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May 30, 2021
Have you ever entered a game and read a message as inspiring as taking enemy fire? You remember to build some coverage. It's as if these


and guides were written by Jason himself. You did it? Did you write this? Obviously, these


are really helpful. useful and I like that they are a good idea, but if you take them super literally it can be quite fun. We are doing poorly in the games and I need guidance. If I follow these suggestions super literally and use your guide, I will win games like e.g. Double-clicking the ping button will tell your squadmates that you have detected an enemy.
using loading screen tips to win
Did you just say that if he is the robot he will know that he kills me? I'll sit here on our team ping for my teammates, like in the tooltip. He told me to wait, that's what he told me to do for fifteen days, friend, what do you want me to do? Hey, I'm just trying to follow the suggestions and get a real win. I want to install it now if this was happening to me oh my god. you should have heard my pings omg I'm pinging these people what they're doing it's like they're not even listening to my pings I'm jealous third time's the charm Carlino yo someone quit it's so annoying , I should have listened. our pigs, I'm sure you'll hear my pigs, bro, they put that tooltip even for a reason.
using loading screen tips to win

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It was pinging for a reason. Say I was the only one who listened. I'm the only one alive. What's up with this one? He plays it safe with your teammates. and stay away from the enemy play a derp derp I see you're the one I'll follow you to the ends of the earth too this was a chat tip he said make it no you don't like what sports night has to say I don't like what fifteen days has to say hey okay I'll absorb the bullets for you this is completely fine that's it advice is off the table I can't trust other teammates okay let's look at some of the advice What will they give me? we, the guide we need, the doors stay open until they close, cover your tracks by closing the doors, we can't win a game in a fortnight unless we close all the doors, see how much fun you have when you take things literally, do too much noise can alert others to your position so we are essentially invisible if we crouch and never shoot the game is hiding in a building take it down well you heard it here someone is in a building we can't enter the building we have to take it down by landing nearby from the edge of the corridor and generally means that fewer enemies move while shooting will decrease the accuracy of the weapon, so we have to stay still every time we shoot, they are not, it is a great tip.
using loading screen tips to win
I don't know why I find it so funny, white. The line on the map shows the most direct route from the storm, so we always have to follow the white line directly when you hit the ground. Look for a weapon. The big brain plays here. Inventory space is limited. Choose your equipment wisely. The rifles of the soul are. effective at medium range, not if you have my accuracy. V Dollars can only be purchased from the in-game store. Interesting, this is the secret to getting B dollars. You have to buy them, oh my goodness, in war, look for movie books now when I can.
using loading screen tips to win
Buy so many new things in the store with laser code. Make sure you use two A's. Battle paths for Season 10 will be out soon. Make sure you support a creator when you purchase the Battle Pass. The tooltip told you that now, obviously, really. demonstrate that these suggestions can lead me to victory. I have to win a solo game. I mean, there was one that said to land on the edge of the map, so I guess I'll try that. Oh man, he thinks he went for the drone, huh, this is an assault rifle it should be effective at medium range I also have to stay completely still, oh my god, sitting still and


an assault rifle here, just the information about tools, wow that was amazing content, those descriptions about tools really guided me towards that death, I mean we have to do it.
Make sure you close all doors. I just don't think I can. I don't know. I can't close these doors. Oh yeah, I just have to put up doors. I'm going to put some doors so I can open them. and then close them as I go, I always have to close those doors, guys, open that door and close it right there, right now, we're going to win some fortnight games easily, okay, we're out of the loop, but as the saying goes tooltips, always follow. that white line directly I can't risk being in the storm I have to go directly to the circle and we must follow that white line directly oh my God there is no golf path the arrows went off the path just stay stay directly on the part you have to follow the suggestions completely literally, otherwise you won't win a game before tonight.
Could do it. Could do it. Oh my god, I did it and we're safe. I think we're safe now. Yes all. Right now we are in a circle, we are free to move wherever we want again, the tooltips only give useful hints, but the laser beams are here, like I'm going to open this door, but no, a door can't forget about close. and then cheat that shield now I'm low it has to be chosen wisely so I won't leave this gray weapon in my inventory no thanks now the tooltip is said to be very silent as long as I'm quiet no one will be able to see me or attack me now, Can we just take a break for a second because something I want to try?
The tooltip said avoid other players so I want to try this, come on yes you can attack hard. the sword, oh yeah, but you can sit on this cozy little base, huh, the big problem is not only that I have to go down, but I also have to follow that line directly and cross it at an angle, oh, that was actually clean and it did not make sense. Can I go off course? There is literally another player right there, but I can't get out of the way. Oh God, oh, it's starting. It's okay, it's okay. I stopped following the white line and that's what killed me.
Oh, this just doesn't work. kind of people know where I've been now open it now close it beautiful now no I don't know hmm someone came out of the door uh no pin' that's how I know they've been here that means we have to duck There could be enemies around, I don't want it here and in the meantime, yes, there have definitely been enemies around here, but if we duck, I will be invisible to them. Someone in the house. I know the tooltip said: tear down the entire structure, but I don't think so. I can do that right now, this thing that he's doing in the houses that he's been there for a couple of minutes, oh, he now he's moving it, what is he doing?
I'm trying to stay still, I stayed still and that's how I could get it out of my you. I should have closed the door so he couldn't see you were there. I did our closing because you don't want the haters, no, and I've been here, that legit guy stood still for four or five minutes and he was gone. Giving up that slaughter was I was waiting for it now I must follow the straight white line I can't I can't follow the straight white line There's a little it's awkward I can't I can't follow the white line Hey maybe I can build, it's okay, I just have to build about that, okay guys, you guys are good guys, you should learn to read.
If they could read like me, they would learn a lot of information in fifteen days. I'm trying to follow the direct target. line, but the tree is blocking me, I might have to destroy this one, it falls again and we are in the circle. Look beautiful, man, it went out, so now we're having problems. I think we should focus on used vehicles. or game and I avoid playing, their descriptions got too close to me, I had no choice, yeah well so I was trying to sit in a vehicle or game and just avoid other players, but they just wouldn't let me do that, I go to die, oh that.
It was close, that was close, I had to open a launch pad, I have to be careful with that storm, that's a tooltip, yeah, that's a tooltip. I forgot, so I was planning to follow the sitting vehicle or game tooltip, avoid other players' tooltip, but I was brutally attacked while Trying to be a peaceful person, there is a tooltip that says kill others players, so yes, everything is within the guidelines. Well, it looks like I have one bull left so we can continue implementing our vehicle plan and now we just avoid all the other players. and my game needs to be precise in the tooltips we need to add in that voiceover.
Sam's Tooltip Jason is so proud that you tagged him. These things are effective at long range. That's what the game said. That's what the game said. You regret deleting my. ball I'm still just trying to play passively you forced my hand young man trying to play I'm trying to avoid another place I'm trying to sit in the ball game if I have to I'll reveal the other tool tips like being aggressive and building with people like this look I will if I have to, if I have to play aggressive I will and I got it ha ha just remember you forced me no joke I'm going back to avoiding players please. don't hurt me I'm a Minecraft youtuber don't hurt me please I want to be a pacifist I swear if I die I'm going to go back to Minecraft the way I am I can't stand being eliminated by sweaty people I just want to have fun, relax here like I'm in the season 1 in a nice little season 1 base, snipers are effective at long range, it's okay I'm only in the top 2, now all the mites through me I'll block all the stops at the top of the world so that you I have nowhere to run I'll do what I should do I'll do what I should do friend I'll be aggressive if that's what I need to do now I completely lost my ground now and he died in the store he died in the storm I didn't even have to tell the murderous boy, Guess what buddy, you should have read the hints that said, watch out for the storm, it's a watch out for the cargo ship, so whatever happens, it really shows that hints are a great way to win. games even when you try to play passively if you should be sweating they will guide you on how to sweat they said rush people and build and buy crack.
I did it, okay that's the power of the fortnight guides, they say I haven't done it. stop smoking yet don't forget it cold laser my eyes hurt

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