool you seem, come on, yeah, oh wow. I wonder what happens when we press all three buttons, but we still don't even know what the last one does. Oh, his arms just grew. Can I change that? Oh, okay, what are her arms? as part of the randomization me when my friend allows me to eat one of his fries what's his face when me when they look away and I take another ok, this is the best ok, I feel like this episode is very different Honestly, you should leave a timestamp in the comments if you're watching this or if you're watching if you're watching this right now if you're watching if you happen to be watching leave a timestamp like what do you think is the funniest face I like how it got really close to the screen here is fine this is perfect to test the last one it looks like ice I'm thinking so let's see 3 2 1 boom oh oh what oh this is the tornado oh okay okay I'm just saying goodbye because they're probably going to wipe you out at any moment hey, okay and she's gone live since Dak's weather alert, a tornado just hit the other one. side of my room and hello sir hello there's a man here who wants to report the news it's windy here um okay um that's all we have to report here today on the Dak weather report what is this guy wait what's he so far?
What is this? I'm going to question her appearance. What's wrong with my appearance? What do you mean you're nothing like the guy? He's just slime. He says I always seem to do what he legitimately is, just a slime ball. I do not do it. I didn't even think this is in the normal game, he outsmarted the mod, this on hold, okay, that's so cool, that's like the coolest, you know what man you look cool? Those glasses are cool, come on, he has a hand, he says hey, oh. man we got that girl again to be random let's just click all the buttons she's fine she's fine they cleaned her up so fast I filled her with water fire and a tornado.
She says, "she's okay, I'm leaving here, I'm leaving." I'm going well, so I made this Slime guy respawn again. He came back and said, "Hey, I'm here once again," okay, wait, so let's do the tornado, then the fire, and then the water, oh yeah, that makes them go, but. they look like they're coming in oh this one looks creepy look at the eyes I can make them so big look at the little mouth on this one the randomization on this is so fun like here it looks perfect we could just look at the eyes it's okay and then we'll say: hey, what's up with those eyes? my appearance um yeah, your appearance what's wrong with what what's wrong with my eyes yeah, they're normal human eyes uh yeah, no, no it's really okay, what if I do this?
I'm going to do uh oh wait okay so I can't call this unless I close the door so let's do this this this and we'll do that oh okay and then we'll open. make a backup, it's clear it's also much faster, we basically make our own clear, oh wait, who are you? Hello, this is funny. I can close it directly. I randomized it and it looks like he just told you the funniest joke he thought of. It was funny, but you don't find it funny, he's like laugh, laugh, please stay away from the door sir, it's too close, I'm sorry, we're going to have to clear it with a tornado and fire, okay, I just losing this round, that was crazy.
I want to see what happened, how many people did I capture to zero? I just eliminated them myself, although I allowed eight to come in, although oh no B, that's pretty cool, okay, I want to get something really crazy so we can randomize the crazy thing. Okay, I have one that's like just an eye, but the randomization also affects the pupil of the eye, so you get like a random giant eye, this one has a random giant necklace, oh man, this one is perfect, it has tiny normal eyes and then one. big I'm going to say hey what's wrong with that eye hey yes what's wrong with my appearance uh you know what I'm talking about look carefully at the photos of my papers and compare them well with me if I can I can look at your eye let's make the fire again I just want to see what happens when it fills up look at the eyes looking at the fire it's like we have our own cleaning process like I was saying before it's like I don't even need the DDD to get in, I mean this is the doorman, of course problem or fire, I'm just setting fire everywhere and there we go, all clear, who saw that, oh my God, yes, she likes it evaporated, burned? a sharp, okay, I think I only have one normal person, but they are so weird, random, there are so many little pieces of them that are distributed randomly like their giant neck turned into a nose, look, there we go, that's the better than it seems.
They just told you that you're about to be covered in fire. He says, "Sorry, it's just company policy. Oh, he just skipped it. He didn't even look burned. He looked like he was like, uh, there's no fire. I'm going in." oh wait, what a peach, peach, what did I get, what is this guy, I think we have a crazy one, okay, oh man, this one is crazy, the anomaly here is very strange, but being able to randomize every part of it, oh, here we go , that's the best one, this might be the best one yet, oh man I like every one of them, the randomization is funny to a point, oh man I feel like I'm almost like a laugh now, like at the beginning of this episode , I laugh so much that my laughter box is it came out well, you know what you could do, you look cool, man, I've had three of the same kind in a row, that's cool, I just made it to the end, oh man, this is funny because I didn't call any of them.
In I still captured zero, what was my general? It's still B, let's see, oh look, I'm getting worse. Well, I think I'll leave it there. This was such a fun episode. It's crazy how Out was able to pull it off. It's possible to randomize things and also have our own little clearings like fire, water and wind just to change everything up, that was really cool but hey I hope I made you smile that's all I want to do every day if you ever find yourself you feel. Bad, you can find your boy D Blake, we can play some games together and I can climb the tree one more time, but hey, make sure to join the Dak pack by clicking subscribe if you haven't tried your non-random front yet. and if you are welcome to the d pack as we get closer and closer to 3 million subscribers, I thank God every day that I get to do things like this, just have fun modding games playing new ones just to make you smile every day. and I hope I can make you smile in the next episode, probably right now.
I'll see you there, thanks everyone for watching and as always, peace friends.

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