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Upgrading The ULTIMATE MONSTERS (Secret)

Mar 07, 2024
We are going to improve the



and for that we need a lot of money, oh yeah, and now we can buy King Kong or Huggy Woggy, there it is, hey Augie, let's go well, who else are we going to add to our team? Freddy, sure, oh, come on. I have to get more money. What will happen when I have another Freddy? Do I have two Freddy's? Okay, let's go to another Freddy. I have two minutes. Wait, they merged. Can you do the same with Huggy Woggy? a gold Huggy, no, why what if I get a third Freddy?
upgrading the ultimate monsters secret
Okay, I have a lot of money, guys, I'm super rich, come on, let's watch the update again, okay, they won't merge again and now we'll use our


to fight. Our enemy has Freddy Godzilla and what is that? Okay, let's pit Freddie against whatever. He has 70 Beats 50 105 Power Beat 70. What will happen to the golden Huggy Woogie who has to fight Godzilla? Okay, so we won, oh my gosh! he became strong, except he is called Lizard God. No way, that's such a dumb name, you know what's cool? We'll take it, even pick anyone here, but I can get another one, guys.
upgrading the ultimate monsters secret

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upgrading the ultimate monsters secret...

I'm going to make a golden one, well, God lizard, okay. Let's not call him Godzilla, he's clearly The Godless or guys, leave a like on the video, check that one out, oh gold Godzilla, and now I can get a Gold Hoggy too, oh this is cool, should we grab Hulk who actually Is it called Green Beast? Why do you already know? What's okay, I'm going to grab a Freddy and next time we can do the green beast. Wow, the golden Godzilla has a power of 180. Oh guys, let's annihilate our enemy. He may have a King Kong, but he's clearly going to be a golden Godzilla. much stronger level two, we absolutely destroyed that one which was cool but I want to get a level three monster without Goldberg, you know what I'm going to do with Huggy?
upgrading the ultimate monsters secret
Yes, I'm going to grab another Huggy. I wonder what will happen when you have four. different mods oh I don't have enough money wait I do what I just recovered did you see it? Okay, you know what I'm going to skip out on this hoggy. I want to grab four monsters to see what happens because you can only. Put three, okay, you know what we are going to deceive our enemy with. We'll just destroy it without taking down four monsters. Here comes the green Beast. one, but now let's see what happens, so it has Freddy Godzilla and whatever it is, I still haven't been able to figure out how to unlock that one, wait, no, oh no, oh no, if they fight I lose, but they had the same power, TRUE?
upgrading the ultimate monsters secret
Wait I see something new, it's a normie, oh there's no way to call it a normie, okay Normie, one of this is a trick, one of the normies is


ly mega powerful. I'm going to grab all the money, say guys, oh, we're going to get so rich King Kong oh yeah, we gotta get him in the next one oh, but I'm ruining it, I'm ruining it, I thought Normie would be a


and powerful monster, but then I think we have to get three of them, huh? Well, let's see what happens when you get two norms, do they merge?
Man, it should turn to gold. Well, wait, they don't merge. Well, guys, I'm telling you right now, if we get four standards, I bet it'll be some kind of. crazy monster oh man we are going to lose a lot here no Normie here this is not the level because we need a level where there are four normies oh yeah that will be good okay Godzilla King Kong on the same team come on oh yeah big hairy ape , we gotta level this guy up, that'll be cool, imagine a golden King Kong, oh oh, that'll be crazy, oh yeah, like that big golden Dino, you know, Normie, you can join the team, you're not going to fight with anyone. but you can join the team, okay, look around you, lady, be careful while you run around in your high heels because we're about to fight, okay, clearly, a golden Godzilla is better than a normal one, huh, but then we have two .
They are the same power, oh my god, but then the enemy wins, he still says congratulations, okay, can we do four normies on the same level? I see two right now, you know what I'm going to try, come on, I'm pulling the trigger. turn around and try it here's another one oh man I could have had a golden hulk and that will be so much cooler what am I doing? I have two rookies, you know, I need the most powerful one and it's gone. King, wait, it's not Kinko and gong King. he doesn't have a gong, you know, the big dog is a dong, right, he's not getting any of this, okay mister enemy, let's see what you got, oh god, that looks really bad.
I will never make gold all the time. First I need enough money to get the lizard god I can't believe they call him a lizard but now let's go for the Green Beast aka Mr Hole yes, there he is. Everyone likes green money. I think they're doing well. How about some gold bars? Hey? wow boom oh he's big he's got a crown no hey what if I get lizard god now but I'll let two monsters work? Wait, we've never had just two monsters, none of my coolest gear in the world and they took it away. Because the enemy had more cards, what do you mean?
Of course, okay, you know what I sure want a golden hook. That thing looks so cool, it has a crown, oh my god, that's so awesome, okay, and this time I'm just going to grab Freddy Freddy, you're dead weight, but that's it, you can join the team, okay , now I can go in, uh, Mr. Enemy, which is dumb rules, it has a Huggy, a gun king, and a lizard god, oh, and golden lightning bolts and defeat Godzilla. No way this is great, okay, Freddie is going to get a little wiped out, but hey, at least we won the other two battles.
This is clearly getting harder, it's already level six, but they won't stop me at level 10. Maybe we can get four standards for a secret monster, right, I see a Freddy up there, so I'm going to grab this one so I can get a golden Freddy that really exists. I don't think there's a golden King Kong, right, let's get one, wait, there's a third Freddy. oh, I don't think we should do that, okay though, let's go, I have enough money to buy the biggest monsters, oh look at that, he's going to grow up too, no way a solid gold King Kong, oh, this is it, By far the most powerful team.
We have to get a team with three gold Masters, that'll be cool, okay, he'll be Freddy Godzilla and a normie. You dare bring a normie to my battle. I don't believe it. I have the gold car game with 150 power, man. That's three roommates, sit down, easy, lemon squeezer, let's see if I can get four normies for a secret monster. I better do everything right. I have enough money? I barely have enough money. There is an extra hug. No, I can't even. Take your pick, look at that, I can't choose, so that'll be a plus, right? Oh guys, I feel like a great team comes first.
We need Godless, which is the second most powerful monster in the game. Look at it, 180 power, Roni, but there literally isn't any. a single Normie here, I need to fight foreign armies, oh, and also three gold masters. This has to be our most powerful new team. How much power do we have? It has to be more than 200, just more than 300, oh, that's 390 in total, literally every monster we have. he can literally defeat every monster he has, let's crush our enemy, get out of here man, congratulations, yeah, congratulations, that's right now. Can we get three gold Masters?
I'm going to need a lot of money and a lot of cars, come on, Freddy, here. go, then we'll go Huggy, here we go and then we'll go Freddy again. Hey, where are the normal ones? oh no, oh he's trying to keep the normals away from me, yeah, I think that's what's brewing here. I think this was happening. Guys, I just tried to make it difficult for us, ah, it's not going to happen. I also just realized that every gold monster has a truck. Oh no, I got angry. I thought it was really special that Hulk had a crown, but that just goes to show that I think all the golden monsters have a crown except Normie, who has it again.
Oh, this was a close battle. In fact, hold the phone. Look at the gold. Huggy losing to Godzilla wasn't even cool. Oh, I see a Normie. I see. Normally, ladies and gentlemen, it's fine. we have to get four normies, that is not possible, although Mega is not possible. No, how many more normies can I get? I'm a normie collector, that's right, let's go for the biggest one. Don't know. I see another Normies, but. that has to be the last chord and I'm in big trouble right now. I'm in big trouble. I have no Gold Masters at the moment.
Did you know? Let's get a Green Beast because he's more powerful than Hoggy and we need all the power we can get right now I have five monsters, that's a new record The Fosters always get a Huggy, a King Kong, oh my god I'm so freaking out, wait , no, no, no, we can still win, we can win a battle, but it was very close, guys. That was too close, the enemy has brought some serious firepower, but now they are at level 10. I see two normies right at the beginning. Oh, this has to be a Drive. Come on, how many more can I get?
That's a beautiful Normie, okay, okay, I see what's going on. now the second Normie on the team, that's where all the other normies are, come on, well at least I have a King Kong and a Godzilla that we're going to need for this battle, one of them has to be stronger than the other, you know and point. thank you sir hello, okay sir enemy, you think you're a Duffer, whatever it is, but that doesn't stop me from sacrificing a rule that sounds bad, that sounds very bad, it will only win one of the three battles, but what monster have?
It hasn't turned to gold yet, I think it's just Normie, well what if we get three Freddy's or four? I mean, how can we go platinum? You know what we're going to take this or diamond or whatever comes after the gold ride? How God is that? The answer is that by leveling up I can't get three Freddys, but I don't know if that will work well, so he becomes diamond or he just becomes our third monster, which we need for the battle. We learned that it is difficult. Well, here we go Moment of Truth and what, oh man, I thought he was going to merge for a second, he got so close, you know?
At least we can do the battle that we have three monsters, he has a normal Freddy, well. I have a normal Freddy, he has uh, oh, a big Godzilla and a normie, okay Freddy, go to Norby, eat him, that's right, did you see that guy fly? What is he doing? He's doing like oh, that's weird, but how do I get there? more normies, how many times have I said the word Normie in this video, guys, oh wait, I counted that's too many, actually it's 2162? We might as well get a hook now, I think that'll be with King Kong, right, you're at level 12.
I'm ready to stop our enemy, respectfully, don't really look at that golden Normie vs. Godzilla, oh man, I feel bad for the Normie that he is. So he will be totally destroyed, thanks for watching.

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